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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1200x800, elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28204863 No.28204863 [Reply] [Original]

>[Tesla] is now valued at $700bn - more than Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, GM and Ford combined.

How is this possible?


>> No.28204951

It's not possible, it's the magic of imaginary markets

>> No.28204991

Its almost like everything is fucking bullshit or something.

>> No.28205215

Only because of Elon.

>> No.28205273

valuation =/= value

It never has.

>> No.28205328

Tesla leads the way in AI driving

>> No.28205330

chads keep on chad'n

>> No.28205366

they also do like solar cell shit dont they? people invest a lot because i guess they think theyll be a monopolistic entity in the future and are market leaders in recharging electric vehicles, solar energy stuff, etc.

>> No.28205446

It's possible because in 10 years Tesla is the only one of those companies that will still exist.

>> No.28205518

>This just in the stock market has no actual impact the real world value of something
Color me surprised, next you'll tell me the invisible hand drives the market instead of manipulation and money printing.

>> No.28205552
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4chan underestimated the power of onions
you constantly make fun of basedboys but they are making $250k annual salaries in the bay area and working as a cult collective to pump cringey onions shit

>> No.28205562

>space travel
>satellite internet
>electric vehicles
>next generation batteries
>solar panels

Yeah i got no idea why ameritards would want to give tesla a high valuation

>> No.28205606
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>B-but they're also working on AI and batteries!
>I-its so much bigger than just a car company

>> No.28205632

speculation that they'll be the primary provider of electric cars and battery tech in 10 to 20 years.

>> No.28205661


Because the value can be whatever people are willing to pay - enjoy the current market, and don't forget to have cash onhand for the dip.

>> No.28205663

M A R S. take the entire earth's gdp and it wouldnt be enough mars is gonna b big

>> No.28205683

we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. crash bitcoin. tesla will lose credibility and crash too

>> No.28205713

why does this make trannies seethe so much?

>> No.28205717

Because markets are speculative

>> No.28205729

>Zero profit

>> No.28205762
File: 129 KB, 960x684, 0_hveUhQYa36W6J4YJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla leads the way in AI driving

No lol, waymo is lightyears ahead of tesla

>> No.28205879

These headlines are made just for retards.
Stock value is not directly representative of the assets and operating business a company holds. Tesla doesn't own more factories, infrastructure, tooling, etc than those companies. It has a higher stock price.

>> No.28205961

>waymo is lightyears ahead of tesla

Have you ever examined your butthole? Its leaving a stain on /biz/

>> No.28205967

>number of miles equates to quality of algorithms
maybe the reason they have so many test miles is because they can't get it right

>> No.28205966

>why does this make trannies seethe so much?

Most of musks companies are unironically filled with tranny coders

>> No.28205994

Because it's a bubble. He himself said that it's way too overvalued and everyone knows this.
Yet normies somehow expect that a EV producers with only 18% market share (while still having no competitors yet lmao) is somehow gonna do better once GM, Ford, Audi releases their own EVs lel.

>> No.28206062

That makes it even stranger then, doesn't it?

>> No.28206066

This aint nothing different from the airline stock crash back in the 70s. I would have short the shit out of Tesla if my shithole country allows

>> No.28206110

Infinite money and perfectly timed bull PR that activates the algos when TSLA is about to hit a support.
Elon is insider trading, embezzling, etc. Just wait a few years it'll come out during the next fintech chimp out.

>> No.28206119

Waymo only works in geofenced areas that have been analyzed by 3D cameras. Tesla can hop on any road, anywhere. Good luck fag

>> No.28206146
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>> No.28206173

Toyota - legacy lineup
Volkswagen - a black hole of lawsuits and liability
Hyundai - embracing apple to survive
GM - Sells insurance to your grandma
Ford - formerly known for making farm equipment and an aluminum truck

Um, yeah I think we'll see

>> No.28206208

Clown World

The Nasdaq is also up ~ 100% from its lows of last year while unemployment is near the highs of century.

Honk honk

>> No.28206225

Only Tesla will be able to scale to any road anywhere. It won't even be close. Waymo requires training wheels. Also, they have remote operators ready to take over as needed. Doesn't sound like they're too confident even with their trained routes.

>> No.28206276

Because those other companies are failing miserably when it comes to going electric.

>> No.28206312

See: >>28206062

>> No.28206344

>This aint nothing different from the airline stock crash back in the 70s.
ok boomer
could have just said the dotcom bubble
why not talk about the farm bubble back in the great depression

>> No.28206360

Musk is the Anti-Christ. How have you not figured this out yet?

>> No.28206381

>Tesla isn't even on the chart
either Nvidia has better self-driving cars than Tesla or that chart is retarded

>> No.28206469

Also tesla isn't even included in your list so it isn't remotely useful.

>> No.28206477

>well uh duh car iz electric
>robo taxeeees
>elun mosk

>> No.28206529

>the future vs. the past
>hurrr which is more valuable

>> No.28206531

>barely articulate bipolar guy who is only popular because he memes on twitter
>the prophesied antiChrist
Go back to your heretical Evangelical pro homo church, moron.

>> No.28206530

Imagine a world where lidar is the terrain mapping system. All the cars are blinding the shit out of each others' sensors.

>> No.28206619

take into consideration that people are betting on batteries and their large scale adoption here as much or more than they are betting on his cars.

>> No.28206708

>a company that is kept profitable by ripping off governments for subsidies with our tax dollars, and has a total cult following from soiboi virtue signalers has an unsustainably high stock price
wow I'm shocked

>> No.28206741

Whats the point of going electric when all the charging stations are powered by fossil fuel?

>> No.28206799

so tesla batteries are worth more than the other 9 of the top 10 car manufacturers combined? Thats fucking retarded

>> No.28206854

lmao the delusion

>> No.28206950

developing 4th gen nuclear isn't immediately profitable either dipshit

>> No.28206952

Thanks to the fed

>> No.28206970

The world is moving on from the internal combustion engine, and none of them are serious competitors to Tesla. They're only going to realize it when it's already too late for them.

>> No.28207032 [DELETED] 

>Whats the point of going electric when all the charging stations are powered by fossil fuel?

b-b-but anon the electricity from tesla power tesla comes from solar and eco friendly energy sources. Just ignore the fact you gonna pay $2 per kwh to charge your tesla once (((they))) make fossil fuels illegal.

>> No.28207060

The limitless bounds of space exploration and exploitation!
I can't wait to gas every belter.

>> No.28207131

Cuz people even make coins for him.

$ElonX the new shit or what?

>> No.28207152

take a trip to /o/ for a while and realize that everyone hates you and your fucking cult

>> No.28207205

Government money, public research and massive hype.

>> No.28207269

Navya s.a.

>> No.28207276

Dude, they started the autonomous driving car era.
It's not even so much over valued...

>> No.28207370

/o/ is made up of extremely low iq poorfags clinging to technology from the 1980s because they can't afford anything better. They're irrelevant to the auto industry.

>> No.28207525

This is laughable cope.

>> No.28207542
File: 336 KB, 1548x1244, muhcombustion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of them are serious competitors to tesla
is that so, lol?

They aren't even the best in self driving tech either, and alphabet (google) is already selling sensor kits to driverless car companies through their company Waymo (that ends up being exponentially cheaper than tesla's). They also have a driverless taxi system already running in places where legislation allows it, for about the price of an uber.

>> No.28207544

im trying to think of a historical antecedent to Musk and people like him (eg Gates, Bezos et al). for a long time I consider them as the modern day ducal class; not exactly the king but masters of their own domains, unrestrained by tradition/dogma and hungry/resentful of the top of the pyramid enough to do wild shit

now im thinking theyre more like heroic figures. normans often refer to Musk as a real life Tony Stark (Ironman). Ironman is a superhero, the successor to the hero/demigod of the ancient greek tradition. a better version of human, someone with almost supernatural powers, which cults naturally formed around

of all of them, Musk is on the fastest track to the messianic figure which is the next level of the hero. dont bet against him

>> No.28207583

based and correct. fuck all boards except /biz/

>> No.28207618

i love /o/, great guys. but you can't tell me that electric motor is not the future, the tech is just better. of course, I think it still needs to be refined but early adopters seem to be very satisfied

>> No.28207712
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>> No.28207717

Only person smart enough to convert his liquidity into Bitcoin. Now even if stock holders cash out, he can buy the socks at market price and hold the price. The power of Bitcoin

>> No.28207746

it also costs twice as much as a comparable regular car

you are not going to save ~$20k on gas costs over the lifetime of your ownership

>> No.28207919

>and none of them are serious competitors to Tesla.
Yet Renault Zoe sold more in Europe than Tesla lmao.

>> No.28208054

Solid state batteries are forever a step away, cold weather is still a problem for range, charge times are still a problem. A gas station can service 100 people, fill every tank, and have them out of there inside of 30 minutes. In thirty minutes a EV charging station with 10 chargers can only service 30 people, people who won't have fully charged batteries.

Electric motors are markedly more efficient, but we cannot escape the harsh reality that is energy density. Liquid fuels like gasoline and diesel are absolute Godsends to us. That isn't going to just go away. The huge push for EVs is mostly political and that trend will not hold forever.

>> No.28208102

Elong Musk is based as fuck and he doesn’t care WTF anyone says about anything.
>oh lol electric cars are stupid
>heh you can’t compete with GM amount of cars
>eh you roof has fall off in road!
That fucking African is getting the last laugh on all those fags. Basically just expect Ford and GM and Dodge and Honda and Mitsubishi and fucking Oldsmobile all will go completely out of business inside 10 years.
MAYBE Toyota will make it. MAYBE Hyunday/Kia. Nobody else Tesla will have all the rest.

>> No.28208157

elon is nothing but a shill that other retards love to get shilled his bags

>> No.28208213

yeah. It is maybe the dumbest thing I have ever seen. This is going to end so poorly.

>> No.28208304
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Tesla makes electric cars that can drive themselves.
Why is an iPhone worth more than pic related?
>b-but other companies make electric cars too
Ok and other companies make smart phones. iPhone has the best brand tho.

>> No.28208432

This. They personally funded not one but two Bernie Sanders campaigns to the tune of hundreds of millions.

>> No.28208440
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>imagine believing Tesla is a car company

And I say this as a index investor who only "got" Tesla after it listed into sp500. I never bought and will not buy any shares of it.

>> No.28208446

>space travel
>satellite internet
That's not even Tesla. That's his private company SpaceX.

>> No.28208490

It won't be long before charging stations are powered by renewables (solar, wind, etc.) and nuclear.

>> No.28208514

>dude a giant red rock lmao

>> No.28208750

>Ford, GM
Boomer companies
Enjoy paying more just cause it’s German
>t. Audi driver

>> No.28208856

Apt phrasing.

>> No.28209200

Nobody cares what /o/tists think

>> No.28209316
File: 43 KB, 700x467, 5fc6b8f7037cbd0018613389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla archives Level 5 autonomy
>Tesla launches its own ridesharing app
>People can buy new tesla cars as an investment option
>List your new tesla model with level 5 autonomy to tesla's ridesharing app
>Uber and Lyft can't compete with tesla's ridesharing app because its cheaper due not needing a driver
>scooter-sharing bubble 2.0 happens but with teslas instead of electric scooters
>my new tesla investment car earns $35k/year on its own passively working on the ridesharing app
>my new tesla investment car pays for itself within 3 years and keeps earning me passive money every year
>people stop driving themselves because using tesla's ridesharing app is way cheaper than driving on your own
>all other car makers go bankrupt cause no one buys new cars anymore

>> No.28209521

>he thinks someone who wants to buy an electric vehicle would be caught dead in a Chevy
You’re fucking up your demographics. Also have you ever sat in a GM or Ford? It feels like the past. The aesthetics are all wrong, everything is flimsy plastic that breaks easily.
Teslas are just objectively nicer cars with a cooler brand. Maybe Mercedes can compete but then you have to pay premium for the mediocre German engineering meme.

>> No.28209793

hahah you lazy fag, this will not happen in the rest of your lifetime, level 5 autonomy is so damn complicated most coorporations already wrote off the losses and just pretending its ok for investors, like thay have been since 2015. go read something about it before you invest into level 5 autonomy mombot

>> No.28209808
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>Tesla leads the way in AI driving

They're actually worse than German prototypes from fucking 1993:


>> No.28209924


turdsla build quality is pure shit though, horrible materials, ultra-ugly interior and exterior desing. something only castrated high-estrogen men could enjoy.

>> No.28210002

I got rejected from a job and it was likely due to being unemployed for a year+ not counting the few weeks I got employed before I got fired for not brown nosing the fat lady manager and doing everything she demanded.

>> No.28210482

fkin based post. there was legislature in 2001 in US to force manufacturers to go 2 percent electric, it got pushed back so hard by lobby, Ford even made EV just to crush them later, anyway, fuel cell and hydrogen can reach similar fuel density while taking use of electrical motors, and most patents and pioneering discoveries for this tech has Honda and Toyota(see Mirai), there has been talk about fuel cells being perfected recently, but i suspect we have to yet go trough this EV bullcrap cause someone already bought all the lithium mines and wants them monetized. Hydrogen is tho a very advanced technology, all the tolerances and valves have to be super precise and tight, to a point you wouldnt believe and we have only recently reached the technological development to mass manufacture the storage and parts needed for this in desired quality. Hydrogen escapes any vessel like crazy, to the point of defying gravity and climbing surfaces upwards, still its the only effective step forward. plus the car is 1 tonne not 2,5 like big fat calabasas mom tesla P

>> No.28210908

not to mention how limited lithium is. but yeah, ss batteries soon, trust me bro

>> No.28210928

Have you ever sat in a tesla? The build quality is atrocious from the rattling plastic interior to the shitty paint job. Also, not everyone wants an $80000 car, there's no affordable tesla option.

Also if you're too dumb to see how GM making all their cars electric within the next 10 years isn't a massive huge threat to tesla, when they already sell like 50x more vehicles than them, you're delusional

>> No.28211103

>>number of miles equates to quality of algorithms
>maybe the reason they have so many test miles is because they can't get it right
it's number of miles without a disengagement, as defined by the asterisk in the bottom left.
so yeah, in other words the thing that drives the longest with fewest errors is the best. does this make sense to you, anon?

>> No.28211268

yes, self driving will be enabled with a software update any day now - this IS 2017, right? - and your Tesla will repay itself by wandering off trawling the streets whoring for cash every night. Much like Musk on Twitter.

>> No.28211286

You arguing with cult members, anon, you wont be able to present logical arguments here

>> No.28211477

>The aesthetics are all wrong
zoomer confirmed
>Maybe Mercedes can compete
t. someone who has no clue about the automotive industry and the ranking of brands per build quality
>mediocre German engineering meme
confirmed for no engineering knowledge

>> No.28211551

Doesn't Telsa have ownership of a mine for rare earth metals?

>> No.28211987

I only see it shilled at night, but MNXXF &
Dahn brothers
>one is professor/research head of tesla battery
>other is on the board at MNXXF
also something about dig assay results soon

>> No.28212009

Lithium? presumably.
They spent an age trying (and failing) to buy a mine. They now have mining rights to 10,000 acres of Nevada. Usually, this would be prohibitively expensive, but, Musk has a*n as yet, unproven) plan 'which will revolutionize the process' etc. This mans genius in EVERY aspect of manufacturing knows no bounds, most especially on Planet Musk.

>> No.28212328

oh god there will genuinely be an elontown in nevada
ready to owe your soul to the company store?

>> No.28212401

>people still believe everything they read

>> No.28212405

Bubble company buys bubble coin

>> No.28212655

jew detected

>> No.28212747

>smoothbrains ITT talking about Tesla as though it's a car company

Tesla is not a car company, it's a software and technology company.

Musk owns patents on a number of key technologies related to
>ai based driving
>electric batteries
>production methods
Among other things.

This is hugely valuable IP and other auto makers have not been able to replicate it. Just look at how VW's $50bln venture into ID.3 totally underwhelmed.

Tesla's future will be in licensing this IP to other automakers who will not have the time or capital to match them in quality. It is feasible that their technology could ultimately be in most self-driving cars the way Intel has chips in every computer.

It's obviously far from certainty, but the value of Tesla would be astronomical as it would be a first mover with IP exclusivity in the next generation of transport, so that's why people are buying it now.

>> No.28212883

And $elon is a bargain


>> No.28212948

oh, nothing surer mate. Be like Jonestown, but with Elon. He'll declare himself 'beyond the reaches of the SEC', start issuing fatwahs against people posting Tesla crash videos and eventually go Full Howard Hughes, and be taken out by a specialist team of Navy Seals. Screencap this.

>> No.28213032

The stock market was a mistake. People should only be able to buy shares in a company directly from the company and the only return should be dividends.

>> No.28213053

Meme energy.
I've never actually seen a Tesla in real life despite driving thousands of miles every year.

>> No.28213124

>He'll declare himself 'beyond the reaches of the SEC'
he already figured this out. the dogecoin pump is the first of his SEC-skirting activities since his stupid GAMESTONKS!!!! tweet