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28224741 No.28224741 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these coins have the best fundamentals, and most growth potential in your opinion?

>> No.28224989

Easy. LTO. Still under 100mil cap yet its a top 10 blockchain by daily transactions, with 99.5% of them coming from actual businesses. Google ' united nations lto network'

All fucking in

>> No.28225078

If we're talking aiming for the stars, then chainlink with their insane derivative market they want to target.
ETH is getting itself gassed by the minute, so hope 2.0 comes out soon.
LTO has strong fundamental tokenomics, but depends on client adoption which currently looks not so shabby
Don't know anything about PNK and PRQ

>> No.28225159

obviously PNK

>> No.28225245
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>> No.28225465

For 2021, I’d say AVAX

>> No.28225856
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>> No.28226014


>> No.28226316

> growth potential
newfag here, how can I calculate the growth potential of a coin? based on mcap, circulating supply etc.

>> No.28226445

I sold at 0.28 should I buy back in

>> No.28226713

marketcap and fundamentals (e.g. partnerships, network usage)

>> No.28226819

There's a lot of factors, but it all boils down to:

>Is this coin a rugpull?
>If not, does this coin have a valid usecase?
>If it has a valid usecase, are there better competitors?
>If there are no competitors and has a valid usecase, what is the proper marketcap for that coin?
>And lastly if it has a usecase, has no competitors, and is undervalued relative to it's current marketcap, then do you believe the team to pull it off?

That's pretty much how I go about coins. There are other things to consider too tough, like github activity, wallet allocation, is the team anonymous? (big redflag)

>> No.28226879

nah, you got paper hands bruh stick to your dayjob

>> No.28227143

Avax either flips Ethereum this year or dies when Ethereum 2.0 comes out.

>> No.28227300

i have approximately $1k in eth that I want to spend on coins. i already have some link i was thinking of buying avax. is it good?

>> No.28227415

ok thanks, so basically I have to consider good fundamentals, that's all.

>> No.28228243

Anybody any idea how Deri works. I cant wrap my head around it. Does the token have potential for the future? pre-mining only just began.

>> No.28228304

good. If you're not a total retard at researching, then you're already ahead of 50% of the people here

>> No.28228455

Yes, but expect a further retrace.

>> No.28228526

AVAX dies when Ethereum 2.0 comes out

>> No.28228536

solid list, pick anything but link

>> No.28229661

My lil ALGO doin sum

>> No.28230998

I doubt it

>> No.28232095

ETH dies when ETH 2.0 comes out and is a shittier AVAX

>> No.28233097
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