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28255243 No.28255243 [Reply] [Original]

>at friend house
>we start talking about investing with his dad cause of GME
>get into this whole debate on investing, he giving the boomer spiel of investing in gold and silver and boomer rocks
>Show him my crypto portfolio, and he gets so fucking mad, telling me my generation doesn't know jack shit about hard work
>Got kicked out

Meanwhile this cuck still working blue collar in his 60s

Why do they fucking seethe at millenials and zoomers making money?

>> No.28255328

Mad that they never had that specific opportunity at your age.

>> No.28255352

don't brag about your money dude
just tell him % gains and leave it at that. you blew your power level. if he asks for specifics, just say "i'm doing pretty well with the investment" and ask for his opinions on what he considers to be better investments and why

>> No.28255451

Boomers hate the idea of others having money and bit them. They'll never be happy for you.

>> No.28255495

For older generations, value was tied to work. Thats why getting a good job was important. Speculation is seen as getting value from thin air i.e. cheating.
But money is money. Wether it is reflective of actual value is anyone's guess. And thats something that hurts people's work ethic. But life is not fair and hardwork hardly pays if the value it provides is low.

>> No.28255503
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x4032, 10D49D02-D7B5-4B0C-B8D7-4108379DB2BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer rocks are based

you know you can buy crypto AND boomer rocks at the same time, they dont have to be mutually exclusive

>> No.28255507

>showing your portfolio
when crypto really takes off he'll come with a gun and demand your keys, then fly off to mexico with your gains

>> No.28255604

yea whatever you say uncle, how you been?

>> No.28255631

It's like that Ramsay cuck who told that young called to sell his Bitcoin ASAP. 99% of boomers are just dumb and have no idea how to actually make money.
>muh fundamentals

>> No.28255677
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Pretty fucking cringe considering that neither of you know what your talking about

>> No.28255753

Ramsey makes sense but needs to expand his knowledge.

>> No.28255767

What happened to this dude? I remember it turned out he was actually homeless, was he also mentally ill or something?

>> No.28255770

>value was tied to work
Well they're the ones who broke that so he can go fuck himself

>> No.28256036

But, you're a mature gentleman. OP is a larping child.

>> No.28256165

They had the opportunity with BTC, probably not at his age but a lot younger

>> No.28256207

Well bitcoin is proof of work

>> No.28256424

Yea he got pissed cause you were being a faggot about your gains. Tell no one unless you trust them.

>> No.28256492

I wish value was still tied to work. I wish I could be in a hunter gatherer society. Every time I mentioned this people point out how I would get an infection and die and that people were always struggling but that's the point. I would rather be free and suffer then sit in a chair 8 hours a day like having everything handed to me with nothing to do but think about how pointless it all is. Ted was right about human happiness is all I'm saying. Crypto is my ticket to freedom so I can by some land to live off and have enough saved up to earn dividends that will forever pay my offsprings property tax.