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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28258572 No.28258572 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28258958

The fact that /biz/ is so anti-HBAR has convinced me that at least half of the people here are clinically retarded.
Hederachads will inherit the earth

>> No.28259011

Quick rundown?

>> No.28259244

Ethereum if ethereum wasn’t shit and was going to be used by all of the world’s major corporations

>> No.28259361
File: 176 KB, 1882x844, globohomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

globohomo blockchain that BTFOs anything we've seen yet

>> No.28259634
File: 716 KB, 1242x1623, 630C1E48-A9FE-4E82-9995-D487B54D008C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New news just dropped today as well.
Hashlets on suicide watch

>> No.28259808

mcap's already almost $1billion
really think it has much higher to go?

>> No.28259967

What in the fuck? And I’ve never heard of this because...?
Gonna get some later this week.

>> No.28260052

It will be #1 mcap within 5 years. Multi trillion dollar

>> No.28260115

im not buying a HEBREW coin, sorry (not sorry)

>> No.28260144

Yes mr shekelstein, let me bend my knee in the 4th industrial revolution and relinquish my freedom for the next 10 generations yet again for some profit.

Fuck off kike shill the whole point of crypto is to get away from kikes.

>> No.28260228

>Thinking that TPS and Fees matter
Hbar is literally this seasons XRB, will never be The main chain and will eventually fade away into nothing.

>> No.28260298

I'm starting to think anything immediately backed by large corporations is shit
Look at the list of game changers and where they were on the autism-corporate scale
>everything DeFi
>possibly AVAX next
Are there even any good coins with that premise?

>> No.28260344

Sorry you got Priced out. Maybe I’ll let you live in the cardboard box that my 1200 inch 64k flat screen TV comes in when I buy it with my HBAR pocket change

>> No.28260393

>centralized utility token
yeah this shit is going to 12 cents

>> No.28260644

>thinking TPS and fees don't matter
nigger, that's literally everyone's complaint with ETH right now and is the number 1 barrier to mass adoption. nobody can reasonably use ETH for transactions when they get dropped 50% of the time and you pay hundreds of dollars to transfer even a penny's worth of value.

I'm just giving everybody here a heads up on this like was given to me. If you think UNI has value to it, why until fucking GOOGLE, TMOBILE, and LG start swinging their dicks with Hedera.

>> No.28260668

$500 gets you 5000 of this shit, why wouldn't you just roll the dice?

>> No.28260887

Ripple and Iota already solved TPS, fees, confirmation time, they're still the same price they were in 2017
Plus this shit has a planned coporate use so it HAS to remain cheap to be useful


>> No.28261134
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Thanks for the heads up on this.

>> No.28261323

>Buying a talmudvision screen


>> No.28261330
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>> No.28261626
File: 72 KB, 300x300, never-go-full-retard_fb_5685953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corporate use means cheap

>> No.28262578

Honestly can’t tell if these posters are actually pissy little faggots or just FUDding their investment

>> No.28263736

How much does your company pay per email, nigger?
They'll have a big contract with centralized company and the tokens will be cheap as shit

>> No.28263844

It costs a small fraction of a single HBAR to perform a transaction, faggot

>> No.28263895

have you tried to get a wallet?? fund mine nigger this shits wack

>> No.28264023

MFW I bought in months ago because globohomos never lose.

>> No.28264044


Not sure if Kike or Boomer.
But just in case. KYS.

>> No.28264055

>Not decentralized
Explain how this is better than ada

>> No.28264342

Yes to the point an individual transaction will be essentially free
No enterprise software charges per use and it's not going to start now

And yes, that it what this is - enterprise software. You basically bought a bunch of database query tokens
Enjoy being poor

>> No.28264414

I wish I could own this, but I am so fuckin' poor, this is gonna moon so hard

>> No.28264576


>> No.28264749

Completely centralised turdcoin, also a reminder that saft1 still continue to get tokens distributed that they paid .001c for over the next 2 years.

>> No.28264824


>multibilion companies

Id rather use FIAT than use money controled by big tech.

>> No.28264856

12% of tokens circulating, the reminding ones to hit circulation were either free to the team or .001c kek fuckoff

>> No.28266311

lel btc is fucking worthless, brah. here's 1000 coins for your funny post. :)

>> No.28267402
File: 67 KB, 634x634, 0561FDDE000007D0-0-image-a-1_1536342550554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You are here
BTC has a ~25% correction
Coinbase lists on stock exchange
BTC Pumps
Altseason ramps up
Coinbase Lists Hbar sending it to Mars
Routers joins Hedera
UPS joins Hedera
Tesla joins Hedera
Apple joins Hedera
India uses Hbar for CBCD
Hbars lands on Pluto and makes Pluto a planet again

>> No.28267815
