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File: 26 KB, 640x640, QuantNetworkRebrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28105393 No.28105393 [Reply] [Original]

Quant Network is about to blast off to $63+ and you faggot niggers are sitting there talking about "muh corns" "muh rubic pajeet token" and "muh stinkies"
Gilbert literally has a 13" cock with the circumference of an Arizona ice tea can.
Quant is working DIRECTLY with MIT to figure out and solidify a new initiative on the development of standardized gateways and asset transfers for blockchain/DLT systems.
Once you realize that this, this right here, is the end game, you will be fomoing in with every last spare cent you have. This is a guaranteed top 10 within 1 year.
Only the few will be saved.
many of you will be too late or you will buy at $1000+

>Just listed on Kucoin

Oh, also, just a tidbit, Quant at Link's current marketcap would be $850.57 per coin - and thats not taking into account future lockups in gateways (which will most likely cut the circulating supply in half)
>circulating suppply: 12,363,322
>total supply : 14,612,493

do the math. thank me later. nigger.

>> No.28106291

>Oh, also, just a tidbit, Quant at Link's current marketcap would be $850.57 per coin - and thats not taking into account future lockups in gateways (which will most likely cut the circulating supply in half)

>Quantards still have Link Derangement Syndrome

Have Fun Staying Poor.

>> No.28106613

have sex, incel

>> No.28106657

don't care

>> No.28106835

ADA is far superior in interoperability

>> No.28107428

kek thats where you're wrong, buck-o.
avax will sit on top of overledger to do full blockchain to blockchain to legacy interoperability. god you guys are actually kind of retarded
avax is good, dont get me wrong. but quant with its overledger product is ligh tyears above

>> No.28107997

well. avax is better than qnt in interoperability as well.

>> No.28108713

that doesnt even make sense
Quant is interoperability
Avax can interoperate to polka dot and ethereum... so what

>> No.28109180

right, except ada and avax have legit code while qnt doesn't. it's been full of empty promises since 2018. only reason its pumping is because we're in a gbr. even shit like FUN pumped.

>> No.28109445
File: 8 KB, 228x223, 27332390_10157323826453508_8149135879907131751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea what the fuck you are even sayin at this point lol

>> No.28110026

i make much sense but your brain can't comprehend truth. i'm on your side but you're so deep in shitposting you can't see through it. you poor bastard.

>> No.28111063

Chedz is based. Taught me to flip qnt and buy polkadot. I have more numbers of usdt than qnt now. Feels good to win.

>> No.28111151

haha chedz is the biggest shitcoin bagholder in this space.

>> No.28111990

keep rubics name out of your faggy threads