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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28028023 No.28028023 [Reply] [Original]

just a reminder

>> No.28028167

NFTS = Niggers From The South

>> No.28028644

Agreed. The only "collectors" I see are whales/VCs trying to drum up hype for these platforms. They're a neat idea but I don't think they'll be mainstream until they're integrated into some zoomer game like Fortnite. Even then, no one really cares if the assets are centralized or on a blockchain.

>> No.28029420

Whats nfts?

>> No.28029669

Non fungible tokens. Look up 'beeplecrap NFT'

It's honestly a pretty cool idea

The application to art is questionable in the long run but the idea has a clear future

>> No.28029843

I'm going to make an NFT out of this.

>> No.28029936

>Screenshot it and you have the NFT

>> No.28030043

>pokemon cards are worthless garbage

this is you 20 years ago

>> No.28030042

while we are busy with hot takes:
exchange tokens are garbage, maybe not tokens like BNB where you can actually farm free airdrops but LCX and RBC are worthless in the long term imo

>> No.28030049

yep this, NFTs = literally bagholders shilling

way worse than token shilling as the NFTs have literally no product/platform and are just a digital picture on the screen.

ask any NFT holder if a rival nft token has any value and they'll always be like "no its a ponzi with no value" but with THEIRS "oh yeah store of value"

>> No.28030279
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>defending centralized xchange
can u be any more repulsive?