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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 985x881, fudders rekted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28196530 No.28196530 [Reply] [Original]

Space Swap General

Fudders Rekted

Team has put proposal to reduce NOAH rewards pool and to reduce the milk emissions rate. Buy them cheap now before the rate halfs.

All the fud has been addressed by team as all being lies.

>> No.28196556
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>> No.28196742
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>> No.28196833
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anyone can view themselves it returns false

dont fall for the fud

>> No.28197269
File: 183 KB, 1260x1404, Screenshot 2021-02-09 at 16.18.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rekt the fudders pls

>> No.28197716

This FUD legit looks like a whale accumulation.

>> No.28197724

Few understand

>> No.28197895

Orange ID's only

>> No.28197950

Price keeps dumping to new lows though, lmao.

>> No.28198298

Each SpaceSwap’s step is right. They know whst is better for the project and do all according to their strategy!

>> No.28198403

Good project but there's a smell around it that seems too hard to clean off

>> No.28198517

Think they will grown up in near future and everyone will know them

>> No.28198608

I think all project has something bad like fudders atack sometimes but it's ok. the more stronger the project will be. Cause it's always have supporters

>> No.28198801

Agreed haters gonna hate but supporters will always stay

>> No.28198937

Exactly. Also I found that SpaceSwap recently parnered with another DeFi SnowSwap which really like shadow staking technology created by SpaceSwap devs.

>> No.28199107

You can check this page: https://medium.com/snowswap/shadow-staking-connecting-people-snowswap-has-partnered-with-spaceswap-10696b0cc01e

>> No.28199219

Hope others project will be interested in using shadow technology , cause it can helps to attract more newcomers and safe gas money

>> No.28199283

Thanks for sharing

>> No.28199386

SpaceSwap should sell shadow staking to everyone

>> No.28199444

Notice how all the fudders got quiet lol

Just remember all their poorly made screenshots and fake fud

lol dont forgot war on rugs were rug pullers
their dev made a token called the hodl token go look at its price lol zero

>> No.28199520

it's just correction, will see

>> No.28199538
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smeneminememem you know what to do

>> No.28199771

No one is trying to remember same scenario with others projects all just wanna take fast money and run awaty and if the don't het it they start yelling

>> No.28199776

fudders got rekt by a cancelled pump.

their strategy was liq mining and SHAKE for airdrops, dump milk.

Now we have three proposals fucking that up completely.

These guys deserve an award you faggots.

>> No.28199861

which website is this? really comfy color scheme

>> No.28200117

the proposal wasn't from the team what are u talking about????lol

>> No.28200272

yeah i know they were pumping aand then dumping and then buying back in and shilling again lol

hans are you ok buddy?? did you take your schizo medicine

>> No.28200421

u really think that the project doing this thing?

>> No.28200512


>> No.28200762

how do I profit from it? How large will the airdrop be? what do I have to buy and how much?

>> No.28200800

I really don't get ppl who are blaming others cuse of theirs mistake
it's looks like u don't get anything

>> No.28200823

Hans, are those bags heavy son?

>> No.28200887

I'm not giving any financial advices I'm not a specialist, so go to their site and check anything u need pls

>> No.28200996

best way is do buy and hold. Just forget about it for a couple of months. And as it happens with small-cap DeFi projects-grab your profits ;-)

>> No.28201074

Looks like Shakar Kihon came to bite you back in the ass Hans

>> No.28201131

Yep I'm doing same strategy dude

>> No.28201295

LOL just an average promotion nothing special! U guys want to make some noise with your gossip. But why do u need that? Just because u fools spent your money in a not profitable way?

>> No.28201302
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You guys are fucking retarded, it's literally in their audit that the contract CAN mint MILK2 tokens and even add new owners, pic related, here a link to the audit if you don't believe me, check Page 14:

These "proposals" DO NOT address the vulnerability of new owners being able to be added and also DOES NOT fix the possibility of said new owners to start minting new tokens out of thin air, jesus christ.
I was literally a holder myself, hell, I'm the OP from most of the generals that were created before this shitstorm hit.

>> No.28201318

Holding DeFi long-term is a key to success.

>> No.28201436

They just selling and yelling nothing more, they did everytime the dame thing with others project only if their coin wil go down for a while

>> No.28201601

ANd what? if they will add any new addres we will see, I don't get ur point of u at all cause all can be tracked

>> No.28201633

If they resolve these issues I will buy in with a lot of the money I sold when I owned $100k in shake and sold. I will not invest in any coin where there is a possibility Of a bad actor minting coins and dumping.

>> No.28201649



Can you fuck off back to tg now, no one cares about this shitcoin.

It smells so bad not even biztards want it anymore. Go cry in your little censored circle jerk.


>> No.28201675

So you DO AGREE that there is the possiblity of them or a third party that has access to it, to just add a contract and pull a rugpull, essentially making the whole timelock contract worthless?

>> No.28201734

They will add, mint, and sell before you can react. This needs fixed for this to be an investible project

>> No.28201795

If no one cares why you dumbass still here and spending ur time to read all of this threads and answers to us lol?

>> No.28201876

He's retarded, he literally just responded to me for the sake of responding, he doesn't think of the possibility of him having dinner or sleeping, and during that "off cycle" of his they could just mind a Billion token and sell them all to market price to crash it to -99.9% of the market value.

>> No.28201959

But why in your opinion it is the same??? Do you see that it is a different project at all! Take a look on a tech side

>> No.28201962

they did not deny this, the audit results are publicly available in their own gitbook, they are visible to everyone so I don't see any problem really they are not stupid to share this publicy if its something to hide

>> No.28202101

I think the will fix it, but anyway I'm not loosing anythin if I stay and hodl, I already make a good profit with them

>> No.28202126

totally organic posts
good job gang

>> No.28202131

It doesn't fucking matter if it is public or not, A VULNERABILITY IS A VULNERABILITY.
There is literally NO NEED for that function to be there and THEY DID deny it, look at the post I originally quoted >>28196742 where they're outright denying the possibility of minting.

Come on man, I wanted this shit to succeed to fucking bad, but this is not a joke, those motherfuckers have to fix this.

>> No.28202180

I guess it all about DeFi projects nowadays but SpaceSwap is trustworthy IMHO

>> No.28202274

tech side is looks like sushi fork sometimes and looks at the sushi now
I can't predicting anything of course just wanna see where the project will be after BSC

>> No.28202421
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This was $15000 3 days ago.

>> No.28202437

Just give them time
I don't wanna panic

>> No.28202589

it can be even more, but not in few days

>> No.28202614

Sure, but don't deny the issue, fucking confront them about it.
I literally DM'd the community manager on Discord and he didn't respond me at all, this means they don't give a fuck, they didn't give a fuck either when the audit brought this up.


>> No.28203013

if you are a seasoned defi enthusiast, you will probably remember other projects whose token was also feverish and the price rose to $30k and fell to $4k. So be healthy and don't cry.

>> No.28203017

Cos you faggots are bringing down the tone of this fucking community.

Fuckin pajeet nignogs coming in here ruining our friendly fun with your pathetic retarded shilling. Actually you aren't even pajeets that is sad you sound like the whitest cunts on the planet. fuck off back to the hamptons retards.

stop ruining /biz no one cares your coin died

>> No.28203049

I sold all my Shake after that 300 reply thread on /biz/ and linked the /biz/ thread on discord. I feel sorry for the bagholders still bagholding this shit and they banned me for it lmao. I tried to warn you guys. I don't like the fuckery thats surrounding this project with all that Anton bullshit. Also no idea why they wouldn't just remove the NOAHP pool instead of decreasing rewards for it. Who the fuck even uses that pool.

Damage control shills are out in full force now replying to each other in their own threads kek. Go back to Telegram you chinkslavshitters.

>> No.28203371

their community and management is open to suggestions. Maybe you wrote in the wrong place? lol

>> No.28203383

wow fudders heavy today so bulllish

all fud and spam haters are bullish

>> No.28203763

>management is open to suggestions
It isn't, they keep denying that the minting is not there, and they don't respond to DMs.
PLUS they have been banning people that brought up this issue at the day it became public knowledge.
I don't hold a single dime in SpaceSwap anymore so I can't create the proposal either and neither will I spend money to do so since I'm not financially invested in this, but I do have a big interest in the project.

Issue is I won't invest in something that has such a massive vulnerability, so the only ones that can actually move it forward are the ones still holding it, you faggots should be the ones complaining to them, don't come crying if it crashes even further because its reputation has been tarnished.
Look at the smart contract of MILK2, there is literally a comment pointing out this very issue, the reputation is absolutely destroying UNTIL they actually bother fixing this by removing the function of adding new contracts to the ownership to mint more tokens out of thin air.

>> No.28203897


I don't think so, I think the project will develop in a completely different way looks promising

>> No.28203913

lol dude fudders have no more fud except spewsing shit out of their mouth go home fudding priced out pajeets

read the first post

team already addressed everything and are making proposals that are being voted on

btfo pajeets priced out

>> No.28204103


Retard, was spelling this out better for you?
Read >>28201302 it's literally IN THE AUDIT of the token, an official document of SpaceSwap.

>> No.28204308

kek read this

you pajeets need to read english its the first post on this thread

go home ranjeesh

these two address all the fake fud

learn to read english pajeet

google translate is not gonna help you

>> No.28204440

Oh does it, so why does the AUDIT literally say that it does exactly that on Page 14 which they're denying on the posts you quoted?
Are you calling the AUDIT fake or bad?
If you are, you're essentially discrediting the whole SpaceSwap project, which is even more of a reason to sell.

>> No.28204561

6.9 to 3.5? just sold my shake, literally cutting the rewards by half when it already was super low, fuck off

>> No.28204582

read the whole audit

they need to mint to keep feeding pools

there was no premine NO PREMINE


do you have any idea how farming works if there is no premine how do they get tokens to give liquidity providers lol

haha btfo ranjeesh

>> No.28204641



>> No.28204724

You bought into a scam and seeing you continue to hold on is genuinely sad.

>> No.28204766
File: 190 KB, 620x376, 1606505527668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown id pajeet checks out

go home ranjeesh the pajeet

wow pajeet fudders going crazy today

>> No.28204920

Why is this project so relentlessly fudded?

>> No.28204934
File: 27 KB, 274x184, 1612445957672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't disprove what I wrote with official evidence from their audit that I did read (he didn't)
>goes back to pajeet shitposting
Have fun holding those bags retard, I know who you are, you're either the choco retard or one of those 3 initial fudders that wanted to get in.
How does it feel to hold those heavy bags now cunt?

Don't worry, I'll be buying back in at the $500 range, or a bit higher when the team finally yields into removing that vulnerability.

>> No.28205157

Because 95% of /biz/ understands that it's a scamcoin, and some of us don't like to see fellow anons losing all of their money to scammers. Simple as that.

>> No.28205281

lol funny how everyone spends hours of their day trying to fud a 2 million market cap coin

i wonder why lol

we live rent free in your head

thanks for the bumps

look at the 4 post in the beginning it address all teh fake fud. Telegram still up, discord still up, website still up, founder doxxed, this is a legit project

rent free in your head

>> No.28205293

If you can't see for yourself why you should avoid this project, there is really not much left to say. Not even sure I'm talking to an actual person.

>> No.28205473

Fuck off Hans, dump your bags on your pals dipshit.

>> No.28205496

Just sage and move on, ignore this, they'll give up once they see the threads die with minor posting, just sage with the facts I posted above and it'll slowly die out.

>> No.28205672

he coordinated FUD and bots in these threads is amazing. Why so much FUD on a $3m MC coin? There is so much energy around such a small project I can’t imagine it not being the next BAO

>> No.28205708

>11 posts by this user
Why do you care so much, faggot?

>> No.28205900


hans is that you take your schizo medicine

>> No.28205960

Fuck I forgot to sage.
Not sure if brain damaged of Hans proxy.

>> No.28206126

At least the project seem to go on the right direction. Can't understand the level of fud for how low marketcap is though.

>> No.28206268
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They fud to get the price as low as possible to buy up. This is one of their wallets:

>> No.28206780

No one here wants to buy your bags hans

>> No.28206864

>audit and third parties read contract and see flaw
>notify dev team
>dev disregards audit warning and ban third parties mentioning it
>dev says "lol no not true"
>retards blindly follow without checking the evidence themselves
Hans, we now it's you, holding those heavy ass bags, the funny part is that you're writing exactly the same way you were writing a couple days ago fudding it to get in low, now that you did get low and it dumped even further you're now trying to promote it.
Take those bags to the grave lad kek

>> No.28207238

The emission being lower makes Shake more valuable since the asset used to mint is now more scarce Lmao Biztards don't understand basic economics sometimes it astounds me

>> No.28207491

Yeah, man, I'm not worried about the fate of SpaceSwap at all. I look at the charts and the coins look confident. Now is the time to jump on this rocket, and not scratch your tongues.

>> No.28207517
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>SHAKE has value because it gives you free MILK
>MILK has value because you can trade it for SHAKE
>we're going to fix this by introducing artificial scarcity
lol who has thousands sitting around to buy this crap but can't see what a fucking scam it is?

>> No.28208289

As a holder I hope the FUD team doesn't have much patience and sell their token ans switch to another project. I'll hold my bags for a long time, not in a hurry at all :-)

>> No.28208747

That is a stupid cope in this market. The MILK will be used for Synthetics and loan origination among coming offerings. That is like saying BAO or any other DeFI platform that pays in-kind is worthless

>> No.28208794

the project is legit and the team responsive. So I don't see any reg flags, except for it needs some room to grow.

>> No.28209575
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this right here

if you know you know