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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2801960 No.2801960 [Reply] [Original]

>Parasite single (パラサイトシングル parasaito shinguru) is a single person who lives with their parents beyond their late 20s or early 30s in order to enjoy a more carefree and comfortable life.
>This situation allows the children to live in considerable comfort, and while many save money, others spend all their income on luxury items, traveling, and other non-essential expenses. Many children wish to live with their parents until they marry

wagies BTFO

>> No.2801973

Ya enjoy wage cucking. Leeching off parents indefinitely is the new cool

>> No.2801991

Understandable. It's much harder these days to get a stable job and be able to afford to move out.

>> No.2801995

Until they kick you out and you starve due to no work experience or skills...

>> No.2802011

Can confirm it's comfy af and the best thing about it is, being invested in I will be able to amass enough wealth to be fully financially independent in 10-20 (conservative estimate) thanks to the speed of growth in a new emerging market and compound interest.

>> No.2802014

Literally no an excuse past a certain age.

>> No.2802027

>don't make enough to move out
>too tired after work to meet girls or better yourself

Other than "faggot" and "cuck", what's the term for those people?

>> No.2802038

Loser, normie, pleb

>> No.2802043
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lmao this poor ass nigga still has an iphone from 2 generations ago

lol, this couldn't be more perfect, luxury and travel my ass, I bet you're even posting from a 16 gig model with a craced screen hahahaha

>> No.2802056
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>> No.2802109

I built up capital while living with my parents. I'll have enough to pay them back generously in around 1 more year then be on my way. My parents will retire and travel around the world while I'm financially secure living on my own.

>> No.2802137

I know people who are in their late 40s and doing this shit. American economy is fucked and cucked.

>> No.2802154
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I'm Asian so its culturally expected for me to live with my parents when (if?) I get married.

Everyone does it, even the girls.

>> No.2802218

That's because they're faggots. The American economy is doing great right now. What the fuck are you talking about?

Those are the kind of people who would be losers even at 0% unemployment.

>> No.2802302

Like 70% of Japan's budget goes to either interest on debt or to old people in the form of healthcare, pensions, etc. All the while, the young pay high taxes to subsidize the old and work long hours. What a surprise that it requires older people to support younger ones.

>> No.2802366

I am one of these people and have become numb to the personal shame.
I ought to be ashamed, but for some reason I block it all out and don't think about it.
I'd like to be independent and not have to slink around the house avoiding my parents and thus avoid job/school questions
but the real world scares me as does working
I haven't worked in 6 years because the last job I worked was when I wasn't well medicated and I had panic attacks over just a stupid 4 10's office job where I mostly did nothing but construct file folders (as in fold them, put brackets in, and then stickers) and file things.
I've been scared of work since
>BA psychology
>29 years old
>only worked four jobs
>two were in high school at grocery stores which I quit after less than a month because being on my feet for over an hour was too painful and I wasn't even overweight then
>no marketable skills except being creative in certain aspects but no experience so it doesn't matter
I really have no clue what to do that involves me both being happy and being independent.
Make fun of my blog post now, anons.

>> No.2802385

>the so-called NEET master race, living at nearly 30 as a pathetic vermin

Are these really the people I discuss business and finance with?

>> No.2802387

27 and living at home here :^)
Not a NEET technically though because I'm working on my PhD

>> No.2802402

lucky you!

>> No.2802407

But seriously why are people like you even here? You dont work, by the sounds of it you've never started a business. Do you just gamble on shitcoins or what

>> No.2802423

They can't all be like me.
I know barely nothing about finance and only came here to ask a question.
At least I know I'm vermin though.
What are you?

>> No.2802426

yes, yes we are.
i love /biz/

p.s. i am not a "parasite single" only because i squat in an abandoned house

>> No.2802438

I came here to ask a question and stuck around because I saw this thread, thinking it pertained to me.
Also I know nothing about cryptocurrency.
As I said, I have no marketable skills - only ideas with no knowledge and drive to make them a reality.

>> No.2802450

Okay so you're 29 and haven't worked for 6 years. What exactly have you been doing in that time?

>> No.2802474

Fuck you niggas.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.2802480
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deal with it, bro. we are the new elite.

>> No.2802495

been working since i was 16. getting married and buying a house soon, thanks to my parents letting me pay rent to them and help fix their house up while i save.

not all of us are terrible leeches. :(

>> No.2802898

Good job having a bunch of liabilities now. Enjoy staying poor

>> No.2802912

Not much. I wake up, have a piss, take my pills, game, message people on skype, eat, watch an episode of something, sleep, repeat.
On wednesdays I go to therapy.
Once a month I go see the psychiatrist.
Sometimes I'll write a poem or add a few sentences to an unfinished story.
Lately I've developed the masochistic desire to come to 4chan and get berated for one thing or another.
Can you believe that at one time I avoided Reddit because I thought it would be too impersonal and filled with people who would zero in on and make fun of my weaknesses? Reddit of all places!
I didn't even know about /pol/ and thought 4chan was a place where people just posted anime and cat pictures.
I never imagined it would be home to some of the smartest and strongest people on the internet either.
But the short answer as to what I've been doing for 6 years:
Trying to ignore the impending reality that I'm an adult and have to do things myself now.

>> No.2802941
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i graduated 12 years ago and NEVER had a job! just leeched off the parents until they passed away. inherited their money and bought crypto, now i'm set for life. every day i wake up and praise lord kek, cant believe i got away with this NEET life.

>> No.2802948

i could buy your dog and force you to eat it, nigger

>> No.2802953
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Hello NEET masterrace /b/retheren!

>> No.2802955

why not? My parents need me, in turn I don't have to pay rent. I pay all the bills except for food, house is paid off, I get a home cooked meal whenever I want. The only downside is I only fuck when I'm at a girls place or traveling with one, but I don't give a shit about that.

>> No.2802962

That doesn't sound probable.
And if it is, it's missing lots of details like how you studied your ass off to understand both cryptocurrency and economics.
If you're telling the truth then you should just admit that you worked hard for your success.

>> No.2802966

I'm 32 and saddled with tons of student debt. I make about $100k and have made that for the past few years but am absolutely crushed by the interest payments on my debt so it doesn't make sense to move out yet. I basically have a high pressure, high stress job and nothing to show for it. It fucking sucks.

>> No.2802971
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Was the money really worth killing your parents for?

>> No.2802978

>this is the life of a person 1 year off of 30 years of age

Holy shit I need to leave this place.

>> No.2802986

I don't go to /b/
I barely come to 4chan.
But when I do I tend to obsess over the place for hours on end.
I don't see how NEETs like us can be proud of anything unironically.
It's one thing if you're doing something that's building toward something else, but if you're just doing nothing, wasting every day on ephemeral things then it's like being a very advanced animal as opposed to a human.
JMJ... I haven't been this introspective in awhile, and it's causing a deep feeling of dread to well up, as though a pendulum is slowly closing over my neck.

>> No.2802987
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Same situation as anon you're asking. I did a bit different. I independently studied mathematics and computer science where I'm most of the way through sophomore year (skipping the fluffy English, history, etc courses). I also spent much of that time fighting on online memewar which isn't exactly a marketable skill.

>What was the most interesting project you worked on in the last 5 years, anon?
<Oh I was one of a few handfulls of instrumental internet agents in a massive trolling psyop to get Donald Trump nominated and then elected president.

>> No.2802995
File: 102 KB, 877x674, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you are kinda right. i got a computer science degree, so i was able to understand how important bitcoin was. also had some trouble with the courts freezing my bank account before, so i understood that government is not my friend.

some cryptographic proof below:
address: 12HftBQpDJWDXKjvbJAUDz9etFce7YUwiw

message: /biz/ 2017-07-16 100btc proof

signature: IK/AIHBgBnrI03WI9z3NgFrTf4yPUSsPBoS7riyoDnlwV+vklZjX9WWHxQim5AVgceHiBAwmOMTYg0XDA0Oqg5o=

>> No.2802996
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you can't. you're trapped here now.
>one of us. one of us.

>> No.2802998

I only recently started coming to 4chan.
It's possible that most of the people here are like me.
But there's no way of knowing.
Coming here didn't make me a failure. I was like that since high school.
I peaked in 7th and 8th grade.

>> No.2803002

didn't have to kill them, cancer did it. took care of mom until the end. father died when i was a teenager

>> No.2803008
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It always is. You're on the wrong board if you think ethics outbids money.

>> No.2803014

See? You should be proud of what you were able to accomplish. Only insecure people have to present an outward appearance that things they worked hard for came easily.
I respect you, anon. You did something I and the majority of the world could not.

>> No.2803032

puritan values fetishize hard work. people that made it any other way are usually looked down upon.

luck also plays a large role in success, but few successful people want to admit it. we want to believe somehow our genius made it possible, but really we got lucky.

>> No.2803186

>my feet hurt
It's probably a two on the pain scale. I get that to when I haven't worked in a while.

Suck it up.

>> No.2803200

>tfw NEET
>not a shutin
>good family relationship
>making more money than wagie friends
honestly feel sorry for wagies right now senpais.
How do I get some NEET friends?

>> No.2803240
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>How do I get some NEET friends?
I start at 0.02 BTC/day.

>> No.2803245

>The Age of Parasite Singles

Lol the neetdom started in 2000?

>> No.2803294

>Lol the neetdom started in 2000?
Yeah but it used to be limited to literal genetic failures (at least in western countries). Now the below-average beta male is checking out as wekk because the game is rigged so hard against them.

>> No.2803304

i hate you all so much.
it's these gosh darn computres

>> No.2803336

You're a fucking pussy dude

>> No.2803349

Why are we brainwashed to HAVE to move out of parent's house. Why can't you just live there until they die so they have someone to take care of them in their old age, and then inherit the house. It just seems unnecessary and a huge waste of resources.

>> No.2803358 [DELETED] 

for real my parents house is paid off and nearly 10x what they bought it for. so they just bought a second one and live away from me for half the year.
Blame China, Mexico, Israel and Saudi Arabia. No other options.

>> No.2803380 [DELETED] 

hollywood wont make a movie about how racist jews, mexicans and asians are. the true parasite.

>> No.2803617

the second the asian dude from enron got to buy all that protected colorado land with the money he laundered thru his prostitute mistress SHIT CHANGED. RAHOWA!!

>> No.2803706

>being on my feet for over an hour was too painful

You're fucking pathetic. Go kill yourself already.

>> No.2803724

what's funny is that sometimes rich parents want their kids living at home cuz otherwise they would be bored / lonely. so it becomes a co-dependent relationship.

>> No.2804318

I pay rent and help out with getting good groceries that my parents would not buy. I am 27 and since moving out at 18, and back in at 23, I have decent money and am almost ready for a good down-payment.

>> No.2804497

less than 100 years ago that was the normal way of living, although the "carefree and comfortable" parts didn't apply because kids worked and contributed.

>> No.2804503

I moved back in at my parents house when I was 24 because I was a college dropout and couldnt afford my own place. Not so bad though because I have my own appartement and didnt need to pay a lot of rent. Next few years I went to get some kind of education.
I'm 28 now and will be moving out next month.
Financially it will be a disaster because I won't be able to throw my money at shitcoins anymore. But I guess it's time to stop being a pathetic dweeb and move on with my life

>> No.2804537

damn son, you a lawyer or something?

>> No.2805125

I haven't reached that level of desperation yet.
Sorry anon.

>> No.2806331

I envy these people. I was kicked out when I was 18. With no support from my parents, I was forced to wagecuck in shitty factory jobs and make it on my own. I'm finally in college now, but it all still feels so hopeless.

>> No.2806873

>wah my feet hurt
>wah I'm anxious
I'm a fat fuck and work at a movie theater. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day and walking most of that. My feet don't hurt so much I can't do it. And I have anxiety too. I deal with it like a regular person does. Cry me a river.
>mfw I share a board with this pathetic manchild