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27972547 No.27972547 [Reply] [Original]

How little money do you need to have in the crypto game to be enticed by all these random flavor of the week shillcoins? I only have $30k in the game and already feel like anything below the top 20 mcap is not even worth my time.

What's the average net worth of the kind of faggot who chases after MCDC or BAO? like $300? Is everyone here really that poor?

>> No.27973032

Lol people made 6 figures off BAO, and still are.

>> No.27973150

It’s actually less expensive to just DCA Bitcoin than it is to swing Altcoins.

Nobody here will tell you that though, because they all want more unawares to pump their Altcoins that won’t be around in the next 5-10 years meanwhile Bitcoin isn’t going anywhere

>> No.27973339

I just figure I don't sit at the computer 24 hours a day and I'm honestly not very smart or quick on the draw, so the likelihood of my coming out ahead on these zero sum pump and dump shitcoins is probably pretty low. But I can just BTC and chill and still enjoy 10-100x gains over a long enough period of time without really having to risk anything or stress out. Also I feel like even $10k thrown at half the coins that get shilled on this board would make me slip up the order book by +50% or more. Too illiquid to even bother.

>> No.27973752

I am. I have a few thousand in ARK investment stocks. 22k in 401k. But my crypto is a few days old and only 400 dollars

>> No.27974438

I'm barely in 6 figures and trading low cap is the best way to progress, git gud

>> No.27975096

brainlet. poorfags can't even buy shit like MCDC or BAO because of gas fees