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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2798809 No.2798809 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom and dad are going to force me to pay rent to live with them soon

I fucking hate this life. I will never become rich like this.

>> No.2798827

>this thread again

Get a job or kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.2798838

cuck your dad, give her the D

>> No.2798841

Fuck you normie

>> No.2798895

Just get a job like the rest of us, you retarded NEET.

>> No.2798913

Don't tell me, you're 21 and your parents want you to pay $500 a month, which you consider unfair and possibly child abuse, right?

>> No.2798931

>paying the rental jew
>let alone to your own parents
shiggy diggy. do you own a car? find a nice spot to park and sleep in it. if you don't, I'm sure there's there's an old church around you can sneak into at night. most churches I've found are empty and unlocked 90% of the time. I did that for 3 months before buying a car. if there's a campus nearby, it's a great place to go during the day and charge your electronics among other things.

it may seem mad, but I would be broke if it weren't for living like this. I've paid off all my debt and am now saving a lot. do this for several years and you'll be able to buy a small property and be free. also, if you do this somewhere with a high cost of living it's even better, since you get a higher wage without the insane rent.

>> No.2798966

So you want to be rich yet you can't even influence your own parents into letting you live with them for a while?

>> No.2798982


Suck your dad off or eat your mom ass. Sexual favors is a must.

>> No.2799027

Geta jahb

>> No.2799059

Why do american parents hate their children?

>> No.2799153

Precisely. Explain to me how this is fair.

Seems like a decent idea but no, no car. I'll see how this pans out and if need be I'll try to figure something out

>> No.2799171

OP is 21, he's no longer a child

>> No.2799187
File: 19 KB, 234x233, ANAKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP where do you live ?
come to czechia i'll give you a job

>> No.2799191


ither get a job and stop being an autistic NEET, or just go kill yourself. Either way stop wasting disk space with your pathetic whining

>> No.2799196

/biz/ commie block when? We can buy a cheap apartment complex in the hood and put barbed wire around it.

>> No.2799215

r9k ghetto? solid plan

>> No.2799644

Would love this desu.

>> No.2799669

Just buy bitcoin bro. Easy money.

>> No.2799671

We'll get the poor gags to do property maintenance and import asian mail order brides in bulk. I don't see how this can fail. We can get /k/ to set up defensive measures.

>> No.2799684

What would be awesome is getting a large office building and filling each floor with one board.

>Oh today ill go visit /g/ on the third floor then train with /fit/ on the seventh floor

>> No.2799699
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I treat anyone still living with their parents as underage. You can be 35 years old, but I will still see you as a child.

Please do not post here again until you get your life together.

>> No.2799735

Why would you ever move out? Seems like a huge waste of money.

I thought you guys were supposed to be smart with money.

>> No.2799745
File: 9 KB, 242x250, 1499536176772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop suckling on mommy's tit? Free food for the rest of your life.

There's more to life than money, you simpleminded fool.

>> No.2799755

Is 21 too old to still be entirely dependent on parents?

>> No.2799762


Yep, moving out to waste 70% of your income in junk food, noodles, rents and the remaining in beer trying to forget the Shekelberg insults and your shitty lie is sure better than staying with people that love you.

>> No.2799770

where do you think you are faggot

>> No.2799776

Seems like you're just a massive manchild. Fuck your family

>> No.2799778

No. We don't live in the world of high economic growth that we used to. Unless you have a self supporting plan to move out, then you will ultimately just move back in or be homeless later.

>> No.2799785
File: 68 KB, 533x585, 1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's more to life than money, you simpleminded fool.
This goy has the right idea

>> No.2799788
File: 144 KB, 467x600, 149464676767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a happy manchild eating healthy food and spending only 10% of my income. Enjoy your noodles, Shekelberg boy.

>> No.2799808

Is this really the case though? Non shit majors seem to have at least a $3k net per month salary and that is most certainly enough to live and also put away $1k/month?

>> No.2799824

This. Just pretend you're paying rent, but instead put that money into a down payment fund on a 4-plex. Then live in one of the units while renting out the other 3. After 5 years, sell the complex and buy a nice big property outside the city.

>> No.2799922

>high cost of living = higher wage
I started typing out how "average wage" is higher but "median wage" isn't in places like MA, because all my friends are broke (I make 80k), but I checked it out and sure enough the median income in MA is $67k. Your advice checks out, my dude.

>> No.2800108

can /pol/ join? i promise i wont use it as an opportunity to start the fourth reich

>> No.2800120

Holy shit you're 21. You're not a child anymore. Go get a job.

>> No.2800134

but my country wants me dead and all money that i put into the system will go to nonwhites.

>> No.2800153

richfag here, run me through your average day,be detailed, discuss pertinent or interesting things about yourself, and I MIGHT throw 4 btc your way.

Be thorough.

>> No.2800169

Wake up
Watch dumb politics videos on YouTube or videos about games I dont even play
Brush teeth
Eat breakfest
Jack off
Maybe by evening ill go to the gym, or maybe tomorrow
that's it

Giv bitcoin pls

>> No.2800266

Stop being a fucking leech and go get a job.
It's easy. Just give it a try, it might be scary at first. You can quit whenever you want.
I know it sucks growing up but you got to do that sooner or later in life.
To be honest, if my kid is a 21 shut in neet doing nothing all day I kick him out or make him pay the rent.
You manchildren are pathetic

>> No.2800269

no fuck you refugee faggots shitting up the rest of the site

>> No.2800275

you're not even alive. just get a job washing dishes. you won't notice the difference.

>> No.2800320

>you can quit whenever you want

Then you cannot pay rent.

>> No.2801171
