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File: 38 KB, 600x600, thejew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2829737 No.2829737 [Reply] [Original]

Let me break something down for you guys.

Your dreams of a decentralized monetary system free from banks is just that – a dream. It will never happen. These people have hundreds of years of experience controlling currencies, economies, governments, and militaries. If for one second they perceive cryptos to be a threat to their system they will crash the whole shit to oblivion.

The current ~$83 billion market cap is nothing. Bank of America alone could buy out the entire crypto market 3 times over. That’s ONE bank. There are thousands. You do not have the resources to compete with that kind of influence and power. Period.

Your saving grace right now is that banks are viewing cryptos as an avenue to make more profit. Those of you who rage about “muh centralized/jew coins” like XRP or BNT are the biggest retards of all. All of your cryptos are absolutely worthless until converted to fia, which is the most centralized & manipulated Ponzi scheme of all fucking time. The sole purpose of any investment is to generate you more dollars. Your grocer/electrician/plumber/realtor etc doesn’t give a flying fuck how much ETH you have, it means nothing to them.

You wanna get rich on cryptos? Follow the fucking (banks) money because they are the only ones who are going to succeed. The incessant theft, hacking, and scamming in the crypto world is GOING to bring regulation into this market, mark my fucking words. Only those who have (((their))) seal of approval are going to survive.

>> No.2829740

Nice, just converted 100k

>> No.2829746


>> No.2829748
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>> No.2829753

With Jews, you lose

>> No.2829757

> – a dream. It will never happen

uh... it's already happening

like, currently

we're here


1/10 made me reply

>> No.2829759

since the kikes got in, the whole thing has gone to shit, fucking hell.

>> No.2829765


It is?

Can you pay your cable bill with bitcoin?
Can you buy your groceries with ethereum?
Can you fill your gas tank with XMR?

Ah shit, that's right... you need DOLLARS.

Do you honestly think a country can function with 800 different fucking currencies? Are you stupid or what?

>> No.2829782
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>> No.2829785

This. Anyone with a realistic brain would know this fact.

>> No.2829791

alright, let me just buy food at umm...the Old Fitzroy! I just have to pay Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic 2000$...I mean bitcoin to fly to Australia so I can get some food. Genius!

>> No.2829792
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>> No.2829799
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Well golly gee you've presented a whole what, 20 places that accept bitcoin 10 fucking years after it's inception?

Let me know when you can pay your utility bills with it.

See pic related? All measured in DOLLARS. Because at the end of the day, cash is king.

>> No.2829802
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>> No.2829805
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>> No.2829807

but you can do all of those things grandpa

oh and you're dead soon btw

>> No.2829811


Do tell me how I can pay my electric bill with bitcoin, moron.

>> No.2829813

>cash is king

Nocoin normie detected. /thread

>> No.2829818

Why you red pilling? I wanna see the wojacks from these forever wagecuxks.

>> No.2829819


Nearly all of these are completely irrelevant to day to day life. I don't need Xboxes, I need a house. I don't need dildos, I need food.

The fuck are you not getting?

>> No.2829820

>please tell me how to google
nobody will miss you boomer

>> No.2829821


I have lots of coins actually, faggot. But I know exactly what purpose they serve - which is to make me more dollars. So many of you tards cannot grasp this.

>> No.2829826


Uh huh. No answer. Typical moron millennial who thinks "muh cryptos" are going to upset a system entrenched in and supported by every government on the planet.

>> No.2829827

>Can you pay your cable bill with bitcoin?
>Can you buy your groceries with ethereum?
>Can you fill your gas tank with XMR?

anything else?

>> No.2829834

sorry, what's that? you need help with the wifi again?

>> No.2829836
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>> No.2829837



But provides absolutely no evidence.

Keep dreaming putz.

>> No.2829842

Nocucks literally BTO'd

Enjoy paying tax on 33% of your wageslaving nocoiners

>> No.2829844


>> No.2829846


>We have received your card payment in the amount of $62.05

Do you have the dumb?

>> No.2829851
File: 116 KB, 1300x957, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then you told them about how bitcoin is going to crash and burn because you couldn't pay your paper bills in it? aw that's so cute

>> No.2829853


nice one aha

OP get rekt

>> No.2829855

Btc is for the long haul, you dumb bitch. Please off yourself, it's clear you are very insecure to want to come on here and talk shit. You don't know what you're talking about though.

>> No.2829856

So, you don't actually use crypto, you just shill it and trade it? Are you trying to support the taxes of your country, or do you support the new era of money? You're simply peddling away your future if you're just turning your coins into fiat. Use your time in the bread lines to write a good memoir anon, and maybe I'll buy it with BTC if you finally accept them as payment ;)

>> No.2829857


Do you retards not know what $ is?

(hint: it's not bitcoin)

>> No.2829858

You're wrong - even if crypto was centralised and Bitcoin form a monopoly on other currencies (which will happen) it will just be that - regulations. An internet currency will be practical and quicker - think about it. That lets whoever centralises the money to control the global supply of crypto. There will probably be agreements among nations to internationally own crypto, or it will be owned by no-one - not to mention how profitable and convenient untraceable currency is atm (drugs etc) and in the future.

People thought a plane was never gonna happen... look at us now.

Crypto is on the verge of taking off.

>> No.2829867


Once again: $

I can't decide whether you idiots are intentionally obtuse or just plain fucking stupid.


Nope, I don't. It's there to make me $, nothing else.

>> No.2829876


Clearly you didn't read what I said at all. Any currency that is established as mainstream will be regulated.

With regulation comes centralization.
With centralization comes banks.

You will never beat them.

>> No.2829882

okay, okay........ I too get a sick enjoyment from making fun of retards like these

it's crazy how obviously amazing bitcoin and the blockchain is, but some people, man..... there's no helping some people; they're just doomed to be stupid forever or until it's too late

the whole "nice, bought 100k!" thing works just fine

>> No.2829883

Start writing that memoir anon, the dollar is going to crash soon and the only jobs will be oil drilling and building the National Trump Dam.
If you're only good at selling your birthright, a series of books should be your future occupation.

>> No.2829892
File: 925 KB, 1376x968, David Waring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanna get rich on cryptos? Follow the fucking (banks) money because they are the only ones who are going to succeed.

Implying we haven't already gotten rich. GTFO NOCOINER

>> No.2829894

Why would you want to fight banks in the first place? Why are banks anathema to you? They're formed to control the national/global money supply through pretty much fake money (fiat) which isn't backed by anything - meaning it will be infinite.

You want to go back to a gold standard? It makes no sense having the world's wealth be tied to a finite asset.

>> No.2829905


If the dollar crashes (and I'm not saying it won't) the entire economic system of the planet will implode. Commodities will dry up, infrastructure will fail, and there will be war around the globe.

You honestly think cryptos will save you in that scenario? lmfao. You'll be lucky if you can even turn your computer on, idiot.

>> No.2829913


You're not following me at all. I'm totally onboard with the banks because I know they are the ones that are going to win this game.

Jesus Christ even when the banks lose, they win. Has everyone forgotten the bailouts already?

>> No.2829922
File: 139 KB, 583x643, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it's only a matter of time

>> No.2829926


>> No.2829928


I agree. It WILL happen. WHEN is anyone's guess. But cryptos sure as shit aren't going to do anything for you when it does.

>> No.2829932

why not? it's by far the best form of currency on the planet

>> No.2829937


Such a fantastic, logical rebuttal. Well done anon.

>> No.2829942

in his defense, he's serious

>> No.2829944

Most people are, quite simply, ignorant fucks OP. They don't care/understand basic economics.

I made a similar thread a while back about Bitcoin being centralised/regulated and also that they'll form a monopoly over the whole crypto paradigm.

>> No.2829947
File: 1.45 MB, 3868x2579, 151016nurseandtablet-stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah...He's going on his antisemitic rants again, get the haloperidol dispenser bot over here

>> No.2829951
File: 20 KB, 289x440, queen_bitch_of_the_universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the new elite. deal with it, salty no coiners.

>> No.2829952


Again, did you not read what I said? Do you think the dollar can just go POOF with no repercussions? This is the world reserve currency we're talking about. A complete dollar crash means chaos on a global scale. The first things affected would be energy and food, which leads to war. War means destruction of infrastructure. You can have a million bitcoins in your wallet, it will mean nothing if there's no internet to transfer them - not to mention there's no longer anything to pair their value to.

>> No.2829957


That's a very good possibility. I certainly wouldn't discount it.

>> No.2829964

and the quicker people get into Bitcoin, the safer everyone and everything will be

after a few years, I know I'll be traveling the world and spreading the message

you should, too

>> No.2829976


It's not going to happen, sorry to burst your bubble. The only people who are going to be involved in crypto currencies will fall into 3 groups -

1) Technology buffs/advocates
2) Upper middle class with discretionary investment income
3) The 1% who will leverage it for more profit

These people do NOT make up a majority of this nation or any nation, therefore you cannot achieve mass adoption. Can you imagine grandma trying to calculate her grocery bill in Bitcoin?

>> No.2829992

I agree with these guys.

Say if at them moment 45,000 people out of 9,000,000,000 actually know about crypto, that makes us 0.0005% of the population of the world. Sure some areas like agriculture and old technologies and industry won't, but people working/selling within the internet (which is a fuck ton) will at least have knowledge of crypto in the future. I give it around 5 years before it really starts to take off around the world.

>> No.2829993

look, I get that you're stupid

really, I do

you're not thinking globally, which, again, I understand how that can be difficult for you

you gotta start trying to think globally

like, 95% of the world doesn't have banking like you or me

and banking with the blockchain is, clearly, the most superior form of banking

wanna turn a poor country into a wealthy one?

give them all cell phones, make them a coin, and distribute it amongst everybody on their blockchain




.....but, again, I get that you're retarded

>> No.2829998

can you give me a quick rundown about this person?

>> No.2830001

So Jews buy up all the coins and create a bunch of anti Bank multi-millionaires. Somehow I don't think that would work out for them

>> No.2830003

she's a jew and with jews you lose

>> No.2830007

>like, 95% of the world doesn't have banking like you or me

wrong, 38% of the world population does not have that, numbers shrinking rapidly

>> No.2830009

........like I said, I get that you're retarded

>> No.2830026


95% of the world doesn't have banking, but somehow you're going to convince them to use a system of non-tangible, digital currency that stretches out to 8 decimal places.

...and I'm the retarded one. Holy shit.

I'm guessing you're about 14 years old and have never even balanced a fucking checkbook in your life.

>> No.2830032

crypto is not a threat to the elite
don’t be stupid
>as pepe is part of prophecy
so is the vanishing of money
>immanentization of the eschatology

>> No.2830035

>be wrong
>call other people retarded

Anon, it's time to step away from the keyboard

>> No.2830037


Q: Why do Grandpas smile all the time?
A: Because they can't hear a word you're saying!

Q: When is your grandpas bedtime?
A: Three hours after she falls asleep on the couch.

Q: Why do grandpas count pennies?
A: They are the only ones who have the time.

Q: What's the worst part about being grandpa?
A: You have to sleep with grandma.

>> No.2830043
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>> No.2830055

Finally someone with sense. The bulk of America's workforce is still made up of people who only know how to work the bare basics of Windows and need IT help when they forget their password, and we think they are all going to carry their magic internet money on their phones and never lose their private keys, never get hacked and lose their life savings, etc.

It's a fantasy, there is a reason banks exist, most people are incapable of handling the security of their own money otherwise we'd all have safes in our bedroom.

The problem has never been the concept of banks but allowing banks to get so big they literally gamble with customer's holdings and craft economic policy. I guarantee if the majority of Americans all switched to small community banks and credit unions, we wouldn't have all this hard-on talk of "da evil bankz and da J00z!"

>> No.2830059


And this is how I know I'm conversing with a bunch of fucking kids.

Yes, moron, a great many people still use checkbooks.

>> No.2830065


Agree on each point.

>> No.2830077


FWIW I don't trust the banks myself. I only keep in them what I need for liquidity. But that fact remains that they are the mainstay of every viable economy.

>> No.2830129

nice, just cut out 100k pounds of goyim flesh

>> No.2830141

>I need a house.

Here ya go bru


>> No.2830146

>send btc to card
>card exchanges btc to usd
>card pre-approves purchase to merchant
>merchant receives money less fees next week
>therefore merchant was given $USD for SERVICE

Why not take it a step further?

>merchant withdraws money from ATM
>merchant purchases heroin with money
>therefore merchant was paid in Heroin for their service

>> No.2830184


very cool cyril.

>> No.2830368


>> No.2830507

it's afraid!

>> No.2830538

>Moving goalposts

You got blown the fuck out sun

>> No.2830615
File: 36 KB, 280x185, cryptopay-bitcoin-debit-card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wire your bitcoins to your account and you can pay anywhere

>> No.2830633

wow ur so smart

>> No.2830942

hol up.. so the white CIS man is a genius?

>> No.2831887


>VISA debit card, calculated in dollars

You just proved OP's point you fucking dumbass.

>> No.2832551

yeah well, I was able to review a white paper (government policy draft document), guess what was a priority.

Block chain, because corruption is a major problem in dev countries, the adoption of alternative currencies is going to be fast and at a government level even.

We Tired of being cucks for england and the US.

Fuck I know people have quit their jobs at banks, the smart ones anyways. And banks have made massive cuts in the last year, less staff, cheaper locations, less personal interactions more automation.

You see jews invented a system like this long ago, when they invented the check system, then it got centralized and the real fiefths white men, got involved.

do some history past the last 200 years you fucking dunce.

Used to be if you need money you would just torture a jew till he told you where the good stuff was, thats why they invented banking systems, it was decentralised and very personal in the begining. Crypto and block chain are actually closer to that first system than the current banking system.

I have spell checker I just don't care to edit a response to a fool.

>> No.2832603

what the fuck, right now most of the gold in the world is going to countries that hate jews lol

I know because I am a geologist, I know where the black market gold is going, it is being bought with dollars and loaded onto planes and going to the middle east, not isreal, its going to the oil producing countries, those fuckers are turing oil into gold.

Hate mongering is the pasttime of people with low intellect, you miss the truth because you only see that wihich proves your current beliefs.

Whatever lets see how that works our for you.

>> No.2832644


>Blockchains will solve government corruption

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

>> No.2832665

its already happening with mpesa and airtime, I'm sitting in Africa and we need and understand the value of block chain, it will be adopted at government level over the next 5 years, there are publicly available policy documents that you can go read if you don't believe this guy >>2829993

>> No.2832702

>supported by every government on the planet.
You sure about that one?

>> No.2832718

they are already using airtime as currency in many countries in africa where there is no bank
Airtime is a virtual currency, it has value and can be transfered, only problem with bitcoin is that the value is not stable, this would make purchasing tricky but I think there are ways around it.

Why do arguements turn so juvenle here