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File: 63 KB, 531x398, monero_coins-5bfd713ac9e77c0051d5583f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28008747 No.28008747 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this coin piss people off so much?

>> No.28008972

Because they’re too microcephalic to understand how it works.

literally one of the most undervalued coins on the market, I’m never selling my stack.

>> No.28009370

Zcash is better

>> No.28009485

zcash is traceable though?

>> No.28009663

It's easy to get angry at things you don't understand.

>> No.28011213
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>> No.28011800

I used to be quite in with Monero. But I couldn’t escape the sinking feeling that it is a scam. It started off as a scam and I believe it is possible that it is still a scam in a sense.

I find it unlikely that the MRL would release the most optimized miner for a new algo. Given that general people find a more efficient way to move as the algo ages. And no one would ever be able to tell that the crime was happening.

>> No.28011971

You are so fucking retarded holy shit leave this board and keep your spacing on reddit

>> No.28011991

Because its a fucking premined shitcoin with an infinite supply. The supply cant be verified.

>> No.28012002

wtf are you talking about, pajeet

>> No.28012011

because it’s a piece of shit crabcoin that’s done NOTHING despite the bullrun and despite the massive darknet adoption these last 6 months

>> No.28012018

It has a backdoor.

>> No.28012138

you are confusing with your mom

>> No.28012234

this anon had never visited biz before 11/20

>> No.28012497

Because it has a cool M

>> No.28012711

Because Fluffypony is a larping faggot with no vision that should not be trusted

Also, ripe govt regulatory target because of fluffypony and nes cartridge era techsmology

>> No.28012884
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Value of the Monero doesn't matter. In matter of fact it's good that it's just moderately valuated asset.

Monero is designed for secure and private transfers. That is also what it does perfectly.
It is more like one of the most important tools of the cryptoworld, rather than something which value should be speculated as it is priceless already.

>> No.28012994
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It, and other currencies like it, are dangerous to the long term sustainability of governments which control their populations through economic means. A lot of dumb people think this means seething governments are just going to be dethroned and have to deal with it while all the citizens dab on them. People with foresight realize making a first world nation's carrot obsolete means we'll only be left with the stick. The seething is warranted as many smart people realize making that trade is probably for the worst (unless they can actually get their hands on fuck-you money tier amounts of XMR and not actually be in the country when shit starts hitting the fan).

>> No.28013049

I mined it for a week 3 years ago. What do you recommend if mining today?

>> No.28013119

I mean to ask, what monero miner is best?

>> No.28013437

its a payment coin, a utility coin. its not going to make you rich but it might stop you getting arrested buying drugs on some gay market.

>> No.28013589


>> No.28013635

supply is capped to 2^64 actually

>> No.28013648

The $6 I got free from coinbase is now like $24 so that’s okay

>> No.28013672

i lost 75% of my BTC Stack because i fell for the mah privacy meme

>> No.28013796

its more of a currency than store of value

>> No.28013840

what a waste

>> No.28013891

one of the few coins that I don't actively hate but don't see a real use for

>> No.28013948

>private enough for fungibility with enough traceability to catch the bad guys
They literally said this kek

>> No.28013957


>> No.28013997

i can think of 100 uses. you lack creativity and or common sense

>> No.28014029

it's literally the only crypto with an actual use lol, that being private transaction of value. It's why Monero is taking over the dark net.

>> No.28014055

it has already been adopted, no real room for growth

>> No.28014150

is my 1060 a cuda 10?

>> No.28014176

Uses 1. Buying Heroin 2. Buying Crack 3. Buying LSD

>> No.28014198

because it's the one true coin that holds cryptos original values, and because of that, it makes zoomers seethe because it doesn't pump and dump

>> No.28014229

Monero can be mined most easily with AMD processors such as Threadrippers.

Just don't expect huge gains. Although it doesn't take so much power to run cpus only.

>> No.28014299

this is dumb. it can be used for buying whatever. it's a god damn currency

>> No.28014398

Yes buy Class A drugs using a bank transfer and see what happens you fucking retarded dipshit

>> No.28014468

It shouldn't piss off anyone other than every government agency of every country.

I hope it lives on as a black market coin.

>> No.28014488

Hey, thanks anon. I'm going to mine for a month and see what my 1060 shitbox can do

>> No.28014583

Dogshit stable coin.
Will never moon and it's not worth holding, just buy it if you need to use it.

>> No.28014603

you're a total fucking idiot or a fed

>> No.28014780

Opinions on XHV?

>> No.28015302

is it not more efficent to mine xmr with gpus?

>> No.28015563

At least it's not an outright "XMR killer" pajeet scam like LOKI

>> No.28015601

Coin is great, if I had to choose a coin to replace fiat it would be monero. But the majority of us care about the price, not the tech, if it underperforms then it's a piece of shit for most of us.

I think the problem is people are afraid it might get banned from exchanges (already happened before) because the jewish government doesn't like the idea of not controlling people

>> No.28015871

How can you privately cash out Monero?

>> No.28015936

you don't, that the point, it's not a coin for speculation, it's a coin for actual IRL use

>> No.28015964

No. The RandomX algorithm uses instructions not available in the "simple" gpu processing cores (so they have to be emulated which is not efficient) and RandomX works best with a high RAM to CPU core count ration

>> No.28016383

The irl use is cashing it out...

>> No.28016503

what do the huge xmr mining farms look like then?

>> No.28016554

i'm using a remote node out of east europe w/ 79 active users. After sync I can start minning with the GUI wallet. The other miner XMRig installed but I don't know how to set it up. Maybe add the wallet into the .config? How is XMRig better than the GUI wallet miner?

>> No.28016728

holy shit XMR is taking forever to sync, even using a remote node. 20 minutes now and only 24%. Seems to be at a stand still now. I think this is why I gave up 3 years ago.

>> No.28016826
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Litecoin is adding privacy and monero will be useless

>> No.28016945

>Daemon is synchronized 100%
>637000 Wallet blocks remaining
wtf is a wallet block?

>> No.28017018

should i mine litecoin or monero?

>> No.28017043

restart your wallet.
are you connecting to a remote node or are you syncing to the blockchain?

>> No.28017074

Stupid Bitcoin ripoff

>> No.28017183
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Anonymous Smart Contracts with Homomorphic Encryption coming on testnet, goodbye Monero

>> No.28017227

i connected to a remote node to speed up the sync so I can start mining with this GUI Wallet. You know the GUI wallet can mine also. I have no room to download the entire blockchain.

>> No.28017300

Doesn't piss me off but it does piss off the feds which means it will be taken down eventually. It's the Al Capone of crypto, it's had a nice career and will be talked about for years but it WILL eventually be taken down by the irs and it will die in a cave.

>> No.28017901

i have about 100 shitty 1 gb amazon virtual machines that i don't use and they don't cost me nothing
you think it would be worth the hussle of setting up a miner ?
every tutorial out there uses either windows or ubuntu interface , i only have access via ssh to centos terminal
any idea where i can start ?
cheers fren

>> No.28018186
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>> No.28018244

>not paying other people with your crypto

>> No.28018275

shitcoin nobody's ever heard of, yawn
Optional privacy is less than useless, it is a literal waste of time as ZCash demonstrates

>> No.28018280

how do you get 100 vm. don't they ask and check for duplicate cc?

>> No.28018369

I didn't even get mine. Coinbase sucks cock. And the transaction fees are cancer

>> No.28018530

you can use disposable CC's to create accounts , but lately it's very difficult to create one
i still have some accounts that i created a long time ago , i used to use their port25 to send emails

>> No.28019019

pretty sure any provider checks for multiple high-cpu machines and kills them these days. most straight up disallow any mining whatsoever

>> No.28019106

good talk and speaker

>> No.28019183

solar farm in the desert is what I'm dreaming

>> No.28019191

doesn't hurt to try

>> No.28019218

10k for one monero? that doesn't sound right

>> No.28019335

you'll hear about it soon mate

>> No.28019493

what exchange?

>> No.28019642

Because people here prefer Pajeet pump and dumps where they lose 40% of their money in the space of 3 hours.

>> No.28019717

Are your parents siblings?

>> No.28019737

I’m waiting for the DeFi boom, then moving a shitload into XMR. All in LINK and AAVE for the next 6 months minimum.

>> No.28019766

if you watch the mstr webinar thats basically what they talked about. creating solar/hydro/geothermal bitcoin mines in the middle of nowhere to turn free evergy info free money

im sure if anybody has worked out how to detech and ban them its amazon though

>> No.28019784

Hotbit, TradeOgre (for btc pair), Kucoin

3 year accumulation
this shit is gonna fly so high

>> No.28019792

It's LITERALLY the only crypto that has a real use RIGHT NOW.
You must be fucking actually retarded.

>> No.28019995

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.28020032

Can you even read?

>> No.28020243

It's basically Bitcoin if Bitcoin were actually useful for anything.

>> No.28020279

If Monero ever reaches $10,000 I will be a 8 figure millionaire. I still won't cash out though.

>> No.28020473

other than digital scarcity and store of value, yeah, just the two most important things that give crypto at all any non-tech driven utilitarian value

>> No.28020657

local news in wa state interviewed a guy from seattle that built a solar farm + warehouse out in eastern washington area (nevada environment) 3 years ago. I thought of the idea myself before seeing him on TV. He had the money to actually do it though. Guy is prob a billionaire now. He had hundreds of those Chinese miners that were selling out in 2017. Talking about upgrading and buying more, more, more... what a fucking cool life

>> No.28020714

Huge amount of cheap motherboards with TRX4 socket for Threadripper and filled with RAM.
I don't think there is huge Monero mining farms. It's much more decentralized around the world as it isn't so profitable as ETH and BTC.

>> No.28021563

fking hell took an hour to sync on remote node. can't even mine solo. says mining is only available on local daemons. i'm guessing i need all day to synch and like 40 gigs free???

>> No.28021792

The entire block chain has to be parsed by your wallet because only you can see if a transaction belonged to you.

>> No.28021890

AMD and APPL stock are supposed to skyrocket in the next 1-2 years. Intel made some critical error and is self-imploding by design so israel can buy on the cheap and move it all to Israel, some insiders say. In the mean time AMD and APPL are making huge moves. APPL will be making their own chips and electric cars

>> No.28021923

You don't need to sync if you pool mine with XMRig
You should pool mine anyway unless you have crazy hardware, or you risk going 1 month without payout.
Choose a smaller pool to help the network.

>> No.28021957

no, just download xmr stak. you don't need to use the GUI to mine -- in fact, it is probably the worst way to mine because it's extremely difficult to solo mine blocks.
Mining in a pool gives you rewards over time because you work with everyone else in your pool.

>> No.28022018

because it's what bitcoin wish it could be.

>> No.28022059


>> No.28022204

I already created suicide stack of AMD 2017 when it was clear that crypto mining will change everything. I dont know how many of you remember that AMD even created dedicated crypto mining gpus.

>> No.28022242

TRTL V2 is going to be 27x more secure

>> No.28022642

Because it's a good technology that works and follows the original vision of crypto.
Many people bought it 2-3 years ago, and lost potential gains because it's depreciating compared to BTC or ETH. It's keeping up with the USD, but it's not enough in crypto nowadays.

I personally think it'll get back with BTC in the next months, and has a chance get back in the spotlight if some shit happens that calls for real privacy in crypto.
But who knows...

>> No.28023002

Monero wasn’t designed with ADHD spergs like you in mind.

>> No.28023094

no it was designed by scammers actually

>> No.28023593

>2.6 billion marketcap and still hasn't exit scammed
Must be some pretty patient scammers huh

>> No.28023803

never heard of bytecoin?

>> No.28023896

I used to watch Star Trek: TNG growing up. I'm fully qualified to be a part of this crowd.

>> No.28024325

Because it makes me less money that even some shitcoins even if it has important use cases.

>> No.28024438

does xmr-stak have a windows executable?

>> No.28024887

dunno how to get this running. looks like linux https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak

>> No.28024973


>> No.28025187

okay, found the .exe here at the bottom https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak/releases/tag/1.0.5-rx

>> No.28025330

give a good pool. friendo

>> No.28025499

going w/
>supportxmr.com PPLNS 0.6% 0.1 XMR 99.93%
for now

>> No.28025667

if only it could run smartcontract

>> No.28025676


>> No.28026148
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wtf, i was on a roll. had the addy, pass, pool entered and now it crashes after opening

>> No.28026657
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freed up ram and now this

>> No.28026911
File: 2.82 MB, 4378x2667, Full Set - KS Cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody want to invest in a rally simulator game? I need 5k for 50% revenue share.

>> No.28028350

This is one of the strangest and underreported stories in the history of crypto.

>> No.28029160

Yeah I've heard of it. Monero devs found a mining exploit very early on and fixed it, what about it?
>inb4 muh inflation bug
You can manually view the mining rewards for each block