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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28025504 No.28025504 [Reply] [Original]

I am officially a Rubichad.
What sort of welcome do I get?
Also how much do i Need to make it? I have 30k atm

>> No.28025574


>> No.28025576

I have 10k rubic, -> 30k to invest not 30k rubic* should i buy more?

>> No.28025695

How does losing all of your money sound

>> No.28025841

30k stackboy here, 30k is nice and comfy, likely going to be at $10 eoy, so if those calculations tickle your fancy, grab the other 20k. Now is the perfect time since the dipping, after it stabilizes we will never be sub.50 again.

>> No.28025925

Too late, should just hop in COR instead. It’s where the former Rubichads are moving to

>> No.28025949
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50k to become a millionaire this year (2bil mcap)
5k for suicide insurance
split it up between btc/eth/rbc and you'll be fine

>> No.28025964

7,5k stacklet here, not much but I hope to get more as the year goes by, my goal for EOY is 10x

>> No.28025975

i don't invest what i can't afford to lose, it's play money to me, also rbc is a solid project which rivals uniswap and 1inch, to say this won't go to 1$ minimum is extremely conservative, we already hit 092 on probit

>> No.28025997

Number of holders have only gone up for rubic, literally no one's abandoning ship

>> No.28026068

Welcome fellow rubichad. 17k stacklet here. 100k is a make it stack. Limit orders coming soon along with L2 integration by Q2

>> No.28026189

Kek. No. Nobody cares about CAR or whatever it is. Fuck outta here with your literal who shitcoin.

>> No.28026203

more rubic threads with the same images encouraging you to buy in so you can get dumped on at .60. They don’t have to hit $1 to make it, most of them are already over 4x.

>> No.28026297

welcome friend, your 30k stack will be worth a lot EOY, 1.7k stacklet here, we ride together
when you feel uncertain about the fud, just remember what RBC is doing, and remember that they will be implement gas fees as low as a few cents in the next week or two

>> No.28026418

fuck im retarded

>> No.28026550
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Two more weeks? Now that's a plan I can trust in!

>> No.28026649

They have delivered everything so far, so give them at least a chance

>> No.28026718

they literally already have matic working on the site with low gas fees, it's just not implemented into the main system let.

>> No.28026776

Stop trying to "make it"
Learn to enjoy your job and you'll work again

>> No.28026910

more rubic threads with the same images encouraging you to buy in so you can get dumped on at .60. They don’t have to hit $1 to make it, most of them are already over 4x.

>> No.28026996

Literally whales get eaten up quicker and quicker everytime. Soon there will be no more whales to "dump on him" when the holders keep increasing.

>> No.28027041

Why are you posting this shit on every thread lol

>> No.28027138



>> No.28027204

Lol its on you to prove its a pump and dump retard.

>> No.28027206

if this is the dump it's pretty mediocre man. We're already back up to 45 cents and climbing.

>> No.28027216
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I missed out on sub 10 cents and want a btter price to buy, I missed the morning bottom too.

>> No.28027233

Lol literally verbatim fud from another thread. I’ll keep my cubes thank you.

>> No.28027241

trannies seething

>> No.28027310

>prove a negative

>> No.28027351

>only have 190 RBC after buying around 35 cents earlier today

a-am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.28027368
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>tfw you missed the rocket
All I wanted to do was buy 2,000 RBC from today's dump. All I wanted to do was get enough funny money so I can get into investing like a real boy. But Binance isn't letting me withdraw my crypto anywhere, so I can't buy on ProBit or MetaMask. Fucking bullshit, I could've got RBC at .23/RBC

>> No.28027417

no you won't make it with such a tiny stacklet, but you might make some cash off of it and be able to turn that cash into more cash in a month or two. baby steps, friend.

>> No.28027496

sorry for your loss fren, i bought in at 0.01 and 0.03, got a comfy 1k stack for 20 buckeronis, that way if i lose it all i only lost 20 bucks.

>> No.28027507


That's not a make it stack. But if you trade it when it's up, you'll accumulate capital gains, that you can make bigger buys into cryptos the next round.

>> No.28027511

how do 1900 sound ?

>> No.28027553

It doesn't matter what coin you buy, you have to start sucking dicks for more starter capital or you'll never EVER make it.

>> No.28027620

no buy more, i'm trying to buy more but my fucking Tether is stuck in pending hell currently.

>> No.28027761

same, this fucking sucks $300 Tether stuck pending.

>> No.28027792

I guess I either have to settle for less RBC or find another investment. I'm a poorfag, so even a 5x profit from a $250 investment would be pretty nice.

>> No.28027883

same, I'm a poorfag as well, put $500 into ETH and 3x my money, I need it to be faster.

>> No.28028034

Not as unlucky has you, but I put in a buy order at 0.27, took 2 minutes to confirm and ended up buying at 0.30. Not a huge upset but still cost me 10%

>> No.28028043

honestly it's a shame you didn't buy back in january, at this point it's still possible to make a 2x-5x guaranteed but you won't be making 500x or 1000x like i would be. You could look for cheaper coins to buy to start with, not sure I can recommend any but DYOR and go with something that seems like it's innovative and fills a void

>> No.28028178

Depending on the amount of risk you want to take:

RBC - Low/Medium Risk - Short/Medium Term
ETH - Low - Long Term
BTC - Low - Long Term

If you want to take more risk but have higher (short term) potential, buy some token that is brand new. Of course, DYOR but you could start at looking at new tokens on tokenscan.xyz

>> No.28028191

I bought 5 ETH in 2018, got paper hands a sold it at a loss, because I had no idea what I was doing, literally makes me want to die thinking about it.

>> No.28028284

where do I even buy that? its not even on ProBit

>> No.28028335

Uniswap -> copy the token address and add it on uniswap

>> No.28028405

Just noticed you are a complete newfag.
DYOR = Do Your Own Research

Given you did not know that I don't have high hopes.

>> No.28028472

hey man, i was a newfag less than a month ago, learned the lingo and tech and DYOR'd myself into RBC and BAO, been going pretty good for me so far, 5000% gains on RBC and 2000% gains on BAO

>> No.28028728

50 or 100k is probably the make it stack, but I'm a poorfag with a 2.5k stack

>> No.28028892

indeed I am, like I said I started in November just buying ETH, got a taste of it and want m0re

>> No.28029042

Please do not even consider buying rubic.

>> No.28029099

alredy did, 1k stack bought at .20 dip.

>> No.28029127

>but I'm a poorfag with a 2.5k stack
2.5k is still enough to get... What, 10k assuming this balloons to $4/share? That's enough money to throw make it stacks into newcomer cryptos, the kind >>28028178 and >>28028043 alludes to. We're all gonna make it, anon, some just earlier than others.
>honestly it's a shame you didn't buy back in january, at this point it's still possible to make a 2x-5x guaranteed but you won't be making 500x or 1000x like i would be.
I wasn't even visiting /biz/ before GameStop, I came in from /tg/ and decided to stick around after realizing the app I was using (CashApp) doesn't list GME. From there I got onto Binance, learned how to ProBit, and unlocked the secrets of investment charts and local lingo. I'm learning, and I was hoping RBC would be my first big break.

>> No.28029185

Nice, ignore the fud, they want you to fail.

>> No.28029235

It was originally 10/100k for suicide/makeit stacks, but it seems to be creeping down to 5/50k, which is bullish as fuck. Welcome fren.

>> No.28029341

This. The "dump" is still higher than the .16 I bought in at.

>> No.28029349

I'm not going to fail, my Brother has been helping me, he's made like $40,000 since he started last year, but he has a tech job and can drop fat stacks on blue chips.

>> No.28029376

Adding onto this because I had something of a revelation, but it doesn't *really* matter how little or how much you invest into something if you fail to catch it in the early stages (like early January as anon was mentioning.) It just means you gotta nurse it more. Buy $250 worth of shares at .5/share, sell when it hits 1.3 and starts to tank, buy more when it goegs down to .8 again, and go from there. Every crypto dips and every crypto peaks, you just have to shepherd it more.

Holy shit, just typing it out has made me feel a whole lot better about this. I can totally get a Make It Stack from Rubic even now, I just have to be swingy.

>> No.28029451

be careful with swinging, friend, rubic has fucked many swingies. Personally I don't feel confident with the shitty gas fees right now to swing, but if you can do it and make it, more power to you. WAGMI.

>> No.28029663

How do you find super new shit on Tokenscan? I want to get in on the next FotM before it's even a penny.

>> No.28029670

>Personally I don't feel confident with the shitty gas fees right now to swing
I'm going to be using ProBit, which doesn't have gas fees! And hey, I'm beginning to realize how to swing with Rubic since posting patterns on /biz/ follow a certain trend - when the meme machine is in full swing and people posting green, it's probably time to get ready to sell. When you start getting the rage wojaks, get ready to buy. This project is healthy and has natural growth, so dips and peaks are nothing more than things to exploit.

>> No.28029826

>I want to get in on the next FotM before it's even a penny.
Unironically keep your finger on the pulse of /biz/ and Research every brand new startup crypto that starts getting shilled. As another anon said, Rubic was getting memed on /biz/ for months and nobody bought in because they didn't DYOR.

>> No.28029903

oh shit bros.. he didnt even spell it right.. this guy has a loose cannon attitude and a heart of gold. i just put 20k into rubic, 1000 internets to you good sir

>> No.28030151

Thanks, I haven't been on /biz/ since 2017 when Ravencoin was being shilled. I want to get in on something actually decent but besides /biz/ and some shitty reddits I don't know where else to look.

>> No.28030970
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>> No.28031529
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Stay cubic my friends

>> No.28031665

i hold 10k rubic. I'm going to hold until that turns into 1 million dollars US currency, take it out, pay taxes, and light the rest on fire in order to help combat inflation and make winters warmer.

>> No.28032572

tyvm sorry for being so retarded

>> No.28033020
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Buy VVT get In early