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28147844 No.28147844 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth buying some medical psychedelic stock and holding for like 10 years? Does this industry have a future or is it just a meme?

>> No.28148476

Bump for interest

>> No.28148530


>> No.28148651

as long as crypto is around you will never see comparable gains in anything like dudeweedmuhtrippydrugs stonks
I just don't see it catching on with normies/big money to any significant extent
t. I've used psychs for decades, still think it would take a fucking miraculous paradigm shift just for society to take serious interest in them

>> No.28148984

fuck this chink piece of rat shit

>> No.28149017


You don't have PTSD.
You don't have "chemical" depression. You don't make money, that's your problem.
It doesn't awaken your third eye or let you communicate with spirits you fucking retard.

What actually happens is you see pretty colors for a bit then you become permanently retarded and sedated, telling people your life has been changed forever and you'll totally send out those resumes *next* week. Get mad as you want at me I've seen 15 times, ends the same each time.

>> No.28149023

Short answer is: Y E S
I would buy, if I had the money
Check out Hopkins universite researches, the industry will be GIANT in 3-5 years

>> No.28149267

hang yourself tonight

>> No.28149420
File: 107 KB, 825x450, toe brogan experience1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the psychedelic enlightenment speaking

>> No.28149780

buy any of the stocks in the new psychedelic ETF

>> No.28149914

mushrooms arent the kind of things you do everyday like beer or weed because the buzz lasts a long time

>> No.28150307

I bought the etf. Did I make a mistake?

>> No.28150351

we all know deep down that money isn't the key to happiness; mushrooms just help you to feel that way also (as well as poison it to a degree)

you sound sure enough of yourself to disagree with my idea without a second thought, but if you're 100% confident, try a dose in the right set/ting and temper your ideas with observation

>> No.28150517

Do you realize how cheap and easy it is to grow mushrooms and how little you need? It's even worse than cannabis, 1g can last a month of microdosing

>> No.28150594

I'm gonna give you some advice. If you are on this forum you are likely a very introspective person to the point of autism. The people you mentioned probably lack this introspective characteristic and they were likely retarded in the first place. Psychedelics can make introspective thinkers go off the rail or rally to improve their life.

>> No.28150931

Honestly hes probably wasting less air than you are at the current moment. Neck urself.

>> No.28151341

Redpill me on PSYK

>> No.28151532

I think you make a good point at the end of your post. I like psychedelics but if you're in a highly suggestible state like that you can end up believing your own retarded thoughts are coming from God or something. A guided clinical setting could be beneficial imo, but yeah a lot of those "profound revelations" are useless at best, self defeating at worst.

>> No.28151586

It's an industry that can't make money, if it was widely available it would be easy to grow from home. Weed had a similar issue, big producers and home growers drive price and demand down.

>> No.28151688

It's not an addictive substance like alcohol or tobacco and isn't good for habitual use like weed. I don't see it ever becoming a booming industry.

>> No.28151691

why not, high risk high reward.

anyone whose done mushrooms know they are fucking legitness and not unsafe at all. its only a matter of time before regulations erode.

>> No.28151705

Checked. Buy SHRMF. Most memorable meme ticker (literally $SHRM).

>> No.28151753

where would you buy those anon? bump for interest for research reasons obv

>> No.28151975

Still though there was a weed boom when the industry was first getting traction, legality and hype. Same thing could happen with psychedelics.

The focus in these companies seems to be mostly medical use over recreation like weed though. Idk if the "anyone can grow them" argument holds much water when it isn't for recreational purposes

>> No.28152070

CYBN is also a sexy name.

>> No.28152242

well if anything introspective thinkers would "learn" less than retards from psychedelics, that's why so many retards claim it changed them, maybe it was true for them

>> No.28152316


>> No.28152358

dafuq is that?

>> No.28152478

white house market, has everything if you're not in a 3rd world country although they is probs easier ways to get

>> No.28152603


no ,it allows you to learn more are think about things from new perspectives. Retards just get high for a bit and listen to music.

>> No.28152850
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It's legal in Oregon, so there probably is or will be a market for this over there.

>> No.28152953

mind medicine looks like a good stock

>> No.28152985

$MINE is up 130% today.

>> No.28153039

pure 100% concentrated meme

>> No.28153074

what are you referring to, psilocybin/mushrooms?

>> No.28153077

you'd be surprised, i dont have a circle in the city i am living so internet is my only option at least for now

>> No.28153116

long MMED

>> No.28153183

Shrooms are the next weed

>> No.28153348

not bad not bad.

>> No.28153373

Rvvtf especially with their research into treating addiction

“We are pleased to have expanded our research partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the development of novel psilocybin formulations that will serve as the platform to create unique psychedelic-based therapeutics for clinical research targeting specific medical needs, such as addiction use disorders,” said Michael Frank, Revive’s Chief Executive Officer. “As part of our psychedelic-based pharmaceutical strategy, we are focused on balancing research and development of novel psilocybin-based formulations and clinical research of psilocybin to create a robust product pipeline backed by intellectual property and clinical data with the aim to pursue the FDA regulatory pathway for commercialization. Revive plans to expand its clinical development pipeline with psilocybin for various addiction and dependence disorders.”

My guess is it will be huge for helping people who want to quit smoking nicotine products

Look into the latest research

>> No.28153430

idk it literally grows on cow shit. I don't think anyone really knows what the supply chain will look like in 5 years

>> No.28153523


>> No.28153624

YES. I bought in MMEDF at $0.42 because an anon shilled it to me on this board. This entire sector will fucking pop off within the next 3-5years. We're almost definitely going to see MDMA and psilocybin approved for medicinal uses within that time frame. Any anon who says otherwise is either willfully ignorant or fucking retarded don't listen to them. This industry WILL make you money. We're all incredibly early.

>> No.28153642

Not for normies going through insurance related programs to treat depression, addiction, ptsd, etc. The medical field will skyrocket.

>> No.28153646

What's the ETF called? I don't follow stocks much.

>> No.28153782

I wouldn't. mushrooms are always going to be a very niche market, even if legalized. the number of people that use mushrooms is small and they don't use them very often. like 10-20 times in your life is above average for a psych user. its a rare few that will trip over 100x. the market is small. maybe microdosing becomes a thing that takes off and generates revenue....but not at the same level as something like the cannabis industry

>> No.28153800

Was wondering this as well OP.
You can already buy mushrooms from online retailers in Canada.

I just can't see it being nearly as big as weed stocks were. But I think an ETF or picking a few now would be wise.

>> No.28153873


>> No.28153889

i dont rly like to spoon feed this info but were all bros here take it as u will, learn how to set up a pgp key kleopatra is a good way and you can watch a video to easily learn how to do it next download tor and use dark.fail for whm links, create an account and do what it says setting up ur pgp etc, find a vendor thats in your country and make sure he has good feedback, use igolder to encrypt your order message (your address) encrypt with vendors pgp key and send the xmr to the address, then release funds once order arrived, do ur own research but thats the basics of it

>> No.28153890

this is called the culture war nigga

the age of enlightment nigga

>> No.28153920
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>Rising rates of depression and addiction
>Current treatments prescribed by Steinberg are proven ineffective or at worse detrimental
>Weed legalization redlpilling normies that the war on drugs was a fucking farce
>Celebrities openly admitting and praising psychedelic use as the catalyst for positive life changing perspectives (Mike Tyson is probably the best case of this, bless that mofo)
>Silicon valley tech professionals abuses psychedelics to gain professional advantage and creativity
>All the wealthy younger generation are tech professionals
>Those who try psychedelics have a very high tendency to wish they could "spread the love" and make others aware of their positives
>Legitimate research being approved globally at a rapid pace for psychedelic therapeutics
>States have started legalizing their use, it's about to snowball like cannabis did years ago as other states realize they're missing out on revenue

Stocks like MMEDF also don't just deal with shrooms. For example they're performing clinical trails for LSD as ADHD and anxiety treatments. Adderall is great and all but fuck does that shit have terrible side effects.

Honestly there is no alternative. We're at a crossroads where addiction and depression are engulfing the masses and we can't fucking stop it anymore. There is going to be a breaking point.

t. ADHD anon who used to trade on adderall but now just microdoses

>> No.28154271

oh thank you very much for this, appreciate it.
i was already browsing the listings and was thinking of placing an order, is it safe have you used it before?

>> No.28154319


>> No.28154354
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I feel this is the incorrect way of looking at it. People are not comfortable taking these things alone. Taking the wrong doses can make for a scary time, taking in the wrong setting can make you uncomfortable, and honestly microdosing may be the best way to treat long term without giving a full trippy experience. Many of these companies are also trying to find non psychoactive analogs to these drugs (although I will say that the trip is part of the healing, but who knows). As t the end of the day, people are going to be much more comfortable sitting in a trip session with a trained professional to guide them and would pay for that rather than just but a bunch of shrooms to heroic dose on a weekend. People would also much prefer having a doctor prescribe them carefully administered capsules of LSD for microdosing on a daily basis rather than chancing taking a little too much when they need to remain sober.

>> No.28154378

You're not supposed to inject shrooms they don't even work that way

>> No.28154469

Just watched this earlier today lmao

>> No.28154580

np yeah its safe been using for the last few months when empire got shut down, its more so finding a good vendor really

>> No.28154900

only problem is there is no vendor for psychedelics in my country so i would have to place an international order, i am afraid they will check the envelope in the customs or something. Have you placed any internation orders? Also whats the process of receiving the goods? Do they sent it directly at your house? Sorry for being a spazz but so far i had a guy for this kind of stuff but no more

>> No.28155045

>heroic dose on a weekend

I made this mistake. Broke reality. However, at the same time figured out what I was missing in my life.

>> No.28155108

i wouldn't do international imo. Is it possible? Sure, but definitely inherently more risky.

>> No.28155141
File: 571 KB, 757x1270, 847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did shrooms for the first time on new years. I see now real medical application. This ain't MDMA.

>> No.28155273

well its from an EU country to another not like colombia to germany, supposedly there arent any customs betweeen EU countries but still its international and i cant be sure what they do with the packages.

>> No.28155390

Anyone who's done even a moderate dose of shrooms has seen the beneficial effects it brings. Are there outliers who fucking went heroic dose and went permanently fucked? Yes, but there are outliers with any drug. IMO it's a matter of "If" not "when" these things are used medicinally in the West.

>> No.28155398

I swear this a psychedelic mushrooms thread on this board once a week for the past 4 years

>> No.28155640

This. There was a silver lining but I still experienced probably 2 years of anxiety afterwards. I'm under control now but still have trouble staying focused on the goal from time to time.

>> No.28155795

International orders are fine as long as you dont order in large quantities, Id say shrooms and acid are the safest for international orders too, I've only ordered out of my country once for some banging pills and everything was just like normal so I wouldn't worry. Vendor sends whatever you buy to the address you encrypt in the order (make sure its your address and name or you might get a love letter) aha nw lad its better to learn this stuff so you dont have to rely on ppl anyway and get prices 80% cheaper than street

>> No.28156145

We've structured a society where money IS the key to happiness so it's irrelevant that it actually isn't. The only hope for widespread shroom adoption is a retreat clinic where normies can take them under heavily controlled conditions. You can smoke weed and still be relatively active and productive, if you're tripping balls that's a different story and governments know that. Little Johnny accidentally eats his mommy's mushrooms and suffers severe dissociation and kills himself is the only headline you'll need to destroy such an industry

>> No.28156153

i am leaning on ordering some hoffman, its been over a year since i did any and i miss those times, i will probably try it, its not like they can prosecute me for a letter i recieve no matter the content, and yeah the prices are dirty cheap i am amazed. Thanks again dude, i will put in a good word for you in the next plane.

>> No.28156470

I've known 2 separate girls with serious mental health problems (one with Borderline personality disorder and another with severe depression and suicidal thoughts) and both tried mushrooms to see if it would do anything to help alleviate their symptoms.

The girl with depression did them a couple times which lead to pretty severe psychosis and a suicide attempt

girl with borderline did them and was convinced she had some retarded spiritual journey only to quit her medication which lead to a depression spiral that got her addicted to weed and benzodiazepines then realized she was just being retarded and went back on her medication

Mushrooms are useless but because we have dumb monkey brains when we see something intense we add superficial meaning to it (i.e. "woah dude i had a crazy mushroom trip mustve cured my depression bro jeez...")

>> No.28156815

absolutely based. psychedelics are for simple minded retards.

>> No.28156820

Opium isn’t that hard to grow either

>> No.28156825

What doses did they take? Obviously if they were being retarded and downed 5+g at once for their first time, they'd have an awful trip. Also, shrooms ain't for people who have a family history of serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, which I feel like the severe depression girl did. This is why these things are being researched, to figure out when to use them.

>> No.28157038

Weed stocks haven't even mooned? Shrooms almost grow for free.

>> No.28157165
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I can just buy from spore works, right?

>> No.28157187


Women aren't cut out for drugs. They aren't really cut out for anything

>> No.28157240


My point was just that the positive experiences that we attribute to these drugs are 100% placebo based, and usually only occur in people who are already fine mentally and don't need to use them as some SSRI alternative.

Mentally ill people should not use shrooms in any capacity. I'm not saying they should be illegal but investing money in "therapeutic mushroom" industries is a complete waste unless they're entirely marketed as an alternative medicine for rich menopausal white women with way too much time on their hands.

>> No.28157312

This. Backed by Kevin O'Leary, already did a share offering at this price ($4.40 CAD) so they're not likely to do it anytime soon. Getting clinical trial approvals, has been shilled on business TV etc.

Rumors of uplisting -> ETFs can buy into them.

>> No.28157495

>he doesn't know about microdosing psychedelics every day


>> No.28157517

>Obviously if they were being retarded
I've lost count of how many people's first weed edible trip involved the words "I thought they weren't working so I ate more". If mushrooms became more common that exact scenario will play out but with much worse consequences. Weed overdose you have a panic attack or melt into your bed and get locked for a few hours, shrooms could literally fuck up your mental health for years

>> No.28158172

It's a valid point. I don't think you can attribute all of the anecdotal "good" experiences just to people that are in positive mental states. People who have had PTSD, and depression have had positive lasting effects up to months and years post doses. Don't generalize the exceptions. The stories you've heard are not representative of the whole.

>> No.28158344

I had very positive trips and I can see the medical benefit in micro dosing. In fact, I had some tea and played vidya with my friends a few weeks ago. Was nice.

Remember, states like Oregon decriminalized basically everything and Denver has decriminalized mushrooms too. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.28158800

My point is basically that, while not necessarily the majority of the time, psychedelics cause psychosis or suicidal ideation in enough people with serious mental illness for it to never be seriously considered as an alternative to SSRIs, traditional therapy, or lower risk alternative medicine such as CBD cannabis extracts.

Not necessarily hating on shrooms. Just think that the medical use of them isn't anything that will take off in the next few decades.

>> No.28158831

This really means nothing. Crazy people should just keep away from pschedelics in general, they're not a magic bullet if you have no fucking clue what you're doing. Meanwhile, I've had friends alleviate real trauma and depression by using the substance no more than 1-2 per year.

>> No.28158926

I encourage you to look into the research being done at the university of Basel switzerland, johns hopkins, mount sinai hospital and NYU in new york to get an informed opinion on the power of psilocybin for depression. You are incredibly misinformed.

>> No.28159025

How do you know you're crazy? Many, many people live with undiagnosed mental health problems due to either social stigma or lack of financial means

>> No.28159124

That's the worst part about mental illness. They don't realise how fucked up they are.

>> No.28159149

Positive studies are great in theory but in order for the industry to REALLY take off you have to get doctors to prescribe this to people, and they just straight up won't. There are doctors who won't even give you more than a months supply of SSRI if you have suicidal thoughts. We're talking about life or death consequences for serious side effects and that's a huge burden on the people prescribing them. And the sad truth is yes, in controlled studies they show great promise but in the real world it's a proven fact that these are powerful tools that can fuck people up for seemingly no reason at all, which is enough for doctors to never consider it.

>> No.28159186

Depends on the person. It's helped a lot with my bipolar swings, I usually hero dose every 2 weeks and meditate. It shows you your flaws and ways to change them. The afterglow is nice and counteracts the emotional numbness I get from other medication, but I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. Just a tool like any other drug.

>> No.28159220

>I’m retarded so everyone else is too
Margin is for bigdick gorilla niggas not pansy boiz like you
That’s why I don’t believe this dumpers who tried to shill me shitty tokens

>remember dumpers, I use fucking great poolz, I don’t need you shit

>> No.28159309

This won't be prescribed by doctorss like SSRIs are. That's the entire point. It will be in sessions as these places are testing. And you keep on mentioning how people will go psychotic, but that's just not the case for most people. The generalized dosages are WELL tolerated for most people. I don't understand your antipathy towards this potential medicine. People won't be jumping out windows under controlled settings.

>> No.28159366

We will NOT be having people walking around on 7grams of shrooms or 30mg of psilocybin like it's fucking lexapro.

>> No.28159491

You can always grow mushies. Look into which RC's the WHO wants to ban and invest in those, as when they are no longer available you can charge a premium if you have the lab test to go with it. Other than that, just grow mush lol

>> No.28159538

You would make more money growing them and setting up a website to sell them with crypto.
Cheap as fuck, easy as fuck, DEA and other agencies absolutely couldn't care less about some fuckin shroom heads when there's crackniggers and methbillies destroying the country, not to mention all the Chinese fent

>> No.28159635

total retard take

>> No.28159693

I think you can legally sell spores if they are sold under the guise of "mycology research".

>> No.28159721

Agree. People tend to develop some incoherent pantheistic belief after doing psychedelics, completely based upon experience/phenomena rather than logic

>> No.28159876

And what makes you think the reality you live in is perfectly logical and rational?

>> No.28160241

Theres a logic in trusting the intuition.

>> No.28160322
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Forgot pic

>> No.28160583

I still agree guided experience would be best as most people don't have the structure to reincorporate these experiences in a healthy manner. I only got something out of it as I read more philosophy, history, science, math, and learned about the different religions and how similar they were, and getting into meditation and working out. This just gave it an extra oomph to where I can trust my intuition more easily.

>t degree in physics and won first place first in a poker tournament on acid

>> No.28160983


>> No.28161490

pee pee

>> No.28161520
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This guy gets it. The psy companies aren't just grow ops. They're researching the most effective protocols for clinical use and dose schedules. The research into the talk therapy piece is important. Integration is what differentiates healing trips from recreational ones. It can be done alone, but not by everyone and not all the time. It's also a component that's missing from ketamine therapy, for whatever dumb reason. K is legit, but the way it's administered in clinics is designed (intentionally?) to be as unhelpful as possible.

I put money into MindMed because I want their trip killer to work. It's going to be very reassuring to fearful people that they can stop a trip if it's too hard to get out alone. It might even help people dig deeper into the trouble.

>> No.28161554

of which there are literally millions. are you saying this DOES have a future?

>> No.28161626

If you thought psychedelics were the move you should be working on growing them rather than speculating in stocks. Mushrooms are easy as fuck to grow and depending on where you are you’ll get 30-60$ eighth. Maybe more. That’s like 10,000% profit on the input materials. I know, I did it for a few years.

Mushrooms are cool as shit. They may very well be the source of modern humanity. Also fungi are both the largest and oldest life forms ever discovered in this planet. They are neigpther animal nor plant and they actual form their own neural networks to communicate with each other and other species.

Mushrooms are the most interesting form of life and super under appreciated.

>> No.28161682

drive stock up please, make my career profitable

>> No.28161742

I'm in canada. I can order spores or even the mushrooms themselves via debit card

>> No.28161919

the psychadelic alkaloids degrade quickly, especially when exposed to oxygen (which will cause the blue color=weaker shrooms).

Seal them up, and they are good for about 6 months, so not a long term hodl.

t.former farmer

>> No.28162131
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based. I don't understand why people are always saying shit like "dude just open your mind maaaaan" and think some psychedelics are going to 'fix' them. I wish people would be honest with themselves and admit they just like getting high and tripping out. there's nothing wrong with that. you have people microdosing, literally trying to be high 24/7 yet they don't think they have a problem. not to mention LSD is called acid because it literally FRIES your brain. it deteriorates the myelin sheath surrounding your neurons. """pyschonauts""" are the vegans of the drug world.

protip: the beatles aren't that good

>> No.28162190

damn anon, that gif is fuckin freaky. saved in a special folder.

>> No.28162228

Shrooms are great and everyone should do them a few times at least, but I don't see a big money opportunity.

These are not addictive and non-habit forming. Some people use daily for micro-dosing, but as far as habitual users, even medicinally, this is less valuable than weed.

One of best drugs in the world though, imo.

>> No.28162359

I have been doing big doses of mushrooms for a years and I'm academic physicist, you sound like you hang around with a lot of losers anon, it's selection bias

>> No.28162456

lol who fucking told you this
not anywhere closes to how that works

>> No.28162540

have you tried getting laid?

>> No.28162611

let's fucking goooo

>> No.28162651

I've done mushrooms regularly for like 10 years. I don't do acid too much because it lasts 12+ hours, shrooms can be done in an evening. I like them but I am honest with myself.

>> No.28162806

You are based for real. Keep it up.

>> No.28162896


From the Master himself, Timothy Leary:


Page 47 " The Psychadelic Guide"

>> No.28163116

Compared to LSD (easy to take "too much"), shrooms are pretty low key. Plus it helps that they taste terrible, further lessening the chance you will gag down too many .

And on top of that, they are pretty barfwhile too.

>> No.28163259

varies by state for burgers. can't buy spores in california.

>> No.28163311

Why not just buy some and forget about it?

>> No.28163367
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What's been up with all the shroom threads? I don't mind, I just never really thought I'd find them in with stonks and memecoins.

>> No.28163563 [DELETED] 

It's pretty incredible how an experience can vary from person to person. I think I accidentally woke up underlying clinical anxiety in my friend after letting him have one of my weaker edibles ;^( Feels bad man.

>> No.28163756

There's big money, but not for long. Invest for the medium term, when average people have accepted that psychedelics can be medicine but do not yet know how to heal themselves with it. Once shamans become a thing again, it'll be time to pull out.