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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2796791 No.2796791 [Reply] [Original]

Another scams thread.
Post 'em

>> No.2796809

Steal rechargeable batteries. They're small enough and worth enough. Sell them on amazon or return them to a different store for store credit. Tell them your grandmom bought you a nintendo switch and gave you a shit ton of batteries which you don't need it they ask questions.

>> No.2796921

Pretty faggy to be honest. Theft isn't satisfying, real scams are.

>> No.2796940


>> No.2796941

Hold your mom at gunpoint and tell her to give you $5. Usually works but only once so make sure you really need the $5. Fairly easy method.

>> No.2797334

>take handicap parking knobs off of vets scooters
>sell them for 40 dollars

>tell people online asking about miners that you'll send them the file for mining
>dont tell them they need to change the deposit address

>> No.2797757

Easy as fuck scam that will make you $30,000 a month easily:

Step 1: invite people to a free health seminar and have free "screening tests" there.

Step 2: "Screen" them and tell them they have a really obscure and strange condition that is deadly. Make it very believable.

Step 3: Tell them that "we can give you the contact info for a doctor that specializes in this very thing". They of course call and set up appointment with the doctor.

Step 4: Where the magic happens. The "doctor" (you dressed in a lab coat) tells the person that they will die without treatment which costs $15,000 and your insurance will only pay $8,000. And how can you put a value on your own life? $7,000 is a bargain. Anyway you can either:

1) Knock them out drugs, wake them up an hour later and tell them the operation was a success!

2) Inject them with saline and tell them it's magic expensive medicine that will cure them.

If you do this to just a measly 5 people a month, that's $35,000 every month. Minus office rent, and paying the anesthesiologist, that's an easy 30 grand.

Literally all you is talk, say words and the money pours into your hand like milk pours from a mothers bosom.

>> No.2797781

>invent shitcoin
>get goyim to buy in

>> No.2797830

Let's say you can make maybe $10 profit from every pack, assuming you have a reliable and fast way of selling them.

Let's say you steal 3 packs per store. That's $30. So to make $1,000, which is the smallest amount of money to care about, you would need to pull of 34 successful heists. 34 risky events just for $1,000. Maybe if you feel really ballsy you'll do one heist a day (or 2 heists every 2 days, etc). Which is less than a thousand buck a month.

If you wanted to make $20,000, a nice big amount worthy of the risk, but still below average yearly income, you would need to steal 667 times.

You'd be better off picking up pennies at the drive through.

>> No.2798057
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What the fuck have I just read

>> No.2798076
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vitalik made off like a bandit with this shit

>> No.2798086

Enjoy life in prison

>> No.2798098

I used to work with an old geezer
>He steals a $40k diamond drilling rig bit and sells it
>Gets three years in prison, a felony, but has the monies squirreled away somewhere
>"Yes anon, it was totally worth it, highly recommended way to make $40k over three years"

>> No.2798107

Putin too

>> No.2798113

How many laws would you be breaking by doing this?

>> No.2798123

Petty theft. If you're under 18 you get bonus points because it doesn't go on your adult record.

>> No.2798131

Everyone on 4chan is over 18 though.