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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28220797 No.28220797 [Reply] [Original]

what books does /biz consider must reads?

I am trying to put together a list for the rest of 2021

>> No.28221147

Here's a bunch of /biz/ related ebooks

>> No.28221181

shit biz books, looks like /pol/ shit.
Go read Milton Friedman or Adam Smith if you want something good

>> No.28221365

Be forewarned so you don’t make a fool of yourself, not every fact in that book is true. It’s an interesting read but the guy makes unsupported claims like a US senator being assassinated in the 1920s by Rothschild assassins but everything I could find said he died of heart disease

>> No.28221607

>thinking assassins at that level ever get caught
JFK wants to have a word with you

>> No.28221648

Atlas Shrugged is all you need.

>> No.28221726


Link does not work, anon. Any other /biz library?

Bonus for non-bullshit books, as >>28221181 suggests

>> No.28221779

The book you posted is literally schizophrenic nazi incel tier. Very embarrassing...

>> No.28221797

All I’m saying is that there is literally nothing anywhere to support the claim that his death was a homicide of any kind. I’m not saying it’s not true, I believe (((they))) kill people for that stuff, but this particular case in his book is unsubstantiated. For all I know he made it up. It hurts his credibility when there is plenty of factual information out there about the dastardly deeds of banking cartel

>> No.28221879

It works for me just fine, I'm testing it out right now, any others verify?

>> No.28221892


>> No.28222040


It does work for me now to. Idk, weird shit can happen with Mega

>> No.28222274
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>> No.28222455

Yah I get you, no worries. I was just saying just because it wasn't recorded as an assassination or even a murder means pretty much nothing honestly. The (((soviets))) had a dart they could shoot out of an umbrella in the 70's to kill people of heart attack. There are people dying by the millions of the flu and every other shit they write as covid etc.

The medical examiners are as crooked and political and as any other government positions.

This is a p good article
The History Of The House Of Rothschild

and this is one of the best documentaries you will find anywhere on central banking
The Money Masters The Rise Of The Bankers - Full Documentary

good audiobook here OP

Gottfried Feder -- Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money (1919) - Full Audio Book

>> No.28222511

>On The Jews & their Lies, Martin Luther

>> No.28222545
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What a trash fucking book. It ends up DEFENDING central banking in the end.
Eat shit and die OP

We need to abolish central banking entirely and implement FREE BANKING.

Read Mises and Rothbard.

>> No.28222624

Culture of critique. I also recommend Meditations so you guys don't freak out over dips or fomo.

>> No.28222722

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.28222827
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>> No.28222984
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Ignore this fag, link works

>> No.28223003
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p good netflix series on the Medici I have been watching the last coupel days. The medici were the Templars that took over the Vatican bank leading the way to Rothschdilds


I wrote this for some fags on /his/ in a Templars thread (pic rel). I know it will sound crazy at first but I assure you it is all true

>> No.28223116
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Bitcoin is the new savings account. Sooner you figure it out the better.

>> No.28223525
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Due to all of the crypto shilling on this board pic related

>> No.28223851

Sovereign Individual
The Nature of Money
The Philosophy of Money by Simmel
Niall Ferguson's Rothschild histories and The Ascent of Money
Hypernormalization has some cool William Gibson / credit fintech stuff in it it's on YouTube. You can find the books on libgen.

>> No.28223965


Brainlet confirmed

>> No.28224016

here was a soviet ricin gun as well


>> No.28224200
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>> No.28224333

>Go read shit that is utopian instead of learning how things actually are
Machiavelli would be good for you to read desu

>> No.28224369
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This is a good read, not just for your investment strategies but also for life. You can start to find "hidden risks" that other people are blind to and it can protect you and also be insanely profitable. Also makes good argument to structure your portfolio "barbell style" with options.
His other books, Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness are also good ones but Antifragile kind of wraps up their main points into 1 book.

>> No.28224548
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A good supplement to this is pic by Daniel Kahneman. Its more about human nature and empirical psychology, but highly relevant to biz ventures and learning how humans operate. Also opens your eyes to some of the jewish tricks you are currently falling for.

>> No.28224980

Thanks, anon. These are right up my street. Any more on the psychological side of things?

>> No.28224984
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Another good supplement is this one is:
Derivative Products and Pricing: The Das Swaps and Financial Derivatives Library
by friendly australian pajeet Satyajit Das. Treat it like a manual. You need to understand this in order to trade like smart money.

Das actually has better books which I'll post next...

>> No.28225272
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This one by Das is REALLY good.
>Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives
Das is a former banker and in this book he explains how smart money makes their trades. You can start with this one if you want some redpills but you will probably have to read it again if you want to attempt to copy smart money strategies. Banks make trades that they already know the outcomes to. Very insightful and helps you cut out the other bullshit waste-of-time "investing" strategies.

>> No.28226058

Stephen Zarlenga's "The Lost Science of Money"
It is a fascinating look at the history of 'money' with some Libertarian-esque prescriptions for the monetary system at the end.

>> No.28226095
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>on the psychological side of things?
This one is OK. Applicable to markets, however after I read Antifragile I tend to think of crowds as being more retarded. He gives 3 criteria for situations where crowd wisdom should be right most of the time. He gives reference to good anecdotes and empirical studies. On the wikipedia page there are critical responses to this book/theory that you might also find interesting.

By the way, all of these books are available as PDF on VK or libgen.

>> No.28226340
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Another gem from Das,
>The Age of Stagnation: Why Perpetual Growth is Unattainable and the Global Economy is in Peril
from 2016. All what he predicted is coming true now and we are basically in "its happening" times.

>> No.28226553
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It's drivel if anyone says you're a racist for reading this book. It gives some insight into what one of the most influential person in history was thinking.

>> No.28228041

Sounds great. Cheers, anon, much appreciated. It's definitely interesting to understand the ways people think as a whole when in larger groups

>> No.28228251

Agree with this.
Also would recommend some of Marx later works. Forget which one exactly, but where he talks about late-stage capitalism and how commies will take over, REALLY MAKES YOU THINK about current state of the west.

>> No.28228271

Yeah he also claimed JP Morgan was Jewish when he was in fact known to be an "anti semite" (at least his dad was).

>> No.28228422

Hitler was NOT pro-crypto. He wanted to kill all the slavs, which would mean no sergey

>> No.28228512

You are such a faggot retard

>> No.28228632
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>> No.28228698


>> No.28228704

Princes of the Yen is a good addition to OPs book.

Books for actually knowing if something is a good investment or not
>a good stats book, pick any from the /sci/ wikia
>Options, Futures and Other Derivatives - Hull
>Game Theory - Sloan, Zamir & Maschler
>The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion
>The Statistical Conciquences of Fat Tails - Nassim Taleb

I'll check out this Day guy.

>> No.28228738
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Marx was a /biz/raeli before his time, literally sat around daytrading on the London stock exchange while living a NEET lifestyle on Engels' dime. He was also right about everything and a true friend of the wagie

>> No.28228824
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This is probably much more relevant for you.