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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28212633 No.28212633 [Reply] [Original]

Be ready

>> No.28212829

tickets to the moon, this is the last call, i repeat this is the last call

>> No.28212871

fuck i wont be able to cash out before, fuck me dude i will lose so much money from this shitcoin

>> No.28213910
File: 81 KB, 1024x512, aiportraits_1563494594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is this free money going to be worth EOD?

>> No.28214217

Just another UNI clone. Wow.

>> No.28214349

Don't blame us for getting excited.
Blame Vitalik.

>> No.28214358

Nope a clone means it’s identical. This is faster and the fees are non-existent when compared to UNI.

>> No.28214623

>sold my UNI in January
>probably qualify for the airdrop because I was holding in December
>need to send UNI in order to make the get the airdrop

Suspicious. I don’t know if it’s worth buying back in just to get it.

>> No.28214829

Checked. Does pangolin have a token? If not what's the play here? Pls respond sirs I want money too

>> No.28214987

Will BNT get fucked because of Pangolin launching?

>> No.28215019

NVM I see it but where do I buy it???

>> No.28215096
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I'm convinced after todays price action that we are likely to go to $10 and above.

>> No.28215158

Any idea what coins they will support for liquidity pools ?

>> No.28215196

Is today the first day to claim the airdrop or the last? Sorry I am hungover and driving

>> No.28215232

after AEB and Pango in the same week we are due for another pamp I think

>> No.28215285

They've made it clear since December that you will have to do this to get the airdrop

>> No.28215313

So am I supposed to buy PNG?

>> No.28215387

Be careful man

>> No.28215452

Somebody tell me, please

>> No.28215495
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so if i don't qualify for an airdrop, buying pangolin is probably a pretty bad play? since itll be dumped?

>> No.28215697

Not likely anytime soon.
BNT has a fuck ton of liquidity staked
BNT is easily available on coinbase

>> No.28215727


>> No.28215799

link the contact you jew

>> No.28215824
File: 341 KB, 680x700, 1611106063270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any AVAX to be able to buy PNG on their exchange.

>> No.28215865


>> No.28215871

UNI and 1INCH are much higher than when they launched

SUSHI too but that’s a literal scam

This one will probably be a good long-term hold too

>> No.28215892

Maybe the Chinese will eat that too!

>> No.28215934

Here faggot, lets hope it flies


>> No.28216083

Thanks, anon

>> No.28216100

thanks man

>> No.28216547

Gas fees are to high
I only have 100 euros
It is not worth it sadly

>> No.28216605

Fuck it i'll throw 1ETH at this and reap the long term results

>> No.28217061

You need to pay with AVAX? No ETH?

>> No.28217355

>not defi

>> No.28217468

can buy with wrapped ETH (ETH that's been bridged onto ava network via aeb.xyz)

>> No.28217482

Their exchange uses AVAX for gas fees, which is why it's so cheap by comparison.

>> No.28217756
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Can I get my pangolin airdrop with a coinbase wallet?

>> No.28217801

wait, so I had UNI in December....All I have to do is transfer a single UNI to get the airdrop now?

>> No.28217862

Wait, how the fuck do i buy this?

>> No.28217954
File: 237 KB, 1009x538, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retards getting excited about nothing, zero exchange is 10 steps ahead.

>> No.28218009

what wallet do I need?

>> No.28218156


>> No.28218350


Haha yeah, open the telegram and see 5000 dudes struggling to use it and it locking up their shit. No thanks

>> No.28218440

>All available exchanges to get AVAX literally banned unless using a vpn

No thanks, I don't want the IRS coming after me over some bullshit

>> No.28218480

Holy fuck that's convoluted

>> No.28218571
File: 35 KB, 528x640, Screenshot 2021-02-09 190752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got scammed

>> No.28218637

Same reason I'm not holding any.

>> No.28218677

alright fuck you pangofags

>> No.28218709

so would it just be wiser to stack up on AVAX seeing that it is likely to be used as an alternative to ethereum from this point onwards?

>> No.28218840

Is their exchange the only place to buy the token?

>> No.28218907


>> No.28218920

it's on gate.io, retard

>> No.28218967

Banned as well

>> No.28219192


>> No.28219380

If I send Uni now will I still get airrdop?
These fees are ridic

>> No.28219448

Needing an entire novel for explaining a fucking dex, jesus

>> No.28219525

>So I got that as well but my metamask transaction shows complete?

>> No.28219535

really, when? i take back my statement, fren

>> No.28219603

also, if you're worried, you could always vpn it, buy from binance, and then claim you got it from gate or voyager, etc, while it was available

>> No.28219625

You retards read this link and tell me with a straight face that Crypto will be adopted by normies. We've reached peak saturation in the autistic market, this is the top. There has to be something better

>> No.28219802

Claim? probably as long as they dont ask for dates

>> No.28219827
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>We've reached peak saturation in the autistic market
i agree anon. this is absurd to think that at this point this entire defi market isn't just the most autistic retards in the world fighting against eachother and frontrunner bots as they decode the archaic tomes of how to do a basic task

>> No.28219838

Send token within 1 month of launch.
Is launch today?

>> No.28220080

how do we claim the air drop

>> No.28220744

any1 claimed this shit already?

>> No.28221416
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The retards going for copycats instead of the Golden Goose will be roping in 6 months.

>> No.28221555

How do I long this? Other than buying AVAX

>> No.28222657

Failed launch