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28211275 No.28211275 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Retards,

Thanks for coming to this edition of REQ Report. The last time I posted here, REQ was at $0.03 and had lots of interesting things going on despite its damaged reputation. Some of these things were a Coinbase Listing, drastically increased product usage, new team members, and more.

[For more information, check out this dev post @ https://www.quora.com/Is-it-worth-investing-in-the-Request-Network-REQ-cryptocurrency ]

Today, REQ stands at $0.06. A double in price! Wow. Who would've thought? Oh, that's right, I did. Don't be an idiot anon. The theory that the project is severely undervalued and is going to explode with Alt/DeFi season is becoming more and more likely. Will the baseless FUD become reality? Or will the fundamentals prevail? Who knows! We'll have to see next time.

Thanks for coming to the biweekly REQ Report!

Fellow Retard

>> No.28211903

Look what I found. Some autist in the Request community created a dashboard to show trends in the network usage.


This other autist thinks REQ will reach $1000


>> No.28212039

damn thats a nice dash, makes it easy to show what's actually happening w them

>> No.28212848

Yeah it is nice. they've been growing over the last months. if that keeps up, who knows.

>> No.28213046
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feeling comfy

>> No.28213093

wait does this mean the ~3000 tokens I bought 3 years ago aren't totally worthless anymore

>> No.28213168

3000 * 0.06 = $180

>> No.28213516

what do you think the price will be in a few years?

>> No.28213628

Are they still in the shrimp tracking business?

>> No.28213789

The same as it's been for the last 3 years.

>> No.28213811

honestly not sure. it depends on adoption and how the team implements token changes imo, those seem pretty important. If adoption continues and there is a coinbase listing, I really can see this hitting $0.30-0.50 short term. Long term? At least $1. If there is a really good amount of adoption and token mechanics? Maybe $10? Who tf knows in this market with moonboys. But at the end of the day if it succeeds I can't see it NOT hitting its previous ATH

>> No.28213995

Thanks. so it that $1000 guy completely off his rocker, or is that really possible in 15 years?

>> No.28214194

if i got reqt twice i would never forgive myself. i’m still having trouble forgiving myself right now

>> No.28214232

Most people still know REQ. They've just forgotten. If they're reminded and people start to realise the price is floored rn while the project grew and is better than ever..

all in retards

>> No.28214401

To be honest I have no idea if that's mathematically possible or not.

999,912,165(circulating supply) * $1000 = $999,912,165,000 market cap @ $1,000

Keep in mind, this doesn't account for the token burn. If REQ had serious adoption, the token burn would definitely decrease the circulating supply by a decent chunk.

So yeah, a trillion-dollar market cap doesn't seem likely to me right now. But what if crypto takes off in general, and has a collective 700 trillion-dollar market cap in 15 years? Maybe. I think there are just too many variables to know the answer to this.

>> No.28214501

I think this mindset is what may hold a lot of people back.

Yes, back in the hype stage people got burned. But it's important to not tie previous price action to current project fundamentals. Just looking at the project objectively without any consideration of the past, does it seem overvalued to you? If not, it may be a good buy for your portfolio

>> No.28214736

So, maybe? If like 90%+ of circulation gets burned off?

>> No.28214757

Bought 5k in 2017, 50k last summer, 250k a few weeks ago

>> No.28215066

Current day, yes it would have to be some crazy burn rate like 90+%.

If we are looking at a scenario 15 yrs in the future like you said, it probably wouldn't need to be a burn rate that large. Like 20-30%? Just off the top of my head, no actual math with that.

>> No.28215085

300k, is that how much I need to get to make it?

>> No.28215348

That's definitely a fat stack. I think you're in a good position

>> No.28216155

people got reqt in a degenerate market bubble in 2017/2018;

REQ was worth over 1.2bn with no product and they bought, then blaming the team for their shitty fomautism .

Now the REQ is cheap, the req is strong, the value rise, the Tx rise, the use rise.

>> No.28217230

Team are being productive, Binance AMA interview tomorrow as well.

>> No.28217404

Fuck off Abstract Tornado

>> No.28217626
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i was thinking the same. project has been steady and i still have a little love for it. i'm just waiting for one of my other positions to pump a little more before i come back. been considering it since .03

>> No.28218053

oh shit, i got reqt so much by this in 2018, sold my stack late 2018 i think, it was November or so

desu i made some fat gains on AVAX, LUNA etc. I'm surprised they still have like 33 mln in reserves and are also actively hiring

might buy $500-600 worth for the lulz and good old nostalgia times

>> No.28218591

>Abstract Tornado
the fuck is an abstract tornado

>> No.28218653

bro am I u im happy if those shit 3000k tokens reach half its value

>> No.28218757

abstract tornado was a mod on the old req discord

>> No.28218761

you're a req nufag anon, right? abstract tornado was the legendary req plebbit shiller until...when was it anons, did he give up around summer 2018 or so? haven't heard anything from him either, but then again i stopped lurking around anything req related

>> No.28218875

I've been in REQ since 2018, never paid attention to biz or discord tho. I am channeling my inner Abstract Tornado from now on

>> No.28219093

he was a reddit mod u absolute nufag

>> No.28219215

godspeed, anon, abstract was a fun shiller imho, somewhat retarded of course and just checking his plebbit username i see he isn't even posting on the req plebbit anymore

in any case, if i decide to buy some REQ to get REQT again, I'll devote them in your memory

>> No.28219225

ok ok i sowwy

>> No.28219356

im in the US and all my REQ is stuck in binance. how do i move it out

>> No.28219459

Not exactly sure what to do in regards to Binance. But I've been moving my REQ through KyberSwap and it has worked perfectly every time