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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28196828 No.28196828 [Reply] [Original]

you know it's true

>> No.28197013


god damn, now all I want to think about is pumping my dick into plump asians.

>> No.28197156

I fucked a 19 year old plump white washed korean chick and came in her pussy. I got chlamydia but I have coomed to the thought a lot so it was kinda worth it.

>> No.28197186
File: 402 KB, 770x795, 8C78C124-A539-4327-BED7-1651D710987C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28197244


Clap is at least treatable. Hopefully you told her too so she could get treated.

>> No.28197450

isn't it sad that younger and younger people are carriers of STDs these days?
I had a similar experience with an 18y/o chinese girl (not a prostitute)
these young women are dirty

>> No.28197949

No I was pissed at her
>coom in her
>going to rave later
>get shit faced and coked out before we even got in
>get more shit faced
>try to hang with my friend after but she insists we take an uber back even though im not ready
>I get sick in the car and throw up inside
>try to call her but she ghosts me
>buttdials me later but still ignores me
>hits me up to pay for the claim the uber driver made which was like $150
>I ignore her
>keeps saying she is going to come to my house and shit but tf is she going to do
>find out a week later I got chlamydia, 90% sure it was from her
In the end we both got fucked

>> No.28198337

And it already pumped so you know what is next

>> No.28199360
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that's your problem, she wasn't pure and innocent like a Japanese girl

>> No.28199472


Is it wrong that I want a busty asian maid who lactates into my drink when she serves me tea?

>> No.28199650

How to get asian gf with fat titties?

>> No.28199676

literally everyone wants that

>> No.28199770

>How to get asian gf with fat titties?

Interpals changed my life. I stopped dating native women and go for foreigners. You will get a Sea Bunny on your dick easily. Filter through to the busty ones.


Having a lactating maid seems a little close to cannibalism though.

>> No.28199964

Im always amazed that there are men out there who get to fuck hot japanese and korean women. I feep the same way about it as i feel about astroanuts. People getting inside a giant machine and going to space sounds insane and yet its real, the same way some men out there fucking beatifull japanese or korean women feels unreal and yet its a fact of life.

>> No.28200010

I'll try it out, thank you

>> No.28200083

You specifically? You don't, its out of your reach.

>> No.28200198

How do you meet up with women who live across the sea. Do you really flirt with them for months only to pay for a whole trip and fuck them for a day? That sounds very expensive for not much reward.

>> No.28200483


Sea monkies are a dime a dozen. They are young, often uni educated, and desperate for white dick. A little higher up is Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. I saw one Chinese business professional who was so damn tempting. A little plain and dorky, 32 years old, good solid job as a manager in some company. Probably makes more than me. That's a nice mommy wife.

You can leverege having more money than them to get a younger hotter wife. It sounds cynical, but as long as both parties are happy go for it.

My current gf is thai-han mix in thailand and is the sweetest angel ever. I don't think I'll marry her and I'll just turn her into a business partner though. She's a professional artist and I got a bunch of projects we can work together on.

>> No.28200754


>> No.28200810

What if you spend a year grooming a so called sea monkey and it turns out to have a penis?

>> No.28201432

Kaho Shibuya

>> No.28201458

Same but chinese, 20, and also gonorrhea, still miss those tits sometimes tho

>> No.28201673
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I know. It's God's revenge for making fun of reddit.
Bags will be falling from the sky.
It will be raining bags. Flood of bags.

>> No.28201742

Lmfao, this. If you want it that bad unless you're time is literally worthless actually cheaper to just take a plane and go there and get it done in one day or two

>> No.28202047

no fucking shit. thread

>> No.28202324


Don't fall for memes. If they're on interpals they are typically uni educated and English speaking. Most consume Japanese, Korean, and western entertainment. Most are very normal people. There's a lot of business savy go getter types too. I'm not super into SEA girls, but that region has a lot of people and they're poor enough most want to get out. That gives you a huge advantage.


it's not prostitution. Also most of these girls are coming from more family orientated societies and are proud of not being sluts. I'd much rather date them because they're normal rather than narcissistic sociopath sluts that westerners are putting out. They're like girls from the 80's or 90's. Just normal.

Chat up some girls. Move to discord or whatever. do video chats. Then you can go on a "date" like a week in some foreign place. You now have a girl to hang out with and someone who knows the place and tour you around. You may end up liking each other or not. Then take it from there.

>> No.28202427

this is a binance sponsored fud thread you can tell because of the ethnicity of the woman posted. Sage

>> No.28202526


>> No.28202573
File: 230 KB, 693x407, flipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men who like asian women, in 4chan?
>must be a conspiracy

>> No.28202647

Imagine my surprise

>> No.28202758

chinks don't like curvy women, they would have posted some chinese or korean stick

>> No.28202820

>Lmfao, this. If you want it that bad unless you're time is literally worthless actually cheaper to just take a plane and go there and get it done in one day or two

And how are you gonna meet girls? You gonna go down to a bar? Scammer sluts know this and that's where they hang out. Many are former prostitutes themselves or at least very poor. They have no future and they know their best bet is to throw themselves at some poor sap from Europe or America to make it big. They marry you, move out, and likely then divorce you soon afterwards if you're lucky.

These are the last kind of girls you want. You want the uni educated middle class girls. And you want there to be a real connection and common interests rather than her just being some hot bitch you keep around to fuck. You want a wife out of this and you guys are thinking way too short term with your dick.

I encourage people to date outside their nation but both parties have to be cautious.

>> No.28202998

Japanese do. Koreans or Chinese seem to like women that look like Marilyn Manson in his prime.