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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2798350 No.2798350 [Reply] [Original]

>He does not send out complaints to companies via email and get tons of free coupons and products coming in every week as a result

Explain why you do not do this.

>> No.2798370

Didn't know it was a thing until I complained once and got free delivery.

Dog bless dhe inderned.

>> No.2798385

Start doing it with everything. Clothes, deoderant, shampoo, batteries, electronics.

>> No.2798387

I broke my front tooth on an olive pip from dominos, posted a complaint and they never responded

>> No.2798391

Sounds like crosswords for niggers.

>> No.2798392

This is called a "socialengineering" :) I am maaster LOOOOL

>> No.2798405

Then I am the blackest man on the planet.

>> No.2798409

I once ordered 3 books on Amazon in one package, but only 1 arrived. So I complained and they just re-sent the whole package for free, so I ended up with an extra book for free. They didn't need any proof whatsoever.

Been wondering if this would work with higher ticket orders ever since. Does it? Can they ban me if they realize I'm a scamming nigger?

>> No.2798454

Yes a lot of people do this, apparently even buying aged amazon accounts and doing a lot but I have never tried that

>> No.2798875

This is nigger behavior. This is what niggers do in restaurants to get free food or free seconds. You're a nigger. I just want you to know this.

>Up next: OP discovers that he can get even more free shit if he makes a scene in front of the manager

>> No.2798886

Who cares? If it works it works. Doesn't take much time either.

>> No.2798920

>Who cares?

Mainly people with a sense of self respect who don't think that throwing a tantrum to save $10 is worth it

>> No.2798943

>virtue signaling on 4chan


>> No.2798955

Because not everyone is a scammer.

>> No.2798993

I'm not virtue signalling. You're like a 5th grader who just learned a new word and wants to show off.

>> No.2799103

>Who cares?
Well, obviously you don't care, because you are just another poor NIGGER.
I would only do something like that, if I was literally dying from poverty.

>> No.2799107
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>being this much of a nigger

>> No.2799183

>Using the N-word

Oh yes you must be some of those successful businessmen I hear so much about. Give me a break faggots this shit takes minutes and has saved me likely thousands by now.

>> No.2799198

>actually using "The N word"

unironically kill yourself

>> No.2799256

Complaining just to get free stuff or money off is about as niggery as it gets.
I don't blame society or even lack of self respect.
I blame the parents, they did a shitty job.

If you really think you are winning at life by complaining and getting free stuff and/or money off, your moral compass is well bent out of shape.

>> No.2799298

>Using the F-word


>> No.2799309

yep, a poor nigger

>> No.2799324

>He does not send out bombs threats to companies via email and get tons of free money coming in every week as a result

Explain why you do not do this.

>> No.2799339

>Talks about how getting free shit isn't top /biz/

>MEANWHILE is racist, probably even a /pol/tard who would never be able to actually have a position with any responsibility due to the risk of slipping the n word or an antisemitic rant

How's your moral compass when you have to shill shitcoins on the internet for a living to rob hardworking autistics and gullible people out of their neetbux?

>> No.2799494

You can say the same thing about stealing an old lady's purse, why don't you try that one next

>> No.2799591

There's a difference between committing a crime that takes effort like that, directly harms a vulnerable person and is also emotionally taxing and getting a free item that costs the company maybe a dollar to make with transport costs included.