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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2805062 No.2805062 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody talks about it, because it's a hidden gem. Just a friendly reminder that RISE has a market cap below $10M and the blockchain swap is almost done.

Jump on before it's too late.

>> No.2805393

I'll check it out

>> No.2805419

I checked out the wallet. Is this a fork of Lisk or something?

>> No.2805569

but it will fork to a Ark-Shift-Hybrid this week
hence the surge in price

>> No.2805652

Kinda. That also means DPoS. I already filled my bags.

>> No.2805897

what can we expect of a network swap?

>> No.2805914


>> No.2805926

But how will increase the price??

>> No.2805951

I written about it for past month and everyone ignored me. Now I accumulated about 1.9 mil of rise. and still keep goin until ~2140k. After swap I will establish official biz delegate. I would recommend not to buy above 30 until 19th, so we could force out week hands. My personal entry was around 25-30

>> No.2805993

You did not buy 1.9 mil rise, quit larping. You don't have 48 btc that you're going to just blow on some shitcoin. Get out of here with your pump and dump bullshit.

If you think the fundamentals are solid, sell people on the fundamentals, not this appeal to authority "I bet big you should too" bullshit.

>> No.2806002
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P.S adding proof I don't larp and am serious. I gained capital for this with chc. If you believe in ark technology you should invest in either of them as they full fill each other and with success both of them will moon ( I also have 103k of arks)

>> No.2806013
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too late faggot :^)
P.S won't sale until 3.75-5 dollars per rise

>> No.2806024
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old ark proof. If you want I can make a new one

>> No.2806037

I bought 100. You better hope this moons my friend.

>> No.2806074

You should define "moon".
I bought rise as safe investment for incoming btc/eth shit storm and as first chain truly using ark technology. I feel ark can reach 10-12 dollars by next year and rise should follow the lead. I bet until October rise should reach 0.25 per coin. maybe even more.
Even if it fails you will know someone lost more than you

>> No.2806080

just bought 250 since trusting a stranger online always pays off

>> No.2806094

holy shit nice :D

>> No.2806097

If you won't sale after 21th I will start our exclusive /biz/ delegate and start forging some rise

>> No.2806106

i bought 10526 a week ago, probably will not regret that order.

>> No.2806115
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thank you. Kind reminder not to pump the price. You guys still have 2 days until swap and even more if market won't react to it. As I said I recommend to buy in 25-30 range as it's optimal price for today

>> No.2806133

does /biz/ have a crypto intro/wiki? nothing in the sticky

>> No.2806137

when you say 25-30 range do you mean 2500-3000?

I'm ready to drop a few thousand on this desu, but I'll be doing it slowly.

>> No.2806138

>Nobody talks about RISE
>Because it's a hidden gem
No, because it's just another shitcoin with no future. There are already wayyyyyyy too many fucking shitcoins that are supposedly "hidden gems" or "the next big thing".

Shit like DOGE coin and PotCoin should have been red flags that this market is incredibly over-saturated with valueless garbage. Only real things to invest in are Bitcoin and ETH. Anything else is garbage.

>> No.2806173
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yes, 2500-3000 range. In past week I did sell walls and buy walls and have forced out weak hands. I still feel there is around 500k rise in weak hands.
I agree that there are a lot of shitcoin. I also agree that eth is good technology but if you say today bitcoin is stable investment you are either stupid or naive.
Either way no one force you to buy rise and if you have valid critique, please share

>> No.2806261

Bought 650~ish
Looks like I'm with you in this

>> No.2806485

Bought ~18k
Wish I could go harder but I'm tied up with too many bags from this blood letting that we're currently in

>> No.2806687

where can you buy this shitcoin ? its not available on bittrex

>> No.2806744

It's not a shitcoin and it's sold at bittrex you dense fuck

>> No.2807234

Back from the army already? When are you going to send back the 2.8k ARK magnet sent you by mistake?

>> No.2807269

when magnet will send me his contact info within ark network

>> No.2807284

Magnet has gone AWOL. He doesn't post anywhere anymore and impossible to get a hold of him. He just gave up on Ark; hasn't even touched the Ark in the old biz delegate wallet.

If you send the balance to biz_classic, I'll distribute it all to the biz_classic voters. Most of whom were at biz in the first place.

>> No.2807285


Reminder that this guy was the one who received 2800 ARK "by mistake" then came to flaunt it and claimed he would return it "to magnet" who no longer exists because he shit his pants and disappeared - in other words, has no intention of returning it to their rightful owners.

He also claimed that he would be gone until the 12th and wouldn't be at a computer, so he couldn't have possibly done any of the things he just claimed.

It's obvious now that he's a fraud or is magnet himself. Probably the former because magnet is an idiot. Pay no attention to him.

>> No.2807311

kick him out of biz_classic if the faggot doesn't comply within some arbitrary timeframe

>> No.2807341

We wanted to wait a bit and until we have definitive proof of him lying we'll let him respond.

He technically does NOT owe the ARK to the voters because it was magnet's fuckup, and the voters agreed to let him in, but he promised he'd make good on his word.

We don't blacklist people just because of random grudges. The ARK in his wallet has not moved since he voted for biz_classic, so while his story has holes I'm gonna wait for actual proof of his bullshit until we ban.

Given that he's clearly here, inaction is going to count against him.

>> No.2807363
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As I said I will only return to magnet as he has list of all contributors. I won't give to biz_classic so only 60 % original contributors could be reimbursed or more likely simply taken by delegate himself. You can always check my wallet and see my ark movement. Believe it or not I don't fuck over people for 1 thousand dollars
Nothing has changed. I have returned from military on 12th, on 13th went to milan and on 15th late evening came back because chain coin mooned and I had access only from my pc at home.
I generally don't care about opinion, especially some trip faggot.

I just wanted share about good perspective in rise as I did with ark and chain coin. If people want stay poor it's up to them

>> No.2807387

Magnet is gone. He's not coming back. The guys behind biz_classic are top notch and trust worthy. They sent back 1000 ARK that someone sent them by mistake. Chang and Moon run th classic delegate. And it's more like 80% of biz classic is old biz. Better we get some of it back then none right?

>> No.2807389

Move your vote to another pool, otherwise we'll have the voters decide whether to ban you or not.

Your actions at this point are bordering on intentional malice. We have returned a thousand ARK accidentally sent to us in the past, and we've been successful at establishing a custom website and payout system, and we have a way to send the ARK out only to those original voters who it originally belonged to, by tracing votes for the original biz on the blockchain, which is exactly what our new payout system does.


Your LARPing of mistrust in us is a farce. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2807461

Please consider a Rise delegate

>> No.2807478

We will look into it since our ark one has been so successful, but don't take this post as a confirmation. Me and Chang will discuss. If it's easy to integrate into the existing biz_classic site, that would be a big plus.

>> No.2807626

Look, I don't care what you do with the ARK, but I don't trust you to rub a node. You haven't made any attempt to get in contact with anyone about it since coming back on the 12th. You can easily see who you should send it to on the blockchain, and the bid_classic guys have even offered to do it for you. You act like they aren't trustworthy when in reality you aren't. You've been twiddling your thumbs while making money off of the 2000 extra you hold in your wallet.

>> No.2807741

We're voting to ban you from the pool in the Discord.

If you want to defend yourself you should do that there.

>> No.2807801

AW18gSPRcn8aGWbKRwMtrosVEbh6jpA2Hj has until tonight to speak up and explain, or his share of the staked ARK vote will be distributed among other voters from now on.

Not a single voter is in favor of letting him continue earning off his stake.

>> No.2807853
File: 119 KB, 1080x607, Screenshot_20170717-142939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked

>> No.2807880

may kek smite his kike-serving military niggerfaggot ass with a SVIBED

>> No.2807903

Why its better than:


>> No.2807919
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Lmao just do it faggots. Do you really think you can intimidate me?
I haven't changed my mind and I will give back only to magnet, the original creator not to some cookie cutters wannabe. Until when I won't move them out of my wallet

>> No.2807936
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A chink and wannabe fascist. A duo which will rock the world :D
Good luck destroying me

>> No.2807942


Magnet didn't disappear you banned him

>> No.2807943

Magnet is gone dude. Either you keep your ill-gotten ark for yourself or distribute it back to the original voters. It's that simple.

>> No.2807974
File: 132 KB, 767x411, 1430153254399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink please. You have zero legitimacy. At best you will be able to reimburse 55 % percent of original supporters. You will use 2.8k simply to strengthen your delegate position by bribing your supporter. Just because you were fast to overtake magnet does not mean you have right to dictate conditions

>> No.2807980

Bought 1500 Rise. I'm gonna regret this huh...

>> No.2807984

Some of us want to be bribed though

>> No.2807990

Zero legitimacy? We have good will within the community.

We've delivered on every promise we've made so far.
Custom website? Done.
Custom payouts? Done.
Some dude sent 1K ARK to the delegate by mistake? We sent it back 20 minutes later.

We also have the programming skills to write code to look in the blockchain and repay everyone who voted for "biz" before he fucked up.

>> No.2808016

>We also have the programming skills to write code to look in the blockchain and repay everyone who voted for "biz" before he fucked up.

This is why I'm calling bullshit on your "im only sending it back to magnet because he knows who voted for him" excuse. The existence of the blockchain means ANYBODY can do what you claim only magnet can do. All you need is code which we've proven to be able to deliver.

>> No.2808029
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Summon magnet you dense fuck.
How hard is it to understand that I don't trust you or your edgy /pol/ friend. I won't give a cent without a ledger to see how much each supporter gave ark for forging.
If I wished to scam you faggots I wouldn't reply to accusations and simply runaway or siphon arks to new accounts.

>> No.2808038

get me a ledger and I will reimburse each delegate supporter

>> No.2808042

Magnet is gone. I don't know anybody who can get in contact with him.

If all you need is a list of who is owed what, we can write code to do that for you. Add me on Discord so we can discuss this.

>> No.2808046

>use the 2.8k to strengthen delegate position
>by potentially losing a guy with a 100k ARK wallet
Are you legitimately retarded? Chang and Moonman have proven themselves to be 100x more capable than magnet

>> No.2808051

fine by me. What's your discord?

>> No.2808053

So you'll redistribute it with a ledger? We can make that happen within 48 hours. You gonna manually send out hundreds of tx?

Leave your contact info.

inb4 more excuses

>> No.2808061


>> No.2808080

FYI, I've been running the discord since before magnet was even in top 51, and I can vouch that Chang is a lot more credible than Magnet ever was

>> No.2808096

send me ledger or link to ledger :

>> No.2808103

Me and Chang will work on it tonight. Please get in the discord as well.


>> No.2808145

>asks for discord
>is given discord invite link
>"I-I was just kidding. email me it instead!"

>> No.2808171

I have questions for you that are better done in real time which is why I recommended Discord. Why do you prefer email?

My questions mainly are:
1) Do you really expect to payout 400 people by hand?
2) If not, do you have a payout script to read from the list we'll provide and pay them out?
3) If you don't have a script, will you be able to run one we wrote? Will you even trust our code?
4) Do you know how to run the script? Are you willing to set up a development environment to do so?
5) Do you not see why we'd prefer you just send us the ARK so we can distribute it ourselves which is easier for everyone involved?

>> No.2808178
File: 61 KB, 1402x767, good riddance faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggerfaggot wants to be a delegate now, who knew military cocksuckers were so emotional

>> No.2808179

For those not following, he's not in discord and he has moved his vote to another delegate a few moments ago.

>> No.2808198

So now he has confirmed stolen the 2k ARK. At least before it was still contributing to the pool size.

>> No.2808265

Hey it's Active Measures, before clocking in.
Ban: The loss of forge-share rights

Process should be:
1. Establish clear evidence of fraud by one biz_classic address on another.
2. Unanimous consent by Moon Man and Uncle Chang to ban an address
3. By petition 20 addresses can request a referendum vote on ban reversal, otherwise the ban simply remains in place.

This process ensures that guys who deserve to be banned, can be done so quickly, but if there is enough people who think the ban was unjust they can petition for a vote to reverse it.

>> No.2808270

Chill out snowflakes I am still here. Just changed delegate until we sort out situation

>> No.2808290

Well join the discord then

>> No.2808292

The discord is the one Magnet was in and it's all the same people that magnet screwed. Why don't you trust them?

>> No.2808589


>> No.2809038
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...for those of us not involved in this "friendly discussion" regarding ARK, can we talk about this RISE thing?

I want to learn more.

>> No.2809117

b-but the delegate, and ark, and the stolen coin ?

>> No.2809210

While I agree that drama IS delicious and I want to read the book when it's published, I'd rather focus on the money making opportunity?

>> No.2809708

Bumping out of curiosity

>> No.2809732
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honestly dude kill yourself, you have my ark but you can keep it because you're a prick

>> No.2810091
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T-This is a Rise thread ffs

>> No.2810113

I did ICO with these homeboys,

they are going far my niggaz, good investment getem while they're cheap

>> No.2810173

For anyone unsure what RISE is about:


>As the Ethereum network becomes more and more clogged as their apps and ico platform grows, Rise will be in a perfect position to support Dapps in all languages. Main net is up and running with JavaScript SDK coming end of July!!! Get it while it's still cheap ;)

>> No.2810241

Bought 450 because I'm trying to diversify my portfolio anyway.

>don't chink me

>> No.2810438

Did you even check the github? It has no activity.

>> No.2810748

Who the fuck just pumped up the price like a madman?