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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28008283 No.28008283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What are the financial implications of niggers?
>What business opportunities are created by the inability of niggers to contribute to a functioning society?
>What investments can be made now to leverage the rise of niggerdom in western culture?
This thread is for discussion of the business and financial impacts of niggers. Please stay on topic.

>> No.28008586


>> No.28008652

Unironically Souljaboy's crypto coin.

>> No.28008667

Private prisons

>> No.28008748

Someone should make a nigger index so we can short it

>> No.28008769

abortion clinics every half block instead of every other block in the ghetto

demoshits just need more funding, donate today for less niggers!

>> No.28008956

Let's use our white man tax money to sterilize non-whites

>> No.28009031 [DELETED] 
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>Anonymous (ID: ZrLtIasF) 02/07/21(Sun)19:04:00 No.28008652▶
> >>28008283 (OP)
> Unironically Souljaboy's crypto coin.
>Anonymous (ID: QmSwkLkm) 02/07/21(Sun)19:04:11 No.28008667▶
> Private prisons
>Anonymous (ID: hf56+UyN) 02/07/21(Sun)19:05:09 No.28008748▶
> Someone should make a nigger index so we can short it
>Anonymous (ID: ezaa50wd) 02/07/21(Sun)19:05:25 No.28008769▶
> >>28008283 (OP)
> abortion clinics every half block instead of every other block in the ghetto
> demoshits just need more funding, donate today for less niggers!
>Anonymous (ID: lPFiEOml) 02/07/21(Sun)19:07:41 No.28008956▶
> Let's use our white man tax money to sterilize non-whites

>> No.28009056

do not hire niggers or women and your business will prosper
but that's illegal

>> No.28009115

If you include asian, jews and Indians, the positive bar goes even higher. Wat now frenz?

>> No.28009145

Never. They cant even take care themselves.

>> No.28009197

consumer spending is 70% of GDP

brown people literally contribute more to GDP than you

>> No.28009451

>steal my money via government
>spend it
>this makes you a valuable member of society

>> No.28009477

>move to a high nig populated area
>spend 1k on a microphone and studio monitors
>learn how to use autotune and some compression in a DAW
>charge $50 an hour for them to come smoke blunts and spit nonsense into your microphone over youtube beats

I did this for a year and probably made 25k on my days off, It was kind of sad to see these guys spend all the money they made working at footlocker or selling fentanyl on their delusions of having a "rap career"

>> No.28009495

>steal my tax money
>spend it
>look how much they're doing for the economy!

>> No.28010158

krugman pls

>> No.28011009

I didn't know Paul Krugman posted on biz

>> No.28011094


>> No.28011120

Sell juice mixed with cough syrup at low end gas stations

>> No.28011219

PnD and other scam because niggers love free money

>> No.28011230

long on spin rim options

>> No.28011254

We live in strange times

>> No.28011430
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A combination liquor/gun/abortion shop would be a very profitable venture. You could even franchise it. There may also be real estate opportunities, perhaps instead of a combo shop it's a strip mall.

>> No.28011610

Take over the music industry

>> No.28011656

Fast food. They cannot cook. Most can’t even operate an oven

>> No.28011719

Stop being racist.

>> No.28011868
File: 73 KB, 480x351, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make money
>from something worhtless

>> No.28012012
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No money in lying to yourself

>> No.28012031

Yes, but GDP is a shit metric for economic health.

>> No.28012050


>> No.28012204
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How can we profit from this?

>> No.28012344

Hair Extensions, Tattoo Ink that is visible on their skin, Menthol Flavored anything, Plus size athletic ware, Fried Chicken flavored everything, etc.

>> No.28012536

Bring back public executions

>> No.28012614
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What is it about current events that make you think niggerdom isn't a good long term investment?

>> No.28013148
File: 54 KB, 800x449, killianrunningman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game show for criminals like running man. you don't even have to give them freedom, niggers will kill each other for weed and liquor. run it on darkweb and have crypto betting etc

>> No.28013657

>consumer spending is 70% of GDP
>brown people literally contribute more to GDP than you
They are "re-spending" white tax payers money. If we still had more we'd be spending it ourselves you fucking tard.

>> No.28013988

>How can we profit from niggers?
Slavery, but we already tried it and self-hating white people ruined it and we're still paying for the fallout of that mess.

>> No.28014144

What's the actual odds of being assualted by a brown then? If 900k whites are assualted by browns every year and 60% of the US is non-hispanic white and there are 400 million people in the US, that means there are like 240 million whites probably.
I *think* that means that one in every two hundred fifty whites are assualted by a brown every year.
Also the assualt by the brown would have to be so bad one would contact the police for it.

>> No.28014273


nah, you'd be saving it like good little cucks. Based brown bros actually spend and keep businesses afloat while white penny pinchers worship their bank account numbers, leading to less consumption and less profits for businesses. Same reason every whitoid country is scrambling to bring in as many refugees/immigrants as they can. More consumption is good.

>> No.28014409
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White people did not try slavery. Chattel slavery in the US was controlled by a different ethnic group.

>> No.28014480

This include them I want to see it, but you can argue that jews are white.

>> No.28014543

short the mayos, obviously.
literally every problem in the world, especially climate, would be solved overnight if we killed all mayos.

(((they))) are also mayos

>> No.28014763

is that a John Oliver wojack?

>> No.28014843

renting out your boipucci and getting the government bennies from it

>> No.28014865

Maybe, and that's what drives immigration. Bit there's only one group of people who are net fiscal contributors.

>> No.28015028

Short the negro

>> No.28015202

Can I go to an investment bank and create a great short for this?

>> No.28015514
File: 509 KB, 2654x2259, jew pca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are wiggers too

>> No.28016149

>shitskins and redditfags seething itt
Grow up and face reality for once, little babies.

>> No.28016326

>make a BLM Coin
>make some dumb reason how it will go towards funding BLM and it will be used decentralised so none of it can be touched by the Police etc.
>make a huge campaign shilling it prior to stimulus checks going out
>load up on bags
>when everyone gets their stimulus they will all go and buy it
>dump bags once price goes up

Really its thats simple, if /biz/ was an organised network of people who could focus on a common goal this would be so easy to do.

>> No.28016639

white countries have the least population density and pollution output, literally the exact opposite, coming a from a negro no surprise you have it bass ackwards as always. This planet would literally be a garden of eden Utopia with just whites.

>> No.28016791

Why do we always stay in your head rent free? For a group of people who hate us so much you cumskins never seem to shut up about us lmao.

>> No.28016877

They also start the most wars and commit the most genocides

>> No.28016928

You can profit by buying Bitcoin.
Money printer is going into overdrive to prop up the socialist government. Hyperinflation is inevitable.

>> No.28016976

>if i pay you $100 to shit in your mouth...

>> No.28017017

No they just commit the best genocides.

>> No.28017088
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>> No.28017103

there'd be no rugpull, it'd just become fully funded by Soros et al.

>> No.28017232

That's actually a pretty good idea!

>> No.28017270

>They also start the most wars and commit the most genocides
only by virtue of being more competent, creative, and capable. Blacks think small and keep their violence brutal, senseless, and localized. See: history of Africa to American urban hellholes

>> No.28017322
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Also hold long positions on arable land and steel/brass/lead.

>> No.28017359


>see how they try to shill that shit system on /biz/

looks like this thread is already dumped with scammers
think I am clever to forget about it and don’t go for hell

>my wallet has been connected to Bot Ocean platform and I wait for full launch to use their bots for trading and analysis

but you nay follow them and buy this shit

>> No.28017415

So we would profit even more, sounds good

>> No.28017421

Nike has already perfected this. Chinese slave labor to sell cheap, ugly shit to niggers at unimaginable prices.

>> No.28017505

at least use my beats

>> No.28017581

Yeah ok

>> No.28017600

imagine what its like to be a person with this opinion. somehow it's good to take money from the people supporting the system and give it to the teeming masses of worthless eaters to benefit from that system. that somehow supporting a mass of useless cattle is good for the whole. that feeding worthless creatures and drawing more in to feed on scarcer and scarcer resources is a positive thing. that driving up the prices of goods and services to benefit bottom feeders rather than productive individuals is economically healthy.

the world would be better off if all of you were dead. you would be able to quantifiably measure the improvement to quality of life after we buried all of you.

>> No.28017610

i dunno anon, but of the 3 times i've been mugged, twice was by groups of upstanding black youths and the other time was by latinos.
i didn't report these crimes cos they didn't get very much from me and i thought doing so would be pointless.
i wasn't hospitalised though, just given the ol' boot (cracked rib, black eye) and beaten with sticks (severe bruising). the latinos were classier and only swarmed/immobilised me.

>> No.28017668

niggers are felons and can't buy guns legally, brainlet

>> No.28017673
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>white countries have the least population density and pollution output
they have the same population, and much more pollution output. nice try wig

>> No.28017711

i'd like to see that chart with jews included

>> No.28017823
File: 512 KB, 1057x1154, D8E3D3E5-64D2-4DD9-B2B2-9354EEF93DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were bullied at school by us weren’t you?

>> No.28017839

that's the thing with niggers. they target whites because they hate them. every nigger crime is a hate crime.

>> No.28017841

Hadrian should've finished the job