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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 328 KB, 840x859, 45eg1g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28252589 No.28252589 [Reply] [Original]

>Anywhere from $50-75 to move tokens between wallets
>Anywhere from $80-200 for a uniswap transaction
inb4 "ha! found the poorfag!" no nigger you are an absolute fucking retard if you continue to pay these prices for fucking internet meme monopoly money fucking horseshit. i am finding another fucking blockchain to start using. looking at solana/serumswap. im done with ethereum. this shit is a flaming bag of dog shit. vitalik buterin is a booger eating kid diddling niggerfaggot fuckface geek faggot.

>> No.28252677
File: 88 KB, 384x517, i caused that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only use of crypto is to pump and dump coins by 5x in order to make money off idiots. $100 is a tiny price to pay for that.

>> No.28252774
File: 82 KB, 597x720, 1577140520254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! found the poorfag!

>> No.28253801

AVAX my guy.

>> No.28253961

Work a few more Amazon shifts you pathetic poorfag. HAHAHAHAHAHAAH. $100 is a small price to pay for making 5 figs on Unicef Sirs

>> No.28254189
File: 20 KB, 360x203, 2dbf4fd7-d681-4cc1-a9e4-3c19a636349c_169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad
ETH is mooning right now

>> No.28254264
File: 6 KB, 314x153, gasfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel
I have been out of crypto until recently. I put $50 worth of ETH into metamask thinking I could swap it around to shit that's shilled here.
pic related is my average gas fee to do literally anything with it. At least ETH has gone up and mine is worth $60 now haha. It's totally ok that I'm missing meme moons.
>inb4 poor
I have 20k invested in things and more than that sitting but I can't justify putting more in because of the fucking GAS

>> No.28255486

These fucking gas price are nuts. Completely kills the point of decentralization. No one gives a shit about your defi if they have to pay $100 in fees to move anything anywhere.

>> No.28255573

Don’t forget the eth you are spending on gas is gains you could of lost just holding

>> No.28256396

Newfag here. Whats the best place to buy ETH from? Is Binance safe

>> No.28256719

Binance charges tons for withdraws, but buying eth right now is just not a good decision IMO. When normies realize how high the fees are on their "ethereum stocks" this shit will fucking dump and be replaced by ADA or DOT.

>> No.28256833
File: 114 KB, 1079x681, AEBB612E-EA98-4D9D-A23F-98FC742BEE9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I made 10 day trades on stocks and silver derivatives on chain today for less than a penny

>> No.28257735

have they even addressed the issue and concerns in any way or are they just kind of hoping it'll keep getting swept under the rug

>> No.28258587


>> No.28258697
File: 282 KB, 2000x1200, 644E5045-A743-49E4-B116-4BF8ED1CEFE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pangolin bro, it’s a better uniswap.
Fees are sub $1, use AVAX instead of ETH.

>> No.28258814

>forced to HODL my ERC-20 tokens because I refuse to pay $100 for gas
I mean I guess it’s good since I’m a retard, but this shit will be an issue for a while.

>> No.28258937

So sick of seeing these fucking threads. BUY. FUCKING. ZILLIQA.

>> No.28259356

It's only because tons of big money cares about defi on ETH that the fees are so expensive, though.

>> No.28259354

Shill me on AVAX/Pangolin, is it used for ERC20 tokens? How does it manage gas fees that low then?

>> No.28259387
File: 228 KB, 1366x768, ethmalding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28259552

I lost $2,000 doing this shit which caused all my gains to crab.

Ever since selling all my meme tokens and buying alts, ive never been more comfy. Fuck ETH and fuck gas. Scam.

>> No.28261132

No, they are drunk with success and will never release Eth 2.0. Eth is going to end up as the Blackberry of crypto.

>> No.28261328

>i am finding another fucking blockchain to start using
but they don't have the apps that ETH has


>> No.28261524

explain. trading stocks on BSV? or are you just memeing frend?

>> No.28261714

Cost me $5 last eth I moved, same for btc

>> No.28261758

Thinking about selling my 5k in Microsoft and buying some Efferiums. any opinions?

>> No.28262760

He doesn't know about loopring and how it solved gas fees. Stay poor nigger