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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2795816 No.2795816 [Reply] [Original]

It's never going up again, is it?

I scrimped and saved for years. Invested $170k out of 200k total in Ethereum, Ark, Stratis, and a few shitcoin. That was in May.

Every single one has crashed. My whole life savings, down well over 50%.

Tell me how fucked I am and also the easiest suicide method. I can't go on being this big a failure bagholder. I know now I got conned and was too small a brainlet to know better.

>> No.2795822

How did you manage to save that much money being this big of a dumbass?

>> No.2795823

>He put life savings into speculative shitcoins
Kek. Are you retarded?

>> No.2795824

LMAO. didnt anyone tell you not to invest more than you could afford to lose? I'm a multi millionaire and I only invested 40k. If you aren't joking you're fucking retarded. Don't kill yourself though, just take 10k and go on a sex vacation and reevaluate your life.

>> No.2795830

You saved for years but thought you would get rich in a couple of months?

>> No.2795831

Well, atleast give me your remaining crypto before you kill yourself.

>> No.2795836

where do you recommend for a 10k sex vacation?

>> No.2795864

your mom's house.

Oh wait that's free.

>> No.2795887
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Lots and lots of wage cucking. Coupons. Self-, deprivation. I literally lost YEARS off my life in this crash.


Yes. The excitement here before the pink Wojaks made me a true believer. I didn't see the Ponzi until it was too fucking g late.

Know what the worst part is? A good $50k I lost belonged to my wife.

That's right. I took her money out of our savings and put it all into this fucking bullshit. I saw $20k gains in one week and got so excited. Then just down, down, down.

I told her we would hit lambo, possibly yacht territory, and now I have NOTHING.

If she doesn't divorce me when she finds out she's going to be crushed. I've never been more ruined and heartbroken in my life. Fuck the day this crypto scam was created.

I'm going to find a way to end my suffering. But before I do I'm going to send my story to SEC regulators and every media outlet I can find. Normal people are too dumb for this bullshit and the pump and dump sharks will only rob people like me blind if this whole thing doesn't get regulated soon.

>> No.2795889

If this isn't larping, pull out and pay her back if you want to save your marriage.

>> No.2795900

Should have bought Chaincoin

>> No.2795925

you only loose if you sell, poorfriend.

>> No.2795939

Im down 35k but up 25k still,.,. I know your pain but honestly you shouldnt be too stressed. If worst comes to worst you will have to wait until the next halvening in 2020 to make your money back and then some.

>> No.2795960

>before I do I'm going to send my story to SEC regulators and every media outlet I can find.
I haven't laughed this hard in a while though good thread OP

>> No.2795968
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What a cuck.

I invested in real estate a couple years before the 08 crash and lost 100%. I didnt see any profit until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me.

You new coiners dont know what real loss is.

>> No.2795978

How did you manage to put that much into the market and NOT sell when the market started going down? Did you not have any stop loss plan? I sure as fuck hope you're LARPINg. If not, HODL. Crypto has increased in waves over the last 7 years and doesn't seem to be stopping. This wave is just heading down.

Go to work tomorrow.

>> No.2796012

Damn. This month was my first time investing in coins. I got about 20k saved. Decided to risk £400. I'm down to £50 after I made three major mistakes. I felt pretty bad, but then I see posts like this and I'm glad I started with 400.

>> No.2796034


whatever you do dont fucking sell, give it 12 months and see what happens

>> No.2796038

Are you saying that you were born into loss and lack of profit, maybe even molded by it?

>> No.2796048
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>> No.2796175

*smiles* heh welcome to the real world kid. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.2796264

Your wife will suffer more losing you than losing 50k.

Source: am wife with $75k in savings.

Work hard. You can do it. Set up multiple income streams. Don't cash out now. Don't log in to look at your portfolio for at least one month.

>> No.2796276

> /biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.2796846

Well if you're totally fucked then send some my way op


No sense in it all going to waste.

>> No.2796865

Rather than kill yourself, give up your life for something else. Join the army or the peace corps or something.

Either way, give me your ETH.

>> No.2796877

Don't kill yourself op. May as well hold on now. You believed in this shit when you bought it. Maybe it will come back.

If you kill yourself, you'd have done all this for nothing anyway

>> No.2796887


His wife will probably leave him.

>> No.2796938

Dude you're gonna be fine, we're in the despair mode. And you're a prime example. Soon the bottom will be reached, and then we start a new climb. You should have sold earlier but now its time to hold.

>> No.2796948

Don't kill yourself man, I never had any life savings and have shitloads of legal fees at 24 and took out a loan for 10k on top of another 10k loan I had to pay for my legal fees. Used 10k to buy ETH and made about 8k profit and was expecting it to continue going up (was planning on holding), but then it crashed and kept crashing as I kept holding hoping for it to recover.

DIdn't recover, so I sold at around the 250 mark and still had most of my original investment plus a small profit. Put it into ETC, then pulled out coz it crashed, now I had around the original investment. Put it into 50% NXT 50% Stellar, they both crashed, with NXT literally halving in value in the span of a few weeks. Ended up losing about 40% of my original investment.

Stay strong man. Times like this I feel like some people are meant to be broke forever and suffer.

Now selling shit at a loss because I'm not getting enough hours at my shitty dead-end job to pay the bills.

Won't lie, killing myself has crossed my mind many times during this whole thing, but it's not worth it. Better to be poor but still alive.

>> No.2797011

We haven't even touched the despair territory yet. This is going to $10. The sooner you sell the better.

>> No.2797050

nha not gonna sell

>> No.2797066

Ark will save you if you HODL

>> No.2797086

It'll go back to the same price in a year or two, relax. Only ETH will likely not survive.

>> No.2797122
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threads like this make me feel better about having pussied out and not getting into crypto

>> No.2797177

> story to SEC regulators and every media outlet

go back to some other board, you retarded NSA shill

>> No.2797194


Also, kill yourself with hellium, supposedly works best. I'll mail you the whole package if you're interested.

>> No.2797244

i bought eth when it was under 10$ and sold the most over 300$.
your loss is my gain. your money isn't lost it is now just in another pocket, thanks for it op.

just hold eth till they around 50 dollar and panic sell them to me i will reinvest around 50 dollar

>> No.2797248

>My whole life savings

>> No.2797273

>Ethereum, Ark, Stratis, and a few shitcoin
Sounds like most of what you invested in were shitcoins.

You should have done some research before buying into coins, and then took profits when shitcoins like Stratis blew up 30x+.

>> No.2797345


>> No.2797428


>> No.2797666

I told you faggots to not get caught holding that bag.
Remember 'hodl' is the bagholder's last word.

>> No.2797759

Sell all the coins you have left now, pay your wife the $50k back you stupid cunt.

>> No.2797967

this. please answer.

>> No.2797994

>I'm going to find a way to end my suffering. But before I do I'm going to send my story to SEC regulators and every media outlet I can find. Normal people are too dumb for this bullshit and the pump and dump sharks will only rob people like me blind if this whole thing doesn't get regulated soon.
then you would definitely never see your money back lmao

>> No.2799004
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>there are retards on this planet who bet the farm on shitcoins
I refuse to believe people are this stupid.

>> No.2799023

what are you into?

>> No.2799090

I wont be surprised if the normie "investors" are this dumb. "Hurr let me gamble with my life savings...OH SHIT I LOST! ITS THE MARKETS FAULT REEEEE"

>> No.2799123

i wonder if anybody actually lost a lot of money this month. every story on this board has just been some silly joke to make a point about gambling.

>> No.2799193

This. Never read anything so Jewish.

>> No.2799197

It's not a ponzi scheme

You are just an idiot.

You didn't ask for any kind of investment advice
You dumped all of your investments into a single item
You didn't leave anything aside in case it all goes wrong
You didn't try to learn why the market is moving the way it is, or where it would be going
You just sat there and believed random idiots on the internet

How the fuck do you even have a wife

Here's a protip from a NEET with no money:
Demand for cryptocurrencies isn't infinite. People aren't going to just buy buy buy.
Cryptocurrencies are too difficult for regular people to get in on. How do you get a wallet? How do you store the coins or buy things with them? Where do you get them from? Normies don't know!

However, rich people with tens of thousands to spend on mining and a drive for profit knew they could make it at the current prices, so they snatched up everything they could. The GPU supply problems should've clued you in. Also some rich idiots got in, not understanding anything more than 'you can print money with gpu!"

What are all those GPU's doing?
They're making cryptocoins
What happens to prices when supply overcomes demand?
Prices fall.

If you've got coins, you either wait this out (risky) or cut your losses (at least you save something).

Prices aren't likely to stop dropping for months, at least. There are total fucking retards who will mine coins even when it COSTS them money. Because they aren't taking electricity costs into account, or rent, or other things, and it's not until they start noticing their account balance going down, not up, that they'll start trying to figure out how that could be possible when they're still selling every coin for like $80; that's gotta be free money!

There's one more bubble coming: When normies can get into the crypto game more easily than now, and the demand once again outstrips supply. After that, you're hooped. The normie crash will cause crypto to become regulated.

>> No.2799206


>> No.2799296


You deserve this.

>> No.2799304

If someone is smart enough to put together a mining rig they cant be so stupid as to not factor in electricity costs. Most websites that provide cost effect analysis even have inputs for electricity cost.

>> No.2799333

Faggots like you will be bitching like little girls in 1-2 months for wasting yet another opportunity to get into market. Literally nothing changed fundamentally.
>shit is at ath
>damn cant wait for it to go lower so i can buy in!
>shit drops 30-40%
>all is lost its going to 0%!
You are the definition of a no balls cuck.

>> No.2799465

>Muh regulashuns
>Daddy guberments the man tricked me pls save me

I know you're playing a character but the are people this stupid

>> No.2799486

>There are total fucking retards who will mine coins even when it COSTS them money. Because they aren't taking electricity costs into account, or rent, or other things

>not being in corporate IT and setting up miners in the server room
Get gud, anon

>> No.2799524

>I scrimped and saved for years. Invested $170k out of 200k total in Ethereum
Hey that's funny, I have a similar amount saved up and am buying a house soon.

>> No.2799546

Checked. Also this.

>> No.2799550

Nice, buy high sell low. For real though, maybe in a few years btc will go up to 10000$. But really you have to be pretty retarded to buy on top of a bubble. How do you see something go up 10x and think now is the right time to buy it?

>> No.2799572

go short now m8. you're gonna make all that money back pretty fast in the crash that's about to come

>> No.2799578

If you're investing, why the fuck are you freaking out with a day trader mentality? Just hold for a couple years you retard.

>> No.2799595

You really really overestimate people

>> No.2799598
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>It's never going up again, is it?

Only if you're an idiot that bought ethereum/bitcoin when segwit is about to fuck everyone up

Litecoin is where its at mah boy

>> No.2799664

Dude, you're retarded.
Fucking HOLD those coins.
Everything is in the red and things WILL recover.

Bitcoin has crashed a million times and recovered stronger than before every time. Ether will recover too. Ark will surpasd surpass it's ATH. Not sure about Stratis but don't sell too low.

Once the market recovers, you should sell a portion to make back the 50k you owe your wife (don't sell low, either same as what you bought at or a small profit) and just HODL the rest...

If you're real nervous, once you are in the green you can adjust your crypto holdings to around 25 or 33% of what you have now, but DON'T sell at a loss.

>> No.2799693
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thank you OP, its because of people like you i will be rich because of crypto, i really hope you sodl

>> No.2799694

*I meant adjust your holdings to 25% or 33% of your initial investment once you're in the green, or whatever you feel comfortable with, since you've clearly invested more than you can afford to lose. Try and sell high, though.

>> No.2799721

Did op ever post again?

>> No.2799829
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>> No.2799875

Anon this crash is because of August, all coins are tied to BTC

Rebalance your portfolio to be heavier towards BTC and ETH and forget these stupid shitcoins, then just wait a few months and you'll be happy soon my friend

>> No.2799890

so the time to buy would be in August, right?

>> No.2799898

No, right now and coming days, this is FUD before August

>> No.2799905

glad im not the only one who packaged a silent, low intensity gpu miner 8)

>> No.2799916

You know what? I'm going to buy this week a few eth and bitcoins.

>> No.2799919

>implying BTC and ETH aren't shitcoins
Just because they've had some success doesn't mean they aren't shit.

>> No.2800007

same here. parents bought at the height of the bubble and we're financially crippled b/c of it

>> No.2800045

i should have listened to /biz/ and bought at $500 and sold when it peaked

id have $500k in the bank right now ;_;