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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28192832 No.28192832 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /biz/, quick question. Which of these stablecoins should I seek refuge in when shit hits the fan? I've seen some of them deviate from their pegs a bit more than I'm comfortable with, but honestly LINK's peg at $25 seems extremely stable, so I'm been leaning towards it. Any input would be appreciated.

>> No.28192977

Funny, but if you're serious, dai. If youre not, then xmr is a better stable coin than link lmao

>> No.28193314


He's not serious

>> No.28193383

the link meme is:
>does jack shit when everything moons
>shits the bad worse than everything else once shit hits the fan
so DAI

>> No.28193736

Unironically though
you put your funds into XMR they disappear to prying eyes
you get a comfy hold

>> No.28193856

What about BAT or RLC. Digital stablecoin.

>> No.28193934

RLC has the most stable oil.

>> No.28193980
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>subtle link shilling

>> No.28194737

usdc if you can, it's the only one that has actually been proven to be backed by real money. tether is just legit scam