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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 693x521, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28254246 No.28254246 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this shit. It's the dotcom bubble on steroids while the TRUE economy continues to deteriorate. When is this market going to correct and lead into the commodities super cycle that Goldman has been promising? I feel like it's close as even normies at my job are talking about stocks and treating it like a lottery ticket...

>> No.28254439

never lol
get in now or regret it forever

>> No.28254558
File: 112 KB, 359x393, 1610972769820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commodities super cycle
bitcoin is a commodity anon

>> No.28254687
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>> No.28254781

What does this look like when you remove Tesla?

>> No.28255557
File: 1.24 MB, 1976x2048, nonprofitabletech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSLA isn't actually in this index. If you google "Non-Profitable Technology Index" you'll find an ft.com article.

>> No.28255633

Dot com bubble reached a peak of 10 trillion in the year 2000.

>> No.28255650
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1612562523296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly lmao the reason stocks are up is oh idk maybe a global event changing the global economic landscape. but nah sit on the sidelines never buy anything lmao have fun staying poor

>> No.28255687

You think the shithole US is driving these prices? It's China. There's a lot of hope that their institutions open up more to crypto

>> No.28255761

this means jack shit desu
once upon a time youtube was unprofitable and now it shits out money
same with amazon
a lot of companies aren't profitable because the reinvest their profits, you'll be hard pressed to find new major companies that will just sit on profit it and not reinvest it

>> No.28255857

Kek. We’re basically in the middle of a ultra gigantic hyper bubble. Enjoy it I guess

>> No.28255936

Dude plenty of companies are trading at like 30-50x REVENUE

>> No.28256167

revenue is the new profit

>> No.28256196

ah yes, the famously non-profitable tesla

>> No.28256319

>trusting jews
keep your white daughter for nigger, burger

>> No.28256400
File: 215 KB, 304x307, fuoNqeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a game of chicken, op. Have some fun.

>> No.28256438

Well I guess now there is less incentive for people to actually cash out of crypto though, since fiat is becoming worthless. I'll be interested to see how this affects the market

>> No.28256440

Are you trying and failing to be sarcastic?

>> No.28256478
File: 57 KB, 809x649, https _images.saymedia-content.com_.image_MTc4MDA5MTQ5MDUxNzc0NTY4_m1-money-supply-components-2021-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this is sustainable

>> No.28256551

>lowers the reserve requirement to 0%
>destroys their own economy in the process
Just like burgers

>> No.28256637

lol wut

>> No.28256754

If the federal reserve merely quietly sold all its stocks it’s been buying up to prop up the market they could create a ‘soft crash landing’ that would allow the markets to breathe.

>> No.28257348

You guys don't understand the genius that is 'pre-revenue'

>> No.28257400

Gold and silver are a meme, bitcoin is king

>> No.28257591

>goldman sachs
Fuck off jew nigger.

>> No.28257732

>commodities super cycle
what is that

>> No.28257939

People don't understand that things either continue to pump or industrial civilization collapses, there is no In between

>> No.28258022

>real economy

>> No.28258517

It’s propped up by the welfare state. Neets have been investing the “extra” money from unemployment extensions/additions from the Covid bills, plus their stimulus checks.
It call comes crashing down after the next round of checks.
Get in. Make a ton of money off the back of losers and tax payers and then sell off immediately. Get in and get out.

You have been warned.

>> No.28258671

jesus fucking christ these are terrifying graphs

>> No.28258915

this is just a reflection of the devaluation of USD
remember the BRRRRR meme? it's almost a year old now

>> No.28259040

We flattened the wrong curves

>> No.28259052

2017 was the dotcom bubble for crypto, there was an IPO every day

>> No.28259861

How long you give it til a big crash?

>> No.28260009

That sound so 2000

>> No.28260057

March 23rd Noontime.

>> No.28261085
File: 137 KB, 998x824, 1612761177903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which camp you in for a crash?
asset inflation =/= inflation or hyperinflation

schiff: gold
grantham: value, foreign equities, foreign value
harry dent: US 30 year bonds
new paradigm, no crash or quick rebound. fed will keep buying stocks adding to the balance sheet. keep buying the dip
hyperinflation btc

I had 3.3 btc but I don't believe it will be useful in a crash.

>> No.28262230

Oil. It's sort of like gold, only people actually actively consume it, militaries are built to acquire it and defend it, and just like gold there is a finite supply.

>> No.28262772

Grantham has the smartest set of ideas out of that list by far

>> No.28263300

dent is also that one guy who thinks we can time the top and says cash right now.
so right now you're positioned in oil/energy/energy stocks?
I saw it in his interview. I forget if Grantham is positioned in these now or if he's saying buy those at the bottom. I don't know how much he is positioned in cash at the moment. the rest are positioned as they are going into the crash.
Either way, it makes sense - boring value stock like coca cola still hasn't recovered from the march 2020 drop and has barely managed to 2x within the last 10 years. So even if it takes a hit it likely won't be as big a hit as tsla for example.

>> No.28264417

Clean your screen, subhuman.

>> No.28265313

dotcom bubble didnt have a president about to sign in a 1.9 trillion payday, followed by a 6 trillion payday. Bubble gonna grow big and strong.

>> No.28265569


>> No.28266805

>something goes up in the tech sector

>> No.28266822

Bitcoin is at best an incomplete fiat

>> No.28267147


>> No.28267442

What is that in? Billions of dollars?

>> No.28268913

Retard here.

My portfolio is transitioning from no-profit NASDAQ & crypto to Bitcoin & underweight US stocks. As >>28265313 said, the US can (and will) print money and cause financial asset inflation until it blows up. Sentiment behind this strategy is at an all time high and everyone is rushing into the stock market. I’m happy with my returns but eventually either the mindless exuberance fades or the USD takes a hit.

>> No.28269395

Here is some of the little guys I am packing on my stocks side. Basically the under $10 crew. I have others but not sure if best time to go in for you.
TSNP (didnt do so well today)

>> No.28269420

I've been on /tv/, /pol/, /r9k/, /x/, and /sp/ for 7 YEARS
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GIVE ME ADVICE THAT'S FINE, but don't be fucking mean to me just because I don't know the exact damn pattern/triangle formation/pennant/bull trap/bear trap terminology.
You want Doge to rise? BE FUCKING NICE to people like me, so we'll stick around and drive the rpice up. Shouldn't be hard to understand.
Also what's with the pedo shit? Can you tone that down a little bit? Not a good look for you guys.

>> No.28269501

No it's not. Commodities by definition revert to the mean because production can be increased as market demand rises. Bitcoin production cannot be increased.

>> No.28269559
File: 79 KB, 600x800, EB074C63-73E4-4FF8-8759-C109E9428727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah yes

>> No.28269774

Shut the fuck up stupid fudder. You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about. You just want to be the guy who can say “I called the great crash” before it happened. Crypto is accumulating. It’s not a bubble. 2018 was totally fucking different to 2021. Cope harder no coiner stock cuck.

>> No.28269858

Who knows? There's nothing left that's not massively inflated or safe to park my money in these days anyway. I might as well put my money into what I believe in most (crypto)

>> No.28269901

bitcoin is not a commodity you fucking idiot neet

>> No.28270291

ARK ETF passed the moon and is headed straight for the sun by the looks of it.

>> No.28270423

You can make oil with algae. It's an open secret in Hawaii. The oil age is ending in the next century.

>> No.28270494


holy fuck man, windex.

>> No.28270496

Youtube is still unprofitable retard.

>> No.28270588

excuse me as i open another server farm in an aircraft hanger.

are you that fucking retarded? And before you go "muh power bill", companies that farm are boasting as low as 7K USD per coin

>> No.28270908


When Pelosi is buying 500k worth of TSLA calls, that means this will only end when she and her posse cashes out and dump their bags on us. Make sure you cash out all your shit before, somewhere around September. That's what I heard around...I know that's what I'm doing.

>> No.28271024

Money printer goes brrrr

The worse a company is the better it’s stock performs; this has been true for years and it’s getting markedly worse. Numerous studies confirm.

Look at Unilever. They make everything, freaking everything that modern society uses. they are really profitable and pay a FAT dividend = stock is literally crashing. Barely made it up 300% since it’s low in the 2009 recession. Meanwhile companies that have never made a profit and are doomed to fail are up 300% in the last few months alone...

>> No.28271170


Its a good card though, I've been outve the game in a while I never saw it before the vid.

>> No.28271200

Fucking ATH bots everywhere