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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28004053 No.28004053 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth throwing some $$ at or should I avoid it?

>> No.28004123

its a pump and dump so if you like gambling go for it. Their project isn't anything special so far as I can tell.

>> No.28004169

Probably already pumped too high right noe

>> No.28004181

yes, get in before 0.20$ today

>> No.28004253

Fucking dumbass FUD. As someone who got in Rubic at a cent I moved all my gains from there to ASKO. Take that as you will. Do you want to stay poor?

>> No.28004350

>As someone who got in Rubic at a cent I moved all my gains from there to ASKO. Take that as you will. Do you want to stay poor?
What is special about the Asko platform? Please use only talking points that you fully understand.

>> No.28004375
File: 94 KB, 600x600, Image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASKO is a dOrg product.
Every dOrg product has over 1B MC.
(GRT, Compound, ..)

We just need a CEX Listing to moon harder.
Uniswap is for nerds

>> No.28004464

You cant compare Rubic with ASKO.
You can compare ASKO with AAVE.
Basically a decentralized finance protocol that allows people to lend and borrow crypto.

>> No.28004543

>Basically a decentralized finance protocol that allows people to lend and borrow crypto.
and how is Asko better than AAVE?

>> No.28004617
File: 73 KB, 640x426, lovelyup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASKOlend is coming out later this quarter as a competitor to AAVE. It shits on AAVE though because it has way more assets available for lending. The new website comes out in a few days. And it was coded by fucking dOrg, not some randos,. Im legit all in.

>> No.28004673

>Same developers that Compound and GRT used, billion dollar marketcap coins with this coin being comparable to Compound but better


>> No.28004689

Lets not always compare which or what is better, there are also several car brands on the market.
But ASKO is listing 40 tokens on launch, AAVE is only listing 20.

>> No.28004692

I said the same stuff with rubic when I saw it at ten cents anon
its already mooned I said, I missed it, it will dump now etc etc I kept saying.
then watched rubic go to 80 cents.
I'm not being put off by the relentless pajeet shilling or ass memes anymore
I'm sick of missing out
crypto is a joke
if it has memes and newfags aping in then it will pump more

>> No.28005241

its unironically a good project, it's just been latched onto by the pump and dump gang, but its still in pump phase

>> No.28005441

Actual unironic retard alert

>> No.28005745

>ASKOlend is coming out later this quarter as a competitor to AAVE. It shits on AAVE though because it has way more assets available for lending. The new website comes out in a few days. And it was coded by fucking dOrg, not some randos,. Im legit all in.
What is so special about ASKOlend? Why is there is no major news articles or mainstream shilling of this if its so much better than AAVE? Yeah I'm thinking this is just another Pajeet scam.

>> No.28005817
File: 333 KB, 1013x1088, Screenshot_20210207-172827_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I say more?

>> No.28005973
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1612419718432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the marketing doesn't start till next week. ASKOlend has like twice as many coins as you can borrow plus it has high risk and low risk pools. These are no cryptos avaliable currently that can do these things. Go back to shitting on the street instead of shitting up this thread, Rajadesh

>> No.28006165

Isn't dOrg just a contact developer for crypto startups? They might make good products but that doesn't really mean much if they're not the ones solely planning and driving it

>> No.28006264

dOrg developed eToro, europeans biggest trading crypto platform.
They are basically godtier devs in crypto.

>> No.28006265

>Why is there is no major news articles or mainstream shilling of this if its so much better than AAVE?
Because its mcap is tiny and we're still early. That's why people are prepared to ape in at what seems like the top. I'm not gonna claim its better than AAVE until I've seen the fully realised platform. Just get in before it launches, if you don't like the mainnet, get out. Even at 10c its still technically cheap.

>> No.28006315


buy it or not and gtfo. i'm done spoonfeeding you fags. only few will understand why this dapp is needed.