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28008596 No.28008596 [Reply] [Original]

This is the final dip before moon to $1
Screenshot this.

>> No.28008840

>tfw life savings in mcdc
feels good that im going to be rich.

>> No.28008950

Based McChad
$10 by end of February

>> No.28009039

I can’t believe people are selling this gem
I’m probably gonna buy more just to price them out

>> No.28009087
File: 656 KB, 1125x1120, 1612468168017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people panic selling after we just went from 4 cents to 17 in a day

>> No.28009110

More for me

>> No.28009236

glad to see that more bros are looking through this for what it is, a bunch of retarded whales selling. Poomp. Eet.

>> No.28009285

BUY BUY BUY under 10c is a steal

>> No.28009308

Yeah this theead is full of pajeets pushing scams

>> No.28009339

stay poor

>> No.28009366


>> No.28009368

I cannot comprehend how stupid you have to be to fall for something like this

>> No.28009460

>self admitted shitcoin
>telegram full of cultists FOLLOWING THE PLAN while whales unload their bags

its over

>> No.28009483

>goes from 0c to 5c a day
>dumps a bit
>4c to 17c in the next day
Stay poor.

>> No.28009742
File: 131 KB, 890x905, F7343415-8AC5-4D55-A67F-524343159C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we hitting 20c boys??

>> No.28010071

Tomorrow, the pump that’s coming soon will destroy everything we know

>> No.28010206

so true.

>> No.28010222

eod. $1 eow

>> No.28010273


>> No.28010366


>> No.28010568

floor secured bros, the whales have stopped selling. check dextools and look at the buyers and sellers.

let's get another 10k poomp just to secure it

>> No.28010951


>> No.28011085


>> No.28011179

you mean bought the crash?

>> No.28011232
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>> No.28011306
File: 70 KB, 774x844, 1609801729914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only midwits will not buy and stay poor.
High IQ Chad and Low IQ Grugs are all in on MCDC

>> No.28011954

The McDip has been bought OP

>> No.28012159

>I cannot comprehend how stupid you have to be to fall for something like this

Only newfags are falling for it anon, and this place is swaming with them. They don't know what the fuck to buy so theu buy whatever is being shilled here

>> No.28012192

> relentless shilling for days
> only 422 holders still
> adding just 100 holders/day

You've already failed as a memecoin
This is just two whales pushing shit
Even 4ch had 700+ holders in 2 days

>> No.28012257

I suspect >2% of biz is actually buying this shit. Its the same 5 fags on the telegram spamming threads

>> No.28012304
File: 521 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210207-125100_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice coin you have there pajeets. Ps: Nobody's gonna buy that fucking garbage

>> No.28012380

>400+ and growing holders
Cope, nocoiner

>> No.28012400
File: 109 KB, 680x680, 1607244834528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M for McDonalds
>Goldern arches
Bullish confirmed

>> No.28012460

Wheres my ABN chad?

>> No.28012507

What do you mean "only" 422 holders
There are "real" coins out there with visible teams that have less than that.

The only people buying this are biz clueless newfags

>> No.28012638

trust in,

>> No.28012650

faggot pajeet, go shit somewhere else
this has been the most inorganic shilling campaign I have ever seen

>> No.28012930

It's about to pumpp

>> No.28013434
File: 109 KB, 853x1200, 1602060307750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will rope at $1

>> No.28013542

Wasn't brave enough to swing yesterday's high but I'm buying this McDip.