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File: 96 KB, 1167x634, A1FB62EE-9AA1-4E10-BC8E-A8D49A05C123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28285588 No.28285588 [Reply] [Original]

>one coin in top 50 alone does not pump much for weeks
>even absolute dead coins with no news mooning like crazy
>everything going up except for the most essential and used coin outside of Eth.

We know they have always manipulated LINK, but i dont think it has EVER been this obvious. For the past weeks, even dead coins have been going up just due to market inertia. Yet LINK crabs? It takes active effort to stop ot going up with the inertia and we know linkies are never selling so its not oldfags selling.

>> No.28285697

That's a good thing, most people who hold Link don't deserve that kind of gains/money.

>> No.28285814

Whales are pumping shitcoins to make Link holders fomo and sell their Link.

>> No.28285864
File: 50 KB, 678x452, 03D9F055-181D-4ABA-AEC5-A3EBBAF292D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im wondering if its a strategy by the binance chink or others.
LINk is completely beyond comprehension for normies and even most in the space before the bull. If link mooned now, normies wouldnt buy it ober rubic or whatever FoTM shitcoins pajeets shill or muh cool space man shills. It’s get lost.
Perhaps the whales or the chink isnwaiting for the alt season to die down, then pump Link as a lone asset in the market. Normies are attracted to green candles like flies to shit and redditors to BBC, which would put all attention on link causing a giga pump.

>> No.28286084

Binance surpressed Chainlink. They did a test round before but marines blew them the fuck away regardless.

Now BNB has got the pump it will reverse again.

>> No.28286254


Binance can puml bnb especially easily.

>attract normie retards with giga green candles especially on BNB
>rug pull
>pump link alone while normies bleed
>normies chase link with massive liquidity coming from other alts to link