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28120727 No.28120727 [Reply] [Original]

Anons what bad investment choices you made in crypto that makes you want to kill yourself?

>> No.28120790


>> No.28120925
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this. also i was 50-50 REQ-LINK in 2017 and sold my LINK for REQ

>> No.28120963

I shorted doge and lost 100k$, unironically

>> No.28120968


>> No.28121033

Link. Sergey will never let it moon and the Friday dumps are only getting bigger and bigger.

>> No.28121069

Ahaha plenty. Expensive lessons. Lost 20K recently. As always DOYR and remember that when it’s shilled on Biz is already too late. And the memes are to fool newfags. Memes on cryptos are a collateral effect of their success, if you see a meme on a coin before it made a lot of gals rich is 100% a scam

>> No.28121087

trading my btc for ltc but maybe it will reach ATH soon who knows

>> No.28121113

Spending 100 btc on dude weed lmao

>> No.28121219

lol at what leverage jfc anon

>> No.28121305

fud'd 40k out of mcdc before the big poomp. totally lost faith in something that was incredibly based and epic
would have really helped to get that money

>> No.28121391

Put 120k into crypto November 2017, I was up to 1.7m at the peak. Bought a bunch of shit coins. At peak I had 90k worth of Bounty0x and over 100k of xtrabytes and 150k Waltonchain among others.

I didn’t really sell and rode my portfolio down. Was hardcore denial mode. I did cash out some decent gains and ended up in the positive and rn my crypto portfolio has 180k in.

Life lesson for me, I had a lot of personal growth over the past few years and thankfully I did not take a big tax hit because I didn’t even sell my shitcoins at the peak. Anyways Im young and have over 700k in stock market index funds so it’s not like I am going to be poor lul but still I could have so much more

>> No.28121469

Holding all of my crypto through June 2017 - June 2018 without cashing out during the peak.

>> No.28121531

When? That’s a lot of weed

>> No.28121539

Kneepads I have warehouses filled with them cause /biz/ told me to buy.

>> No.28121579

Sold Avax for $4

>> No.28121595

I dindnt buy LINK at 18cent.

>> No.28121607

probably when 10,000,000 btc was worth a pizza

>> No.28121624

If anyone remembers PRL (Pearl) where the anon creator of the coin did an exit
Yeah I lost like 10k with that shit, I was a retard

>> No.28121627

sold 500k doge in 2020

>> No.28121644

Swipe SXP, peice of shit coin, run by peice of shit people.......anyone that thinks differently can go fuck themselves and will probably kill themselves when they realize they are poor from buying this peice of shit

>> No.28121648

Bought a stack of rubics at 0.02, sold at 0.04. Nice flip, I thought. Until I realised that I missed my ticket to realise gains that would put me in a good positon to start making some real money.
I felt obliterated and BTC had been acting up last weeks so I cashed out my ETH, thinking I could by the correction a few weeks later.
Earned a measly 8k since I started with crypto in september, it was not meant to be I guess. Not the cycle at least. I just wished for 100k to make it next cycle bros. That dream is dead. The promise of a golden age is over.

>> No.28121691

down he goes
this is gonna make u reddit bastards cry
LMAO it pump
then LOL it dumps
why you cry like a girl??
ar u lost again with your trash bot for trading?
> be clever use bot ocean for cex and dex trading, forget about scam solutions

>> No.28121759

>all in on GRT for all of December with an average entry of 30c
>feeling comfy af
>somehow get fudded in mid jan
>sold everything on Jan 18th
>went all into XLM
Literally seconds away from killing myself

>> No.28121764

Sold algo around .70 after buying in the 30s and 40s

>> No.28121835

>sold my eth for link in january
>now i have 70% the amout of ETH I had a month ago


>> No.28121852

I guess I can spend the last 20 dollar in ETH on some $ROPE

>> No.28121866

I sold 30k Link at 0.2 cents in 2017. Never bought back in and my folio is now 3k dollars. Laugh at my failure

>> No.28121903

Mostly the choice not to invest. I have 13k sitting in my account, I cope saying it's emergency money but I keep waiting for a crash that doesn't seem to be coming. I only need $5k in cash at most

I have crypto but I could have more

>> No.28121943

None. Only ever won with crypto
GME made me want to blow my brains out

>> No.28121996

SHAKE. This on is fucking embarrassing. Bought in, withstood the fud, sold during the War on Rugs drama, bought in lower, got banned, sold, bought and sold again. I can't believe I'm so fucking retarded. I don't want to touch crypto now.

>> No.28121998

I bought Rubic at 2 cents and sold at 7 cents thinking it was just going to pump for a day or two then immediately crash after everyone got bored

Fell for the PRQ bear trap and sold before the massive pump past 1$

Even though I haven't technically lost any money if I hadn't sold so early on those two coins I could legit have dozens of thousands rn.

>> No.28122036

Sold x BTC @ $400 way back in the day cause my government said they were gonna crack down on crypto.

>> No.28122053

Sold a 2k stack of aave too early. I would have been a millionaire

>> No.28122130

What made you FUD? What logic?

>> No.28122237

sold 70 egld at $63 before it tripled to buy into dot. lol. fuck. not a bad investment but bad timing

>> No.28122312

lmao how could you buy a literal vertical spike?
are you retarded?

>> No.28122326

Opening a coinbase account

>> No.28122329

I also have COR, but I think it could possibly go back up to 0.02 eventually and make my money back. Just a HODL game rather than a get rich quick game.

>> No.28122336

I did literally the exact same thing as you dude don't beat yourself up over it. Plus alt-season hasn't even properly started yet.

>> No.28122358

I bought transmute at 1.70

>> No.28122384

bought 200 dollars worth of $pika

>> No.28122545

Not getting Bitcoin for Christmas in 2012

>> No.28122563

Holy shit anon, HODL. If only you knew what was coming.

>> No.28122654

Sold 2.5 BTC this past June to fund a small business idea, ended up not going through with the idea, and then forgot to buy back in.

>> No.28122693

It FEELS like we should have a correction soon, but now we will have an artificial pump because of mr. Musks impulse injection. Soon the normies will fomo in, pumping BTC for a while and panic sell at resistance.

Or it will just moon and I will miss out again. Idk what the correct choice is at this point. I miss the bear market

>> No.28122947
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Refused free BTC on /b/ because I thought creating a wallet was a hassle.
Refused ETH for similar reasons.
Didn't buy EGLD at $13.
Sold BAO just before it did +150%.
Sold LUNA at $1 to buy RUNE.
Sold CAKE at $2.
Never staked any of my tokens.

>> No.28122989

back in December i lost %20 fucking with DOGE swings when it first started to boil, and when i say %20 i mean in the matter of 30 minutes. wanted to rope so bad. i'm now up almost %70. hang in there faggot. you'll be ok if you learn to be tough.

>> No.28123057

I didnt invest in HOGE until it was 10x when I first saw it.

>> No.28123075

1X but big size, didnt think it had 1 more ath pump in it, but it did

>> No.28123107

Different anon but do you really think so? I got in for less than a penny so honestly if COR didn’t end up being a total shitcoin it could really do some good things for me because I’m a slight poorfag.

>> No.28123178

Sold my Chainlink at $2 because I needed to buy my ex-gf out of the house.

>> No.28123205

> Never staked any of my tokens.
where do you stake now?

>> No.28123206

I invested 2000$ on Jibrel Network

>> No.28123279

>bought the top in 2017
>sold a bitcoin for $10k
>didn't buy in this time because I assumed it would crash again
>that bitcoin is going to be worth six figures soon
>I will never be able to afford to buy back in
I want to die

>> No.28123287

I lost several thousand dollars investing in LCX

>> No.28123350

I didn't take out enough loans
I could have been a billionaire if I had taken out more debt, but I'm stuck in 8 figure hell now.

>> No.28123360

no. don't do it. you have so much to live for.

>> No.28123450
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I'm an IRL oldfag, and I can remember when Bitcoin crashed from $0.12 to $0.04 and everyone was panic selling.

>> No.28123454

sold 100 egld around 40 usd. At least it was only half of my bag

>> No.28123477

I sold 50k LINK for $0.50.

>> No.28123515
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I didn't buy more is unironically the worst feeling in the world. I can cope with losing thousands but knowing I could have made more just fucking hurts. Fantom, link, parsiq

>> No.28123529

>be me only 10k linkies in 2018 because I bought in January
>swing my way to 70k linkies in 2019, nice % on lto and vidt, but most my gains on the matic super pump
>post mainnet fud get to me
>sell one morning into usdc and send usdc to trezor and leave trezor home
>google drops that same evening
>run home and fomo for 40k linkies
>fast forward summer 2020
>link will not break 5$
>sell into usdc
>it do
>oh shit
>need to catch link
>ride uniswap shitcoins then sxp until I could afford my 40k link stack
>1000 ways this could've gone bad desu
>waiting for launch
>do x2.5 on it
>now 102k linkies :)
Could've had a lot more if I didn't sell link the day google dropped, and the week it broke 5$, but still did pretty well

>> No.28123536

just buy and hold btc eth link

>> No.28123569

Not just putting it all into BTC.

>> No.28123622

I don't even though I installed daedalus and LUNA station on my computer
I staked 30k IOST on Binance for 54% APY though.

>> No.28123859
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>bought MILK at $2.70

>> No.28123946

Sold half my stack of BTC at $ 22k

>> No.28124049

>sold 500k XVG at 6sat

>> No.28124622

When I was in uni I got a £3600 loan. I opened a crypto account to put it all on BTC. I thought it was a good idea but decided to ask in a friends group of about 15 folk, all of who said it was a terrible idea, dont do it and youll ruin your life.

BTC was £164. That number is burnt into my head, by todays price that investment would have been at £878,048.

Fuck them all

>> No.28124632

Discovering margin shorting, ever since then I have 1/5th of what I invested hahaha

>> No.28124717

farmed MCDEX instead of YFI

>> No.28124724

This but for $20. Yesterday.

>> No.28124833

Bought bnb at 80 cents

Sold bnb at eight dollars

>> No.28124857


>> No.28124905


Never trust zoomers.

>> No.28124907

>realize I want to get in on the defi hype season
>spend a ton of time researching defi protocols, trying to figure out which have room for growth
>Narrow it down to idle finance and badger dao
>Decide idle finance has the better prospects due to a possible andre cronje connection, an opportunity for fiat on-ramping, and the heaviest farming distribution ending soon plus I'm not sure I follow the purpose of badger besides giving btc whales interest
>Badger is $8, idle is $3.50
>I buy 1000 idle for $3500
>Today that 1000 idle is $13500 with little momentum and $3500 of badger would be $30000

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA my alt season is completely squandered unless this pops off to $25.

>> No.28124929

IOTA 2017 @ a little over 3usd

>> No.28125091

Just buy BAO and farm, loser

>> No.28125194

When I was a kid (2010), some guy offered me 300btc for a Team Fortress 2 Pyro hat, I refused.

>> No.28125205

Youre not alone anon

>> No.28125311

none. stonks manipulated and fail, crypto only go up.

>> No.28125562

Hard to believe tf2 was around before bitcoin.

>> No.28125773

Absolute same. Bought under 1c and sold around 3c. Told myself, this project does nothing new but good for a pnd.

That's still true, but little did we know it would get memed into an 80x.

Hurts but the process failure was not leaving some in after taking profits. Not a mistake I'll make again.

>> No.28125871

Selling my hoge. Fudded myself. I'd be at six figures of gainz fml

>> No.28125874

investing my time into /biz

>> No.28125933
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I didn't buy Rubic RIGHT NOW

>> No.28125966

People don't get how early crypto is. To use the internet as a metaphor we are in the AOL dial up era.

>> No.28125997

>invested some $500 in 2017 for 0.2 BTC
>traded for altcoins
>2021 have coins & tokens worth $500
learned nothing, still buying shitcoins instead of hodling the classics

>> No.28126018

Thanks anon, it feels good not the be the only actually retarded person here. I think I'll just dca into BTC and ETH because all these shitcoins are nothing but misery.

>> No.28126044


>> No.28126088

by late 2011 I was 17 years old and I knew about bitcoin and wanted some but I didn't know much else about crypto. kill me.

>> No.28126115

bought btc at 45k

>> No.28126152


every time I've bought BTC and doge, it was at the top
and then I hold for a week, get too scared of the abyss and sell

then it pumps again

>> No.28126170

greed kills anon, always post more collateral than you think you will need and decide what youre going to do before you move, then dont change your mind.

>> No.28126519

fucking same here. Had 75k RBC, only made 2k usd. Fucking hell. Still thinks it's a scam though, wtf sometimes. Anyway I don't beat myself too hard, I know Algo&Grt will take me to the moon

>> No.28126531

I have bao you goof, this thread isn't about times you made good choices

>> No.28126627

you never, ever ask normies for their opinions on stuff like this

>> No.28126858

Amateur, bought @3.80

>> No.28126901

I climbed back in. Don't want to miss rocketship

>> No.28127162

I'm sorry bro. I thought my losing ~10-15% of my net worth in 2021 so far was bad kek

>> No.28127218


I was a young, theyre all 8 years older with kids and mortgages. I held their opinions in high regard, specially with them all ganging on me

>> No.28127299

I bought 2000eth in ico and sold them at $3

>> No.28127315

sold all bitcoins around 35-37k. Made it with 7 figures, btc keeps pumping.

>> No.28127316

hindsight 20/20 and all anon, at that time with the information you had it was a completely retarded decision

>> No.28127367

selling my doge at 0.014 cents instead of 0.07

i still did a 4x and outperfomed btc but ngl i was kinda pissed seeing it moon even further these last weeks. just a case of greed

>> No.28127468

I bought COOM and ROT at the top

>> No.28127560
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>> No.28127567

I set up everything to purchase BTC in 2014 with the intention of holding for years but I decided not to when my cursor was hovering over “buy”

>> No.28127577

was about to get 500 ETH when they were $6 in 2016 but I decided the process was too complicated so I bailed

>> No.28127616

Are you guy making all the threads trying to get back

>> No.28127675

Tipping 50k Dogecoins as a joke on reddit years and years ago when it was a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a penny

>> No.28127688

Im back in but i could already be up big

>> No.28127760

>selling LINK at $5 and waiting forever to buy back
>not buying more BTC in 2019, I bought THE LITERAL, ACTUAL BOTTOM while sitting in a Burger King
>I then sold it at $10k because I didn’t think it was bull run time yet

>> No.28127915

Have you sold are still coping?

>> No.28128049

I bought the fucking top of doge and sold the exact bottom, lost $10k

>> No.28128094

I bought DBC. I went to their homepage and saw that it was shit. I saw that their team was shit. I saw that the coin was shit. I saw that everything is shit. And still I bought several hundred $ worth of the shitcoin. I even came to the threads on /biz/ where the "deep brain gang" was a continuous and argued that it's a completely useless coin. I thought I'd be the last fucker off, turns out I was the fool holding the bags.

Here's the very depressing chart.

>> No.28128256

or are you still coping* wtf

>> No.28128316
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>ITT: how to destroy your brain with hindsight bias

Let it go

>> No.28128766

I mean I didnt get liquidated, I had 350k position, and i stopped it at 100k loss. funnily it was 85c and it reached 86c after that before dropping again

>> No.28128858

sold 48k doge in 2018

>> No.28128859

I had 1.2 million doge and ran the doge generals during the tik tok pump last year but sold it all off after a week for chainlink

>> No.28128940

>also i was 50-50 REQ-LINK in 2017 and sold my LINK for REQ
That's a big oof. I was also 50-50 REQ-LINK, but I sold my REQ for LINK. We're like twins who were separated at birth.