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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28215724 No.28215724 [Reply] [Original]

My friend who experienced the last crypto bull run said after this is all over everything will crash by 80%, this worries me what do you guys do to protect yourselves?

>> No.28215787

Take profits

>> No.28215914

would sire a child with

>> No.28215925

Don't leave unrealised gains unrealised.
Payn taxd too

>> No.28215993

who is

>> No.28216004

you think all the big corps that bought 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin is going to sell at a loss? the correction won't be so bad. the bubble will pop after the stimulus checks roll out and people will make one last hail mary bet before withdrawing at a loss to feed themselves

>> No.28216103


You can't just assume that what happened in 2017 will happen now as well.

Things have changed. We have DeFi now. It may be a golden bull run with multiple ups and downs but not with the volatility of 2017.

Shit is real.

>> No.28216104

wow your friend sounds like a finance super genius, definitely take his word as gospel

>> No.28216217

>all the big corps
Tesla is not all the big corps. And don't think they won't be taking profits.

>> No.28216237

Sorry to break it to you anons, but that's

>> No.28216259

Your friend has a single experience and he's projecting that bias onto you. It's 2021 not 2018.

>> No.28216265

i'll take the losses like a man

>> No.28216319

There isn't going to be an 80% dump this time. Everyone already knows about the 4 year market cycle, this means it will always be priced in

>> No.28216326

oh that

>> No.28216384

fuck dammit
shit fuck
who is this lol you fucker

>> No.28216412

Kek, you still believe that murrica matters for the crypto world? They loose power everday since theire binance ban.

>> No.28216414

is your friend a millionaire? if they can reliably time the market top then they should at least be a millionaire, if not a billionaire

>> No.28216432
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I only just started investing so I hope this happens so I can get in on cheapies

>> No.28216435

"This time it's different"
Have fun bagholding for a couple of years when the bear comes knocking again.

>> No.28216611

yea it seems like when the bull starts running everyone thinks this is the one

>> No.28216616

>There isn't going to be an 80% dump this time.
Correct, it's going to be closer to 90%.

>> No.28216735


>> No.28216829

Just hold through it. Bitcoin has literally never crashed below previous ATH. So even if an 80% correction comes at 500k I'll be significantly up

>> No.28216867

I wear a condom.

>> No.28216891

When nothing makes sense anymore, and everyone is asking you how to buy bitcoin stocks, convert 75% to USDC and leave the rest in your favorite chain (ETH, BTC, LTC, DOT, ADA , SOL, etc) after everything crashes and you think thank god now I can get btc at 50% off, stop and wait another 2 weeks and then buy btc at 75% off.

This will happen when you have two black swans on both sides of the world. IE Yellen says crypto addresses must be attached to passports or some type of ID, and that all transactions must be taxed, or some new gov agency is being set up to track crypto on defi, etc; coupled with some IMF and CHINA bad news and boom crypto drops 50% over night.

Trust me. This will not go on forever. If you are already up something ridiculous like 500% cash out your initial investment and then you have nothing to worry about. At this point I would not use a single dollar to buy anything. Only trade one asset for another.

>> No.28216948


>> No.28216982


I fucking hope so, so i can buy up so greedily.

Gonna get fat sacks of BTC / ETH / LINK

my 1200 LINK the only thing keeping me from KMS

Fuck you PNK

>> No.28217036

a man

>> No.28217102


kys boomer jew there's still profits to be made

>> No.28217115

> up more than 12,000%

> bagholding

>> No.28217201

any more of her?

>> No.28217485

>will crash by 80%
Good. That means cheapies. I hope it does so I can fill my bags even more. Your friend is a cuck that lacks long-term and abstract thinking skills. Ngmi

>> No.28217823

You buy LTO due to the tokenomics and the fact that nobody actually knew the math on this coin until riddler told /biz to do the math last week. /biz did the math, /biz started buying/ biz started leasing and cant find a reason to ever sell LTO as its all about the APY. Didnt you notice the LTO generals getting busy?

>> No.28218275

Nothing apart from BTC is gaining any significant adoption to justify some of these crazy valuations on random altcoins. DeFi on ETH is barely a year old, two years at most, and you retards think it's ready to replace all the legacy financial services?DeFi is in it's infancy and is nothing more than an experiment right now. Also it's going to take a couple of years before ETH can scale to support these applications on a huge scale. And the only reason BTC is so popular right now is because everyone is afraid of crazy inflation levels and the subsequent collapse of the current financial system. Guess what happens when those fears don't become reality? Yeah bro, this time it's definitely different.. Everything apart from BTC will drop around 90% and BTC will probably drop 70-80%. That being said, this bull run still has some steam in it, nobody can tell where the top is going to be.

>> No.28218343




>> No.28218393
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instagram: nochtlii, coalburner unfortunately.

>> No.28218493

obviously. it's fucking Notchli

>> No.28218547

I've followed crypto since 2013, saw the 2018 crash, didn't sell anything, didn't even check the prices until recently. Portfolio dipped probably 90% 1-2 years ago but didn't care much as I knew it'd bounce back up again and now it's better than ever before.

I'm sure that's gonna happen again within the next 6 months, the only thing I'm gonna do differently is keep buying BTC/ETH also during the bad times, because after a year or two (max) they're going up and even higher again

>> No.28218578

If you want to stay in the crypto market, move over to a stable coin. Maybe do some yield farming while you are at it.

>> No.28218647

Oh and less shitcoins. Only assets with real promise. LINK was the best bet for me last time and got 60x from it. Every other shitcoin went pretty much to zero

>> No.28219891

Lol you people that parrot this garbage are the absolute biggest retards.
You're going to get absolutely, unequivocally, rekt. Because you deluded yourself and were unprepared.
Try not to kill yourself when it happens kid.

>> No.28220053

fuck off pajeet

>> No.28220231

>80% loss
I'd still be in the green, cashed out my initial and let it ride

>> No.28220372

the suspense is killing me

>> No.28220524

Take profits in order of what you would feel least comfortable riding down. I started with very little so my portfolio is full of shitcoins. I've been selling them off since the new year and will get rid of them at an increasing pace this month. That's all going straight into usdc. I'm not selling aave, eth, and xor until we see signs it's unironically over. Might even just keep them then since I'm up like 10x over my initial fiat.

>> No.28220562

Does anyone realky thinks defi will replace traditional finance? A tiny fraction of the market is valued at trillions. I'm betting on a tiny fraction.

>> No.28220569

>everyone knows who these whores are
Stupid coomer

>> No.28220654
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buy high, sell low
thats the winning strategy

>> No.28220716

why can't any of you got damn 3rd worlding ching chong street sniffing bullsack glazing cunts tell the difference between loose and lose

>> No.28220764

Bro the IRS can't even correctly withhold my taxes and sent me a wrongful refund amount in 2016 and just sent me a bill for $100 like 3 weeks ago. They're fucking clowns.

>> No.28220817

He's right, everything is tied to BTC and Eth. All it takes is for BTC to crash back down and everything else fuds hard.

>> No.28221013

Unironically take profits, take out all or most of your original stake, and let your gains ride. When it crashes to 5k levels, buy back in

>> No.28221113

burn the coal, pay the toll
>Buy high, sell low

two rules of life

>> No.28222594

long way to go before that happens, all though the ride up with be scary and much fud will be released. Just remember it will crash independent of fud.

>> No.28222749

It's not worth selling into stable coins because your gains will be taxed. If you time the top correctly and don't miss out on big gains you will still lose 30% to the IRS. Much safer to ride the whole bull run even though you will not have quite as much as a perfectly-timed cash out.

>> No.28223355


>> No.28223405

Buy the dip

>> No.28223418

He is very correct. But who the heck knows when the top will be. I best way to protect I’d say invest in properties with lots of land.

>> No.28223576

“Time the top” you will not be able to bring yourself to sell when the top is in.

>> No.28223618


Please don't fucking say it. Don't you fucking say it, man.