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2801631 No.2801631 [Reply] [Original]

>Who here debt free?
>What do you do with your saved money?

>> No.2801635

Debt free and bought 30k worth of ETH at 200.
Not feeling great right now about that, but still debt free.

>> No.2801642

Debt free, bought bitcoin, litecoin, and ans

>> No.2801652

debt free, use my money to buy more money

>> No.2801688
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>was debt free
>Savings into crypto
>Let me rev up that credit card for crypto
>pay them off everytime I got paid
>Smooth sailing so far
>Lump on throat
>medical bills already accumulated
>put them on credit because no more savings for medical bills

I'm ok right now but also no longer debt free. I didn't put in anything I couldn't afford to lose, and only have $400 in credit card debt, with $280 in cash that I haven't put in the bank yet, and around a G in silver I plan to offload soon, but because I don't know know the extent of my illness yet, I've stopped buying crypto. It sucks because this is prime buying time, but if I have thyroid cancer, shit's gonna hit the fan financially. I don't even care about the potential cancer itself because while that may be shitty, I'll probably live. It's just muh losses! My motherfucking financial losses! Going in for an ultrasound tomorrow morning (have to go to work late as a result which furthers muh losses since i"m hourly and not salaried). Even if it ends up being benign, I'll have lost precious coin that I could be using to further my life!

>> No.2801698

Debt free, I have some money stored in the bank, buying some company stock at 15% discount.. and I mess around in crypto with only a small amount of fun money

>> No.2801704

This is the worst Pepe ive ever seen

>> No.2801706

Debt free, 140$ worth of bitcoin.
Invested 180$ but now I have more bitcoin than I had when I started. Also have more 40$ I'm going to use to buy more cryptos and ~350 dollars worth of shit I plan on selling to buy crypto but hard to sell because I can't legally sell some of them. Literally a 200$ pellet gun I lost the receipt.

>> No.2801734

I'm not debt free because I bought a house last year.

But if you ignore my mortgage, I have a ton of spare money lying around. I invest it in Vanguard LifeStrategy, P2P lending, and shitcoins.

Passive index trackers can be expected to make me rich in 20 years.

P2P lending is giving me some passive income right now.

Crypto is currently losing me money, although it's entirely possibly I will make a ton of money in 2-5 years. But seriously, anything could happen. I'm not in deep so I don't care about losing a few hundred based on the gamble that it could be worth thousands in the future.

>> No.2801745

How much?

How is everything handled?

Did you buy a used/shitty house and fixed it up?

Re-guarding buying a home did you have to hire an inspector?

>> No.2801768

How old are you?
I have a suspicious lump on my chest

>> No.2801776

Not debt free, but 400k positive net worth. I put max into 401k, another 10k/year into ESPP. Wife does the same. Combined we bank about 50-60k/year in retirement savings. We also take a few vacations a year. We pay all small debts (credit cards, etc) monthly. Currently owe on house (15 year note), the wife's car and my car. Total fixed monthly expenses are around 4k/mo (house, car, utilities, insurance) on 250k/year income. Life's not bad.

I'm sure glad I studied Anthropology in my undergrad.

>> No.2801783

Debt free,but I wasted my entire checking account on ETH.No big deal,the only money there was my parents money for me to go to college,but now I'm a drop out

>> No.2801786

Wait a semester.

>> No.2801796
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119k€ debt

>> No.2801804

are you 13 yearsold?

>> No.2801808

Not debt free but maxing 401k and ESPP as well as sliding money into crypto whenever I can. Still have enough left over to enjoy my life while making payments to my loans. It'll be slow but I'll make it eventually.

>> No.2801815

I'm about 10k in debt from a failed business. Working on paying it off and saving up an fha loan on a duplex.

>> No.2801816

25, which is around the time thyroid cancer would happen. It's pretty faggot shit. My thyroid levels came back fine yesterday so I guess that's a good sign, but that doesn't explain the lump itself. I'm just salty that I got it, and will be saltier if it ends up being cancer because thyroid cancer is pretty fucking rare, especially for men. It also has a pretty low death rate so it's the worst of both worlds. If I got it, all I won is medical bills and not even a quick death from them. If It ends up being cancer and I do end up making sweet gains, they'll mostly go to the bills, and if I don't end up making gains, I'll probably start considering the Winchester 1300 payment plan.

>> No.2801822

No, my country sucks.

>> No.2801843
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I owe the gubmint 150k, my parents 30k, a bank 7k, and my credit card 2k.


>> No.2801856

File for bankrupcy and start anew

>> No.2801897
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What the fuck did you do?! I thought I got a shitty hand!

>> No.2801903

Doesn't help. The $150k is student loans (fell for the law school meme) which are non-dischargeable in bankrutpcy. Good news is 1) I have income based repayment so I don't feel it too much and 2) loan is forgiven in 20 years.

The 30k to parents was them taking over for private student loans and I can pay them on a when-you-can basis.

7k to bank and 2k cc will be paid when I get a bonus check.

Despite awful numbers it's not an unmanageable situation. I also just interviewed for a job that will break me into six figga jigga status. Pray for me /biz/

>> No.2801924
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Debt free.

Bought a car cash because I'm not a dip who buys a deprecating asset on a loan.

The rest is split between a low risk Vanguard ETF and a high risk Direxion ETF.

>> No.2801976

Debt free here, at first I saved up money for musical gear (I'm a musician so I enjoy upgrading stuff) but now I feel I have everything needed and have started saving up (also make the money buying and selling music gear)

I have saved up about 600usd and want to start investing, been checking the charts for quite some time now

>> No.2802673

I'm basically debt free. Just three more payments on my car. I could pay it off tomorrow and not miss that money out of my checking account, but I'm getting to use their money practically for free (great credit master race).

When I do finish paying off that little bit of debt, I'll start shoveling the money from that into investments, like I've been doing with other unencumbered cash since around this time last year. It's gone pretty well for me so far, and I haven't had any big unexpected expenses to sidetrack me.

The real windfall came when the sellers pulled out on a house contract on me, paid me to give up my contract. (Since then I've decided now, here, isn't the time or place for me to buy.)

>> No.2802677

>debt free as of october

saving for a house

>> No.2802697

>The $150k is student loans (fell for the law school meme) which are non-dischargeable in bankrutpcy.
I know the feeling

>> No.2802771


it could just be swollen. I had a lymph node swell up for 2 months on the side of my bicep near the elbow. It hurt to touch, like a dull sore pain. Have you considered that? Are you taking iodine?

>> No.2802793

Debt free, drink a bunch.

>> No.2802866

Mix of BTC and government bonds/funds
I would do stocks buy buying at ATH it's retarded

>> No.2802887

Now's a great time to get oil&gas on the cheap. Shell, Halliburton, and Schlumberger are great buys, and Shell pays an absurd dividend.

>> No.2802909

2k debt for some bunk hospital bs. Probably owe the IRS 10k.
Own a cash for gold.
Revenue .5m
50k liquid
150k in precious metal oriented inventory.
No education on paper.
I want to go into something else so I'm not stuck in this shitty town anymore.