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28249481 No.28249481 [Reply] [Original]

day of the cat soon
give me your EOM predictions

>> No.28249541


>> No.28249958
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lets fucking goooooooooooooo

>> No.28250110
File: 67 KB, 859x960, 6CD23921-2CD8-4EA0-A27C-F8FEEA565956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening DEXG bros

>> No.28250112

idk but I'm a whale and I'm thinking of selling entire stack for rubic.
at least those guys pay for shilling.
no one cares about slippage and the whole flowchain thing doesn't even make sense
cross chain swaps?
who cares

>> No.28250271

you almost got me anon, the real shit you need to worry about is the safety of your cat.

>> No.28250477

>no one cares about slippage
kek yeah right

>> No.28250857

$400 tonight

>> No.28250875
File: 203 KB, 1280x617, E068B947-F5EF-41D3-8031-6F931A4A0A37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t care about slippage


>> No.28250947

alright fine people care about slippage but with layer 2 stuff coming soon who's gonna use this or uni?
if this released a month ago then yah it would moon but now idk

>> No.28251606

They are using CHI as an interim solution to gas problems, then implementing off-chain solution last day to solve it permanently. Eth 2.0 will level the playing field in that regard anyway and that's where the sAMM, lack of IL, rentable bots, order book etc. will generate the fraction of Uniswaps volume that we all need to become rich.

At least hold to 1k my man, you won't regret it.

>> No.28251693

off chain solution later this year* sorry dude high as fuck

>> No.28252357

that sounds pretty good but I'm sorry it's too late...
I'm going to have to sell my entire stack (4.3176234) and crash the price

>> No.28252639

$1200 EOM

>> No.28252754

lol nice

>> No.28253410

cya later big boy we'll miss ya

>> No.28253726

knees weak
bags are heavy
there's vomit on his sweater already
cat spaghetti

>> No.28254943

Day of the cat?

>> No.28255394
File: 149 KB, 1026x666, 7F548752-5756-4B8F-B1AF-85FB1298F7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Month of the cat, $1000 EOM

>> No.28256321

1200-1600$ in my estimation.
I look forward to DEXG threads full of anon angry we didn't tell them earlier and people asking how did we found out about DEXG so early.

>> No.28257423

Anyone who is not in by now can only blame themselves

>> No.28257978

Hoping I can buy a 2003 Honda Civic with my gains.

>> No.28258306

yeah lmao I've shilled this shit every day since 40$

>> No.28258676

I’ve only got 2.1. it’s nothing much, but I’ll see what happens

>> No.28259073

is it worth selling my Doge for this?

>> No.28260197

Its worth selling your doge for literally anything. Unless you have a fat stack you bought at .005 or less therre is no reason to hold it

>> No.28260260

I dunno, I asked my brother (he told me about Doge) what DEXG is and he said he's never even heard of it? are there even any big name celebrities talking about this?

>> No.28260370

The entire reason you buy is because there are no big name celebs talking about it. Doge has less places to go. It gets by on memes, but already has a fuck huge market cap

>> No.28260378

A French one actually talked about it, which caused a huge influx of French users that made the price hover around 300 for the last week now.

>> No.28260443

hmm sorry but I think I'm sticking with Doge, I looked up DEXG and it's already $300. Doge is still really cheap. thanks