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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28235004 No.28235004 [Reply] [Original]

Am I gonna make it bros? I'm the anon who was homeless for a few years until I fixed my shit, got a $8 per hour job, and got a bank account in the last week of January. I immediately got into crypto right after.

Also since I'm a poorfag I followed age old /biz/ advice of only holding 3 or less coins.

>> No.28235066


how does $162,000 sound?

>> No.28235157

Oh god that would change my life. I've legit been living on less than $5000 for the past 2 years.

>> No.28235342

>Am I gonna make it
>3 figures

>> No.28235387
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Trade one of your link for algo.

You're gonna make it fren.

>> No.28235527

you need to gamble on shitcoins

>> No.28236584

That's why its called 3 figure hell.

>> No.28236683
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Same here three figure hell bro

>> No.28236698

How does $84 quintillion sound?

>> No.28236701

Slow and steady, anon. You're gonna make it

>> No.28237102

Thanks bros, WGMI

>> No.28237869

Damn I guess there aren't that many people on /biz/ in 3 figure hell.

>> No.28238000

I'm there too, i have about 600 dollars (maybe more i haven't checked) of xrp, and like 17 dollars in shib
hoping for shib to moon

>> No.28238113

Looks like shib will moon soon, brother

>> No.28238194

most of us are on 5 figure hell.

Are you using Coinbase? at your level the fees are going to eat you up.

>> No.28238236
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It's pocket change for the old fags, I hate myself for not coming to /biz/ earlier, and staying on /pol/

>> No.28238341

I am, any suggestions on what to get from there?

>> No.28238384

just learn to code and get a fucking job

>> No.28238395

kek I actually remember when was created as a spinoff from /pol/ though the actual date escapes me

I loved the liberterian bitcoin maymays but never bought in at that time

>> No.28238407

You are holding two coins that have already mooned

>> No.28238544

no, its called being retarded. you can work some shitty job for 1 week, maybe 2 max and make 4 figures

>> No.28238585

Wouldn't that take me like 2 years of pure studying? I'm 32 but if its necessary I'll do it.

I do recall /biz/ telling me getting a job in code was a bad idea since its hard to get in especially with no college.

>> No.28238611
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Me too, I have been here since 2010, I came to check what /biz/ was about, I then came a year ago to try to buy shitty stocks, which I never I did, I could be rich by now if I wasn't a retard

>> No.28238733

I wish i knew whether coding is a meme job or not

>> No.28238757

>tfw military and 2 weeks gets me 3 digits
military was a mistake

>> No.28238861


Dealing with crypto is about knowing your limits and exit points.

If let's say Link or Graph moon next week and your portfolio reaches $1000 dollars what are you going to do?

You need to plan ahead.

(and if you can not use Coinbase or at least used coinbase pro)

>> No.28238929
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>tfw college student in a third world country
At least I can be a lawyer in a couple of years

>> No.28239019

what's special about coinbase pro? do i need to pay extra for it?

>> No.28239039

I only started with 900 last march (recently swapped 1 ETH to AAVE), it's definitely gonna be much harder from 100 but I hope you make it fren :)

>> No.28239053

You can make it to 4 figures this run, 5 figures next run, and 6 figures the run after. Your make it ETA is 6-8 years

>> No.28239059


It is and it isn’t depending on where you are. In a city? Fuck off, there are a million H1Bs that are gonna price you out. In a small town? Fuck off, there’s no industry there. In a small-medium city with a couple big employers and a hospital? You might get something if you start in hardware

>> No.28239147
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oops forgot my folio

>> No.28239198

I think I started lurking /pol/ since 2013 and of all places I came form Russia Today lmao.

Tbh Crypto is a unique opportunity to make it with a large enough war chest ($10,000+)

Individuals have never had such an opportunity to speculate as now.

>> No.28239205

unironically CRV, LTC

>> No.28239279

Gonna be a while mate, holding when you're skint is the toughest part.

>> No.28239316

3 figures is not considered as being hell because you can easily make that in <1mo by just working at mcboomers

>> No.28239321
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>> No.28239378

No, it has better fees.
I think it's 1% rather than 3% for buying crypto.

Binance is better but the US has been cucked on that

>> No.28239394

Fill out surveys online, heard somewhere it pays out minimum wage. Guessing you’ve already collected the coinbase earn rewards.

>> No.28239400

Don't give the wildlife hope anon. They will forget how to survive in the wild and die from starvation.

>> No.28239516
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>> No.28239523

You’re doing good, keep going
Accumulate coins
Buy Xrp

>> No.28239588

you got any better ideas, uniswap gas fees make it unfeasible to use for anything, so coinbase is all i really got

>> No.28239616

Congrats, 2,000 USD EOY

>> No.28239632

Thanks man, I appreciate it. You too!
>Guessing you’ve already collected the coinbase earn rewards
I applied but they haven't gotten back to me. It's been almost a week.
Thanks fren

>> No.28239885

Presumably because it doesn't apply to you

>> No.28240485

Same here , but as a third worlder there is just no way here to save money now, went from 150 to 200 last week (could've gone up to 250/300 if I didnt sell out too early on doge), now betting 70 on a shitcoin expecting a x10 that would get me at the doorsteep of 4digits hell.
Be patient and try to put at least 1/3 on a shitcoin that you are 100% will moon.
WGMI sooner or later.

>> No.28240607

This is some weak ass bait anon, try harder.

>> No.28240726

>work one day
>earn three figures
>deposit 3 figures into coinbase

>> No.28240903

WGMI brother, we just to keep going at it
>3 figures
>in 1 day
I'm jealous NGL. I will work to get to that level one day

>> No.28241257

Wish I could make that much so I could invest, I make $10 a day

>> No.28241590
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>> No.28241919

You just need to keep depositing money regularly, otherwise your gains will be pathetic.

>> No.28241997

Keep living as if you're homeless and put everything into your investments, WAGMI

>> No.28242166

If you work at a fucking grocery store you can save up 4 digits easily, jerk off. The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.28242199

sell now. this is the top

>> No.28242353

That's the plan.
Thanks fren, WGMI!
I can't, I have to keep accumulating!

>> No.28242842

Don't diversify as much. Go all in on Link right now then put some more fiat in when you can into XMR if you like it, or ETH/BTC

>> No.28243032
File: 77 KB, 316x309, 1511123706640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god i kekd thank you

>> No.28243051

>3 figure hell
>holding coins that have already had their big moons
Those coins are meant to be for people that already have a decent amount of money and just want a small but safe increase. You should look at low market cap shitcoins that have potential to 10x or greater in a short period of time and go all in.

>> No.28243583

What is this app that everyone uses to keep track of their coins?

>> No.28243667


>> No.28243762

I am bruh. All in algo, maybe 100$ in btc

>> No.28243767

I am trying to get REEF to moonshot, after that I will go all in in both XMR and LINK

>> No.28243808

I want to get into shitcoins but I need to use metamask/uniswap don't I? Since I only use coinbase. I heard something about outrageous "gas" fees from trading ETH for shitcoins that it isn't worth using in the double digit amounts.

>> No.28244247

3 figure hell? How tf did you get so poor that you can't hustle up a thousand bucks?

>> No.28244308

Don't even think about using uniswap with such small amounts. Get on a smaller exchange like probit if you want to trade shitcoins (and fall for scams like asko or rubic)


>> No.28244418

>and fall for scams like asko or rubic
Hold up, so I don't use probit either for the scams? Shit man it feels like being priced out from success with crypto.

>> No.28244534

I literally did this for 7 months and make enough money now to not work at all. Suck it up and get a job no matter how shit it is.

>> No.28244778

You can use probit for them if you want, just warning you not to because those two are dead. Probit generally has coins before bigger exchanges like coinbase or binance so there's a better chance of finding something that will pump a few hundred percent.

>> No.28244895

> yfw when he sells them for $16.20 after the correction