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28057357 No.28057357 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to inform you that the easiest way to secure your financial future is to STOP TIPPING IMMEDIATELY.

Reasons not to tip:
1. It is not compulsory.
2. There are no repercussions for not tipping.
3. Spending money you don't have to keeps you poor.
4. It subsidizes otherwise unprofitable businesses.
5. It subsidizes wagie unskilled servers. They will never develop useful skills if they can make a living off carrying food across a room.
6. Tipping is optional.
7. It subsidizes poor immigrants who will send the money to their darkie families in Guatemala. Tipping decreases America's wealth.
8. Tipping makes you look like a beta cuck who burns his money just so society will say he's a good person.
9. Nobody is forcing you to tip.
10. You could be buying TQQQ shares instead.


>> No.28057762

You become a serial no-tipper and that's when you end up finding loogies in your food.

I always tip the standard and I make it a point to tip more to female waitresses. Cheapskates are pure cancer, they need tips to survive

>> No.28057849

>I make it a point to tip more to female waitresses
Cuck. Stopped reading.

>> No.28057946

And then everyone aplauded me walking out of the restaurant. And thats how i became president of olive garden

>> No.28058203

you can save even more money buy just not going out as often or at all

>> No.28058256

I do. And on the few occasions I do go out, I don't tip.

>> No.28058315


If the service is good, Tip. If not, don't Tip.

>> No.28058341

Why? It's optional.

>> No.28058377

If you want to save even more, stop eating lmao

>> No.28058468
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What's tipping?
t. everyone in the civilised parts of the world

>> No.28058473

Most of these people are working for less than minimum wage . Tips is what they rely on to make a living. Come on ! Like seriously!

>> No.28058487






>> No.28058491


>> No.28058553

You tip after the service. It's not ensuring shit. Anyway they'll bring me my food no matter what, if they want to keep their job that is

>> No.28058559
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I tip because the money is immaterial to my wealth and I generally pity wagies. If tipping is the difference between you making it or not, I've got bad news anon.

>> No.28058624

If you want to save even more, stop existing.

>> No.28058633

Every penny you don't spend compounds enormously over the course of your life

>> No.28058691

I agree, it's not their fault. With that said, I don't want to support a business that doesn't adequately pay their employees while rudely expecting me to top up the employees wages.
I went to the restaurant to eat and relax, not have a minor moral dilemma.

>> No.28058751

y'all sound like some r*dittors forreal.

>> No.28058772

>it's not their fault
It absolutely fucking is. Nobody forced them to work there.

>> No.28058853

that being said i don't tip

>> No.28058858

Pretty much a larp based off the Mazda TM keychain bit.

Isn't that right hand drive so that means UK where they don't really tip as much anyway.

What car could that even be an older Mazda 3 (or 323) or older Miata?

>> No.28058863

>be me
>put single dollar in empty tip jar
>do this routinely
>most of the time the jars are barren
>idgaf because im not poor and it makes the poor soul working in food service a bit less depressed for a second
>all of the local places I dine at know me by name
>give me extra portions
>give me free food
>free drinks
>exceptional service

I literally have three waitresses who know me by name who if I hit on am sure would say yes. I specifically order when theyre on shift just so I can be sure they provide me with my now expected level of exceptional service.

I really do feel bad for those people. I have money out the ass compared to them, and if I drop a dollar bill in their sad empty jar and it makes their life a tiny bit better, I feel like thats a good thing. I wouldnt say ive evened out, but ive gotten a sizable return on the investment. Its about supporting local small businesses too.

>> No.28058913

>I have money out the ass compared to them
waitresses do far better than they let on.

>> No.28059059

I may or may not have full day tantric jerk off sessions into a jar I keep in my glove box. Burger king foot lettuce.

>> No.28059100

You could also save a fuckton of money by not being a lazy fuck and grocery shopping and making your own meals.

>> No.28059162

Sometimes I like to eat out though.

>> No.28059163

depends on location and how fancy it is. I knew these bitches who were making a months of work from a good night. Yeah man these bitches were hot anyway they worked at some upscale restaurant. Italian i think

>> No.28059183

You could also save a lot of money by buying some strong rope (in minecraft).

>> No.28059276
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>It absolutely fucking is. Nobody forced them to work there.
if another option were truly available to them, then they'd take it, but they've been shackled by their socio-economic situation. There's a reason why employees are also called wage-slaves.
So much of life in our western bubble relies on the illusion of choice, but we have to accept that so many of us have and will be herded by social pressures of all kinds. Be thankful that you were led here, but don't hate the rest of the flock for having another shepherd.

>> No.28059298

This thread was made by someone who got in an argument about tipping, lost it, (to a woman) and is now here in order to regain some self-esteem.

>> No.28059323

It's mostly a anglo thing. The rest of the world figured out how to give waiters a wage .

>> No.28059327

Depends on the location. Typical American restaurant- Perkins, Denny’s etc - likely just getting by. Busy bar in big city, especially if the waitress is hot - enough that if you knew you’d Seth.

>> No.28059338

These are single moms. Elderly ladies who can’t afford to retire and other people who just couldn’t find anything else. U really not gonna tip an elderly lady ????? Who can’t even stand up and is going through hell to support herself and her elderly husband .I mean are u serious right now

>> No.28059423

>single moms
definitely not tipping then lol
>Elderly ladies
Have never seen one once

>> No.28059427

With COVID now these places are fucked by me. No outside dining, less traffic, etc. I like my local businesses and try to support them however I can, and I appreciate receiving exceptional service and even free things. I feel bad that theyre losing revenue because of this shit in the way they are and have seen some places even close.

Adding to this, I also enjoy dealing with women who are seemingly attracted to me and treat me better because of it. One of them is actually pretty cute and comes out from the kitchen to say hi to me whenever I show up, even if shes not at the register, since she knows me by name and sees the order come in. And fucking hell she hooks up the meat portions, I swear I get triple portions when she makes the pho. Im going to order some pho right phocking now too. God damn im hungry.

>> No.28059456
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I don't fuck with people who handle my food...

>> No.28059493

>I also enjoy dealing with women who are seemingly attracted to me and treat me better because of it
get a hooker, it's better value

>> No.28059523

This too, best way to ensure your food isnt fucked is to form friendships with the people making it

>> No.28059561

You tip after you've eaten, anon

>> No.28059659
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>> No.28059743

>implying OP, who has autism, is capable of friendship
No he's going to give you ten reasons why friendship is financially irresponsible because you must be chasing every red cent like a ravenous kike.

>> No.28059804

The difference here is my simple, minimal act of genuine kindness has made them attracted to me. Also im good looking and they think im rich or at least semi-well off, im in the top 10% of earners for millennials but that itsnt really saying /that/ much. But I like the friendly demeanor and smile when im being given the food that was just prepared for me with a bit more diligence and generosity than the average schmuck would recieve.

Also if I tipped one dollar twice a week for a month while hitting on these girls I guarantee you Id get somewhere, in the end I might even save money this way. I have a wife though, so these waittresses are just a sort of fun side project of mine that is actually paying off in some sense.

>> No.28059816

Every cent you spend is another cent you can't use to buy TQQQ

>> No.28059912

Is that pic actually real?

>> No.28059918

I'd rather buy ammo even at these prices because that isn't useless.

>> No.28060007

Why dont people try and form friendships anymore? I like that at all of my local haunts everyone knows me and treats me well. Its comfy. Even though I live in a decent sized city/urbanized area, I feel more at home here than when I lived in a smaller town.

>> No.28060064

"And the bread sticks..... Were on the house!!"

>> No.28060234

I tip 20% if I can, so long as the human didn’t derp. If they’re having a hard day I get that, it’s the effort people put in you gotta watch. Who knows man mom might be worried about the ex and the kids and the house and her job.. not everyone’s comfy yo. I mean if she’s a bitch she’s a bitch, ain’t gonna tip a bitch, but I’ll tip anyone who’s working hard.

Tipping your help well in whatever form that is, is also the surest way to get them to show up when you need them.

Don’t know why we shit on tipping. It’s super old school and very much works directly with the highest order of human organizations.

>> No.28060306

>take girl out on date
>bring fake 100 dollar bill
>tip normie wagecuck 100 dollar bill
>have sex
>get wagecuck arrested

>> No.28060411

Here, try one more time.





I don't tip but it's literally the thing you hold over a server's head for doing their job right.

>> No.28060447

>Why dont people try and form friendships anymore?
Societal decay, Mr. Bond. You've been a consistently intelligent voice in this thread because networking is a vital financial skill by itself. I live in a rural area, very rural, and it is expected that you deal with everyone else fairly which includes tipping the waitress. Nobody is forcing you to do it and the fact that the OP needs someone to force his hand tells me all I need to know about him. He's unreliable, you can't make a deal with a guy like him and you can't expect loyalty either. Successful people do not surround themselves with greedy subhumans like that and neither do morally just people. (though these are not mutually exclusive traits) Oh and if you're wondering I haven't seen a shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot here in a long time.

>> No.28060466

I usually finish my meal, burp, say "here's a tip kid, brush your teeth, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck", then I go wait for mommy in the car while she pays.

>> No.28060522

What a disgusting faggot.

>> No.28060632

Oh is he active on Facebook again? That page was fucking hilarious

>> No.28060703

Its not like your gonna tell them your not gonna tip beforehand. The wagie will still pretend that their precious tip (because restaurants are too jewish to actually pay their workers) is still on the line if they do not work as expected.

Also, if you go and dont get proper service? thats literally the restaurants duty. To give proper service to its customers. Now gtfo wagie, i have some tips to not give

>> No.28060785

>I don't want to support a business that doesn't adequately pay their employees
>I went to the restaurant
I don't think you know how this works.

>> No.28060832

As an individual, you can do whatever you want. If that works for you, great, But why are you trying to convince everyone to be as stingy as you? If everyone did this, you would get really shitty service all of the sudden. That fact that other people are tipp9ng is good for you. The fear of not getting encourages them to not fuck up. The opportunity of getting a fat tip, encourages them to work harder. Ages ago, when I worked at a pizza place, the waitresses were always talking about strategies to get better tips. It usually revolved around kissing peoples asses and doing a good job. I'm telling you Anon, if you don't tip, who cares, but stop trying to convince others to do the same. If no one tipped, the service would be dogshit.

>> No.28060975

>If everyone did this, you would get really shitty service all of the sudden
No, if everyone did this restaurants would have to pay their servers more and everything would stay the exact same.

>> No.28061077

Do all restaurants across the world pay their staff poorly?
I've never been to an american restaurant, only ones within europe.

>> No.28061169

Im poor but if the food is local and it's good I'll make sure to tip because they will remember to make my food fresh.

But this only applies to small local places and also keeps money in the local economy.

>> No.28061364


Boomer faggot detected.

>> No.28061387

The idea of the TIP, is that the person sitting at the table decides what you deserve. I don't want everyone getting the same paycheck. I want the shitty servers to get less, and the good servers to get more. Giving everyone the same pay is fucking stupid. If you are getting a garunteed amount of money, you are not gonna hustle. This is just a fact.


>> No.28061463

fuggin based

>> No.28061465

>Boomer faggot detected.
Not an argument.
Seethe more because you know I'm right, and my big brain makes you feel weak and pathetic.

>> No.28061521


>> No.28061524

better solution, the managers of the business deal with that shit instead of outsourcing it to the customer.
Just like every other business.

>> No.28061634

tipping is retard tier in a capitalist society.

>> No.28061638

t. wagie
Go back to your crypto get rich quick schemes and keep hoping you'll get lucky

>> No.28061654

This is what people say when they have never been a fucking manager. The better system is an organic one that happens automatically. Why the fuck would you complicate a process by making some middle manager faggot in charge of determining pay scales. No retard. The person at the table is the best judge, and their judgement happens immediately, and it is the most accurate.

>> No.28061666
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>be american
>live in a city with $15 minimum wage
>get terrible service
>still expected to tip
>waiters/waitresses I know always complaining how hard their job is why bragging about how much they make from their pay pigs
>go to Japan
>get some of the best service I've ever had
>not expected to tip

>> No.28061720

Just don't eat, period. Skellies represent.

>> No.28061834

Imagine being this kind of insufferable jackass.

>> No.28061910

I;m a waiter at a 4 star restaurant. I work 10 hr days and make $4.50 per hour. I'm not saying that you have to tip me, just that if you don't it would be wise to never return. I never forget a face and I have millions of pubic hairs.

>> No.28062009

based i never tip since 2021

>> No.28062076

Depending on where you live either
>a. waitstaff are payed minimum wage and needlessly get tips (even though plenty of other minimum wage jobs don't)
>b. you're expected to pay the waitstaffs wages instead of the business owner
it's a cucked system either way.

>> No.28062079
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well, why should we stop at restaurants then?
let's do this with retail as well, tip the cashier for doing the job their fucking paid for. tip the greeter for mumbling some shit. oops, forgot to tip customer service so now they're going to spit on the money that they're giving me for that item I wanted to return. well, it was my fault I suppose, I should've remembered "To Insure Proper Service" I've got to tip.
oops, forgot to tip the bank teller. now they're adding a nice digital loogie to my bank account.
oh no, forgot to tip the lawyer. now they're going to walk up to the judge and hock a fat one into his eye.
shit, forgot to tip my fucking amazon delivery guy. guess my package is going to be a bit slimy and slippery.
fuck off you tip cuck.

>> No.28062332

Dining at restaurants instead of cooking at home is literally signing up to be cucked.

>> No.28062364

>if you don't give me free money I'll commit a felony
what a fucking nigger

>> No.28062369

if you try tipping here in japan they just run after you with your cash. even if its a penny.

abolish your tipping culture.

>> No.28062519

niggers don't work 10 hour days and put up with entitled asshats that think they are too fucking good to tip a worker that, by LAW, has tips calculated into their base wages.

>> No.28062665

>if you don't it would be wise to never return. I never forget a face and I have millions of pubic hairs.
I was willing to start tipping, but this makes me realise that you waters and waitresses are little more than robots that go haywire whenever someone doesn't follow your shitty code.
shove some of that pubic hair down my throat, daddy.

>> No.28062690

>Eating out
Enjoy poverty and obesity, faggot.

>> No.28062745

>a worker that, by LAW, has tips calculated into their base wages.
seems like you're angry at the wrong people.
the proletariat is always angry at the wrong people...

>> No.28062828

>they need tips to survive
and why should that be my problem? People aren't owed a living just for existing?
again, why is this my problem? get a better fucking job if you can't make a living
>lost it
there's no losing or winning because its not a fair competition. its like arguing with a 5 year old child
you're a faggot
Also waitresses are the most entitled cunts on the planet. Anyone defending them wouldn't be if you heard the shit they were saying about you in the back of the restaurant
>t. former servicefag
The only bright side of this lockdown other than my crypto gains has been watching those cunts get absolutely rekt and put in their place. It makes my dick harder than fucking them after a long kitchen shift

>> No.28062840

Food service is much more intimate, and it is a much longer time of interaction. I don't tip door men, or valets. I also don't tip at delis when they put those stupid cups on the counter. Those stupid machines that swipe your card, and then give you an option to tip, and it starts at 20% and goes up to 30%, are stupid as fuck, and I give $0 every time. But if you are going to spend an hour kissing my ass, and bringing me food, and cleaning up after me as I stuff my fat face, the least I can do is reward you for your effort.

>> No.28062960

>eating out

>> No.28062991

Just fucking realized that the dude is "Chestbrah". Zyzz's brother. This whole thread is wew lad.

>> No.28062992
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no but intermittent fasting and full blown ramadan does wonders to your health and invigorates you.

>> No.28062994

>Food service is much more intimate, and it is a much longer time of interaction.
oops, forgot to tip my DOCTOR. guess he's going to shit in my throat during this surgery while I'm knocked out.
fuck off, you gains goblin.

>> No.28062996


If you want more money then you have to put it on the price.
In fact businesses should tip me for buying from them and not the competition. There is a reason why never go to any "tip"business. I NEVER TIP and therefore I will never buy from tippies.

>> No.28063055

>To Insure Proper Service
>Insurance of the service that you get
You meant ensure. Retard.

>> No.28063103

The waitresses are getting paid doctor money though

>> No.28063115

And cut people's heads off. Relax Mohammad.

>> No.28063129

I pretty much always cook my own food, and when I don't I get quick easy fast food or heat up ready made stuff. That doesn't make the system as less cucked.
>by LAW, has tips calculated into their base wages.
>Mr. Shekelburg made it so he doesn't have to pay me so you better pick up the tab pay pig
fuck off nigger

>> No.28063199

>there's no losing or winning because its not a fair competition. its like arguing with a 5 year old child
Another one. I'm only here because I habitually open every thread I see at the top and reply, but we both know your problem. You didn't have to make this post, you didn't have to reply to mine, but you did and you did it because you had this argument somewhere and lost it and didn't like it.

>> No.28063239

I legit don't tip. I only tip the cook when the food is really good. I just walk back there and say who made my meal. They'll typically speak and say they did and I just bring out my wallet and give them the cash. I'm not tipping someone who just brought out my food and refills a drink. Awesome cool. I'm going to tip the dude who cooked my meal and has to cook everyone else's meal in the restaurant. Fucking tipping waiters. Dumb bitches.

>> No.28063281

We do not tip in my country or any other country I have been in other then USA.

It is just a USA thing so they do not have to pay wages because they are use to slavery in their culture.

>> No.28063308

>The waitresses are getting paid doctor money though
seems like that market needs a correction.

>> No.28063319

simp as fuck, what you think they going date you because you tip well?

How fucking sad and pathetic of a man can you be.

>> No.28063331

based and pinkpilled

>> No.28063356

1000X this

>> No.28063371

>waters and waitresses are little more than robots
and I realize just how useless people are when they come, order more in food than I'll make that day with their party of 5, waste upwards of 30 minutes of time that could be used on proper tippers and then expect no retribution.
>angry at the wrong people
you expect me to do my job to at least socially acceptable standards, yet turn around and break those standards and think I'm mad at the wrong people?

>> No.28063426

that's the difference between tipping because you want to and because its compulsory. I'd rather tip the Japs who do an amazing job but don't expect a tip or particularly want it than the average mutt waiter in the US and treat tips like it's a moral and legal obligation.

>> No.28063481

The fuck are you on about faggot? In my comment I was saying if OP was "arguing with a girl" about tipping and losing, there is no losing because arguing with a girl is like arguing with a child

>> No.28063490

This is a weird Segway, but fuck, you bring up a good point. I wish DRs did make less so that I could tip them $0 and tell them to fucking give proper service the way I asked. The whole medical field is so cucked because of the insurance comoanies paying everyone MORE than they deserve. If DR pay was more transparent, and determined by those being treated, it absolutely would be a better system. The system we have now, where DRs get fat sallaries for basically doing whatever the fuck they want, is fucking retarded. Yes Anon, DRs should make less, and they should be dependent on TIPs. Most DRs are overpaid faggots who don't give a shit about your health. They just want to go golfing, and you are in their way.

>> No.28063573

>you expect me to do my job to at least socially acceptable standards
yes nigger, I expect you to do your fucking job you absolute fucking retard. Everyone is expected to do their fucking job to a socially acceptable standard. Do you faggots think you're better than the burger flippers or janitors who have the same shit jobs as you? If you want to get paid properly, then maybe the issue is that the people who employ you should be paying you retard.

>> No.28063583

Guys I've started tipping when I pickup takeaways is that cucked? I give like $5 when I pick up my takeaway. We just got a mexican restaurant and the girl is a greeneyed goddess.........
And I do the same thing at the italian place....

>> No.28063619

ok simp

>> No.28063683
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Oh the irony.
This has to be a troll. Just do a google search faggot.

>> No.28063723

We expect you to do your job, period. The only reason you have expectations is because you're used to an industry where you get paid the same amount for doing something that requires no real skills, that other people have to work for. Hope you're having fun now faggot, knowing that your "career" got destroyed a fucking flu

>> No.28063725

Read it again then because that's what I was replying at and if you can't figure it out that's how you lose.

>> No.28063758

This is a good post.

>> No.28063831

This is a good post.

>> No.28063838

imagine spending your time and paying for low nutrient density microwaved 'food' at a restaurant instead of pressure cooking a week's worth of food made to your preferred macro and micronutrient profile

>> No.28063871

I'm not the OP you brainlet. I worked in the service industry for 2 years and had to listen to cunt waitresses bitch about their tips for 8 hours a day, every day.

>> No.28063876

what does a waiter do that a conveyor belt and intercom with those cooking the food couldn't?
>inb4 drinks, breadsticks or the "service with a smile" meme
please don't, you're not that. you are not a mere robot, you're human and you deserve to live as one.
>you expect me to do my job to at least socially acceptable standards, yet turn around and break those standards and think I'm mad at the wrong people?
I expect you to understand the flaws in the system that you've poured so much of your soul into and point at the source of the pain, not the symptom.

>> No.28063904

Think about this you fucking cunt... if you bring in the same type of people that work at McDonalds and then expect anything but McDonalds, you'd be an even bigger retard. We get paid in tips so that maybe... just maybe... at the end of the day we can make a little more and be a little more caring about our jobs. If you want nigger-tier service, go to McDonalds.

>> No.28063984

have they tried quitting their job?

>> No.28064013

That's weird, because I don't live in burgerland and tipping isn't a thing in my country yet the service I receive is always very good. It's almost as if people will just do a good job if you're holding the implied threat of complaining to the manager if they don't.

>> No.28064023

wow, it must suck to live in a third world country where tipping and an overly inflated health insurance system is a thing.

>> No.28064070

doges boobs look like that??? O_0 maybe I shoulda bought his coin after all...

>> No.28064090

You've never been to a country outside of the US of A, have you fattie?

>> No.28064113

Then say your fucking boss should pay you more not me nigger. I don't know why it's so fucking hard for you. Again, I've gotten actually good service in countries where the waitstaff is paid fairly, far better than what I'd get from you even if you expected a tip.

You know why waitfaggots always argue about getting tipped rather than having their pay increased? Because they fucking know they're making more than they would be with "fair wages" and they want to perpetuate this cucked system where you're expected to tip for mediocre service. Talk to any waiters you know and they'll brag about how much money they get from retards. Especially faggots who work in upscale restaurants.

Why the fuck do I have to tip based off the percent of the meal? It's not like the waiters who work at some shitty dive bar work any less hard than you mister 4 star faggot.

>> No.28064134

If the cooks had to take orders, you'd never go back to that restaurant. I can guarantee you that. And where I work, we DO split our tips with the cooks and it still doesn't help their attitudes. Different kinds of people do different jobs.

>> No.28064173

>wow, it must suck to live in a third world country where tipping and an overly inflated health insurance system is a thing.
Yes, it does suck living in California.

>> No.28064196

>nigger-tier service
Tell me, what does that even mean in context you fucking mong? You're literally bringing a fucking plate to a table and pouring drinks. Save your bullshit fake smile and small talk. Come take my order, bring the plates, clear the table, and fuck off. That's what you get paid by your establishment to do. You can bet your entitled ass that so called niggers at McDonald's aren't spitting in my food.
>be a little more caring about our jobs
I honestly could not give less of a fuck desu. You can be a miserable cunt for all I care

>> No.28064211

>bodybuilders against tipping
Humanity is just amazing.
Why would bodybuilders in particulary be against tipping?

>> No.28064319

If they had to pay us all minimum wage (which is what would happen and you know it), your little $70 meal would cost you $120 and you'd still be pissed. This is America, dumbass. And we can't brag about how much we get in tips because we'd get laughed at. I made $97 dollars Fri in tips and half of that went to the lardasses in the back cooking the slop.

>> No.28064396

Only Mexico. Well, good luck getting rid of tipping in California. Pretty soon all of the service jobs are going to be done by robots anyway. The rich people who own all the industry don't want to interact with us plebs. Pretty soon their won't be any managers to complain to. Just a kiosk with a dusty suggestion box (trash can).

>> No.28064403

>You can bet your entitled ass that so called niggers at McDonald's aren't spitting in my food.
You should have put that as the 1st sentence so I didn't have to read to there and then stop. You really should have been stillborn.

>> No.28064448

no it's good. men should have real jobs

>> No.28064586

>making it about the cost of food
the lengths you faggots are willing to go to not admit that you get paid very generously for doing children's. Ok, how about this: In canada, Minimum wage is $14 vs server minimum wage at $12. You come to my table, I'll give you a 1 DOLLAR tip, assuming you have another table that also gives you a dollar, you've now made minimum wage and I still get my "cheap meal" or whatever. Does that sound good to you? No? its because you're an entitled faggot

>> No.28064647

>If the cooks had to take orders, you'd never go back to that restaurant. I can guarantee you that.
you're missing the point that a waiter is filling the role that will likely be taken by some touchscreen device and a robotic arm.
I don't care that the tips are split, what I care about is the fact that instead of increasing the prices a bit to cover your pay, the managers are wasting the customers time (and potentially yours as well, if the customer decides not to tip) by making the customer calculate what YOUR PRECIOUS TIME was worth. Please believe me when I say I think your time is as precious and finite as mine and that you deserve concrete and consistent pay for every second spent on things that restrict your freedom for their profit.

>> No.28064663

>live in Seattle where we have a $15 wage
>prices haven't skyrocketed
that's a jewish myth anon.

worked in a burger joint, can confirm the average fast food worker isn't a subhuman faggot like you. We just eat the leftover food in the fryer and make ourselves meals most people couldn't fathom.

>> No.28064735

yeah, I can 6x at 3% APY over the course of 60 years, kek

>> No.28064783

You deserve to be parted with your money, simp.

The only tip an impoverished vulnerable female waiter gets from me is the DESECRATION I leave in my wake after using the restaurant’s toilet.

>> No.28064814

>holiday off
>rotisserie chicken
>saturday and sunday off
>cell cc holder

Imagine being stuck in a hell like this or you starve to death

>> No.28064859

I know. That's why I said "another one" in my reply to your reply. Maybe you should work on that reading problem.

>> No.28064871

I tip 20% or more because any job where you get tips is shit and I appreciate that somebody else is doing it so I don't have to.

>> No.28064920

Do you tip your doctor Nigga?
If you need a “tip” to do your fucking job properly, you deserve to be unemployed.

>> No.28064923

>I hate my life and failures so I'm gonna cope by discreetly spitting in someone's food
Kek, each post you make shows your scummy, entitled, server personality even more. I'm really loving the fact that your world has been crashing burning over the last year. Its probably never going back to the way it was for you, miserable faggot

>> No.28064997

That sounds fine to me, actually. I'm not so sure that customers would like the outcome, but I could live with it. And we'd cut out the cooks, too.

>> No.28065026

>implying a dj khaled one liner holds any real weight in conversation

>> No.28065089

I’m a professional server I’m in a big private steakhouse in the Midwest. I make 6 figures by working 40 hrs a week and I don’t ever have to worry about work off the clock. It’s amazing

>> No.28065267

Words have meaning, scooter. I didn't make them up, I just use them, but I'm not going to pretend otherwise just because you're mad as hell on the internet about some waitresses you used to work with.

>> No.28065300

Just how broke are you people? I don't tip if I don't feel like it but looking at it as a way to secure your financial future is retarded. If I never tipped I'd have what, like 5-8k more per year? How fucking broke are you to have that make a dent in your life lol

>> No.28065417
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>tipping 5-8k PER YEAR

>> No.28065489

lmao, that's 5-8k that you could've wasted on some pajeet crypto. dumdum.

>> No.28065512
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Last time I got bad service off a plate-carrier, I walked out without paying halfway through eating.
Since I can't complain to managers anymore without being called a "male karen", I drove back at closing and made a note of what vehicle my waitress drove. Then came back the next day and pried open the gas cover to top it up with about a liter of water. Then I emailed the restaurant and told them exactly what I'd done, and why it's important for management to accept complaints.
Enjoy your blown engine, sweatie. We can commit felonies too.

>> No.28065526

>like 5-8k more per year?
do you literally never cook for yourself?

>> No.28065566

>5-8k Post tax
You’re literally retarded and I’m glad you essentially burnt thousands of dollars

>> No.28065574

>TIP Dr?
See this >>28063490

>> No.28065627

you might actually be a male Karen

>> No.28065636

Count New York in! Fuck.

>> No.28065709

please don't punish cars for the sins of their owners

>> No.28065720

>There are no repercussions for not tipping.
I worked at a brewery in uni and our meth head chef regularly jerked off into the food of this elderly couple that came in all the time and never tipped.
This was per the request of one of the servers, btw

>> No.28065804

>$8k per year
>he actually tips $20 a day every single day of his life
Cook your own food, nigger

>> No.28065831

the chef was fucking server FYI. though I'm sure you already knew that

>> No.28065913


>> No.28065986
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This guy must eat POUNDS of nigger spit cum and whatever else gets sprayed on your food by ex convicts. Cook ur own food dumbfuck.
t. Restaurant owner

>> No.28066207

>real men should be good wagies for the benefit of the system and never themselves

>> No.28066322

>servers get paid less than minimum wage, they need tips just to survive
Businesses are legally obliged to pay all staff minimum wage, if the minimum wage is $10 an hour and you receive $6 an hour in tips the restaurant only needs to pay you $4 an hour. If you receive not tips at all they are obligated to pay you $10 an hour. Tipping only benefits the restaurant
>It insures proper service and stops the waiter from doing a shitty job
What insures proper service is the threat of being fired for doing a shit job and being replaced by one of the hundreds of other unskilled workers desperate for a job, just like in every other industry
>if restaurants payed staff a living wage the cost of meals would skyrocket
Profit margins on prepared food are enormous, they can still easily make a profit by paying staff more. No other country in the world demands tips for waiters and restaurants are perfectly affordable
>if you tip, waiters will be nicer to you and you'll get better service
If I don't tip they'll spit in my food and deliberately try to poison me, that's the equivalent of paying the mafia protection money. "Gee, nice meal you've got there, it would be a shame if someone ejaculated in it. Better pay up so your food doesn't get ruined."

Never tip. It isn't necessary and all waiters are entitled children.

>> No.28066354

I've worked at a few places as a chef from cheap pubs to high end fine dining restraunts and all the meals are marked up 500%-1000% Anyone telling you that restraunts can't afford to pay their workers a minimum wage is lying, I've never understood why Americans are happy to subsidize an industry that secretly makes a killing

>> No.28066424

Can't deprive them of gratuities, can't make them lose face to their supervisor.
What do you have left besides illegal vigilante actions?

>> No.28066487
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keking at Americans

>> No.28066586

Honestly if your story was true, based AF

>> No.28066634

eating elsewhere?
if their service is as bad as you say, then they'll notice the drop in business and improve their service or wither away. you notifying them of their mistake gives them a chance that they didn't deserve.

>> No.28066674
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>I actually work as a waiter
I actually give zero fucks if someone doesn't tip me. I just assume they're a poorfag who spends all their money on lottery tickets. If you tip me but it's less than a dollar, I will spit in your drink the next time you come back.

>> No.28066712
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Reminder that any city has dozens of restaurants with hundreds of staff that have high turnover. Many of them go bankrupt after a year or so. You could go out to eat every week and not tip to absolutely zero consequence as long as you don't visit the same place twice in 3 months, and aren't fat or freakishly tall in a way that will make you memorable.

>> No.28066797

>in so entitled that I'll try to poison you if you don't give me enough free money

>> No.28066845

This is such a myth. Especially with all the pandemic paranoia. Anybody who even jokes about doing this will get raped. Now bring me more ketchup, waiter.

>> No.28066910

I honestly don't get the point of going out to eat alone by yourself when you can just order takeout from most restaurants.

>> No.28066958

>3% APY
Maybe if you're a fucking retard

>> No.28066994

The only reason to work in that kind of job is that you will meet people and network to find a real job.

>> No.28067010


>> No.28067064


>> No.28067085

Yes and they actually ended up making him come in on NYE anyway.

>> No.28067092

>doesn't tip the wage slave

Anon, I.... Forget it. You're one of those Jewish Niggers.

>> No.28067146

Tip: move to Japan

>> No.28067151
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>> No.28067172

I tip men and white people more, like a solid 20-25%, women, fat people, and minorities less, maybe 10%, if they’re 2 out of those 3 or god forbid 3/3 then I don’t tip.

>> No.28067177
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>> No.28067235

the boat club I go to has a waitress that knows everything on the menu, where it's from and every wine to pair. she has a masters in english and has written several books on hiking. i asked her why someone with her skill set would be a server. she said it keeps her grounded and she pulls in about 400 dollars a night working 4 hours. mad respect for the hustlers.

>> No.28067297

time to move out of that commie shit hole you call home.

>> No.28067347

Good for you. Why should I tip just beaches you need a surrogate mommy?

>> No.28067443

>he eats out at all
Literally why? If you're not retarded you can cook food that better fits your tastes at home at a fraction of the cost, and if you'd really rather eat restaurant food why not get it to go so you can eat it in the comfort of your own home?
Can you name a single time where you've had a dining experience that wouldn't have been better in your own home? Restaurants are loud and generally a pain in the ass.
>inb4 but I go out on dates!
If you weren't a creepy faggot she's using for food you could get girls to come into your house on the first date, and then impress her with your culinary skills.

>> No.28067484

I just pick up my food and leave

Fuck your waitstaff, get a real job

>> No.28067542

do you still fuck little boys in your religion?

>> No.28067573

Thanks anon, I just might start taking up moonspeak again and do that.

>> No.28067674

A lot of sitdowns don't do takeout, hence why carshare food delivery got up and running so fast, even though the lion's share is from fast food that one year ago nobody would consider delivery from.
So now the question turns to whether a grubhub delivery from a steakhouse deserves a gratuity compared to one from Taco Bell.

>> No.28067842

American food industries are basically renown for expecting tips , hotels , parking tips pretty much they live off it. You must be one sad fucking loser to receive the no-tipping title no matter hown RIPPED or how many std-ridden sluts you fuck on a regular basis. /spit

>> No.28068007

Listen antrax boy, by tipping I will get not poor by not tipping I will get no any richer

By tipping you ensure good service, makes you feel good and achieving balance, one day life can take you in 180degrees turn then u will be eating your bitter words, even then there's kindness and hope on this world

I work hard and make money to thrive and enough so I can share, I will not be Steve Jobs rotting in dirt while his money is parked no where

>> No.28068903
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Have been in New York last year on Holiday and we have been eating at Burgers and lobsters. Food was good and the waitress was also very kind. the Check was ~100$ and I tipped her 10 bucks.

She asked me if everything was okay and looked a little pissed.

This was the first and only time we were eating at a restaurant there because everything was freaking expensive and I’m a pretty broke student.

Found out later that 15-18% is the absolute standard tip for an ok service. this even was printed on the Bill (is this everywhere in NY The case or only in NY?)

Holy shit, how can you even live in such an area. in Europe you only tip if the service was better than normal and every waitress would be very happy about 10%. In some country’s they don’t even accept tips directly from you because you would insult their pride (e.g. in Italy, Spain and I think in France you just have to put it on the table and go away if you want to tip).

>> No.28069298

>By tipping you ensure good service
Good service is ensured by the threat of losing your job for consistently delivering poor service just like in every other industry
>makes you feel good
Consoomer can only feel good when he's spending money kek
>and achieving balance
This sentence is literally meaningless
>I work hard and make money to thrive and enough so I can share, I will not be Steve Jobs rotting in dirt while his money is parked no where
Jobs' fortune was entirely invested in the economy (where do you think credit and interest come from), it did far more good than handing it to some wagie so they don't piss in your meal

>> No.28069402

We are not talking about tipping fedoras

>> No.28069415

i've dated the 16 years old waitresses you simp for and they couldn't give a fuck about you. you don't even exist in their eyes

>> No.28069510

>the system is bad so i must keep the system going
inability to think beyond the surface is why you're poor

>> No.28069549

I’m from Poland and there is no tipping culture in restaurants.
You just get what you pay for.
Pay your waiters based on table cut earning so maybe they will do a better job.

>> No.28069709
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I dont go out to eat. Why would I want to eat around other people?

>> No.28069804

anon are you seriously fantasizing about the local vietnamese restaurant staff being into you
bet you're unironically into the muh submissive asian women too
they're polite because it's their culture. likewise with the big portions.

>> No.28069816

you can save even more money by not even frequenting businesses where tipping is expected retard.
restaurants have tried the no tipping thing, it results in lost business because people are turned off by the high sticker price even though it's purely psychological because tipping is factored in.

>> No.28069925

That's quite a big different than working at a Denny's.

>> No.28070088

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

>> No.28070215

>if you want to tip
The problem is people hardly ever want to tip. They have some weird stockholm subscribe where they feel it is not optional (even thought it is) and they tell themselves they are a good boy for tipping. Just look at all the smug tippers itt who are lying to themselves. They ask think they are better than you because they give their money away. Guarantee they all bought gme to "Stick it to the hedge fund manager."

>> No.28070412

Tshut up cuck

>> No.28070509

If an employee of mine ever stiffed a waitress i would fire them

>> No.28070545

>defending m'lady shitress like a faggot

>> No.28070692

>Americans lose their tip after birth
>forced to tip after meals
Lmao at these smooth brains

>> No.28070844

>Holy shit, how can you even live in such an are
New York is literally one of the most expensive places to live in the US. Why didn't you do some basic research and find a cheaper restaurant? If we removed tipping prices would go up 30% and we would have shittier service

>> No.28070874

I am a waiter. I make a living swindling you retards into tipping me by any means necessary. I know how to read people well and by the end of the meal I know whether you feel large and in charge by being the boss or whether you are a sucker for sympathy or whether you just want to feel you have the power to make somebody else happy (as if my happiness depends on you. In and you'd be surprised how many of you cucks enjoy being bullied and getting shit service so much that you'll actually tip more if I treat you like a bitch. These are the guys I can flirt with their girlfriend right in front of them and the they'll give me a big tip and sometimes I even get their girlfriend's IG.
I am a master at this shit. To all the other loser wait staff in her whining that everybody *should* tip, you need to step your fucking game up or go find another job. I personally do not tip you pathetic losers because I make way more than you will ever hope to and why should I give up my gains to some second rate plate carrier? You think this line of work is really about taking orders and delivering food to a table and just hoping for somw charity? Fuck off, losers. You want a tip of real value? Here's one that almost always works (especially on men):
Whatever the guy orders, especially if he's with a woman, I look over my shoulder like somebody is going to hear me then I lean in and say lower my voice "You don't want that. It's shit. Get the steak. Trust me." If he balks about the steak being more expensive (they almost never do) I just say "Oh it's worth it." Most of my co-workers know I do this and my manager doesn't give a fuck because he loves the upsell. The beaners fucking love me representing them and bringing in the money. In the end, the minimum 18% tip (yeah include a minimum in our bill) is larger and these stupid assholes thing I am their special buddy looking out for them so they tip EVEN MORE. Get on my level.

>> No.28070880

It shows a lack of intelligence as well as a lack of morals. It also makes the table look bad.

>> No.28070953

You'd be doing them a favor and yourself a disservice. As you can see here >>28070874 your employee is smart and you are a rube. We're laughing so the way to the bank, Mr. Shekelberg

>> No.28070996

>lack of intelligence as well as a lack of morals
Ahahahaha don't ever change. Retards like you buy pay for the yola your wife is sniffing off my cock.

>> No.28071008
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Why don't you mutts tip the dishwasher. He is doing a way harder job for less money because he doesn't get tipped.

>> No.28071065

god damn how fucking FAT are you

>> No.28071151

This is very sad

>> No.28071176

>im going to be rich by not tipping
you were never going to make it

>> No.28071177

>minimum 18% tip
WTF? The largest tip i gave was 5%. Who the fuck pays 18% tip?

>> No.28071201

I tip because its expected and I don't want to come across like a cheapskate.

But I can also read people. If you came at me with these mind games, not only would you receive no tip, I'd call your manager over and have a chat. Now get back to work wagie.

>> No.28071300


>> No.28071537

I'm not OP, retard. Keep tipping.

>> No.28071555

Only poor people complain about tipping. Why don't you just go McDonald's and relish in the unincentivied service there

>> No.28071587

>5-8k more per year

>> No.28071594

Yes you are

>> No.28071627

Mcdonald's has better service and coffee than most restaurants.

>> No.28071667

unironically I've found the service at fast food to be comparable to if not better than most restaurants. It's really not that hard anyway. "Here's you're food. Have a good day". And the last part I could care less if they say.

>> No.28071726

>I have millions of pubic hairs
Do that once and I'll make sure you are out of a job.

>> No.28071753

kekd wtf

>> No.28072046

>thinking the management will care about a hair

>> No.28072092

>t: non americans
you obviously have never experienced niggers.

>> No.28072257
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>> No.28072440

Sometimes blacks give the best service at my McDonald's. They're just trying to get through college.

>> No.28072466

Don't bother. Most people here are autists that think that having money will make them happy when in reality it's just a constant cycle of feeling inadequate. One of the greatest and easiest pleasures you can do is tip a good server handsomly.

>> No.28072472


That's a federal crime so just have the place locked up and the personnel thrown in jail for a decade.

>> No.28072573

>thinking the management will not care about a hair
Are you retarded? Can you even imagine this?
-Excuse me, manager?
-I've found a pubic hair in my food
-Shut up, I don't care. Pay for the food and don't forget the tip.

>> No.28072826

So many redditor faggots itt that obviously held or still hold service jobs. It's your employer's job to pay your wages, not mine

>> No.28073490

Do your kids walk to school?

>> No.28073491

Now you are just lying intentionally

>> No.28073541

>-Shut up, I don't care. Pay for the food and don't forget the tip.
More like "oh I'm sorry ill get you a new one."

>> No.28073593

If you cant afford the service you cant afford the meal. Also have fun getting shit service for the rest of your life

>> No.28073687

I know for a fact that higher hospital administration makes more than the surgeons do. Sure doctors make a lot, but they do the most difficult work with a team and bring the hospital their big bucks as opposed to their clinic revenues, much of which ends up in the fat bank accounts of the higher up suits (non-medical practitioners and some former medical practitioners )

>> No.28074083

Look who's talking faggot.

>> No.28074145

>18% of a few extra dollars
imagining caring about this shit and thinking you're special
I drop $500-$2300 a night in tips as a blackjack dealer and threw it all into chainlink when it was $1.80

And yeah I tip food service employees even when they suck dick because I don't want their dumb ass to understand. I understand they may just be having a shitty day or not have good customer service skills yet.

>> No.28074187

go back to europe faggot

>> No.28074247

stfu boomer are you fucking kidding me Gates has also paid off college tuition loans as a tip this is some dumb shit that never happened

>> No.28074276

>loogies in your food
So I save money on the tip and get free training for my immune system too?

>> No.28074542

imagine being american

>> No.28074680
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It's funny because before The 20th century Americans didn't tip since they believed that all Americans were equal, it was only posh rich European aristocrat types that tipped their servants.
But then some WASPs wanted to LARP as Royalty/aristocrats and brought tipping to America, and once Jews realised they could cut wages If their workers got a part of their salary from tips it became wide spread.

>> No.28074760

Lol, waiters don't want tipping to stop because they get paid damn well because of it (tax free, too). They're entitled whilst stiffing the country.

>> No.28074803

>Calling others autists
>While not knowing they get paid FEDERAL MINIMUM regardless of what happens

>> No.28075401

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. DO you not understand the difference between minimum wage and tipped minimum wage? Some of these guys get $4 an hour plus tips. If you don't want to tip, don't eat out. Simple as that.

>> No.28075484

>Some of these guys get $4 an hour plus tips
And when they don't reach FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE the ESTABLISHMENT has to pay the difference until it is reached. They make WAY more than that because of brainwashing tipping culture.

>> No.28075533

>Some of these guys get $4 an hour plus tips
except federal law mandates that if their tips + wage to reach minimum, then their employer must pay them the remainder.

>> No.28075651

tipping is tax

>> No.28075968

He's right though, the correct word in the context of that sentence would be ensure, not insure. It's just a pithy, gay backronym made up by boomers that doesn't really work.

>> No.28076039

100% this, worked as line cook as a kid. There was a list of you degenerate. ;)

>> No.28076346

>If you cant afford the service you cant afford the meal.
I can afford it, I just choose not to pay it.
>Also have fun getting shit service for the rest of your life
I don't though, because you tip sheet you've been served. Why do you faggots keep using the same argument? Unless you're done autist that goes to the same restaurant over and over again no-one ever realises you have no intention of tipping until it's too late.