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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27993232 No.27993232 [Reply] [Original]

This could be a game changer.
Thinking about picking up some PNG tokens at launch. Should I keep some avax on the side or can I just swap erc20 for PNG?

>> No.27993291

I'm holding AVAX and ETH to LP on launch.

>> No.27993486

I’ve heard on the grapevine it’s still 2 weeks off.

Will be buying up as many PNG as I can to go with my ZERO desu.

Zero Exchange is fucking incredible - the first live DEX on AVAX. With two DEX up and running, driving each other on through competition and the surfacing of ideas, AVAX has a rosy future.

>> No.27994135

where how and when can i buy this?

>> No.27994244
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>> No.27994330

second this question

>> No.27994418

He’s a fag that no one can take seriously and so are you for fudding a groundbreaking project on AVAX.

>> No.27994471

lol a retarded crypto auditor that green lights pnd scams that are clones of exsiting coins

>> No.27994498

Pangolin hasn’t launched yet. Will likely be another 2 weeks.

Until then, Zero Exchange is the only DEX on AVAX. A two-three week head start will cement their first mover advantage.

At the end of the day, though, AVAX can only benefit from two great DEX.

>> No.27994557
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ive been interested in pangolin since as an american i haven't been able to get into avax without any kyc or bullshit and i like avax. but i saw the performance of zero on release and that makes me weary. any pangolins want to shill me on why it would be different?

>> No.27994574



>> No.27994758

Quit fudding a cutting edge AVAX project

>> No.27994810

is Emin a fag too for calling out this scam? move on pajeet no one is falling for it

>> No.27994816

Zero Exchange had about 24 hours of bug fixing and bedding down issues, like all complex software projects just released.

I expect Pangolin will have its share of issues in the early days. In the meantime, Zero Exchange will have a minimum 3 week head start to further build and innovate.

>> No.27994877

Emin didn’t call it a scam. You are a fool for fudding a fellow AVAX project. In you’re ignorance, you are fudding AVAX.

>> No.27995010

>3 week head start


>> No.27995042

down he goes
this is gonna make u reddit bastards weep
LMAO it rise
then LOL it dumps
why u cry like a lilboi??
ar u lose again with your trash algorithm for trading?
> be clever use bot ocean for cex and dex trading, forget about scam solutions

>> No.27995226

You are right, it could be a few months head-start.

Desu, I believe the reason the Pangolin devs are so churlish over Zero Exchange is they know they are going to be months late.

What does it matter, though? Traders will still trade and they will use Zero Exchange for the instant settlement and virtually zero fees.

This is all good for AVAX.

>> No.27995432
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I like the name and logo.
Spoon feed me on why I should buy this anons.

>> No.27996105

>1 minute apart

>> No.27996170

You can't buy in yet. If you held UNI or SUSHI on an ethereum wallet in December 7th you get the token airdrop for free.

>> No.27996204

it's uniswap but instant and with practically no gas fees because it's on the avax network, but it works with all the eth tokens

>> No.27996271

so is this really going to be a game changer?

>> No.27996279

>Zero Exchange is fucking incredible
Have you ever met someone who isn't a shill who talks like this about stupid bullshit?

>> No.27996302

The tokenomics are superb, 5% airdropped to uni and sushi holders and 95% from liquidity mining. No insiders or fags allowed, no minting rugpulls. Backed by avalanche. Finalizes on chain in like a second and costs cents of gas to swap any ethereum asset.

>> No.27996303

If you want to see this concept running live, see Zero Exchange.

>> No.27996357

It’s an avax project so no regular trade or buy. The team may air drop like UNI

>> No.27996360


>> No.27996363

There are thousands of people using it, discussing it in their Telegrams and invested in the ZERO token.

There’s a reason it is not being overly shilled on /biz. Can you guess?

>> No.27996464

Pangolin ia coming out and isn't a rugpull?

>> No.27996491

Not even close... try again

>> No.27996556


>> No.27996584

As discussed above, Pangolin appears to be weeks late...

>> No.27996940

Threadly reminder that the Zero dev airdropped tokens to his private telegram group in exchange of shilling and spamming his terrible project.

>> No.27997157

I must have missed that one, kek.

Seriously, why fud the best project live on AVAX? It isn’t a good look and will be used as fud material against AVAX proper.

Unless that is your intention? Talk down AVAX to acquire more at under $100?

>> No.27997328

how high is the ZERO mcap?

>> No.27997494

Pretty sure it is currently around $10mm.

As you can guess, it’s only 100x to a reasonable $1billion mc.

>> No.27997509

>Hmmm this guy must really like zer-
BTFO you fucking paid shill, I am not using your scam dex fuck off

>> No.27997601

You can buy on Uniswap.

>> No.27997660

You can even buy on Zero Exchange. Transfer your AVAX from Binance to your AVAX wallet, c-chain to Metamask and you’ll only pay a few cents in fees.

>> No.27997696

if you post a pic of your hand with a timestamp, i'll buy in to zero.

>> No.27997763

yay another ghostswap, exactly what we need

>> No.27997781

Dunno fag, the flash from the camera might burn my skin.