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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28167157 No.28167157 [Reply] [Original]

late night bancor thread
remember to set your filters to find your fellow banclets and banclords

>> No.28167600

How much end of the year?

>> No.28167673


>> No.28167752

Slow grind up to $15-20. But that means whatever you are earning now in rewards will be worth 6x what it is now.

>> No.28167822

any thoughts on pooling strategy? It seems like the protocol highly incentivizes choosing the right pool when you first start, since reward multiplier gets reset if you pull out of any positions. The flagship pools already got a 30 day rewards extension... is another extension in the cards?

>> No.28167829
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If it beats uniswap to L2 this thing will explode. Just hope arbitrum and chainlink have their shit together, which they do :)

>> No.28167864

I participated in the ICO for 900 bancs a few years back, but lost the wallet unfortunately. Going to buy at least 900 soon though so that I don't neck if it moons.

Any anons that can give me the QRD on staking and rewards?

>What's the minimum BNT to stake with?
>What kind of % returns do you get?
>Will those returns last, or is there something that will reduce their magnitude in future?

>> No.28167898

Put your BNT into the link pool. It's close to passing sushiswap as the largest liquidity pool dex. It already passed uniswap.

>> No.28167953

largest link liquidity**

>> No.28167970

I'm 50/50 split between the link and snx pools. But unsure if the rewards will keep going for the link pool long enough to justify additional deposits.

>> No.28168220
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And what will prevent them from exit scamming this time?

>> No.28168355

They're doing a marketing push with high APY paid in BNT, upwards of 120% a year if you stake their tokens. After the promotion is over it's back to standard variable APY (3~8% usually) and fees

>> No.28168375

How big of a stack do you need to make the pooling worth the gas fees? Does it matter with the large rewards available?

I'm a stacklet with only 324~ Should I just go ahead and pool it anyways?

>> No.28168756

it will take a long long time to get return, do the math. I'm inclined to say no. with that little, you're better off trying to go for double or triple plays. you'd have to really believe in BNT and be comfortable just forgetting about it and leaving that shit staked for as long as possible.

>> No.28168794

When will it be over?

>> No.28168892

Absolute limit is 72 weeks from last November, but each pool is put up to a vote every 30 days or so

>> No.28169105


>> No.28169171

In about a year, as of now

>> No.28169327


>> No.28169459

I was going to pull 1000 link out my my yearn vault after I saw there was room in the bancor pool, but it was $600 in gas just to pull out of Yearn! So I didn’t do it. Wish I could stake my yaLink. This is worse than last August.

>> No.28169708
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That's what I feared... new to crypto so I stuck mostly with "blue chips"/stablecoins... but I barely have capital. I did make one bold play with OPEN, but even that might take a month or two to bear fruit.

Wish I had my coinbase account set up early enough for one of these stupid shit coins.

>> No.28170104

You'd spend $150 on gas just to get it set up but if you're willing to sit for a whole year in the Dai pool with no withdraws that reset the multiplier you stand to 3x

>> No.28170173

bancor and uniswap lose to rune

>> No.28170186

So this coin got listed simultaneously with AAVE and Synthetix on Coinbase. These 2 are already 10-20x Bancor’s marketcap. The come back will be mind blowing. You heard it here first.

>> No.28170191

I'm hodling 1700
Don't really see the point of paying for the transaction if my stack is less than like 20k total value desu
Just here to speculate personally

>> No.28170489

hope this shit hits 10 soon so I can dump my heavy bags. too many dexs now to compete against.

>> No.28170827

aaaaaaaaaand still not pumping. holy shit when is the fucking breakout?

>> No.28171009

The 72 limit was just a BIP. It can always be extended. Realistically they’ll keep it going until the pools are so big they have an attractive APR on their own. Considering the whole thing is non inflationary anyway they could just go indefinitely.

>> No.28171099

It’s not a pumping token, the way the protocol works puts brakes on pumps and dumps.

>> No.28171997

How is it non inflationary when BNT are continously being minted?

Also how does the protocol prevent the token from being dumped/pumped?

>> No.28172078

dynamic token burn and minting process.

>> No.28172577

So this coin will probably not moon because of the minting process? lol Doesn't sound like a good speculative investment?

>> No.28172800

Wrong. It won't go +1000% / day, but the result will be the same if you're staking and receiving rewards. $30 is happening in this cycle + whatever rewards you're getting from staking.

>> No.28172985

sure I believe it's a good project. Staking for such a long time also comes with risks though. What if the smartcontracts get exploited (like with YFI and many other farming protocols)?