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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2819650 No.2819650 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a BNT holder for quite some time. I'll finally admit it, it's failed.

The price floor contract is down to 42.66K ETH and dropping quickly.

If you're currently holding BNT, sell it immediately, and let reddit take the losses. Once the price floor disappears, there is nothing holding it above the ICO price, and the token is in for a very very bumpy ride.

I'll purchase back in at .001 (10%) of ICO price.

>> No.2819688


>> No.2819727

looks like them jew boys are in more trouble than a dunebug in molasses

>> No.2819752
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How do you figure exactly? Which coins are you invested in that have bigger ambitions and similar size price floors? I'll wait. Jews always win, just use them like they use us to make money. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.2819762
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>The Jew letting the goyim make a profit at their expense
>things that happened

Pick exactly one (1)

>> No.2819768
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>> No.2819777

I must admit, I'm a long time Banc holder and I've just now come to realize this is a scam after shilling all the time on 4 chan. I won't say what led me to this conclusion but I am definitely off the banc rocketship which is in a downward spiral back toward earth.

>> No.2819872

just sold all my BNT as well, floor at 36k now. looks like it might not even last through the night lol. still like the idea though and might rebuy once the price tanks

>> No.2819995
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I'm out too guys, this looks bad! Shit just hit 34k

>> No.2820005

With Jews you lose

>> No.2820034
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I just sold 0 bancor because I never bought any to begin with

>> No.2820044

>not jews

>> No.2820267

Floor is at 31k.
This ship is sinking fast. Get the fuck out while you still can.

>> No.2820289
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>> No.2820298
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"We are thinking long-term, goy"

>> No.2820313
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We all told you. You trust the jews, you lose

being a nazi really paid off

>> No.2820330

Lol you guys know that the BNT you sell to the price floor contract is now owned by the Bancor team itself? Watch what happens after everyone sells to the price floor, Bancor will announce some huge deal in a few days and BNT will moon.

"Be greedy when others are fearful."

>> No.2820332

I didn't really lose anything from the investment though.

>> No.2820342

Sad you guys can't even think like a jew. All the BNT you sell to the price floor contract is owned by the jews now. They just bought your BNT for less $ value than what you paid for it. And in a few days they will announce some huge deal, BNT price will moon, Jews will get rich off your bad trades, AND you will be screaming "I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED THE JEWS WHAT WAS I THINKING"

You're about to get Jewed XXXXXXXX. Jews take your money and get you to wonder why you ever doubted them, all by scamming you.

>> No.2820347

I mean, analyze the writing of OP
laziest fud I've ever seen. probably written by some jew intern at Bancor itself who hasn't yet learned how to master the art of fud like his peers.

>> No.2820356

Then why are they manually adding BNT to the price floor?

>> No.2820357

There is one

>> No.2820408

So they didn't have 117k eth just waiting to be stolen.

>> No.2820429

whale in bancor slack having meltdown because he sold 1900 ETH worth of BNT at .0098 instead of the price floor

>> No.2820430

I'm not aware that they are adding more BNT to price floor or what you mean when you say that. You mean they are increasing the amount of BNT they will buy back?

Originally they only dedicated to the pricefloor the extra ETH they got over their ICO cap. So like 110k ETH was to be used to buyback BNT from limpwristed goys to strong fearless chosens. If they are increasing the amount of BNT they will buy back, then it just verifies that they are jewing you hard again and want to capture all those gains for themselves. They'll buy back every single BNT if you sell to them.

Suppose they sold most of their ETH at $380, then bought back in at $130, and are now using that ETH to buyback the BNT you bought at like $5 and are now selling back to them for $2.50. Then in a few days they announce working product and many partnerships and start selling the BNT they bought from you on the exchanges for the $30-80 moon price. Good lord they fucked you 800000 ways and you let them and will end up believing you should have trusted them all along.

I'm holding my BNT until I die. Jews will never get it back. They work for me so long as I hold it.

>> No.2820442

they all do the same damn thing. none of them can read. this is why we invented financial advisors in the first place, rich people are fucking stupid, and most rich people just got lucky or got it through some political/criminal scam or inherited it. Then they used that money drinking and drugging themselves even stupider.

>> No.2820486

the extended ico is almost over goys. this was everyones chance to get in while the floor was holding the price back.

>> No.2820560

I don't really get it, they have this stuff to buy back bnt at the same ico price with the extra eth they received, which is cool right since you can get back your initial investment?
I'm wondering what would happen once their supply is gone, do you really think it would drop the price because people do not believe in it or would it shoot up because people that were buying it on exchange were doing arbitrage with the contract?

>> No.2820580
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do you think this fag is still holding his $27m worth of BNT? kek

>> No.2820592

Bancor was my biggest fuck up

>> No.2820635
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Floor bottoming out. Get the fuck out faggots.

>> No.2820639

tank the banc

>> No.2820738

bump, can a smartfag answer me or is there only dumb retards in this threads?

>> No.2820895



>> No.2820913

Bancor slack deleted this info.

Stox is by invest.com, which is associated with anyoption, an Israeli binary options scam.
Stox is partnered with bancor too.

Stox, a Prediction Market Platform by Invest.com to Use Bancor Protocol

Invest.com bought anyoption.

Anyoption is an israeli scam.

>> No.2821123


You don't get it do you anon. Bancor can not moon by design. BY DESIGN, no there is not even "a maybe" or a "what if".

What did I expect from somebody who only relies on memes and no facts. At least know how your shit works man.

>> No.2821157

So there's a run on the (((banc)))?

>> No.2821158

ANS is next. Consider yourself warned.

>> No.2821212

I think you're right, I made a decent amount of profit on it then got out. The fundamentals are shit and everyone fucking hyped it up like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. When in reality is buggy as shit, with unknown developers and no real world use cases yet.

Also I've never seen a price so heavily manipulated by whales.

>> No.2821312
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>> No.2821368

nobancs are so dramatic. it may drop after the wall is gone and we'll just buy more and be patient. I'd rather take the risk that token changers and normie onbarding will happen AND that galia is using her founders fund connections and eyul use his mossad connections.

>> No.2821391

Or just sell now while you have the eth safety net and then buy back all the tokens you sold AND more due to it being atleast 20% cheaper

Seriously why do people still have this HODL mentality you are fucking morons its like you hate free money

>> No.2821399

Oy vey

>> No.2821446

I don't have access to my wallet at work and desu, I don't care.

>> No.2821754

Why are you so sure it will tank?

>> No.2821945
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>> No.2822389

are you legit retarded?

>> No.2822403

Serious question for the current bagholders: your price floor is rapidly decaying. When it finally is eroded, do you actually think the price is going to stay at the floor, without a contract to support it? Why don't you think it's going to drop like a rock after being artificially propped up for so long?

Show your faces

>> No.2822416


Serious question for the current bagholders: your price floor is rapidly decaying. When it finally is eroded, do you actually think the price is going to stay at the floor, without a contract to support it? Why don't you think it's going to drop like a rock after being artificially propped up for so long?

>> No.2822587

They already won when you retards bought shit for 0.001 eth dumbass