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File: 91 KB, 719x1280, NINTCHDBPICT000431522777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28193918 No.28193918 [Reply] [Original]

What is the one cryptocurrency that's most technically appropriate for becoming a day-to-day currency for the whole world?

>> No.28194167


>> No.28194273

none, using crypto as a currency was always a meme

people will use the eth network for financial services though and prob trade stables as a unti of account

>> No.28194350

Unironically nano

>> No.28194807

Georgie Lyall

>> No.28195146

At least give one line explaining why

>> No.28195540


>> No.28195577

Which ever Beijing releases in the near future in order to maintain a tighter grip in its citizens and the world economy as a whole.

>inb4 the xin

>> No.28195673
File: 319 KB, 575x620, 1799D905-10D0-4981-AC94-E64EC4150A89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.28195822

I wanted to send a small payment in crypto yesterday, xrp was the only payment i could think of that didnt involve raping my wallet with gas fees.

>> No.28195910

Seethe coomer

>> No.28196025

Dogecoin, Cheap Fees and Fast Transactions. No bullshit deflationary delusion that would encourage people not to actually use it.

>> No.28196128

R S V from Reserve Protocol

>> No.28196154

everyone knows this.
fees are like 1/3 of a penny, private, mined with cpus so botnets and average joes alike can mine, tail emission makes it scarcer than bitcoin until 2030s or something like that, and 1% inflation forever, where bitcoin will dry up and miners will drop out forever

>> No.28196349
File: 178 KB, 951x768, 65E50BEB-EB16-4BCD-B28F-648261BEC129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28196369

Algorand you mong

>> No.28197196

This thread is literally me seeking help fren

>> No.28197354

stablecoin of your choosing. Chainlink will enable choice of any god damn coin you want to use via visa or mastercard or paypal or whatever other shit ends up coming out.

>> No.28197382


>> No.28197637

it really is monero. bitcoin wouldn't be more than a blip on the radar without its proven usage as a currency on the black market.
it has flaws though, and can never again be used as a currency. no fork will be what bitcoin set out to be.
monero is the successor to what bitcoin originally was, has close to zero fees, is private, auditable, has better tokenomics, resistance to ASICS (centralization), and there will be incentive to mine it and run nodes forever and ever, unlike bitcoin with a 1%~ (less in a hundred years) inflation tail emission. perfect to scale and gain value with an increasing population, where bitcoins complete deflationary status will eventually lead to a collapse, 100%

>> No.28198518

A number of them, all tethered to BTC.

>> No.28198656

This is the answer. No crypto will displace fiat as day-to-day currency. Digital USD will happen eventually anyway.