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28001207 No.28001207 [Reply] [Original]

Even mid 6 figures doesnt cure this feel. What do.
She showed me pics of her about 10 years ago and she looked younger and nice and i have this feel that i’ll never see her like that.
Its not enough to break up but it leaves me slightly sour

>> No.28001326

Pedo detected

>> No.28001640


Not a zoomer. Go back to redd!t underage kid

>> No.28002120

Just get involved in physical exercise. If she does not follow suit while your getting jacked you have an excuse to say why you want something more.

>> No.28002211


I do and im in good shape. She is too. The point is more just the youth in general, skin etc. Not something she can really do anything about. Its why this feeling is so sour.

>> No.28002225

Cope roastie whore

>> No.28002316

You sound like a faggot

>> No.28002357

That's because women dry up and become infertile and your are naturally attracted to fertile women. If you aren't going to marry and put children in her you're wasting your and her time and should just find a younger woman since if you're not she will quickly become worthless. She ends up eating the loss of infertility as you walk away.

>> No.28002400

Than just leave her? You obviously don't feel attracted to her. Obviously you have a boring relationship if this is what it comes down to.

>> No.28002430

dump her f@m

>> No.28002486

Also don't ask for relationship advice from a bunch if crypto poorfags and rich sociopaths.
Just do what you want dude. You think you can do better? Go for it. You don't have to tell her that, just say your not happy and move on.

>> No.28002517

You saw her pics of when she was 15 year old and fucking her first boyfriend?

>> No.28002617

Buy collagen loads of it. 1.2x reccomended dose and you will have very youthful skin

>> No.28002680

Just leave her faggot. What stopping you from getting a 24 year old.

>> No.28002790

Collagen is an amino acid and there is literally no metabolic pathway for it to wind up in your skin when you ingest it. Its a meme that only low IQ women fall for. Want millions of IU of collage? Drink chicken broth. You stupid retard.

>> No.28002897


Nah we have a good relationship. Thats again why its a sour feeling. Its not enough to break up over but its also something she cant do anything about. She looks fine now and sexy but seeing her even younger kind just made me feel a bit sad.

>> No.28002995

Can collagen help your bones?

>> No.28003068

Vr headset during sex is a good way to go

>> No.28003182

Youre settling for used goods that are past their prime and slowly rotting.

>> No.28003183

Ugly old female detected

>> No.28003344

This, OP.
The woman is only going to continue to degrade while your value continues to rise. How will you cope with this if you don't have kids to keep you together?

You're immensely wasting resources.

>> No.28003449

>She looks fine now and sexy but seeing her even younger kind just made me feel a bit sad
faggot biz tard whining about his hot gf not being even hotter. a lot people would kill for being in your situation.
grass is greener
life is eternal suffering. if at the end of the day you put in the work to make it less insufferable this was a day worthwhile

>> No.28003489

youth is temporary, gains are forever

>> No.28003532


>> No.28003555

you mad you didnt get to destroy her tight pus back then?

>> No.28003573

How did u survive violently crashing into the wall?

>> No.28003578

yeah dude, if you arent planning to impregnate her in the next six months, cut the cord and go 10 years younger for her replacement. and send her a screenshot of this when she asks why. get fucked, bitch

>> No.28003595

Get rich and have threesomes with younger girls anon, god damn. It’s being a rich fuck 101. Hopefully she’s into that, or else date someone who is. You and your partner are always gonna get older.

But you can’t replace loyalty, and it’s nearly impossible to find once you’re rich. These young bitches are pretty, but they ain’t loyal.

>> No.28003704
File: 199 KB, 946x696, 3152A80B-5452-4421-8292-BCD40B3C2C04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also most of these fucking idiots have never been rich. I have. Listen: it’s lonely.

Tons of thirsty little blondes who don’t give two fucks about you. You find someone who actually cares about you as a person? You better hold the fuck on to that one.

>> No.28003854

>GF will never hit ATH again
Just cash out bro, she's peaked and the losses are going to continue accumulating.

>> No.28003876

Every girl's looks fade as she ages, but growing old together is the best part of a relationship. Sounds to me like you resent the fact that she was hot and fucking other guys when she was young while you were alone. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto her and get over it.

It's either that, or dump her for a new girl that's young and inexperienced. The age gap will be real though, like dating a child. At the end of the day, mental traits are more important for your happiness.

>> No.28004314

This. OP it will only get worse.

>> No.28004392


>> No.28004483

anon if you dump now you'll feel bad for 6 or 7 months but beyond that it'll be liberating knowing you didn't marry a roastie

>> No.28004526


Its not that. Its just that i cant ever have it you know?
Its very bitter and hard to communicate. A good relationship, she still looks good, but you cant help feel sad you can never experience hanging out and banging when she was a little younger, as it’s obviously impossible. If youd met back then u know it woulda happened but it can never be.

>> No.28004554

This is the only guy in the thread who fucking gets it. OP this is hands down the best advice you will get on this. Yeah you can throw it all away for a younger, inexperienced girl, but you just run the risk of them throwing you away as soon as they come into their own anyway. I've seen this a lot with weird older guys who chase 18 year olds, as soon as they turn 23/24, they realise their boyfriend is a pred who preyed on their young naivety at the time.

>> No.28004588

Dude. Take a business trip and bang a top tier hooker

>> No.28004616

Develop an habit of working out and do it with her, eat better, more greens, be happy

>> No.28004631

If youre in a happy relationship stay in it, the beauty of relationships is thinking and experiencing getting old and watching eachother rot together. Dont listen to all the idiots virgins on the thread who want a young fertile female. Stay in love <3

>> No.28004679

dude, I know what you're trying to say but you could 'what if' anything, yeah she was banging other people then but so were you, right? If you weren't, who fucking cares? Everyone has and enjoys sex at all ages, are you implying you'd have rather she just locked herself away at that age and preserved herself for you?

>> No.28004697
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She will look even worse in a few years and you will be left holding the bag. But you don't get another entry on that shit again. Once it hits the ground it burns and dies anon.
You bought the literal Top. Imagine being this retarded. Some Chad pumped her 10 years ago when she was young and fresh. You got dumped on. Get out while you can. That's all I can tell you. Cut your losses and move on

>> No.28004820

Have exact same bud, lots of pics of my gf from 8 years back wearing scene outfits, big hair, tiny skirts looking cute af. Now she's just a pyjama blob

>> No.28004912


Massive fucking incel vibes.

>> No.28004995


Nah. Nothing like that. Obviously she was banging others, only weird people get hung up on tht unless they were a complete nigger sucker. Nothing to do with what sue did or i did, just simply we have a good relationship and its kinda sad i’ll never enjoy the great relationship with her at her peak. But maybe it is grass is greener. Maybe it’d really be no different, just looking at a slightly younger woman with less knowledge about shit.

>> No.28005105

>If youd met back then u know it woulda happened
No it would not have happened back then anon. Those walking meatcoins always get pumped by a small group of insiders (Chads). Once they are in profit, they leave them and dump them on the market. Then those meatcoins (women) look for new buyers (Betas/you) to take them off the exchange and keep them in your wallet (house)
And all of a sudden you find yourself bagholding that shit and still have hope that it will get better. But it doesn't. The marketvalue will keep on dumping and you think "it's too late to cut my losses now anyway"
And then you start making those bagholder threads. Just give it a few more years and you will find yourself with absolutely worthless bags.
Unbelievable really that we are on a /biz/ board and you don't get the dynamics. Are you even autistic?

>> No.28005175

Bagholding coping Betamale detected

>> No.28005207

do boomers post on /biz?

>> No.28005227

You've never had sex before have you?

>> No.28005300

Lol remember virgin anon from last night who hired three whores are their asses a little bit and kicked them out

>> No.28005392

It's exactly that anon, grass is greener analogy. In theory it would seem great, but just think, if everything didn't happen how it happened for a reason, you wouldn't have got with her now and things wouldn't be as good as they are now? It sounds like you've both clearly grown into the right people for each other anyway, so just be happy things worked out as they did.

>> No.28005427

mid-term you can get a tiny filipino wife

long-term you can get a robot wife

>> No.28005488 [DELETED] 

I had sex with several women.
I am no Chad by any means and can get laid whenever I want, but I do get laid. And I am holding on to those Roasties. But keep doing what you think is right. kek

>> No.28005573


Dont get me wrong i value what i have. I do worry tho cause if LINK really takes off, after some years with her there will be a lot more temptation. Im in Nihon so there are young pretty women literally everywhere and this society enables side pieces so much its crazy.


Completely agree and if she wasnt still hit enough and we didnt have a very good relationship I would not hesitate to end it and she even knows this. Weird i end up like this despite being on my way to make it fairly young. Life I guess, is never straight forward

>> No.28005643

it gets a lot worse the older you get. never cared about a woman’s age at age 20 only subconsciously cared at 29 and now at 37 it’s the only thing that matters

>> No.28005679


Except she literally thinks im poor and has no idea my financial power level. But agree in general

>> No.28005724

how old are you?

>> No.28005744

I had sex with several women.
I am no Chad by any means and can get laid whenever I want, but I do get laid. And I am not holding on to those Roasties. But keep doing what you think is right. kek
I don't fuck women in their early 20s though. SO maybe I would hold on for a while, if that would be the case. In fact I actually would, yeah. But I am too old for that. And really, I have no interest in some whore in their late 20s who wants to have kids with me to provide for her.
>but this is what will give you a sense in life
No it won't

>> No.28005770

use your imagination and quit being such a cuck complainer.

jfc 3/4 of the degens in biz are incel cucktwists, be glad you're getting some.

also, you post a pepe pic instead of proofs?

share proofs anon, i want something to tape onto my wife's back when i'm boning. thanks fren.

>> No.28005773

You keep holding onto them, anon, sounds like it means a hell of a lot more to you than it does to them. Cute.

>> No.28005895

pics or you're larping

>> No.28005940

>just be a cuckold bro

>> No.28005977


It's an unspoken very real thing. The bell curves of single adults are opposite for men and women, higher amount of younger single men and higher amount of older single women. The monke brain wants a fertile womb, can't defeat it.

>> No.28005983

based. this anon gets it.

>> No.28006013

That is not true. It really depends on the age of OP's woman and other things, if she is 29 and he is 29, and he wants to have a family some day he either needs to marry and cum in her today or else break up with her and move on because she is getting too old.
>you're an incel if you consider your future!?!
>Have sex with the whores or else you're a worthless human being!>>!
The unrighteous will burn to ash.

>> No.28006075

You deleted your comment to add in a bunch of schizo rambling? kek. No woman will ever love you, but carry on blaming them for it. The funniest part about this fairytale is that you are going to become the exact 'beta bagholder' you're describing, stirring a bunch of Chad's porridge and your wife isn't even going to admit the truth to you because she'll pity you THAT much, knowing how insecure and sensitive you are.

>> No.28006086

I’m mid 40s. This is something I feel too. It’s depressing watching something beautiful wither. There’s a thread about Alicia silverstone on tv atm. Depressing as fuck.

>> No.28006137

what you're experiencing there is the result of 10's of thousands of years of evolution, you instinct has been honed to attract you to the most fertile and healthy females and so when you look at a woman over the age of 23 your subconscious mammal brain is telling you to get out of there

lmao look at this anti-science faggot

>> No.28006184

>Life I guess, is never straight forward
It isn't my friend.
Especially not in this day and age. There are so many whores out there. Even rich hollywood stars got fucked over by their women. And they had fame and money and everything. The problem I see with those mid to late 20 somethings is, that they fucked so many other guys before most of the time and can't bond anymore longterm.
I wish you all the best at least. I don't know what I will do once I make it. (low 6 figures currently in Crypto)
Probably sail all around the world and fuck some bitches on my Catamaran. But I sure won't settle down.

>> No.28006232

I can understand the Disney fantasy of the "perfect relationship." Falling in love with your childhood friend, that kind of thing. If your relationship is good now, and you expect it to be good in the future, the only way that it could be even better is if it was also good in the past. It's just your reptile brain getting greedy. Don't get pissed about it, because without greed we'd still be living in caves, but understand that what separates the past from the present and the future is that you will never ever have to live in the past; in fact, such a thing isn't possible even if you tried.

Furthermore, that fantasy is very much a fantasy. I don't know about you, but I am nothing like how I was 10 years ago. Quality people, the sorts of people that you want to be building your life around, will strive to improve themselves over time. I suspect you are a better man than you were 10 years ago, and I suspect your girlfriend is a better woman now than she was 10 years ago. If you met earlier, would you have been what the other was looking for at that time? Would you have even given the other a chance or gotten along?

In the same vein, a person as they exist is a culmination of all of their experiences leading up to this moment. In other words, the girl you fell in love with didn't exist 10 years earlier, because it took 10 additional years of her experience to become that girl.

Don't fall in love with a ghost, and if you want to regret something then regret not buying bitcoin below $1.

>> No.28006283


>> No.28006290

I had a 19 year old off OnlyFans suck my cock before I got into my relationship with my wife. I went to the mall and bought her a $300 and then she sucked my cock in the parking lot. I recorded myself cumming in her mouth. Her mom was texting her while she was sucking the cum out of dick because she had online zoom college classes she was supposed to be attending.

After that, I knew I could move on to a serious relationship and never look back. I can always think back and have that visualization of a young, fertile 19 year old sucking my cock in a parking lot. That girl will go on to marry some guy who will have no clue she had an onlyfans and was sucking dick for $300.

>> No.28006439

Sounds to me like OP just needs a clarity fap...

>> No.28006467

Your wife has done the same thing fren

>> No.28006478
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>No woman will ever love you, but carry on blaming them for it.
>He thinks women are even able to love a man
You are in for a rude awakening, retard. But keep coping. There were a lot of men before you, who thought just as you. And they got fucked hard. Good luck buddy. Hope you are happy with your "woman". Probably the only thing that makes you happy.

>> No.28006539

but how do you know you aren't going to marry a woman that was also sucking dick in a parking lot for money at 19.

>> No.28006552

>wahhhh I'll never get a tight young pussy waaaahhhhhhh
Go jerk off and then think about what really matters to you. Young girls are fun for about 30 minutes until you cum and they start talking.

>> No.28006575


>> No.28006589

This but unironically

>> No.28006657

How many miles of cock did she take? Did you do the math?
Partners X Fuck sessions (10 inch X 500 thrusts average)

>> No.28006690

Solid bait

>> No.28006715
File: 28 KB, 378x378, 1570466947355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro just accept a trade way below your own market value bro trust me
>Bro when women get older they get significantly more mature trust me like magnitudes more mature
>You want to date a 22 year old? That would be like a child, you must want to fuck children

>> No.28006721

reveal your power level and then tell her to get thin and fit and eat well to get that look back

>> No.28006853


I like the message but its easy to twist this up and indeed end up holding bags and stiring someone elses porridge while she keeps you in the dark like >>28006290 and sadly women dont tend to look for the kinda guy that falls for this till they get older. The “life experience brought you together ” idea is dangerous for beta chumps

But if u have your head screwed on its not a risk and the signs are easy to spot.

>> No.28006935


Alpha and evil, dangerously based

But no. Never reveal financial power level to women retard

>> No.28007137

Here is a rule of thumb, before I fuck off:
If she doesn't want to spend her best years with you, why should you stay with her in her worst years (read: past 30)

>> No.28007329

white girls just start to look awful at 24

>> No.28007538

I very much second this

>> No.28007873

send boooba