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File: 377 KB, 645x773, EGfM0dDXoAM_p5Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28151467 No.28151467 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you realise that you're only average IQ and you're most likely never going to make it?

>> No.28151577
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>> No.28151598

Worrying about IQ is a sign that you are missing the only metric that matters, SQ(soul quotient)

>> No.28151626

just realised thx anon

>> No.28151681

realizing youre average IQ means youre high IQ 2bh

>> No.28151693

I don't think IQ is what determines whether you make it by investing.
It's really a combination of what you start with, how big your balls are, a desire to make it, and luck (mostly this)

>> No.28151707

When I hit 1 mil and realized I could've made 20x that if I had the technical skills to implement my strategies

>> No.28151709

I don't think you have to be a genius to buy and sell crypto even though it does help.

>> No.28151730

Extremely true, IQ is for dumb fucks who live on the surface level.

>> No.28151731

This only applies to poor fags like us I presume. If you’re born rich and dumb chances are you’ll stay rich just cause pushing numbers around brings more money than having an actual job in 2021

>> No.28151783

being above average is fine when people are getting dumber.

>> No.28151803
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I went to university so I am high IQ

>> No.28151839

Average IQ and I'm already very close to making it, should be within the year.
You don't have to be high IQ to make money bro, look at rappers and YouTubers.

>> No.28151872

Every time a optimism tries to make a comeback.

>> No.28151960

When random 16 year olds understand and know math better than I do, can speak numerous languages, and I only speak 2 languages because of where my parents are from.
I don't necessarily care too much about the fact that my IQ isn't exceptional, I care more about the fact that I'm pretty far behind my peers in terms of success in life.

>> No.28152065


>> No.28152216
File: 31 KB, 678x710, 1612223838689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm in the average to below average IQ. I just started crypto about a month ago but I'm going all in on it trying to learn as much as I can. If I fail here I'll probably an hero.

>> No.28152246


>> No.28152261

Today actually

>> No.28152329

Plx don't fren

>> No.28152379

What test is this?

>> No.28152397

I realized I was average iq ten years ago. But I'm still gonna make it.

>> No.28152423

>Imagine believing iq is the only quality one needs to make it

>> No.28152495

I'm high iq you demoralizing piece of shit. GET OFF MY BOARD AND STOP TRYING TO DEMORALIZE MY FRENS

>> No.28152497

always thought i was high iq. turns out im low iq (110) but i just think incredibly fast. im not able to solve complex problems but i can solve medium problems at an incredibly rapid pace.

its like if you took a ford taurus but put a faster engine in it or something

>> No.28152556

IQ is an important factor to determine the amount of suffering you will receive from the world, the further away from average you are.
As such it has an impact on the soul advancement potential.

>Unlike mainstream psychology, Dąbrowski's theoretical framework views psychological tension and anxiety as necessary for growth. These "disintegrative" processes are therefore seen as "positive", whereas people who fail to go through positive disintegration may remain for their entire lives in a state of "primary integration", lacking true individuality. Advancing into disintegration and into the higher levels of development is predicated on having developmental potential, including overexcitabilities, above-average reactions to stimuli.

>> No.28152615

When I somehow ended up losing money off LINK

>> No.28152674


>> No.28152682

True its mostly luck, buying a minute earlier or later could mean the difference between gains or panic selling

>> No.28152692

When I couldn’t understand options trading lol

Oh well I’m still up 67% as of this year

>> No.28152710
File: 16 KB, 228x221, 1395726624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was born black. i didn't ask for this. sadly my fate was predetermined before i even existed.

>> No.28152810

But your Pepe is mullato.
Why not post Black Pepe?

>> No.28152814

when i saw uni crab at $3 and didn't buy any
when i saw aave shilled for months last year and didnt buy any
when i saw GME shilled last year and didnt buy any
when i didnt buy BTC when it crashed to 4k last year
i could go on
i'm a pure midwit

>> No.28152851
File: 101 KB, 600x842, 1612741754361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based self hating black man. please kill yourself if you're going to act like this instead of doing something about it. bitching about your ethnicity instead of working hard isn't going to do anything for you.

>> No.28152940
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A good work ethic and motivation are more important than a high IQ.
t. 130+ GATEfag with shit motivation.

>> No.28152998

28 years old. Average height, average clothing size, not fit not fat, average penis size, average looks. I am completely unremarkable yet I still feel like I want to be hot shit.

>> No.28153046
File: 34 KB, 564x564, 1612726340813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is? i fucked up my monitor calibration and that looks black to me.

>> No.28153160

Pick one
Jeez, do you need me to pick out your meals for the week too?
You truly are the white man's burden.

>> No.28153195
File: 148 KB, 650x637, 1612812841808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be high-IQ as long as you are humble. If you are humble and accept that you are not as smart as you think you are, you may hold weakly opinions that you may have that would otherwise cloud your judgement.

For example, those who are 100% convicted in their market positions are the ones that usually lose all of the money. Just stay alert and keep an open mind to everything, even shit you don't agree with. And you can do as well as a high-IQ autist.

>> No.28153387


If anxiety is an indicator of intelligence, then I am a genius, because I suffer from hypochondria and constant panic attacks.

>> No.28153411

im able to logically derive motivation by way of thinking. you are not high iq if you cant use your mind to self organize and self proliferate

>is it intelligent to be unmotivated

nope, youre a midwit at best lol

find the pattern to create motivation by thought, an intelligent being could and would do this.

>> No.28153559

Midwit here. Explain please. I have trouble motivating myself

>> No.28153618

hey biz, newfag here. I just got into crypto and I'm trying to understand where I should put my investments. Sure thing BTC and eth is non-tradable for me now
i know enough not to participate into alts but I'm just not sure about new projects and pools with nft

Discovered PoolzFinance shilling on twitter, seems legit but wanna know your advice, is it good?
what should I do?

>> No.28153763


>> No.28154008
File: 75 KB, 553x506, image_2021-02-08_202713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's black Pepe for a comparison.
I think the Pepe you posted is what some may call a "High Yellow!"

>> No.28154044

Thanks for this link, anon. I studied Psychology and never heard of it. Yes, I‘ve been scammed.

>> No.28154080

A good video on this

>> No.28154184

>the ability for self-overcoming is once again the key to a life of productive joyous suffering
This anon knows what’s up

>> No.28154200

what did he mean by this
yeah my monitor was uncalibated, fixed it now

>> No.28154381

I had this last year and It lead to extreme focus and drive. All my free time was regimented and focused on self Improvement, but I got hit with chinese aids and it killed my whole routine. This doesn't forgive the many years prior that I spent slacking off so maybe I am just a midwit.

>> No.28154537

It doesn’t matter how long it took you to overcome your slacker attitude, the fact that you could, even briefly, shows you have potential beyond most. You overcame yourself to form a new relation TO yourself.

>> No.28154547

when i went from the smartest kid in my class in public school to an average kid at a private school

you bribe/trick the elephant to get motivation

>> No.28154574

tfw at least 130IQ
>$0 in bank account
>fell for the undergrad engineering meme
>managed to get a job doing graduate-level FEM simulations
>saved up 70k
>got married and immediately lost job due to covid
>supporting wife and myself while she's at school
>153k as of today
>seeing all these crypto millionaires and I'm but a simple theta farmer
one day...

>> No.28154772

>It's all just a daydream
Fuck. This spoke to me.

>> No.28155001

Pls don’t tell me it’s a meme anon
t. Comp sci major

>> No.28155123

what happened to me was I realized what my very high IQ meant and stopped playing normie games. I made it in normie world but I'm doing even better now.

>> No.28155267

I was high IQ but years of living my life terribly and NEETing it up has absolutely destroyed my brain

>> No.28155280


you can make it even if youre a tard. BTC will go up to 1 million in the next 5-7 years, eth will go to 25k in that same time frame.

Figure out how much you need to make it and start stacking even at these prices.

>> No.28156044

As with every tool, you need to learn how to use it efficiently and not let it control you.
If you imagine your greatest fear and face it, you may find out that it was not so frightening after all and find something of greater value behind your fear.

I am happy that it can reach and help others.
You may be able to use this knowledge to open the minds of more people working in that field.
I am still fascinated to see how new information often appears randomly and can completely change my perspective on what I thought I knew.

>> No.28156121
File: 232 KB, 273x334, 1612660874389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some sort of trading algorithm or machine learning, I'm sure you'll be fine

>> No.28156224

Except Im not. Im 132. I admit its not genius level but enough to be a cocky smartass that will always have the last laugh

>> No.28156362

Bruh life isn't the Trueman show. There's no cameras rolling, so just do you. 20 percent effort to get the top 80 return.

>> No.28156687

no man is an island. if you don't conceal your power level you're an easy target for others.

>> No.28156762

Don't worry anon I have a 99th% IQ (at least according to the standardized tests along with validation from the ivies) and I still lose all my money in meme stocks.

>> No.28156766
File: 10 KB, 266x247, 1606124955149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're only average IQ
18ish I guess
>and you're most likely never going to make it
Never going to ngmi faggot, LINK EOY 1000

>> No.28156775

iq has pretty low correlation with financial success . plenty of dumb people make it and plenty of smart people wither and accomplish nothing.