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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28233967 No.28233967 [Reply] [Original]

Tosa Finance aims to become a new protocol that adds features to existing DeFi systems.

Tosa Finance currently plans to add:

Yield Farming with Uniswap LP token
Yield farming with Sushi LP tokens.
Sythentic assets to Uniswap based on UniV2-LP tokens.
Sythentic assets to Uniswap based on Sushi LP tokens

What is Tosa Token

The Tosa token acts as a governance token for the fully community run project. It is also backed by the insurance fund where all Tosa Finance fees go.

* No Team tokens
* Admin key burned
* Liquidity locked forever

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000,000 $TOSA
half burned to VB

>> No.28234090

t. me/tosatoken

big day is tomorrow

>> No.28234478

BAO 2.0? will check it

>> No.28234594

what's the dextools

>> No.28234703


>> No.28235412

I've got my bags packed before the degens see the announcement and ape in. Ready to rake in those sweet rewards.

>> No.28235545

LP is very low will there be a second LP token?

>> No.28235809

Holding a comfy amount, waiting Wednesday moonshot and news

>> No.28236306

yes an Lp and farming token is in the works

>> No.28236455

So what is Tosa's purpose in the ecosystem? i know it has RFI + doge qualities.