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File: 3 KB, 225x225, LTC logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28240055 No.28240055 [Reply] [Original]

>couldn't even break $180 today
>everything else is mooning
>only up 4% against BTC today

>> No.28240100

Shill me on this I don’t have any

>> No.28240298

whales are accumulating

>> No.28240308
File: 181 KB, 1298x668, memechart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel for the memechart but it's not doing anything

>> No.28240343

just sell so it can moon weak hands

>> No.28240472

This coin only exists for bullruns as poorfag “alternative” to btc because it appears affordable. Literally retard bait. It will only pump in the blow off the top phase.

You arent a new poorfag right OP?

>> No.28240489

It's a fucking OG alt coin not some reddit wife sharing fetish give it a couple weeks

>> No.28240513
File: 507 KB, 1125x1071, 1597617147729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainstream coin that's on all the exchanges
much lower transaction fees than other coins
adopting the mimblewimble protocol so transactions will be even faster and more importantly, untraceable
would be the first privacy coin normies can buy

>> No.28240609


>> No.28240809

Soo buy some rn and sell in a few weeks and make gains

>> No.28240889

you better be right
I swear to god if I'm getting memed into holding this I'm going to lose it

>> No.28240941

Owner dumped his bags at $300 in 2018, this is 100% a shitcoin. Only has kinda value because it was second.

>> No.28241384


>> No.28241439

Are you all retarded right now? Its completely useless trash. How about you stop living in 2017? I see one of you idiots is still using bittrex chart. I wish I knew what the fuck is going on with euro mentality, they are always super attached to LTC.
You are partially right, it is literally retard bait. However, there are far better trading opportunities.

>> No.28241787

Lol fuck this guy.
ever heard of follow the money? Links are literally provided. Just like 2017 The interest in LTC on google is jumping by the day. This isnt about USD its about LTC/BTC and if youre not trading for more BTC then gtfo

>> No.28242030

LTC has faster and cheaper transactions, so technically speaking, what does BTC have that LTC doesn't

>> No.28242105

we all know its "second" or "silver" . The NoRmiE coin idfc. look at the charts and tell me its not primed for a nice good LTC/BTC pump. no one here is saying its gonna over take BTC/LINK/ETH like ada or some shit lol. Were speculating and maybe with high optimism. But their is no denying where this is going. After this market cycle i could give two shits if LTC drops out of the top 10 on Coinmarketcap. For now im trying to stack them sats boy.

>> No.28242145

Literally MOONING right now

>> No.28242177
File: 57 KB, 1149x597, google trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me look
we're either early or it's bullshit, not even close to 2017 levels

>> No.28242195

You are absolutely getting memed into holding this

>> No.28242382

What the fuck is wrong with you retard? You're supposed to get comfortable and hodl this, not freak out about it every 12 seconds.
Just buy litecoin and thank us later, faggot. We are literally never selling.

>> No.28242647

we are early. It's beginning as we speak. No one is shilling litecoin to dump on your ass. We are trying to clean up this pajeet circle jerk board

>> No.28242764

This guy unironically isnt going to make it.

>> No.28242823

i suffer from chasing pumps syndrome
I see link going up and want to jump on that etc
how long do you plan to hold this realistically?

>> No.28242863

>no one here is saying its gonna over take BTC/LINK/ETH like ada or some shit lol
It costs 100$ to send Bitcoin right now and you *dont* think the #2 ATM coin is going to replace it?

>> No.28243034

I will probably offload a small amount of LTC at 0.01 BTC. You are not buying the top right now. Look at the BTC price.

>> No.28243117

>>couldn't even break $180 today
guess I need to take that back lol

>> No.28243170

I just got some hopefully I didn’t fuck up and buy at the top

>> No.28243190

No one told you this, fuck off.

>> No.28243321

> Owning LTC in 2021

It's remarkable it even reached $180. The only reason this coin isn't done is because of normies being retarded. Once the market wises up a bit more, LTC will lose all it's value.

>> No.28243380

Follow what money? Everything outperforms LTC. Even fucking scams such as WTC. What's next? Buy BCH right?
A lot more, starting with security.
If you enter these markets with a "we all know" you're in for a bad time. This used to be the case perhaps years ago, especially when btc took 2hs (if you got lucky) to transfer, which is no longer the case. A pump is likely coming on btc pair but to what point? For a measly 10-15% or 20% at best? Virtually all coins will outperform it.
Everything is mooning, congrats on recovering your 5eur/6usd.
Likely bullshit
Did you see that on the internet? Do you feel like a part of the club? Does it make you special?

>> No.28243505
File: 56 KB, 431x431, groyper ltc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.28243556

what kind of gigacope is this mass reply lmao

did you sell the bottom

>> No.28243565

that's retarded, do you bash dodge too because normies bought it if it could you net x6-8 in past two months?

>> No.28243678


>> No.28244013

He probably owns XRP and BSV lol

>> No.28244145

This is definitely early. People havent even dumped their BTC gains into alts yet because thats what you *do* with bitcoin.

>> No.28244284
File: 152 KB, 1148x746, 1585276895011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its better than bitcoin, yet more popular than everything else that claims that title

>> No.28244346

xrp holders have been dca'ing into ltc because of flare. so congrats, on your new strange bedfellows.

>> No.28244394

Can someone explain like I'm 5 why the LTC chart is at 1 year high for USD but 1 year low for BTC?

Should I buy ? Id be buying with USD at the top..?

>> No.28244425

Lol my thoughts exactly. What a seething dork

>> No.28244516

Bc BTC is crushing it in comparison to LTC

>> No.28244541

flare airdrop gonna make LTC fucking MOOOOOOOOOON to $1k. About time ol' LTC gets its day in the sunshine.

>> No.28244621

Because the price of btc is not static? How are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.28244664

i-is it actually mooning?

>> No.28244791
File: 17 KB, 407x407, 1592174744738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This didn't age well. I hate this fucking shitcoin as much as you do, but you'd have to be a veteran gluesniffer to not see that it's about to explode against BTC. Look at the fucking LTCBTC chart right now.

>> No.28244819

Stop being a retard.

How much does LTC cost in terms of dollars? $182...This is LTC/USD

How much does LTC cost in terms of BTC? 0.003908 bitcoin...This is LTC/BTC

Its all relative in your frame of reference. You could say LTC costs 91 2$-tacos and graph it that way too.

>> No.28244843

Please God no, let it drop I fucking need more PLEASE

>> No.28244876

Damn dude, you're fucking retarded

>> No.28244955

And I'm talking the monthly and the weekly. This shit isn't just going to pop off and stop. It's easily going past $1000.

LTC is a major fucking shitcoin, but when the chart is set up like it is, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy as traders and bots take advantage of the inevitable.

>> No.28244980

Ive been on this shit all day and made some slow gains but nothing crazy going on yet

>> No.28245018

Does flare token even worth any money? Also, when is the drop

>> No.28245289

I don't need to cope, because I bought it when it was $20 and sold it for $80. After that, I made profits with the profits.

People buying LTC this late are fucking stupid. You are both fucking copers. DOGE pissed me off, it's all just fucking bullshit.

>> No.28245464

dog shares have dipped now is the time to enter

>> No.28245514

>buying LTC this late
You mean early, since it has not mooned yet and is almost the cheapest in BTC it has ever been

>> No.28245631

>People buying LTC this late
I genuinely don't understand how you can be this fucking retarded. Look at the LTCBTC chart. Anyone who has held LTC for the last 3 years has lost against BTC, meaning it was a bad trade.

It is only now, in february/march that LTC will begin to gain on BTC.

>> No.28245681

This is 100% accurate as my retard friends buy and care about its price action lol

>> No.28246113

>Ive been on this shit all day
This isn't an ADHD trade. LTC might still go lower before it explodes in late february/early march.

If you're a newfag who needs to see 30% increases every single day, this trade is not for you. This is for patient traders who are willing to wait weeks or even a couple of months for a certain 400% gain against BTC, and surely a lot more against USD.

>> No.28246132

>I don't need to cope, because I bought it when it was $20 and sold it for $80
>DOGE pissed me off
This is what massive cope is KEK.

>> No.28246249

You're just reassuring yourself. I bought this when it was $20 in 2018 because I was an idiot newfag to crypto and believed it would pump long-term. And it did, but LTC this late in the game is fucking retarded. YOU are fucking retarded if you unironically follow this coin with money invested in it.

>> No.28246361

>believed it would pump long-term
The only thing that matters is how it performs against BTC. And you lost a lot of sats holding onto this shitcoin.

Smart money is only beginning to enter LTC now.

>> No.28246426

You're fucking retarded if you think its "this late" in the market retard. God go do so fucking research newfag.

>> No.28247991
File: 1.45 MB, 2558x1394, pic_related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Shilling LTC

Right, I'm the fucking newfag. Here's a screenshot of some of my LINK buys/sells. My biggest regret in life. But also proof I was on /biz/ long before you. Fucking faggot. I'll show you my LTC profits next.

You are a fucking retard. I'm a hermit that has spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours in crypto, and even more hours on /biz/ (regretfully). I lost out on LINK because of some discord trannies in 2019. But I have been on /biz/ since early 2018, and 4chan since early 2008. I'm responsible for the media thinking Toby "The Eggman" Reynolds was the Oregon Shooter.

Me? A newfag? You are so fucking stupid it blows my mind. I'm trying to fucking tell you that LTC is a normie retard fucking buy. I'm TRYING to help you, you stupid fucking faggot. But keep coping, keep telling yourself how great LTC is to help you COPE with your faggot normie buy.

I FUCKING HATE FAGGOTS LIKE YOU. Faggots who have been on /biz/ for like 3 months and think you know shit. FUCK YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU. LTC IS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

pic related, all my regrets

>> No.28248186
File: 10 KB, 200x200, Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally sold your ltc before the the new cycle even began newfag.

>> No.28248230 [DELETED] 

I will find you and rape you in front of your mother

>> No.28248296

Based on IoUs that are being traded for it before the drop, something like $0.20 to $.40. Its supposed to start dropping next month I believe. If the ecosystem works out it will have made holding that xrp bag into the snapshot worth it.

>> No.28248403

>bragging about being a shit trader

lmao dude where is your argument?

>> No.28248423
File: 121 KB, 884x809, muh link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm TRYING to help you, you stupid fucking faggot.
And I'm trying to help you. I've been in this game since the 2013 bubble. I bought ETH at $15 and I accumulated LINK in 2017. I'm telling your retarded ass; LTC is going to explode against BTC in the coming weeks. And anyone who looks at the LTCBTC chart and doesn't see that should not be trading cryptocurrencies.

>> No.28248701
File: 140 KB, 112x112, 1612457419664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that much fucking link

>> No.28248859
File: 30 KB, 606x524, biz_symbiotic_relationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This changed my mind a bit. So, normies are fomoing in because of BTC hype, and "smart money" is buying LTC to dump on normans.

It's too risky for me. I live hermit neet lifestyle buying and selling. I have to cash out 4K a month minimum in profits to pay for my living expenses.

I still think LTC is kind of a shit/risky buy, and the person I was responding too >>28246426
is actually a fucking retard who is buying LTC in a low iq - high iq symbiosis with people like you.

good luck then anon

>> No.28248954

holy fuck

>> No.28249021

LTC will 2X minimum. Patience is a virtue. HODL, niggers

>> No.28249042

It's alright, buddy. I agree with you that Litecoin is a fucking shitcoin, but the chart is telling me that it's going to go fucking nuclear within 1 month from now, so I don't give a shit how much of a shitcoin it is.

If I'm putting 50 BTC into LTC today, I'm getting 250 BTC back 3 months from now. That's fucking guaranteed.

>> No.28249128
File: 16 KB, 300x250, McHODLbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real ticket to mars is $MCDC https://mcdcoin.finance/

>> No.28249191

4x min

>> No.28249413

dont u have a street to shit in?

>> No.28249454


>> No.28249516

>If I'm putting 50 BTC into LTC today, I'm getting 250 BTC back 3 months from now. That's fucking guaranteed.
ok, now i'm sold

>> No.28249686

How do you see how much its doing better against btc?

>> No.28249771

I put 2k in more, idc about dips or not bc I know this will shoot up

>> No.28249789

Imma just say paypal crypto merchants payment. If you were a normal Karen would you prefer buying a dildo with 1 ltc or with 0.0000472636 btc? Exactly . Accumulate until march and you'll thank me

>> No.28250725

Just hit $180 you fucking cuck.

>> No.28250944

I kneel to your wisdom. I'm a huge newfag. What about the BTC/LTC chart is telling you that LTC is gonna surge like that?