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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1200x800, elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28162229 No.28162229 [Reply] [Original]

As a tribute to our guru & saviour Elon Musk and the anniversary of the SpaceX mission, we have minted 28,061,971 $ELONX (birth date of Elon Musk) and we’ve split this into two potions. One portion goes to providing liquidity & to presale participants and the remaining portion (10%) goes to a locked wallet (‘Tesla Wallet’) which will be released to a lucky wallet address holder once Elon tweets or retweets the $ELONX token. How can you win? Be a holder of $ELONX.

Elonxonomics: Max Supply: 28,061,971 ELONX •Presale: 50% •Liquidity Uniswap: 40% •Tesla wallet: 10% (No minting capabilities, developer or marketing tokens in existence) The moment Elon Musk tweets " ELONX" from his official Twitter page the lottery stops and all holders will be eligible to win the Tesla(s). Hard cap: 2 Tesla model X and 1 Tesla model S (25 ETH).




>> No.28162316

He buys bitcoin, we buy him
He buys bitcoin, we buy him
He buys bitcoin, we buy him

>> No.28162389

The irony of needing to pay gas to buy a meme tribute to Elon

>> No.28162607
File: 20 KB, 317x265, 84C3E9BC-0597-4BE7-97D5-AD70607A9107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28163007

I know

>> No.28163396

I don't even have any eth yet but I want to buy $ELONX. Already installed metamask. What do? Cheapest way? These fees are fucking retarded

>> No.28163549

Uniswap is it, unfortunately. 5% slippage and hope your gas gets you there

>> No.28163942

What is the process to buy it though? I've never purchased eth before. I just want want to make it bros

Do I somehow get this through metamask? I tried to buy $500 worth of eth is fees are like $80. Insane

>> No.28164076

Fastest way of obtaining ETH would be directly through metamask. If you go exchange route, they KYC and you cant withdrawal for a couple of days.

>> No.28164287

It takes days to really get into being able to swap easily. In my experience the best way in is to get onto an exchange like Kraken (then you have a 3 day wait until you can withdraw into your metamask wallet). They have ETH/BTC/ADA/DOT on Kraken and tend to have lower fees, but you'll have to eat the fee going to the wallet -> and on uni. It's retarded. Just know that ElonX is not a good investment

>> No.28164501

sirs i must sleep
if you have pulled rug on me before i wake there will be the consequences

>> No.28164577

sir it is not an investment it is a pump and dump scam and i must pump my $500 (my life savings sir!) to at least $2000 by the end of this week or i will have to kill one of my children and eat them in order to not starve
such is life in my village

>> No.28165121

Were going to pump this?
How much are coins?

>> No.28165251

coin VERY cheap sir, please buy do the needful sir

>> No.28165360

sirs i believe it is the night time in the america, we will return to pump this coin tomorrow sirs

>> No.28165413

Thank you friend. You are kind.

>> No.28165440

This will be big by the time I wake tomorrow

>> No.28165703

if not, there will be big trouble
i will find creators of this coin and make them give me the needful money back
i need this money to eat sir

>> No.28166074

I'm dropping this one final tidbit of advice. It's slow because there's basically no shilling of the PnD (good thing for /biz/). What it means for you is it will flounder. Just get out while you can

>> No.28166085
File: 218 KB, 700x394, 6f1vm7o9q1d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm throwing 500 bucks into this because clown market and meme man token.
I expect you sirs to to do annoy /biz/ sufficiently enough to maybe do a 2x.
If you rug me next time I'm breaking out the full eth trades and crashing your memecoin myself.

>> No.28166306

sir, but my goat...