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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27954885 No.27954885 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is nuts. Its like a revolution for networkimg protocols.

>> No.27954965

Welcome, you took the redpill of DLT.

>> No.27955072

Heh, wait till Chrysalis is live in <6 weeks and

>> No.27955074

WOW are those dots and lines!? That's fucking high tech that's like some kind of graphical representation of a network? Damn good shit

>> No.27955136

wow it really is just like 2017 again
didn't hear a peep from any of these shitcoins for the last 3 years except when their chain bricked but now we're back to shilling eth killers

>> No.27955169

Meh. I prefer to be early adopters of these future DeFi kings

>> No.27955242

eli5 what makes it different from other projects?

>> No.27955399

It's the only feeless protocol that is highly modular and supports identity, decentralized access and smart contracts etc? The list goes on forever basically. So, it does everything different than most DLT.

>> No.27955401

Wasn't L1 scaling due in 2018?

>> No.27955530

it has literally the best tech and functionality of any crypto, people believed in 2017 when it pumped to $5, but as it became clear that the iota foundation was actually pretty far from their end goal in development, and some controversies with comefrombeyond and david sonstebo normies turned on iota.

their flaws are behind them now and theyre approaching endgame at a consistent and reliable pace, basically waiting for coordicide which will make it truly decentralized ~june 2021, also chrysalis is a big update

iota isnt an ethereum killer, its a crypto killer

>> No.27955678

Iota is crypto dogshit that runs off a coordinator because the gay tangle doesn't work. Only the truly braindead would buy this crap

>> No.27955728

De-fi will move to a protocol that is feeless, completely inevitable. Crypto was not meant to create a new version of middle men.

>> No.27955798

Lmao oldest fud in history.
The fully decentralized testnet is running smooth and is getting updated weekly. It will be fully decentralized on mainnet this year.
Keep coping and stay poor.

>> No.27955839

I'm one of about 100 people in the entire world who bought into the LINK pre-sale ICO. And now I'm in IOTA. I think my track record is better than yours, faggot.

>> No.27955865

Kek, decentralized test net has been working perfectly for a few months now.
There is no FUD left to say about IOTA.

>> No.27955910

very true. iota has always been a total piece of shit. from the tangle, to the wallet, to centralization and faggots fighting within the team. iota is a feel good piece of EU trash.

that being said. might as well jump on and dump on these faggots like we did last time.

>> No.27955941

Ive noticed all the shilling against iota is 2017 fud that hasnt even heard of chrysalis or coordicide.
Really makes you think.

>> No.27956030

you think that after all these years they would learn to walk before they ran. they can do everything in theory and nothing in practice. how about decentralization for starters.

>> No.27956136

people will look back at this price and mald themselves to death

>> No.27956181


Until you learn about Cardano.

>> No.27956328

Decentralization is equally useless without scalability. Ethereum is valued at a quarter of a trillion dollars and it has not yet proven that it can even be affordably used. I think there's a lot of faggots like you who single out IOTA but are blind to the equally significant shortcomings of much larger projects

>> No.27956594

No thanks
I have no idea how people can excuse this. IOTA have solved the trilemma, they just need to implement the already working test net. Scalability is more of a deal breaker for enterprise use than decentralization. The only people that it's a deal breaker for are idealist NEETs and they will get their wish this year.

>> No.27956697
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Bought the most shilled meme coin of all time, a token with literally no use and a dev team dumping on them consistently for years

also him;

Trust me, I'm a pro

Ive made stacks off LINK but its pure shit and if you dont realise that you by proxy are shit

>> No.27956779
File: 89 KB, 806x992, 1528265534818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever they're paying you fucking shills is too much. It's painfully obvious your comments are coordinated as is if from a script of talking points, and moreover your language is from a culture alien to this site. I'll be sure never to buy this scam shit.
>inb4 get left in the digital dust

>> No.27956833

Yes, great point. When it comes to enterprises, eg the billion dollar companies who will pump our bags, they are more concerned with scalability than decentralization. Which is why 12 enterprises have already committed to using the Tangle as soon as Chrysalis is launched. IOTA has more corporate interest than every other crypto combined.

>> No.27956977

>I bought it too but I'm a genius and you're not because I think a certain way and you definitely don't
I made 150x off my investment. Ethereum and Chainlink are both shit. But they are funding my retirement

>> No.27957004

Just listen to Sergey once, you will understand everything after his speeches and for IOTA. Its just easy money right now, I still dont trust the team currently.

>> No.27957218
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>> No.27957273

>your language is from a culture alien to this site
Fuck off new fren
You probably dont even know who was phone

>> No.27957346

omg a graph! So insane!

>> No.27957409

>eth sucks because too many people are using it therefore it sucks come to my zombie chain with no dapps or working products at all it has amazing TPS

hoping for my defi bags to 10x one more time and I will get balls deep in xrp/nano/ltc type garbage... i salute you anon

>> No.27957426

>iota isnt an ethereum killer, its a crypto killer
Well said.
I've said for over a year now that if IOTA does what it's supposed to do it's game over for 95% of other cryptos.

>> No.27957455

Its not the fucking graph
Its the IoT protocol that the graph visualizes smoothbrain

>> No.27957493

Oh hey fellow OG. isn't it funny how people like us keep finding each other in the same projects?

Have a good one bud.

>> No.27957522


Im saying everyone bought it. Only a few held it after the first bloodbath and most of us only because wed lost so much and thought what the fuck. Its been memed back into light along with the best marketing team around. Thank god because I was finally able to sell it off.

Anyone whos held for years and who hasnt sold anytime its been at 24 is a fucking mad lad.

I hope it gets to 1k and some diamond handed neets are made into ultra rich mega chads but nobody should be acting like LINK is anything but pure shill levels and normie baiting

>> No.27957555


>> No.27957576

I literally only use /fit/ and /biz/.
If there is any inorganic shilling then i'm getting swept up in it because i've been interested in IOTA for years and it's good to see it getting some recognition for what it is.
What the shills are saying is all true aswell, it's not a scam like 90% of the projects shilled on /biz/.

>> No.27957641

Oh gee, i dunno, why don't you ELI5?
Fucking faggot

>> No.27957672

what incentives these companies have if there are no fees to get profit?

>> No.27957682

>abstract concepts
Yeah you're ngmi

>> No.27957684

We are all going to be stinking rich

>> No.27957789

if you can't explain muh abstract concepts, they're buzzwords and marketing. do your job better shitskins, I'm waiting.

>> No.27957859

The incentives these companies have is saving a shit load of money from a feeless network to enable their products and services.

>> No.27957894

We are not shilling anything fren, we know IOTA is about to moon. Couldn't care less if some 4chan autist puts his $200 in

>> No.27958054

>Couldn't care less if some 4chan autist
so you admit you're not from here? Dock this nigger his day's wages

>> No.27958071

You need to go back

>> No.27958298


>> No.27958395

You are kind of retarded aren't you? Your reading comprehension is on par with a brown skinned farmer.

>> No.27958406
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>> No.27958447

What are you asking? I'll answer.

>> No.27958470

Wow a whole 1000 testnet tps /s

>> No.27958599
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Seethe moar

>> No.27958665


>> No.27958818

say literally anything technical about the project that doesn't sound like you're reading from a script, instead of just declarations, hype and consensus building.

>> No.27958908

>This shit is nuts. Its like a revolution for networkimg protocols.
It's not because it cannot work.
IoT devices have shit processing power.
It's trivial to inject fake transactions with a normal PC because it has more hashrate.
> tfw bitcoiners solved this years ago but all this got trashed because muh store of value

>> No.27958949

link literally secures $15 billion in value without a failure, and Defi went from less than $1 billion to over $30 billion--this year will be even bigger

meanwhile on other chains literally nothing happens except 'corporations dude trust me' shit

>> No.27959043

What the fuck are you even talking about you dumb faggot? IoT devices aren't meant to function as fucking nodes

>> No.27959241

>he legitimately thinks there is $15 billion in these protocols
It's closer to 100 million dollars that inflated to 15 billion dollars on paper because all of these shitcoins have trash liquidity and the price is determined by 1-2% of the supply

>> No.27959249

Arent you here for the easy money?

>> No.27959536

From fucking wikipedia:
> The security of IOTA's consensus mechanism against double-spending attacks is unclear, as long as the network is immature.[35] Essentially, in the IoT, with heterogeneous devices having varying levels of low computational power, sufficiently strong computational resources will render the tangle insecure.[35] This is a problem in traditional proof-of-work blockchains as well, however, they provide a much greater degree of security through higher fault tolerance and transaction fees.[35] At the beginning, when there is a lower number of participants and incoming transactions, a central coordinator is needed to prevent an attack on the IOTA tangle.[35]
If anything changed since 2017 I'd be happy to know

>> No.27959568

U zombie chain faggots are so ignorant of what's going on it's not even funny
most of that shit is stablecoins, link. aave etc. none of which can fairly be called illiquid, Any one of those has hundreds of millions in liquidity on curve, uni, or clone projects.

You are coping, and you're coping hard. Anyone who has ever used a blockchain for anything has done so on bitcoin or ETH.

I'm up 100x on my initial in 3 years because I listened to smart people and not shitcoin shills trying to pump trash. You can make money pumping and dumping shit like Tron or Xrp but you make wealth buying ownership in fee generating protocols.

>> No.27959597

>If anything changed since 2017 I'd be happy to know
He doesn't know...

>> No.27959810

>0 replies

>> No.27959821

The thing about IOTA i'm most interested in is that it is creating digital identities that can be both trusted and anonymous. This is going ti revolutionise the way our data is used. Instead of companies like google making thousands a year from our data that we give them for free we will be able to set parameters on what data we choose to share, who to, for how long and for how much. IOTA will enable us to be compensated for the oil of the digital age that we have been handing over for free.

>> No.27960005

Iota solves the gaps left by blockchain tech like btc and eth by using the tangle. Its uniquely suited for IoT devices. Now its about to be feeless, scalable, and decentralized.

>> No.27960027

De-fi are services built on protocols. They all accrue fees currently, they will be able to migrate to IOTA making them completely free to run.

>> No.27960079

Who is coping you dumb angry nigger? These are investments not sport teams. You probably only discovered LINK because of guys like me. And now I'm buying IOTA. Suck a cock and seethe more

>> No.27960305
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still reads like an infomercial, dudes, but I'll humor you.

>both trusted and anonymous

>we will be able to set parameters on what data we choose to share
it's not clear how this will be accomplished, or why i need to buy into tech other than a .config file

>the oil of the digital age
oh fucking come on dude your script sucks

>gaps left by blockchain tech like btc and eth by using the tangle
gaps such as what

>Its uniquely suited for IoT devices

>Now its about to be feeless, scalable, and decentralized.
what is?

>> No.27960306
File: 9 KB, 185x281, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this have most corporate intrest if it takes away from corporate pockets? where is the money saving for them?
I'm retarded and just want to understand.
Ngl Iota sounds breddy gud

>> No.27960560


The token is useless

Since its inception others have improved the concept. Even chainlinks own usecase doesnt require LINK token.

If you arent aware that LINK is a true meme god you could put yourself into trouble.

It only moons because of marketing and people thinking that CHAINLINKS usecase has anything to do with LINK

it doesnt

LINK is useless, yet loads will ride it to the moon

>> No.27960981

I can't explain it in any detail coherently without sounding like a shill mate.
Read about IOTA identity on their website, essentially there will be verification processes and your identity will be stored on the tangle, so stuff like showing your ID at a bar will just be a yes or no if you're old enough to drink rather than knowing your exact birth date (this is a small example but you can see how this will be expanded on).
If you read about mana you will understand the insentive to own IOTA tokens.
Data is literally the fuel of digital infrastructure, just because it's bee said a million times doesn't mean it's not true.

>> No.27961214

Being feeless will allow them to provide services and products at a much cheaper cost. It will streamline their whole structures by running through one network that can handle both data and value and will allow them to experiment with usecases without paying a fortune for it.

>> No.27961281

Learn what mana is before you say stupid shit.

>> No.27961375

If it does what you think it will are looking at a X20 or more?
Tradie from aus/nz here only freshly into crypto and I like reading these type of threads.
Cheers mate.

>> No.27961397

>I can't explain it in any detail coherently without sounding like a shill mate.
you doing so would prove you weren't a shill instead of minimum wage labor

>your identity will be stored on the tangle, so stuff like showing your ID at a bar will just be a yes or no if you're old enough to drink rather than knowing your exact birth date
and I'm buying some kind of coin to do this instead of just showing them my ID or what? Why do I want to put confidential information on a blockchain powered by chinese spyware washing machines and fridges again? Or are you talking about some other IoT?

>> No.27961883

DEAD 2017 shitcoin! Bag holders are desperate to get rid of their bags folks!!

>> No.27962233

If IOTA achieves its goal of becoming the defacto data and value network of the machine economy it will capture a large percentage of an emerging market that is estimated at $10 trilion by 2030.
Then there are several other markets worth trillions that it could be a huge enabler of such as tokenized assets and even the virtual economy which will need digital ownership functions.
There are plenty of people thay can explain all this in detail on youtube and on IOTAs website if you want to have a look. Enjoy mate.
So you want me to explain it poorly so i look like i don't know what i'm talking about? That seems like a trap.
You're really not understanding the concept of a digital identity that can be used for a huge number of things that only ever needs to reveal what it has to. You don't need to hokd the token to use these services as it's a FEELESS network.
Again, if you want to understand how the token will hold value then read about mana.
Also spyware won't be an issue, your data never leaves the tangle which is compliant with the strictest data privacy laws in the world (GDPR). Access is only granted to what you allow.

>> No.27962448
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The gap of being scalable for micro-transactions required by IoT devices (see pic) with no fees see

>> No.27962508


we're talking about LINK not your iota 10 year project

>> No.27962788

I apologise, sorry.

>> No.27963199

I will give you that the token is useless without staking
but there is no other oracle solution securing any value, much less billions, besides link. it's the same hackneyed argument vaporware 'muh tps' chains make, I don't care what vaporware might do in the future, I care about who is doing what NOW.

>> No.27963201

>So you want me to explain it poorly
No, you're explaining it poorly now. Everything you're describing is superfluous, needlessly complicated, nebulous, or unclear.
You keep saying network. Network of what?

what the fuck does that shitty pic you posted in the other shill thread have to do with what you're writing?

>> No.27963430

We are back to shilling ETH killers again because as evident from its performance during this bull run Alt season, ETHEREUM has completely shit the bed in terms of percentage gains. Also, everyone is waking up to just how bad ETH is with its constant delays and outrageous gas prices. ETH killers are getting free advertisement thanks to The King of Shit coins

>> No.27963532

Holy fuck, this is a complicated topic, if you can't understand it maybe you shouldn't be trying to talk about it you melon.
I do keep saying network, because baby boy, we're talking about the IOTA network.
Shit man, if i knew i was talking to a cretin i would have drawn some colourful pictures to help you out.

>> No.27963826

If Eth doesn't sort it's gas fees issue out in relitavley short time.
ADA will have a huge boost and other networks too.
I do like no gas fees, which means I may be loading a bag of this Iota.

>> No.27963878

lol pajeet, what is it a network of? Things? What things? Why are they networked? For what reason are they networked? How does IOTA coin even fit into this network? Do you have any clue what you're talking about or will you deflect from answering lucid even the most basic questions?

>> No.27963992

Breath of the Wild dragons on the blockchain

>> No.27964230


>> No.27964540

>what the fuck does that shitty pic you posted in the other shill thread have to do with what you're writing?
Holy shit anon how basic do you need me to get. Do you need me to breakdown TCP/IP for you first?

>> No.27964609

Yes, I buy shitcoins for a living I’m not a electrical engineer

>> No.27964765

actually I'd love to see you try
you tell me it's scalable for microtransactions unlike any other crypto (???) and post me some anti-pattern hello world dogshit

>> No.27965559

>actually I'd love to see you try
Holy shit anon
Blockchain processes transactions in blocks which causes a high number of outstanding transactions during periods of high network volume.
The Tangle solves this bottleneck by processing each transaction individually. Each transaction must verify two others before it is processed.
This is also the issues with fee rn, miners are incentivized to chase transactions with high fees first. Iota removes this perverse incentive.

>> No.27965753

You are beyond stupid.
It's a network of whatever you can imagine and for whatever reason. In the example i have been speaking about, digital identity, a network for the sharing of personal data and recieving of goods and services.
Again READ ABOUT MANA, why do you keep asking about the tokens use when i have answered you each time?
I have a good understand of IOTA and it's capabilities and use cases, it's you who can't seem to understand the most straight forward of answers or even spend 5 minutes learning about the subject you are trying to sound educated about.

>> No.27966149

>Iota removes this perverse incentive.
sounds like the incentive to use the network at all has also been removed

>It's a network of whatever you can imagine and for whatever reason.
oh boy, are you telling me I can buy magic?

>I have a good understand of IOTA and it's capabilities and use cases
apparently not

>straight forward of answers or even spend 5 minutes learning about the subject you are trying to sound educated about.
I've spent an hour trying to get a single answer out of you about any aspect of this shitware that's not handwaving, dyor, paradigm-shift bogus and marketing hype. go fuck yourself. get a real job.

>> No.27966255

you went down the wrong rabbit hole fren. Buy ZNN

>> No.27966500

>sounds like the incentive to use the network at all has also been removed
Explain why a fee-less network isnt an incentive to use iota over networks like Eth that have fees

>> No.27966664

i'm paying for electricity and not making any money

>> No.27966736

What the fuck is wrong with you?
>i can buy magic herehehehrhehe gottttemmmmmm
Seeing as you are unable to take t minutes to learn about mana i will explain it.
IOTA creates a degrading asset called mana. The more IOTA held the more mana it produces.
Mana is used to secure usage of the NETWORK and assure a certain transaction speed.
Entities that want to use the IOTA NETWOOOOOORK will have to hold an amount of IOTA that will produce enough mana that their usage needs are met.
The every day user will rarely, if ever, encounter mana but it will be vital for large scale operations that want to utalise the tangle.
Is that simple enough for you to understand captain autismo or should i should i get the crayons out?

>> No.27967299

Remind me why people are going to be buying into a network of washing machines such that if they want to use the network for anything they're forced to become bagholders? For the privilege of uploading my driver's license somewhere? This is retarded.

>> No.27967358

>paying for fees and electricity is better than just paying for electricity

>> No.27967467

I didnt know you knew nothing about crypto.
So crypto is not just a currency. Crypto is also a way to electronically store, transmit and verify the backbone of our legal and economic structures - contracts, transactions, and the records. That's what the blockchain is.
The problem is that right now, the means of transmitting, verifying, and storing contracts, transactions, and records is expensive and requires centralized financial institutions.
Everyone is into blockchain tech like bitcoin and ethereum because its a plausible alternative to the dilemmas above. The issue is shit like billions of 1 cent transactions a day for a company are infeasible on the ethereum network due to the way consensus forms on the block chain through mining. Iota solves this for reasons stated in my post about on infinite fee-less scaling.

>> No.27967747

You have no idea of what the machine economy will be composed of at all.
>eheheuhehuehehuh smart toasters eheheheuenejejj
Shut up you dope, you've been outed as a complete smooth brain.
Holding tokens that will only appreciate in value the more the network is adopted is not a big deal for companies that will be facilitating driverless vehicles that can pay for charging, maintenance and be able to earn money by doing deliveries, transportation and sending second by second data updates of traffic and environments etc.
Just stop posting now, you look like a tool.

>> No.27967946

yes, yes, the oracle problem. so it's like a shitty chainlink that somehow runs off washing machines and provides no incentive to use it? Got it, thanks.

>the machine economy
fucking moron the future economy will be a trash economy

>the more the network is adopted
the network sucks ass and the only incentive is not to leave it because you've blown money on bags just to use it that could actually be used productively instead of replicating the internet on top of the internet for no reason.

I'd tell you to fuck off but you're obligated to reply until your shift is over

>> No.27968003
File: 70 KB, 1000x560, Visual-Generation-IOTA-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remind me why people are going to be buying into a network of washing machines such that if they want to use the network for anything they're forced to become bagholders?
Do you also know nothing about IoT? The primary users of iota wont be individuals, it will be enterprises.
You would want iota not to buy into a network of washing machine as an individual. You would buy iota and mana as something like a property management company so that you can do micro-transactions like conduct maintenance assessments on the fleet of thousands of washing machine that are on your tenants properties across the US. MIOTA and mana would then facilitate the automated acquisition of necessary repair parts, book keeping for accounting, and alerts if there are irregularities detected in the process.
Do you really not understand how a unified protocol for IoT would change fucking everything?

>> No.27968074

Another day, another cringey fake IOTA thread
I'm glad most of biz can see through this

>> No.27968204

>Denies the existance of autonomous machinery
Stupid beyond belief
The internet cannot transact value unless it uses a third party such as paypal, who cannot handle microtransactions and cannot do it feelessly.
Again, your stupidity is creating a black hole you're that dense.

>> No.27968284


cheers bruvva

>> No.27968380

>yes, yes, the oracle problem. so it's like a shitty chainlink that somehow runs off washing machines and provides no incentive to use it? Got it, thanks.
Chainlink runs on eth so it has fees and all the bottleneck issues that iota solves. How did you not understand that after begging over and over for me to explain how it's feeless and scalable. Did you forget already?
Doesn't run off washing machines, see my post above that elaborates on IoT uses here

And you didnt answer my post that asked why being feeless and scalable isnt an incentive over systems that have gas fees and cant scale with IoT because of those fees and the bottle necked consensus protocol of the blockchain. Its here

>> No.27968824

>conduct maintenance assessments on the fleet of thousands of washing machine that are on your tenants properties across the US. MIOTA and mana would then facilitate the automated acquisition of necessary repair parts, book keeping for accounting, and alerts if there are irregularities detected in the process.
they can all do this already on the regular old internet with regular old servers and databases. Cheaply. On whatever software stack they want. Since the only people doing this are large institutions, what incentive do they have to decentralize business logic to a shitty network whose only existence was contrived to pump the coupled currency?

feeless is a bad thing because it makes the network shitty

>The internet cannot transact value unless it uses a third party such as paypal, who cannot handle microtransactions
any crypto will work for micro transactions

>bottle necked consensus protocol
the iota consensus mech is a fucking centralized node, it's a worthless fucking ponzy scheme protocol

>> No.27969612

>they can all do this already on the regular old internet with regular old servers and databases. Cheaply. On whatever software stack they want. Since the only people doing this are large institutions, what incentive do they have to decentralize business logic to a shitty network whose only existence was contrived to pump the coupled currency?
Which tcp/ip protocol does what a distributed ledger does?
Nothing on tcp/ip was designed for micro financial transactions.
If its all so simple like you smugly think, why has no one built it? Why haven't you if you're such a big brain? Distributed ledgers were created because tcp/ip wasnt designed for these use cases that are becoming relevant for fields like IoT

>> No.27969829

>feeless is a bad thing because it makes the network shitty
How? Now you have to use your big boy words to articulate something
>>any crypto will work for micro transactions
Name one crypto that requires gas fees that makes more sense than fee less?
>>centralized node
This is 2017 fud. Coordicide makes it decentralized.
This argument is an ass beating

>> No.27970034

>right takes less computing power because it's less text


>> No.27971570

Its not about less code although yes that helps banwidth performance in the network. Its the shift from legacy iota to chrysalis.

>> No.27971755
File: 104 KB, 400x295, 3301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is chrysalis?

>> No.27971897

>Which tcp/ip protocol does what a distributed ledger does?
Any crypto does what IOTA does, tcp/ip is irrelevant to the conversation. There's not reason to hard couple the two unless of course you want to trap people into using your blockchain. A distributed ledger btw is useless as shit without a valid consensus protocol.

>If its all so simple like you smugly think, why has no one built it?
nobody has built the existing internet?

There no incentive to provide nodes for the network to process anything

>Name one crypto that requires gas fees
every other crypto on the market is trying to do cheap microtx.

then explain it

marketing bullshit

>> No.27971956

can't buy it in New York it seems.

>> No.27971974

Newest stage of iota - see visualization of the tangle here
New features like tokenization and smart contracts which make it production ready for enterprises