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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2827333 No.2827333 [Reply] [Original]

teach me about: " the art of the deal"

>> No.2827363


1. Start a scam university
2. Counter-sue anyone who questions you
3. Throw the first punch
4. React emotionally instead of strategically.
5. Keep your enemies on their toes by appearing to be either foolish and/or diabolical

>> No.2827368

Buy high and sell low

>> No.2827376 [DELETED] 
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Y-you....KEK!! STOP IT reeeeeee

>> No.2827382


buy low sell high fuck bitches

>> No.2827399

1. Be born to a rich real estate developer
2. Inherit extremely valuable prime NYC real estate
3. Manage to fuck it up anyway
4. Brag about the billions you don't have
5. Dupe retards into buying your books and various scams

>> No.2827440
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>> No.2827505
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No fucking Google it or read the book you turbonigger. Fuck outta here. This is a crypto board.

>> No.2827512

its pretty simple op. A combination of reasoning and behavioral science will go far.

>sit at your desk
>have your secretary invite the person in, never call them in yourself
>never have a chair next to your desk; make them grab one from across the room. sit in silence while they do this
>don't shake any hand offered to you, pretend they're not there
>once they sit down, wait about 5 minutes. Don't say a word no matter what. They may try to leave; make sure the door is locked.
>once 5 minutes have passed, stand up, revealing your lack of pants and underwear
>calmly walk over to wherever they are sitting.
>take a giant, steamy shit on their shoes.
>smack them in the face a few times with your cock (it should be erect from power by now)
>then calmly sit back down
>they'll likely be confused and scared, now's the time to strike
>tell them what the deal will be (overshoot what you want by a wide margin)
>as they say no, that's not possible, what the hell is going on just say "yeah, yeah its a good deal. A great deal. The best deal. You're gonna do real good"
>now stare at them
>stare them right in the eyes
>don't look away
>"Let's seal the deal. shake on it?" you say
>they'll be so confused, scared, and submissive, they'll extend their hand
>don't shake just yet though, just keep staring
>now begin masturbating
>walk over to them again, standing over them, continue to masturbate.
>make them wait until you are finished
>cum into their hand
>then shake that hand
>tell them you're very proud of their smart choice and you hope they don't fuck it up for themselves
>then walk back to your desk, don't say a word, don't wait, just have your secretary get security to throw them out

>> No.2827522


>spends book detailing his neurotic personal battles

>> No.2827584

>4. Brag about the billions you don't have
get a load of this retard

>> No.2827623

Hey, I read this book, and I don't remember this part.

Did you get an exclusive bonus edition with the hidden "Trump Cards" included?

>> No.2827649

it was implied

>> No.2827894

Spot the triggered trumpfag

He fabricates most of his wealth.

>> No.2827913

he fabricated his presidency too. its a bamboozle

>> No.2827923

Lol, I can't stand faggots like you. Its just sad.

>> No.2827946

was gonna give you some bs but then I got checked w/trips

Art of the Deal:
>living a day in the life of trump
>trump details his daily hustle over a long span of time
>he explains what he does, and why he does it
>very matter-of-fact
>very little analysis
>still very valuable if you've never had the opportunity to work directly with someone of his ilk (ie. tycoon status)
>7/10, must read, but not as high on priority list as other books
>most faggots and psuedo-intellectual commies claim it's machiavellan, but it isn't at all and actually illistrates how trump would rather lose money to prove a point that he believes in than make a profit

>> No.2827990

Triggered HARD

You realize Trump's not even a billionaire, right?

>> No.2828035

Forbes values his real estate alone at $1.7B
You're not very bright dude

>> No.2828041

Trump doesn't throw the first punch tho, he shitposts after people make jokes about him

>> No.2828061

> he fabricates most of his wealth

Nobody we know does that, r-right /biz/??

>> No.2828159

>Trump personally owns all that

Good try bud

>> No.2828179

fucking crypto fags get out of this board

..... pls just buy my 100k ripples kind anon ;__;

>> No.2828213
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As the sole owner of the Trump organization I'd say he yes he does
And unless you have evidence of any silent partners, which you won't, its 100% his
Thanks for playing tho

>> No.2828241

He just puts his name on hotels and buildings as part of a licensing deal. He doesn't actually own them.

Furthermore, the only reason his net worth is reported as such is because it's what Trump himself reports.

>b-but daddy Trump would never lie

>> No.2828252

>Dupe retards into buying
there you go, this is the art of the deal, but HOW

>> No.2828447

Why not just trust wikipedia, or "celebritynetworth.com"

He's not sole owner, Robert Trump would own some of it. Then there's all the creditors and mortgages on that real-estate (not even a bad thing, means more profit)

No one here does it successfully though

>2. Inherit extremely valuable prime NYC real estate
You mean middle class housing developments?

>5. Dupe retards into buying your books and various scams
This is actually the smart part. Forget about Trump, look at Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and all these guys who you would have never heard of if they didn't publish their boilerplate "you too can..." bullshit. Trump actually had some actual business and net-worth behind him that gave some creedence to what he was talking about, who the fuck was Tony Robbins or Kiyosaki before they published a book?! Kiyosaki was a kept man!

>> No.2828480

Tony Robbins was like a group therapist in a way. most other motivational speakers are boring or constantly advertising something. you're right that a large part of his career is just false hype, but he's one of the most trusted dudes among billionaires to sit down and give you life advice.

>> No.2828864

I've gotten a bit confused, I'm referring to his books on "secrets of the wealthy" where he doesn't actually parrot what Billionaires tell him, he oversimplifies their investment strategies. I haven't enough experience of his motivational stuff first hand to evaluate it.

>Interview with Ray Dalio about all Weather portfolio
>Robbins paraphrases him as saying THREE uncorrelated revenue streams
>Dalio elsewhere: you need at least FIFTEEN good uncorrelated return streams

I realize he's writing for the plebs, but fucking hell, that's deceptive.

>> No.2828943

His dad only developed low income housing in Queens NYC. Trump started Trump Organization and began developing high end luxury offices and housing in Manhattan, like Trump Tower and Trump Plaza. He has also developed several casinos in NJ, and many golf courses. While he licenses the Trump brand to many buildings across the country, he still owns a lot of real estate out right. Very successful and inspiring individual, don't be a retard he has done a lot.

>> No.2828970

He made $150 million in 2005 alone. That's from his tax return that Rachel Madcow released. You are very jealous. Sad!

>> No.2829002

oh yeah i get that. he's a dummy with money or forecasting. if he can't pay attention long enough to quote someone properly i'm not surprised.

i get irritated by people who think they're good at everything if they're successful at one thing.

>> No.2829028

I wonder if it's poor attention or he's deliberately oversimplifying because it appeals to a broader market?

>i get irritated by people who think they're good at everything if they're successful at one thing.

Having said that, again I suspect that it's not just Hot-Hand fallacy, I think Robbins probably knows he's not good at everything but sees there is a lot of money in pretending to people who don't know better that he does.

>> No.2829053


you realize how stupid you sound, right? trying to push that shitty book on a singaporean shadow box figure communication website?

>> No.2829059


that's pretty sick, yo

>> No.2829060

You retards know a ghost writer wrote this book and not daddy Donald, right?

>> No.2829102

Yes. But the chapters I've read and the stories Trump tells in interviews and on TV seem to synch up pretty well.

So either he has read the book back to front and memorized it, and has been repeating it ever since... or the book is paraphrasing Trump himself?

>> No.2829111
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>he says confidently with many sources to back his retarded claim

>> No.2829205

>Trump isn't worth billions
>Nah uh, he is
>where's your sources...
>where's your sources?


>> No.2829211

>teach me about: " the art of the deal"

Its simple. I tell you what is what

You deal with it.

xxoo Trumpkins

>> No.2829233
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Trump's been called a dummy.

Except...he outsmarted
a lifetime politician
professional pollsters
million-dollar journalists
Hollywood donors
establishment professors

Short answer: read some of his books (for free from the library if you insist) and learn FOR YOURSELF

>> No.2829270

To be fair, I felt Trump's victory was less astonishing in light of the fact that Bernie Sanders was more popular than Hilary. And how close the popular vote was.
But also the landslides of the Brexit and the Macron vs. LePen French election with no establishment candidates really dulled the sheen of his victory for me.

Props to Trump for being at the right place at the right time to capitalize on a anti-establishment backlash, I think the thing that no one seems to realize about him is this is a guy who has played the publicity game successfully through three different eras;
>reality television
>social media

I can't think of one celebrity who has deftly switched between media across decades like that (maybe David Bowie from the radio era, to the music video era, to early adopter of internet and CD-Roms)

>> No.2829289

>4. React emotionally instead of strategically.
>5. Keep your enemies on their toes by appearing to be either foolish and/or diabolical

You wot mate?

>> No.2829293

She lost, get over it.

>> No.2829296

The DNC literally pushed Trump up to the primaries and his nomination
Also, you don't need to be smart to outsmart literal mentally handicapped and delusional senile people
This anon is right, Trump is a master at publicising himself, he's a shit businessman at best

>> No.2829297


The moral of the story is never underestimate a very stupid man with tons of money and a majority is either pissed off or stupid.

Do you know how much stupid you can cover up with a lot of money? A lot of stupid.

Lets not forget the people who voted. More than half can't think properly and I don't mean just republicans.

>> No.2829314

>runs multi-billion dollar companies
>appeared in multiple movies
>is an icon
>had a successful tv series
>effortlessly wins the presidency
>Still manages to confound his opponents while allowing them to keep their "intellectual" hubris
>"very stupid man"

Anon, I...

>> No.2829327

>Runs multi-billion dollar companies
Into the ground
>appeared in multiple movies
No one remembers
>is an icon
For inherited wealth and slumlords
>had a successful tv series
Nobody watched The Apprentice
>effortlessly wins the presidency
>Still manages to confound his opponents while allowing them to keep their "intellectual" hubris
"Only pretending to be retarded"

>> No.2829336

>runs multi-billion dollar companies
Inherited, mentored, networked

>appeared in multiple movies
Buys the services of a competent agent

>is an icon
Pure marketing hype

>had a successful tv series
For a few seasons. Produced by smarter, more creative man aware of clown charisma.

>effortlessly wins the presidency

>Still manages to confound his opponents while allowing them to keep their "intellectual" hubris
You don't even know what that word means, pleb

>"very stupid man"


>> No.2829345
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>> No.2829357

anyone have a pdf of art of the deal?

>> No.2829378

Why can't you accept that people are neither totally incompetent nor totally expert, that there's shades of gray?

Why do you need to minimize and denigrate anything about Trump? What does it achieve other than make you feel a great sense of unjustness about the world, convincing yourself that people with no skill and no morality can ascend to the highest offices of power and business?

Isn't it healthier to section off your moral distaste for the man while analyzing objectively his faults and strengths?
I mean since we're on /biz/, what is it that Sun Tzu says:
>Know they enemy

That doesn't mean assuming your enemy is weak where they are strong just because they are your enemy and you don't like them.

>> No.2829382

*thy enemy


>> No.2829390

you can get it for $3 at discoverbooks.com

>> No.2829431

Fuck of back to rddit, or at least /pol/

>> No.2830130

Sure is reddit in here

>> No.2830153

>Go in with an unreasonable offer
>Settle for something in the middle

Promise to build a giant wall on the mexican border.
End up just doing some maintenance and upgrade on a fence.


Promise to repeal and replace obamacare

>> No.2830163

>Nice, just taught 100k

>> No.2830215


lol she lost though. you need to get over it

>> No.2830227

>landslides of the Brexit
51.9% is no landslide.

>> No.2830265

Duly noted, see, even I'm forgetting how close some of these victories were.

My point remains that there was a wave, a zeitgeist against the establishment that Trump skillfully used to his advantage, as opposed to him being solely responsible for a cataclysmic change in voter sentiment.

>> No.2830321

I am not sure if he actively used it or if he just matched this zeitgeist exactly. Because if we be honest: Trump is far away from being skillfull or smart. He is a rich born guy without any modesty.

Good for the lulz (and we all laugh at this ridiculus mess).
But just not made for the real deal.

>> No.2830371


>> No.2830489

He didn't start the birther movement, he just sunk his claws into it once he saw the political capital it possessed.
30 years ago he was saying Japan had unfair economic advantage, then it became CHI-NA. He didn't even bring up the currency manipulation talking point.

He was actively courting it, he's a narcissist: the closest there is to a human chamelon.

>Good for the lulz (and we all laugh at this ridiculous mess).
irrespective of what I think of him, I am so fucking happy he is President of the Free World because, deep down I'm a contrarian, and I love seeing the status quo getting fucked harder than porn-star

>Mr. Burns Yes.jpg

>> No.2831263

warning: vomit inducing material

>> No.2832153

why is america so split on this man? is this just a democrat vs republican problem or something he did.