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28150959 No.28150959 [Reply] [Original]

Porn is harder to quit than heroin brehs, luckily I don’t chase women around and don’t waste money on it but who has kicked the pornographic Jew for good here? I’ve done everything, meditation, no 4chan, kept myself busy etc. I always fall back on it like once a week. Has anyone had success just accepting their inner COOMER and it eventually faded away after you take away the taboo aspect?

>> No.28151166

the entire reason you are addicted to it is because you think it’s wrong. it loses its magic once u realize that its just something normal people do. in ur world, when you jerk off you are submitting to the jew overlords and ur doing something which you think is bad, and doing what you shouldn’t be doing is hot. realize that it’s something that normal people do and u will not be addicted

>> No.28151278

checked, fpbp

>> No.28151308

I think your right man, thanks for the generally solid advice.

>> No.28151612

literally who cares. as long as it doesnt affect your life and you can still get it up when youre with a real woman then it doesnt matter

>> No.28151805

Just fap if u want, but don't do it dayli.
Nofap is for fucking losers.

T. 28 yo married father of 2

>> No.28151904

plus you are likely brain fucking yourself into thinking it has negative effects, most people who shill the "porn is like cocaine!" shit are addicted to it themselves, in reality it's like being addicted to fucking eating food or anything else that gives you dopamine, if you're not beating it all day everyday you don't have a porn addiction you're just being a human being. If you want to quit it for your own reasons then you should. People who push the coomer shit are unironically feeding you some weird evangelical propaganda shit kek

>> No.28151926

Fuck, you hit the nail on the head. This is exactly right.

>> No.28151941

My morning wood is raging hard when I don't coom. Feels good. Also I have energy and drive to meet new women. Relapses happen, but eventually you learn you are better off not watching porn and cooming.

>> No.28151946

Seek Christ

>> No.28151985

was I right or what

>> No.28152085


>> No.28152135

Yea I fell for a /Pol/ meme meditation has made me realize it does effect me oddly and compulsively like flashes of porn images in my head when I close my eyes after a few hours after a fap session. You guys are right tho I don’t fap 3 times a day like I used to and would prefer to just use imagination but if I slip up occasionally it’s really not a big deal, my GF doesn’t even care about it so it’s all good.

>> No.28152205

The best way to stop watching porn is to keep your smartphone out of the bedroom, to keep yourself busy with a hobby/job during the day, and to get out of bed the moment you wake up in the morning rather than laying in bed, getting morning wood, and then jacking off.

>> No.28152230

Semen retention can be healthy and useful to do if you're working on creative pursuits or projects or anything athletic imo

>> No.28152451

Yeah plus if you're really concerned I would say start using softer things such as just images instead of video.
And also, if you live with other people it's alot harder to jerk off when you're awake at normal human being times, because you don't wanna be jerking it and someone could walk into your room, I feel like alot of people are just staring at the PC til 2AM so jerking off is like a "fuck it why not"
Nah yeah forsure, and people have been doing that for literal ages. For working out it is actually dope and I think it works together, the more I work out the less I want to jerk off vice versa. It just gets really autistic when you go into "the jews control porn" and other bullshit.
Forgot I was on /biz/ for a sec jannies no Ban

>> No.28152574

Usually my lifts go up if I have been at least 7 days on retention

>> No.28152703

this actually helped me
no fearmongering about hypofrontality or stuff, just straight talking, no bullshit

>> No.28152719

>hardcore paraphilic porn coomer
>normal people do this
anon I....

>> No.28152785

also unironically think it helps with having sex
my best times have been when I haven't been jerking off, I think my brain stops trying to achieve climax fast as fuck because it's not accustomed to being alone and chasing a feeling. Could be placebo though. Who the fuck knows. Goodluck OP

>> No.28152918

I've kicked porn nearly for good, but I still coom to pictures of girls I know/ have been with

>> No.28153095

i took a long time to quit porn. it was painful
now i only watch solo females and i no longer feel the need to do it more than twice a week or so, or the shame i felt watching degenerate content

>> No.28153107

Nah I had the best sex of my life after doing 3 months of semen retention. I lasted for solid amount of time too. More than when I am jerking off

>> No.28153111

Try nofap, but seriously do it. Use discpline. After you go nofap for a month or two, it gets easier. You're taking the first step though anon, you realize it's a problem and trying to fix it. That's huge. Don't give up. You're on the right track.

>> No.28153783
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I absolutely hate it. In my eyes, it's the worst mistake I've ever made in my life.
>Be me, 3rd grade
>Learn about temperature and have to do a research project on it
>Go home and search "hot"
>Bing pulls up Tig'Ol'Bitties.jpg
>Get curious and go down downward spiral
>Fully addicted to Porn by middle school
>Discover fapping after 7th grade
>Full blown Coomer/PMOer ever since
>Try to stop throughout highschool, but can't make it past 3 weeks
>Be me, in college, still cooming, but cooming slightly less
>Decide 3 weeks ago that enough is enough, go cold turkey
>Reach 3 week PR, can't sleep past 1am, still resisting coom demon
>Groggy and sleep deprived because I didn't want to give in to the coom demon

I honestly don't know what to do anymore bros. It never ends. I fight and inconvenience myself like hell for the sake of Self Improvement and Jesus, but I end up returning to the same pit of mud to stain my soul again...

>> No.28153849

i'm a coomer for crypto if thats a thing

>> No.28153929

Ask someone who used to do porn for a living anything

>> No.28154014

Yea man when I move in with my GF I can see it just disappearing, she stays with me 3-4 days a week already and on those days I hardly even think of looking at porn. When I /make it/ I wanna go a solid month or 3 with no smart phone just to unplug from the entire system and give my Brain a rewire from all the psy ops/shilling we’ve been bombarded with the past decade.
Nofap makes me an aggressive animal, I’ve gone a month before but it makes me pay wayyyyy too much attention to women and I don’t want to get wandering eyes considering the girl I’m with now is the coolest woman I’ve ever met.
Congrats bros I had a 1 month no porn streak going last month but slipped up 2 weeks ago and have prolly watched porn 5 times since then.
It makes me lazier and I have to exert twice as much will to do my normal routines after fapping like sitting down to meditate or go to the gym, I still get that stuff done but I recognize I have to really kick myself in the ass to get it done after 20 min of watching porn. Plus it’s easy to get lost for 45 min when that time could be spent reading or drawing or something cool.

>> No.28154413

This guy is right. It seems ridiculous that you're masturbating to the taboo of it. But I have a couple of hundred bookmarks and I never revisit the old ones.

>> No.28154852

>How did you get into the business?
>On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate the hottest girl you ever fucked?
>How mentally fucked and drug addicted were the girls you did scenes with?
>What was the highest you ever got paid?
>Can you have normal/emotionally intense sex now or is your brain fucked from your porn stint leaving you unable to form meaningful sexual relationships
>Why did you stop?

>> No.28154944

>Porn is harder to quit than heroin brehs,

They say that about everything, except heroin.

>> No.28155322
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>live in my own home
>dad retires
>moves in with me
>he doesn't pay for shit, but would give me money if I asked him
>he's lived alone the last ~10 years or so
>he's the definition of a coomer
>many nights I will legit shut off the internet because all I hear is porn coming from his closed bedroom door
>he hasn't confronted me about it, my devices are all connected to a separate network he doesn't know about or wired in
>it's like this almost every night
What do I say to him? I bought him headphones and he seemingly refuses to use them. I don't really give a fuck if the old bastard watches porn, but why do I have to listen to it?

>> No.28155857
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You see the part of this chart they left out through here,

>> No.28155965

The only way to quit a real addiction is you have a good cause to fight for. Whether that be someone else, a loved one, or yourself, just find one.

>> No.28155998

Well when you reach that pit and think about cooming again, why give in? You just suffered through all that and you aren't going to reap the rewards?

>> No.28156024

I've been there anon, I found my dad's fleshlights.
Homie legit moans and I can hear it

>> No.28156155

fapping once a week is perfectly normal OP, why would you beat yourself up over it?
no pun intended.

>> No.28156177

>tried everything
You have to first understand that those cravings are natural and that you need to express them in a healthy way, because you're literally being milked by corporations that keep you in a comfort bubble while using you as a means to an end for their expansion, porn is just one facade of it. It goes much deeper. It's not a conspiracy - it's unconscious use of technology.

Good way to get rid of unconscious activities is by raising ones awareness to them. They will fade away. Also, don't fight the voices or the emotions, but simply observe them without judgment and understand that it's not you.

>> No.28156262

nofap movement is cringe, but I must say I like to have these 2-4week streaks of not fapping. It makes me feel very energetic and powerfull. I really like the feeling and I'm a degenerate coomer if I just start to touch myself.
The plus side also is that when I don't fap I approach women as I will fuck them and it gets me good pussy sometimes.

>> No.28156392
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dont listen to the pathetic coomers who try to tell you that it's 'all in your head' or they 'jack off everyday no problem'. they aren't as addicted as you have been, and no fault of your own. Your brain chemistry + experiences makes it worse than the coomer deniers.

I don't have an specific advice to give you, other than to not give up. Remember the Goal. It will feel impossible in those fleeting spikes of desire, but you can and you will get through this. and you will be stronger than all the coomers who try to dissuade you.

>> No.28156401

Terrible advice. Masturbation is objectively evil from a scholastic point of view. This has always been the classical view in natural law theory. It was only recently that it was reshaped by people like you because of the enlightenment and modernist non aggression principle propaganda. Realize the evil that you perform is contrary to nature and hate it with all your heart. Being lukewarm about it won't make you quit. Same is with all addictions. People are addicted to porn precisely BECAUSE they think it is normal. Just look at all the articles and opinions which try to say that jacking off is completely normal. Hell, it's even taught in schools. Since people see nothing wrong with it, they do it without care or regret.

>> No.28156521

literally who cares, there is no more natural instinct than to have sex including masturbation.

Just don't get into trannies or gay shit. Try to stay away from the BBC on white porn cuz that will get you hooked like it did to me.

>> No.28156718

>t. animal who is enslaved by his passions

>> No.28156744

one more thing: I'd bet most, if not all, of the people who say cooming isn't harmful, would have an even harder time quitting than you. you are the strong one, not them.

>> No.28156834

Kys reddditwit. Watching video material of mentally ill child trafficked prostitues have unprotected sex while coked out of their minds infront of a jewish porn director and his video camera isn't normal in the context of nature.

>> No.28156885

what taboo aspect?
fapping once a weak is completely normal
probably even has health benefits (if you don't have sex)

>> No.28157102

I Jerk it to shemales now, I'm too far gone.

>> No.28157125
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>probably even has health benefits
People really see one astroturfed study about muh prostate cancer and think that fapping is suddenly healthy and natural now. Not knowing of course that nocturnal emissions naturally do this for you. Of course what natural means presupposes a modernist definition and disregards the classical definition.

>> No.28157422

Why not just have a wank a few times a week and move on with your life?

>> No.28157472
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You coom because you aren't fulfilled. You long to FEEL something, so you get a sense of relief when u COOM. Occupy your time so that your mind focuses on other things or go full buddha and realize that the EGO is what craves these desires, not you. In this waking moment YOU control the body not the inner voice that you think is you.

>> No.28157544

the final coomerpill is that its the practical thing to do. i'm in a relationship since 8 years and not only does the urge to have sex with your partner whose looks are constantly decreasing and who you have slept with 1000 times alteady decrease accordingly but its also that if i want sex my gf doesnt always want to. you have a sex drive thats just simple biology and surpressing it wont make it go away it eventually only breaks its way in a more ugly way. so i basically have three options, just rape my gf if i feel like having sex and she doesnt, going out fucking hookers or just jack off and get it over with. option a is for sick fucks, option b is way to expensive, option c it is. simple as

>> No.28157616
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>in ur world, when you jerk off you are submitting to the jew overlords

>> No.28157835

Masturbation is for faggots. Think about how gay it is to be constantly touching your dick all day

>> No.28157992

This. Once you start slamming puss regularly you release wanting to cum all the time is normal.
>Hurr durr but porn has negative effects!
No, your monkey brain just wants to cum. It's designed to want to cum. Porn is just a means to an end, replace it with a girlfriend and you're left with the same desire. Also lift fucking weights and eat right

>> No.28158044

unironically the greatest physique for a man imo. just sad that i'll never reach it as living in this pozzed society with faggot estrogenes in the air, food and water and a fucking office job my test levels are way to low to reach this natty by lifting. just fuck my shit up

>> No.28158230

You should not be having sex with your girlfriend either.

>> No.28158337
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fucking KEK

>> No.28158378

One, fallacy of the natural. Just because something doesn't occur in nature doesn't mean it's wrong/can't inform our ethics. Two, the premise of your argument is horseshit because a diverse group of mammals, both anthropoids and non-anthropoids, are well known to masturbate. You can throw around words like "objectively" and "scholastic" that make you sound smart all you want, but it doesn't make your premise shakier than my grandfather when he sees flashing lights.

>> No.28158387
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Found a coin for you coomer!

>> No.28158404


Just nut up and pursue the girl you know you should be taking the plunge toward or go find one.
Get a job in a bar/ restaurant this Spring. Working in a restaurant day in day out with a dozen women and you'll close the gap with one of them easy. Take it from a sperg and recluse, this is your only way to get in with a good looking, normal woman.

>> No.28158436

just make it a part of your identity and replace it with a good habit.

>im not the piece of shit consumer coomer
>im the chad reader and trader
or some shit. but it all comes down to 1)just fucking quit. dont worry about weaning off or 30 days or anything. just. quit. and 2)self talk. you are what you think you are anon.

>> No.28158801

Imagine that every girl you see online is your daughter. Done.

>> No.28158909

I fap without porn now and quite frankly i don't miss it
It's just a chemical release in your brain, wasting time finding proper material to bust to is just pointless

>> No.28158999

>Just because something doesn't occur in nature doesn't mean it's wrong/can't inform our ethics
Common misunderstanding of the classical definition of what natural means. I do not mean the things that occur in nature like in animals or other things like this (this is the modern definition). I mean the generative process of existence. In other words, something is natural insofar as it pertains to it's own purpose and final end. The purpose of semen is not solely for gratification. It is for reproduction. This is why I said scholastic because scholastic philosophy developed the classical view of what natural truly means (partly inspired by ancient Greek philosophy).

Plus the whole "well animals do it too" is a bullshit rebuttal even though it's irrelevant to my actual argument. You want to be an animal?


>> No.28159169

You do it because you still get satisfaction from it. Even though you know it's bad, deep down, you still like to do it and it brings you happiness. That is what you have to reflect on. It's not like you aren't living in accordance with your values, because you are getting "value" out of porn. Once you truly view it as a bad thing you will stop.

>> No.28159171
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>gets harder

>> No.28159596

an expression that really helps me:
"Don't feed the beast, and it will starve"
see it for what it is, acknowledge it, but don't give it your emotional/cognitive energy

>> No.28159665
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>> No.28159733
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>He doesn't coom at least twice a day
Rookie numbers, /biz/.

>> No.28159857

>Twice a day

Back in high school i would hit 4+ avg

>> No.28159946
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>once a week
Rookie numbers.

>Just don't get into trannies
Hot trannies are god's gift

>> No.28160189

You are doomed to coom. That's okay, that's life. Just think, all around the world, billions of dumb animals are cooming every second. Your dad cooms, your neighbor cooms, your crush from high school cooms. Truth is, we're all coomers whether we admit it or not. Cooming is where we came from. Without it, where would we be? Cooming is the essential nature of life. So coom away, anon. Coom to your hearts content.

>> No.28160192
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I am ashamed how many low test men are in this thread desu senpai. Imagine falling for a reddit meme as shit as "no fap".

>> No.28160392

Cooming does not equal reproductive sex. And just because other people do it doesn't make it right. In consequence, morals and principles would be defined by a consensus, not an objective standard.

The idea that masturbation is contrary to nature and sinful predates the nofap movement. Whether you agree with that or not, the idea of controlling your bodily passions is not new at all.

>> No.28161155
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Trips of Absolute Truth

Coom Frens, I find it rather amazing, that virtually all spiritual practices across all ages of humanity, have each independently come to the conclusion that abstinence/celibacy brings great benefits. I'm not a christcuck, and I still find that to be rather fucking coincidental. What cope can you conjure to counter it?

>> No.28161781

My highest was 27 in one day (not to coompletion) the next day was 14 and never tried to touch that record again

>> No.28162428

Could be worse. I only like hentai and furry porn (especially furry porn) and I'm not even into to 3D at this point. I haven't looked at 2D shit in months but I still feel nothing.

Glad I'm not a pedo at least but it could always be worse OP.