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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2793231 No.2793231 [Reply] [Original]

Scams thread
Post 'em

>> No.2793246
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>> No.2793260
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>> No.2793266

Why would YoBit be a scam?

>> No.2793273


>> No.2793281

He lost it all on dice

>> No.2793324

>buy brand new house or car
>get full coverage
>torch them the ground

>> No.2793369

don't they investigate this shit

>> No.2793530

buy espers and find out!

>> No.2793541


>> No.2793565


>> No.2793632

I've been embedding ETH in pink wojaks.

>> No.2793643 [DELETED] 


>> No.2793648

Lost 7 USD on it. Clearly rigged. :<

>> No.2793669

>Marry an aspy navy guy.
>Get to use his car/ condo when he's away in Afghanistan.
> Get to have my boyfriend over and he smashes me in the bedroom.
>Husband sends back money and gets a bonus for my boyfriend getting me pregnant so we can go on vacation to the Bahamas.

>> No.2793687


i lost 1000 dollars yesterday because of masternodes

>> No.2793708

They are one of the worst exchanges. Crappy support time, wants to be paid to delist "in maintenance" coins with no networks (crappy for new traders that get trapped buying coin). Just isnt a proper exchange buisness model, they havent proved to be a scam yet

>> No.2793725

>he bought the CHC meme

just hodl bro

>> No.2793735
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shit's gonna tank. the kikes manufacture a market crash about every seven years but they didnt do the one scheduled for obamas term because they wanted democrats to look good for the election. they'll do it soon in order to make trump look bad
you also gotta take into account the age of america. an empire only lasts about 240 years (the only one that went a second cycle was rome and it went from a republic to an empire), and since the 240 years just went up there's gonna be some big changes. and then when you factor in the kali yuga you've got a lot of factors at play. anybody who trusts the usd is a fool. we'll be on gold standard or bartering food/water/ammo pretty soon

>> No.2794253

Well the United States did not become an empire until EARLIEST late 19th century. You could really argue it did not start until post WW1.

Rome was founded in 753 BC and lasted way more than 500 years before falling if you include the founding

>> No.2794425

Empire is a stupid classification given by fucking historians a.k.a. meme Studies.Working for the dollar is no different from working for a gold coin, it will not devalue overnight but it will devalue in price because historically the price of the dollar has been driven down by the FED. If you think the price will go overnight because you compare the price of dollar to what it was 100 years ago you are fucking retarded. Invest shit in whatever speculative investment you believe will beat inflation. Gold has been crashing from its bubble highs just like the shitcoins are.

Gold is a terrible idea, once all governments go bankrupt they will sell gold at once to pay for obligations. The only reason why shitcoins are increasing in value is because of the expected market volatility and overpriced assets, people are moving their shitdollars to safe havens. Shitcoins are the only safe heaven available free from market regulators and government interventions.

>> No.2794435

Find beautiful women on fiverr to hold up your bitcoin QR code and use those pictures to scam nerds into sending you btc. these people can be found in many places if you know where to look

>> No.2794449

Good idea, but where do you find these greasy autists to get money?

>> No.2794480

Just think about what greasy autists like to do and go from there.

>> No.2794489

YouTube fucking subnetworks.

I paid my parents back for four years of private high school with the gains

>> No.2794490


>> No.2794498


You're on the right track.

>> No.2794503

Got it. Thanks buddy.

>> No.2794507

How do you find beautiful women on fiverr? What category?

>> No.2794509


Just think gaming communities, chans, tumblr, reddit, facebook, instagram. it can be just as easy to scam the normies as it is the autists. be creative. come up with any convincing bullshit story as to why people should donate. if you're a good sell, they will give you their coins

>> No.2794519

You've been a great help, anon.

>> No.2794523

your message on

>> No.2794568


No specific category. You just need to look around for them . They're there.

>> No.2794646

One anon in the last thread asked a question about ransomware. My advice to him if he reads this is to stay away from ransomware unless you have the money needed to afford a botnet. if you want something efficient that is going to run you about $15,000-20,000.

If you insist on ransomware though, I recommend trying Stampado ransomware. https://therainmakerlabs.in/ it is easy to setup and affordable for newbies. Make sure you crypt it and whatever you do don't submit it to virustotal because it will flag your exe.

Now think about people and businesses who would require their computer and the files stored on it. Photographers is an easy one that comes to mind. Again just be creative. You're just an anonymous face on the Internet, so you can be whoever the hell you want if you try hard enough.

In general even the above scam is not very lucrative. Maybe if you have a lot of patience you can really make good money doing it.

>> No.2794881

pay4gay people are literally paying to fuck me

got 'em

>> No.2794887
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"Overwatch" and scroll until you see something you like.

>> No.2794888


>> No.2794912

the shit winds are blowing, randy

>> No.2794913

This x2

>> No.2795012
File: 29 KB, 640x480, Bender&#039;srobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Australia you only need to pay work experience kids $10 a day.
>make attractive company that kids will want to come to
>it's a front they are actually hired out as laborers for $15 an hour / $120 a day
>for every kid that falls for the scam you can hire another 11
>if they bitch you will tell the school they were late and lazy

If you can get 200 kids to fall for the scam you can hire another 2200 to build a giant stone monument of yourself.

>> No.2795027
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1310483412100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian here though, and nobody gets payed for work experience. At least not in my state.

>> No.2795028
File: 334 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170716-000132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know to get an edu email?

Most are blacklisted from Amazon already.

I kinda want to buy it from this guy just to see the domain.

>> No.2795029

Print out Bitbean stickers, sell them and buy beans from the money

>> No.2795099

Biz thinks the shitcoin rally will last and this is just a dip. It will not. The gold rally didn't last, neither did the tech rally or home prices.

We are probably looking at a monster rally in the S&P500, NASDAQ and Home prices in the next 2 months who knows if even 6 months. I would sell now and buy on Sept 1 or Dec 1. Unless the earnings are awfull I would avoid shitcoins and bet on volatility rising.

>> No.2795125

If the earnings are awfull bet on shitcoins and volatility rising.

>> No.2795409


fucked me out of all of benefits too by saying they fired me for a bullshit reason thats not true.