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283108 No.283108 [Reply] [Original]

>Precious Metals Thread

Would you recommend Apmex or Euro Pacific Metals to buy gold and silver from?

Is investing in Silver worthwhile?

How would you recommend storing precious metals?

>> No.283109
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>buying whatever Peter Schiff is selling

>> No.283112

pls explain

>> No.283118


>Fiat money is worthless! The only true store of wealth is gold! Dump dollars and buy gold!

>Quick, send me all your useless fiat money and I will give you this incredibly valuable product at a HUGE discount from it's true value of $10,000/oz!

You're being scammed.

>> No.283121

But aren't you just assuming that because he's trying to people something he's automatically a scammer?
The US dollar will collapse sooner or later and then only precious metals will have value.

>> No.283126

>The US dollar will collapse sooner or later and then only precious metals will have value.
Maybe so, but it's a little sketchy to see someone say "the dollar will be valueless and gold will have value" and then in the next breath give you valuable gold for your valueless dollars.

If he really thinks gold is so great and fiat currency is so shit, why is he trading all his gold for fiat currency?

>> No.283125

I have bought about 20 ounces of Silver, but now I am thinking of just starting to slowly collect 1/10 or 1/4 ounce gold rounds.

>> No.283128


Are you fucking retarded? The US dollar will never collapse with the FED backing the economy

Get your head out of your ass you dumb fucking goyim

If you buy gold, you're going to lose money you dumb fuck.

I'm sorry about this over reaction, but I'm tired of naive goldbugs who listen to peter shill.

>> No.283133

>If he really thinks gold is so great and fiat currency is so shit, why is he trading all his gold for fiat currency

How do you know he's doing this? Source?

>"the dollar will be valueless and gold will have value" and then in the next breath give you valuable gold for your valueless dollars.

True, but that doesnt necessarily mean he is scamming, he is knowledgable in a field and he's understood the importance and value of precious metals therefore decided to start a business off it.

Where did you store it? What website did you use?

> The US dollar will never collapse with the FED backing the economy

Well thats exactly it isn't it? For how much longer can they pack up the economy? Won't it eventually collapse?

>> No.283134

>How do you know he's doing this?
He's fucking selling you gold you dumbass.

>> No.283136


No, you dumbass goyim. I'm tired of explaining economics 101 to dumb fucking goyims like yourself.

There is a business cycle in which there are periods of expansion and contraction. We are in a period of expansion. There will come a period of contraction in the future. Then another period of expansion to follow. The economy is a series of cycles.

I'm seriously fed up with the uneducated niggers that come on this board.

>> No.283139

>calling him a "goyim"
>calling multiple people "goyims"
Wanna know how I can tell you're an imposter Jew?

>> No.283141

Hmm interesting you're the only person who thinks Peter Schiff is a Shill, ill have to do more research on this.

Except that the US economies recovery isnt legitimate and the government won't allow a recession so it keeps inflating the bubble.

>> No.283142
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>who thinks Peter Schiff is a Shill
Are you being dumb on purpose right now

>> No.283143
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How fucking dumb are you? You are the dumbest fuck I've ever met.

>> No.283149

Well you're the only person who thinks he's a Shill. He's made a lot of valid predictions which makes him more credible.

How about silver then?

>> No.283152

>who thinks he's a Shill.
Again, you must be trying to be this stupid if you think I said anything about him shilling

That or you don't actually know what a shill is and it's just a buzzword you learned from shitcoin threads

>> No.283154

Someone who is trying to scam you and sell you snake oil?

>> No.283156
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>> No.283174
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Also, keep in mind that gold is 100% a levered bet on real interest rates. Right now, a 1% rise or fall in the five-year real rate roughly maps to a $500 fall or rise in the price of gold. Real rates are currently at 0% and rising. The long-term average value is around 3-4%. Do the math and realize that buying now means you'll be lucky to have only a 75% loss of your principal when interest rates revert.

If you want to make retarded bets like that, at least do it by going long TIPS. That way you'll at least get the coupons and won't have to pay a 5% transaction fee buying and selling.

>> No.283179

Hmm... okay then I can definitely see that gold is unworth the investment, but does that mean all precious metals are unworth it?

>> No.283195


I'd say he has an arrangement with a gold dealer. He would be getting a commission with every sale.

>> No.283221


>> No.284775
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Have you never heard of arbitrage or playing the spread??
Of course he will still want fiat while fiat is still working. But do not fool yourself into thinking that Peter isn't also ACCUMULATING precious metals while moving liquid transactions back and forth to produce the profits needed to accumulate. So legit business operators who provide liquidity into the system are now a scam business.

Sir then what do you call the Federal Reserve?

>> No.284806


No, dumbass. He's pumping up gold saying it will go to $5000. He's a pump and dump con artist. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES.

>> No.285162

Lol gold prices went to a high at 2013 but now theyve been artificially suppressed by the government and now everyone only remembers the fact that prices are low and now his previous correct assumptions.
Thats the internet for ya

>> No.285573
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You open your eyes. Who are you to tell me to open my eyes. They are mine not yours. Just like this silver is MINE. Enjoy your filthy fiat.

>> No.285758

>says gold is being artificially suppressed by the government
>mfw bank gold reserves are actually propping gold prices up
>mfw if banks dumped their gold, prices would plummet
>mfw I have no face

Enjoy your grossly overpriced shiny commodity.

>> No.285762

bury it on a mountain with good drainage

tell the IRS it was on a boat that sunk

when it happens, go off and get killed by a biker gang

1000 years later some archaeologist finds your box of gold and speculates you were a grimdark post-apocalyptic warrior who died gloriously and never returned to dig up his treasure, not some obese neckbeard

>> No.286342


>> No.286373

Go find a local dealer and buy your precious metals in only coin form (trust me, I own bars and although they look cool they're not as liquid). Try to negotiate a deal to purchase metals near spot.

Only difference between gold and silver is the amount you can get for the same price. Doesn't really matter which one you choose but go with gold. They don't call silver the "poor mans gold" for nothing.

Only buy in increments of 1K-10K. That way you don't pay taxes and you don't have to claim it with the government. Also never allocate more than 15% of your portfolio to PM. Gold/silver are wealth preservers. They're not an investment, they're a hedge.

>> No.286392

the party cannot last forever. nothing was fixed in 08. the debt is larger now. interest rates are at 0. we're on QE3. housing prices are back at their inflated value. theres no surge of production here, nothing is changed.

eventually shit will hit the fan and suddenly the purchasing power of your money will be reduced.

>> No.286403


Nothing lasts forever. That's the only thing I agree with you on. This bull market has had more corrections than any bull market ever. This means it will probably be the longest bull market in history, longer than 1991-2000 bull market.

No surge of production? The economy has improved steadily since 2009.

Housing prices are back to their inflated value? Housing prices are still depressed.

It is obvious you are clueless. For your own sake, do some research.

>> No.286407


I would say that if you're going to buy something, buy silver. The gold/silver ratio is about 65:1 right now.

>> No.286416

Shut up tripcode bitch. Everyone knows you are a fake around here just tooting your own horn. Everything you just said makes no sense but do you care? Nope, Flame on you will.

>> No.286435

Buy silver at $15-18.

Buy gold at $900-$1000.

>> No.286517

Is anyone concerned about leaving a paper trail buying gold and silver online?

>> No.286524

