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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 391 KB, 1080x1851, BNBinfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28187561 No.28187561 [Reply] [Original]

Buy BNB faggots. Their shit coin is used on transactions and whatnot.
Now that lots of normies made a binance account they gonna buy BNB for the discount incentive.
Look into it. Do some research if you don't believe me. It only goes up.
I bought 2 coins. Kek

>> No.28187762

It's shot up incredibly in value this month from $40 to $100 which might put some anons off, but this thing is only going to keep climbing. Binance letting you get in on launchpads for new coins based on your BNB average hold (so you can get those early shitcoin gains with no gas fees) is a no brainer.

Literally no one is selling the coin just because of its utility. It's a great way to diversify 10-25% of your portfolio just for the utility of lowering transaction fees and it'll still be one of the best preforming coins you have.

More liquidity/more transactions/less selling = higher price.

>> No.28187906

How much do you need to hold to get a discount?

>> No.28187984

Buyers at 41 million at $92 with no resistance above them.

This will shoot up again today /biz/.

>> No.28188074

Binance charge you a 0.001% (maybe higher) fee per transaction. If you hold BNB, it takes it from that instead at half the price. Not hugely noticeable if you're a regular user, but for swingies and whales, that discount adds up.

>> No.28188440

Even if you disregard everything you said, its literally the ETH of the fasting growing DeFi blockchain in the world. You can't use the BSC without BNB. This shit is only getting started.

>> No.28189169

Coinmetro's XCM token is the same but will have even more use cases and there is more growth potential

>> No.28189231

Except Coinmetro is a shit platform with uncompetitive prices and a far more limited range of coins.

>> No.28189462

I don't want to even look at my BNB liquidity pools. Its going to be a long way until the other shitcoins catch up.

>> No.28189522

0.1% if you pay with the same token
0.075% with bnb

>> No.28189776

Shit platform. It doesn't even list Cosmos (ATOM) or Kava.

>> No.28189937

>t. KuCoin bagholder

>> No.28190841

Buy BNB *and FTT. Can't go wrong with these two

>> No.28190920
File: 428 KB, 1024x576, CZ-chinkybnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is only One token that leads to the source.

>> No.28190925
File: 1.37 MB, 1252x3000, BNB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hit $101

>> No.28191024

You guys can go suck a bag of chink dicks. Furthermore, if you can't see the upside in investing in a growing REGULATED exchange, may god help your "HOW CAN I AVOID TAXES" thread posting ass.

>> No.28192132

Not sure what your view is lol, just random shouting?

>> No.28193298
File: 84 KB, 1328x569, 1587392104731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no it's not lookin good bnbros......
will the chink redeem?

>> No.28193652

Binance is not decentralized, why people keep trying to shill it as decentralized?

>> No.28193810
File: 152 KB, 1731x681, unthical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
